Broad-axe tribune. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-189?, November 24, 1894, Image 3

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    Broad Axe Trlbuno.
srs-rtf iirruui.
fvlvealrr I 'rtinonr. ..... . .
sieii. W, M. Hilda
I'lul Mila.lian
K. II. Mi I. In. y Hii.. I'hMu'
mi xrr irriuia.
. hri'irtarv
1 111 Ul I XXI
J. . Ktil lei ton
A. II. riak .
till IVrifitia I
J. T. I ulllaull I
J U Uiay
A. ('. Jruitliiua.
A. J . JiiIiiixiii . .
I H. Hlrvrnaan .
W. II. I'm.-, a .
Dr. J. W. Marrii
Hri-ult Ji t.
( iiunlv Judg-n
I irk
.. . Hhi-nir
N Iliad HllM-lillllilll
1 ... t'uiuiMir
ltr nrrui.t.a .,
W. If. Friendly Mayor
. 111. rrraUjii
K. I. Inn
J. I.. IK
i: II l..IIIB
W. T. Kh.i.i
II It II.-.i Wi
II. K. I.irna
. IliionliT
. . 1 iea.tlnr
K K. Kaatland ,
i. i. ru.-
iruwi Bj-UI.
J J. Willi. .n
Win riMioii
11. I) I'mne
tiwt. Kt'laa I'lark and Trra.urrr
Tm IIbii.ii-Ai liaa no fll.l In wiij-r
v"'""Hii'lo iil'iala 011 a' LUiiut of thtir
H.itiml trntlwi nl. Wa Hlit niruaurra
ti"l 11 wn. We tni.t Ilia) Hir lirart I in
iLeritflr ilai. and lliat all mankind
ill. sill il W tm tion ( rare, rnlur er
a-onditiun, liaa a a arm .la.r tl.ri. ln,
ami whatever iif influriico aa may airil
ill U lor '.! Iirltrinieiit ol all.
A Day Pot fim I deration
ISuVrrnor I'rnnoyiT liaa J'il ianunil 1 ' .
onK nl tin- hottr'nl am I innat aiiw- Mr. J II. Ilarria rptm m-.l thia -k
. fxiali Jlink-uivin Umaimia on In. 111 Aiitona ailll lila 1 lirjfr, Mr. Thoa.
innia1 lir.Tr ('Irvi UnJ (lira mi lh Mulki-v, li.- rnvntal it:..lr1i)ii in
?1tli lay ol N ivamlirr. (iovaoor IVn- nomrahat iuiin.vr.1 ; I. lit alio, ia al
tmyrr lh ll l.i.r..iy in II. 'thia anilm. ky i ially, hum Ii im--mnnth.
- lly r(iriii I'j l'i ataianai-' .ir l.
gt will I if .o lliat In' a if if .ii
4 lm aim.'fl iv T'lia i lalln-r -l'a'.K
4-oini'l. In. But tin ir'ni. iinr .U b ih.I
mrrm riioa.lfr thai I a amiihi
havn auv ll.iliK to la I'i4i.lj. I
Ha aimply Mina lo i:. . h .ia-l.a .1 M '
Lara t.- flmla:
! ll- ..,.,iv Ih- l.rt lul.
lint III tha ily ( a. Wr noly -iiiiai .r."
" X.i tha "laat Thiira.lay ill I hi liioiilh"
liaa Imhiii art aa In nr "rniianlfralhili "
That a ruht ll laalnnf ! ianili-r-a
I ion, an. I ariioiia 1 liili-rti..U too -tint
lor fraatin; and turki-y ralini;,
lull f ir ir..t'ian lU in'il an I arioua
rifl-rt.alj. Tha ( ia flrflil
l!ut f thina Ihrro ia innurlhiim to !
Ihanklul lor too, ami lln ovrrnor
III m il.inht alni-t t, l.-n hi
- "'ia." Haa not liovpinnr I.01.I
rorne out in for of fn-a rolnagaT
jK-r-a But f. W. Kullon no IhIiiv
In 11 ratio ! Irt to 1 ? lan"t Tommy
Ton una Boon In lillo la thr aainn
trainT lan'l thnir a rhanr ol kra-p-int
ohl hug IMih from Cttinf to
Ota I'nilv.t Ma Ira arsalnT Am t thrao
tliankltl hr Ta "!
Lluar doaa ha (aivar-
TT3r ll alKitil It T Mow, honor hrlght.
guveriKir, don't you "conai.lrr". that
m.m oiuht to lrl littln hit thankful
(or rlira lavoraT Or. ImlvMpndirt.
A Cood TlmrTo Tlilnfc.
And now ata are lo have laro yrara
of (ifanaTty" tarn yraia of null
(woajirritr aa dfli(hla tlm aonlnf Ih
ajauirr and all men m lna yaliiia lleh
aor tha ahrk-la, that are hy a Iraaliard
avatrm ol Uocua x ua. takeu irom
the iHxkrta -of k-onrat ioil.
J Hrikliiaua Bre Juhilrnt. There ia
t t no more hard tlni-a. The IVm
ocietir. Bily la a thing of tha .a-t
And tlm rnlaj's parry hat "all r"
to iieea." Not only two mora yeara
a4 iroaxni(y la el pea-lad, hut one
iniinual eia "i prog rraa.
:it;a.lrr7 Mye yim tWouKht bImiiiI
She y thia univriaal iroirrity ia
o ba brought about? Will tinrieaB
ang Aiaa iateivat-brariug drhl of llm
yeoula, that ml 11 mountain high un
der thirty yrara of Kepohlirait "roa
prrty" sive ItT Will Ihe fait thai
Uirrx ia no loie neB eouuliy to h
reloii and moitgajt to Ui JuMrojaan
money ioer, make the burden leaa
grlrtaua. tim anaa, f the hnpelcaaneaa
.ol aeri ring an Inrieiwaa 01 tnivaui iirui
. , ..i ..., in Whrva ia tha a " i -
jniilrd fniida lo In" had to take the
dilara of llni VeiUl a.M ured III. thia
tnannil herrloloirT
Will it make Ilia
jolereal on the iaent ilelil any ia-irr
aaid lieeauae Una Bouree ol reenue
la duiiied the ileT Althe preaent
ale of Intereat and pnt on induatry,
ahnre la Uie tiaUnee agalnat tlie
aleht-ridden eoiU to coma from?
IU tlia Ke-iiihlitsn Ihiomn light
aipon lhl problam that they ran be
Jookad to mllb a-onndenoe? Will an
Jm-raaaa .a! a ! re Ma W-n eery
atollar you .ay for What you co:miih.
aolre the piohhiru of bow to raie
tour mortgage r evan the Interert
.li.r Having hviug eteriie? Now
i.Bur hiHibl. baai the lte.uhlieane
made any BwelB promiae lo do any to bring aboui uuiveraaJ proa.
airrltyT U . what UT The mere that teatoiatiio. ol Uie
aparty to power or even (milortiun to
tbe inenuieetunee mui gi ..... -iwirltr.
la not apeclflo prom
ae as la how the Ueaired reault I to
- proeured. Of course the .1.0 ia
cent and "I told you so" .
aneod majiers. But now is a aplendid
gimt to do some thinking en your
..nni There is no lauioaigii
.Uttair or baud "Tom loorery
a- .ti.1 r art irour attenUon. If yon
k... thnualit the rol.lem out. b a tbe knomledjie to your
,lghb.r, mo willaoonbe Ins think
ing mood. -hs-
a-. liM.airr. At lle election on
Vo-rsnber Jsmes Booll, to""' aallsv. was elected sbttiff ol
jtf.vfae eottniy, Arliona.
notm r..
J'artira ttetillriK to rliatijjr tlirlr ar
(rum onii a,t ultlra i aii.itlinr nlmuld
lilt iarllrtilar wlian milking out tiwir or
dur In Rial tlie plai n whU li it liaa been
ami aa wall a Um iane ti wlilrh It la
lo Im- miiI. Jr Saying- s'ls-iliuii to lids,
.rUia ill auv 11a much anuoyaiire a
ell aa auinn tiiuu valuable ta 11a.
Hum ni lint not drfralrd.
Tlia .. an pretty well, altar all
Nty y ) Omaha pUtfunii. It ia
tlm I-m4 j.lalfniui ever made.
Mr. J. H. Waddle, nl Horrnre, who
I. ia liwu at Kiii'ii ami viiln.ty mi
liii.inr.. Ida pant seek, atartod lur home
on laat Tii(.ly. - 1 At lT!e realilnnce of lirr
J.wU jlllllle, atMllll IHHIII laat Tnra
Jay, Mr. J. I'. Ilnllaiid ami Ml.e Wilder
Caiiiliell, all of I -aim mnnly , Ureim.
O.rviTtitni'Bt Ow iiri.lii'i of Knilroa'la
Mmaa Tair Trrutiiitint, L lliiiim of
Toil, I'minpt I'ayiiiaiil ol VaKas AMI
Tl.o many anblantiril farara rwontly
rn.xini at ll hamlnof thr frit-mla ol
II. n I'.ium ii-A , ate K'fily ..rr it-..
Thanka Men. la, thanka, thanka.
JuhaSnnpiuJU. ol .Simla, attcnJiul a
lilprlinK of lliH Klali lloaul of Ajjiii iiI
turn at SitliMii Ui .-rk. II ia our wf
tlia l!i. l a au-at artitr Hi-iiilMra.
K. .
Oiii ilny ll wr.'k aya thi PaMra
'lirmili If. a horan It-1 1 I11I.1 a cll flflv
t -- -.1 ..... ... ..'
irii .n ri, aii 1 pin-r rriiiniiiuia in 1. . w
iil 'i lioura, aa iliawn out ahva ami
a nut toralliif iiumi-Jialnly, hut littW
) ri.-a. r. .. lit H II
' a ii i m-'nl iii'h'"j i-i-
' Mr r'lo-ii'llv l4. 11
I . Hil l I llll't I II'
I .iiir .iiirr.
i.-ana a I14 hi
nt I Im tfUf,
! hava nnlv I... all at l..a .1.,.-. . hi. h
u"" !"' i"ni 4 41 w d
hi'a M thini; k-H nv "hrin ina
! mi-ri anlllr ralalihaliinnit. Tiv Frirudlv
I Mr. J. It. t'oleinan, f.rinrrlv
Knm rjiinily, Kenturky, prrarnird thia
ollirn whith an appl-ruail ill Ihr hit of
Ina awai 4inre In Kuiri-nr, w hi. h wiraa-
j uira ." im hea it . irruaifrrmit. VThia
I I.. 1. .1 111...:. VI I.
i Bl-I-K 1 Ul IIIIT IIIUIII .II.IIKII T l"-"1 11. Bill!
haa the ria-lit name. If you w ill auhati-
ii,l U'kOI.miI for MluuIi. it aroulJ LLrn
tn tJlrT ol Wi hh) .t. or worda to
that import. Take our hat John.
Thr Srio Wrrkly 'r, in comment
lug U(n.n Ilia aa-aartiun hy tha Urvgonian
that there nevrr waa ao. uiUa.ll, money in
the haiika aa now, aaya : .
"N .w ar auhmit '.hat the Oregnnian'a
aluiiial daily alalrinrnt la that 'll.rrr
nevrr aa ao inurli monrar iai lUr hanka
aa now,' ia an uiault lo aotfrring i-rnfli).
Siiiioae lluil a hrvad iiiatrud nl a nmii
rv laaMiue i nWU, anil 11m (ir-jilr mrra
olamortiv '" a-imrUnni Willi which lo
aiN-aaa their luingrr, and at lha aaine
tuna in rrxinae to Ihrir aaala, tlie
leading liraai-r of the aiala would
ay, 'lline nrvar ao mm h moiii-y in
Ihr hanka a now.' IKi ymi think, iii-ili
lair, lliat aui'h Ulk wmild a-gravaU tl.r
vil? Aa a mattrr of fart, Una i-omrr
on money thai ia l-ring woikrd to Ha
greati-al rllrnl hy tha Inoiry lorda, la
a hat liaa ranard the proule to claiuur lor
mint money "
WilkTKVKa ol aiii-evaa tha P(Hile'
part jr haa attained ia largely doa to thr
ndvtm reaa and the diaaeminalion of
rrfoim litrraturw. Tka atata ef Waalv
iiigion haa aa .ynl, aa al.U and aa
iatnotiv a art ol l'eiilr' parly pa
per aa aay atate in the union, and
they deaerve tbe
nndividnl an)vort
ul all reh.rmera. Kor the neil yrar
rehitm palera a ill havr a fli-r.-r .trng
glu for eii.tenie, and many, me lear,
mill have to yield to the lurvitahlr
and m-riiil . nl. hi .lion. We are
x..ikiug more paitii-ularly of the
ruunlry papera, ahoae wiwk, though
limited, ia none the leaa efleetive and
nreeaaary. Slrji houJd be taken in
.Hi ll eountira ae are fortunate enough
to have l'ouiliat papera to give thnn
hearty and united auport, and a
evlal efTort made to prevent their
uaiMnainn. If the rank and file of
tha'oir tieople mitt not npt-orl Ihrir t-
pera they ra1! not riprrt Ihr rin'iuy
to do ao. We pen thia hevanae mr
have had wiilleo tvideare uf t'i
nerrMily fur prompt ait inn In thia
direction it Bum of on a tirighleat
enuntrf papere would he aaved to ua.
Frieada, lo the rraoue Taooin Sun.
DlrfTt Lrclslallon.
Now that the heat of tlie politic
battle ia a thing of thr past, it might
be well to calmly rouaidei one of tlie
prlnelples advocated by the Peopla'a
party that prowtlars ao rotiru Ja the
wav of relief from corrupt h-gialalion,
We viva the twelve following reasona
why ih reel Irgialathm should be eatab-
1. Aa a rJub ove- t!ie repreaentatire's
2. As a prevsntinn of b'ibery and
J. As a sieaau-w of rouilng the
4. As a qrrtfk relief from misrepre
6. As rebruke to partisanship In
lsw making.
6. As sn eliiolnsllon of ths spoils
7. As a road U local sell govern
ment g. As a simplifler nf lsw.
. As a direct wsy of enacting ths
people's will.
10. As an educational fores In gov
II. As a mods of letting ths pop0
larity of reforms,
13. As conductive to tha economics)
administrations of affairs.
otlm To 'ur I'atronH.
We ahall n-uno to arnd the pajwr afUir
thia ii k to any hul paid up uhai ;
it , hi-lnii our dit.irniiiialiun lo (-ornlui t
tha hualnraa in tha lulaia on a raali ha
ia. Many Mra ilia on our aoharnptioii
Hat liavinic paid for only aii iiioutha In
advaiwa, ara, 'lirrcoir, ilid.ii'-ui-iil.
Wa liofia Ihoan (if our auha.'rihrra will
rcnaw at ouro, ai a not to uilna a ntlio
Imt of tlii" puirr. Tir tli'.iMt whom' ae
have fuimahnd the .Mr iimi the bi
KimiiiiKaiid a ho have net paid anything,
we aav, hard a it may eneui for ue to
part rom paoy , the inevitahln demanda
of the limaa make thia lirreaaary. We
have given yoa, e think, a k'mxI paper
a paper orlh what )ou owe ua for it.
Wo am null i tf to m;irratn from you
more in aoriow than In anifer, for we
know that tha moat of you would have
paid ua, if y.iu could have done ro with
out miii'lii llort. Hut tli tiiiit-a Oh the
liiui-a, hua li. a. Id thia well UJih inKa
aihlr Midi imkIi, wa my, fur thne'a not
one in Uu, hut t ould iiava paid had he
I iied rinl.t hard.
Kilt wilhniith further worda, we mnat
part, and i you want the pair further,
pay uu ahal you are In arreara and aend
Iiir oidrr w ith tl.r mi-nry for the time you
want It in the lulure and we will he only
loo (lad l' arnd it riirht aloii)'. Mrantiiue
ww- will "tiilr; t lint we will try o"ir level
hrat I'lt.illi-i l what ia din ua Ho long.
tMO. mrl.l.MOt,
lilll kalrsl I Uflob Liiarlwra
al Biaia I Miiarailfa
The hoard of rri'tita if tlm Oregon
aiat. uniwrtnty l.i-l l a iiirt-liug ia thia
rity laat i.ilit and rri-at-.l a chair of
t.nHihli hti-rluiK. aii l l.-. U-.l K. II.
Mi 'Kirov, kllprliulrll'li'llt of poKf!- In-
: atillrtliill, In tin plof-na.irahip. rrift
' hir Mi- K' mv w ill ;iauiuM U. .In I u a .nil
.lijfllltu-a ol Hit lira ioltlon III rliiu
arv, iikiii Ilia rrtiri iurnl Uim Iho alaU
urriiiitiidi'n.. mi. 'I w ill Ihua (ill out
Ilir'ri'U.inillli I. ail "I Ihr pirat nl m hind
vrar. fi en. I, lie ill nil..). a l.ia
laiiiily limn r-.. Ii'ui lo Kugi-ue in the
rail I pail i. ISi.'i.
1 In- iima Hi i I ll... atjlr uuivrilv haa
l--, i, a rat ililiiu t0 iii-t frw ti-ara. ! I
lli'l inr uiM-'l-hi uu- lli-lillll. ri4iliril
an iu. ira.i-in tin-lai-iill v. I nr i .mull,!
irijrrini-nt fioiii aialr i-llirr riiiiii tnl In
INe buai l ol ri-c-nta an riliiraliar ill j
line all jiniiii'iiu infill Im- ai uir.l, aa.l .
ji.e ..pporiumiy haa ,, ii.j.,-,,. Ti.r .
proli-aaor, aim lain I ..rilau.l, haa al- 1
i.adv .iK.iiti.d hia anrplanie. and the
rri-nta arr i-onKiatuUliiitf llipinm-lvea I
umui Hour Krral. loitunr in lajinif
aiur 10 a.-, urr ku, ii a mnaoia aujuu.u lo j
I'liiirasor Mi Klrnyliaa tirrn Malr aap
riiiilni.h'nt ol imlilu iiiatiut'lmn lor 12
vi iii, I. at iuk ln-rii lli't i-lrrlrd in 1SSJ.
1 1 r a iiir lo I Itrt-on from I'rlina. Ivama
in liS, and l-i amr a llirinlx-r uf thr
old t nl vallia ji irml ural nWlri-i I.h iiI. v.
He aa rhi u-.l .iifriul-'.i.l.nt o' IWo-
tun nullity linn-trriua, ami w loir tlx-
iiii'iiiniH-iii iu jiiu ouita aan i-iri aii-u ui
lha.ttraBJ-r..ut-u.. n. y. Ilia nrrh-aa
run -v . an.! riiri1innal i-uai ity kiwi
hn amr knnan lo edu. alora and
lliroUkihuiit the late, anil, aa a i-onw he waa renominated and rr-
rin tr.l ill l-iii and agi'.in 111 1'.' Ur
i. tha onlT r. ju atatr ollnrr ho ana
evrr r-rii ti'd twirr, and it ia aaul ('
nly .in-rnitoiidrnt in any t-Uj mho
aa elect..! thrre tiuiea.
oona nrrvi-
una t Ina n.e waa rvi-rrfn re elii-te.1
(o thia oUIi-m in Una atale Prolvaror
M. r'litiy ia known peraonally to uiuir
Irai l.eia and Ihoaa intrrratrU in edura- i
Initial aulijacta than anv feraon in Ore-
iron. 1 n Ina I arelvr yeara at II. e ol
thr lull- public th Intnl., hia dutiea eall
r.l I im eoii.UrtJy to all parta uif the
atate. No trai l. ria' ioatitela a aa era
plete ail hoot hiro, and lew iniKitanl
iralhrnni; of eilucatois mere ever hrld
ailliout hia piewn.-e.
l'ioli-nr JJrLliuy ia a rlaaairal achol-
ar. tating a ina-irr a t aud da or .jl.
phlliHHiphv. Varioua tithri aihola-lic
IrgriH-a havr Itrrn isolilrrrr. I upon linn.
feai hera tlironghoiit tlie alale will be
gratilled to h-ain that heiato remain
a-wiployed in educational work. Urryo-
laaaaiaa Otatrmge.
PBoivtt i r.rKy. Nov. !!. Jim
fat ton and tirorgr t'olarn negrora,
i-miniill.'il a h.utal aaaaull on Mr..
Kohinaon. a while mainan, altout
yrara oil, wilr ol a reniialile Urmer
of flay roiinlv, yealrrday. ' Tlie iwu
preaented piat.Jla In thelarawf Mra. Koh
inaon and driuaiiilrd he yield what alia
refused to do. Then ahe waa overpow-
rrrd and frai'llly injured. The nrgnaa
eaeaixil and relurnrd to Barlmurville
whrre IhrV were arrratrd laNt niyht l,y
a poaaa of t'lay county mamhala.
(We think we knew the lady to whom
reference ia made in the alxive diapetvh,
4.' yrara airv', llayeuanU-, Kenttlcky
hruig our i.ativr land, and if llinra havr
mil rhanired gri'Hily .incr wi left that
place, thoet nrgriaia have pulled hemp
or amrllcd powder ere Una. Kb.)
Ths elegant IVntal Parlor's of (V. M.
W. Paviaareon Jaikmin street, Uos
burg, Oregon Dr. Pavia is one of the
moat Ihoionghly skilled dentials iu the
tal, and haa, as h deiujirva, a largr
practice. All ul hia wors: glvea grneial
ati.(.M'lloo, and bla pricea are reason
able. , aep Si U
i tusr nsMstt,T MaroitT.
Bi viNO raicts.
Wheat. gV.
t.ta, nrw cmn. SO(25e.
Villain.-., new 3thtVKi Wr bushsl.
F.una, IV.
llutlrrM4l r roll.
Urd. 10 lile.
llama 12S(llle.
Kboiildeia. 8c.
llom 7(. '
Hay, lHe 7AM. bsled 1.
I'runra, ItigS per Ih.
I'lnma, dried, 4(a)Ac par lb.
Apples, ilrJatl, 4 lo Be per lb.
t hicaesw, M AO lo (lit prr dog.
Onion., te prr lb.
llrana, Sc per lb.
lleef, 11 lo 2c groea.
Mult. in, llc g-uao.
II " g., Sc. graaa.
Veal. II 'o 4e SraMMwvt.
Wood per core.
1000 Mea Wanted
At Tsrlogtnn's Ninth Mreet Drug
Wore to buy 1000 pounds of "Tbw best
Condition Powder la ths world" tsleod
(o 100 honti.
UpOll ftt T
w hii h cuii'A
Ui of Lttliej
rie Toll III
ni tiling
iMiiy pifo
fw mrn iu
thr: McKi'ii-
y, re i-xer-
jilMliilf (;crllav
i wliid e
h lie they y
Now. Mr. If
ir.tly jnfi-i.
you will liimt
up tlio
law coY ii th
ue limit' r
ami givo fl"' neiiera oi uu
it t-iNlm n iv
I'.icoad-Axk. lliink you will I-
j..iii)i; i,ii7 wiT--r "- iii- wiiu i
n-ople of lliaj . McKciiziij a gn at
I'lrano give m tlnM.iw which pov--rn
toll roiifln. Why ln-n tin; law
gratit to corp.irti'iii f-rtain fran
jihiHi7 )oci ih'j -orir.itioii
lohiiKat! th'Uilvtn to rlo-nnvthintr
1 in exchange for furli , ' fMuchiei?
I Ihn-H thia eoriH-ratimi yny unv tiX'-n
into the county tn ui-ur'-r on rt"k
owntij by its nu-iiiln t'i W'e have
heurJ it "aid lby do not. If tiny
lo not pay taxin an n-(Uir'fl hy
law, do thi-y not forfait tln-ir frart.
chiw;? IJik tbe law ruire them
to render to the county court the
amount the ryiiiijian v dirliiirn a and
aiiiount taken iu on th-.-ir roal
every nix month'.' Will ymi n
amine the county rernrds and tell
the M-ople the uiuunU they have
dirhurw-d nd amountH taken in
the lact half yar?
Mr. Kditor, you can hfw thee
quef ti'ins in two at iMh end If you
wiah, but by all (ininn give the
facta in thia toll road l.u-ini aa.
We may hav mhi thinjr more to
ay in the future concerning the
McKenzie. Top.
Ia4lryt lllr lirma.
Hadleyi!li-, Nor. Y. 'Ot.
Un. IikOAP-Axt:: Km lin-.-.l I
aend ymi 75 ont", hulcriptioit fur
J. Miller,' IM-nil till- p:iat to Ha I-
will.? fur the tin.i'
IiiiiIVV 1
iy fur und olilijo.
' IT M ;u.k.L, t
ii '
I'. H. We lii l'l our meeting a
niimipiict-d ; evi-r vnl-r irencnt
j d tlie pt-tltion except Henry
. .. , ' - '
,KKI, u m.i give any
reaon for not HEiiing it. We in-
tend to make a thorough ranvasi" of
lt),, Iin.cincl befure e mud the e
lltiiui on.
At the Mm mi l ting we
i;cd a
delating a.Kittv will Hend
vmi iti niKofii.ti r. rl in ri gard Uj it
in tlie future.
Tj farinir are all itniir.'vinB
tliin line weatinr ifruhhing, fence
i i . i i
""''"K- J'i" i"f .mo
The Siuslaw pr.inpe five irjiuh-
e JinlMr t th,.jr hall nil the 4th
I , . .. ,
idj. r. lMUr next; everybody
; Hi vi led.
Jh firtit S:ltUf.l.1 V in DiCCUller,
I i : i .... ti : li i n ..!..
" ''""'
ni'i img lor me ui rii-cini(!;
Hirers and deleiFitrs. Drolbers
and aiaters of Liberty, (uru out in
full force on that day.
I'reacher Alley will pj-eiieh at
Hadlcyville o;i' the uf thia
month. Clime everyhndy and don't
f.irgi-t your smut bonk.
The oys of Iladh-yville are .till
practicing hane bail; if the weather
eonlinnV tine they will he ch.illeng
ing aoiiiei'ther cmiipiiiiy fur a tn:ttch
gatnr. r. .M. .
TkaniM lirwae.
A nomWr of osrciliiess al landed the
people's paily call at Eugene last
Dr ltu-"-e.l ia cunai.lei alily worn low n.
lie has a-en attending the auk both
day and night lately.
Mr. A. atrrit Inma'r of ihr
eeiunly home, ai thi. place, dtr-l lat K.i-
' day nitflit ia! aathma and hnirt diM-a-aa.
Mr. jai. a over eivhty yrara old,
and ma. welt kni.wn In Ihh. country.
The (i. A.' I'. Poat, recently organized
at thi. place, sill be known as the ' A.
O. CmUin Poat." In honor of A. i.
Curtain, of Pennavlvsnia. Dr. B .F'l m a. un choaen roiu-
Bosn. To ths mlfe of T. L. Reea, a
ten pound rirl on the 14th mat. T. L. 1
haa an amliil grin on hia face ; vnn know
he has a month like a cellar door any
wav. All are lining well at thia wilting.
IV. Rnaarll m a the attending phyaician.
Still they come. On tbe laat meeting
nmht of the I. 0. O. T. lodge at thia
place, there were four new memliers ad
ded. The lod-a now nnmhers forty
memliers. Let 1'iS good work go on.
II. M. Trice, sne of n's beat
citnewa, waa taken aenoualy ill on the
night of the 14th, reaulting front an in
ward bruiae or al'aceaa. Mr. Price had
Juet returned inun Albany, where he
had undertone a re esamination before
the board d eiaminers for the pension
department. It ppsra tbst some nn-
prim-iplcd ieiaoa had reported that Mr.
Price tiid not deerve a pctwion at all.
while on the eontrmiy. be should have
twice Hie amount lie) now recelrra. Dr.
Kuaarll caNe.1 I. Pwioe of Eugene in
consultation, bill Paine agreed that
Kiiell waa doing all that could be doae
and we aie ttla l to state that at thia
w riting Mr. Tries is better.
THCK.-roN, Dr., Nov. 21. "94,
En. BaoAD-Axc: 1 notice, in thr
Flugwne HtQiXrr that our esteeiupd
countr Clerk Jtnntngs, has written
to thn Cornmulncr of Tens ons in
rrpard tocertllisate b4ng presented
everr lima
tauelirr, ha
arflSKiasr signs a
Mirina his certifi
est. Hove, '
to your !''
good tutrt
than tha ifV
Jour dajra I
auuaiy it:
rrmr crtinrates
he is juxt as
largo any more
i Jennings, and
aber 4th and
IVHY Are We Thronaed ?
In t!ni'n like th';" it in only the unuaual bargains thattlont go-a-beg.
ging. Vuliir., atvd onea at that, alone Kiat-cua the power of Intereat.
ItKAJ) OUIt KKCOKIi that jou may get a rightful uhare of what we
New Designs in Fancy DressJPatterns.
30-inch English Canhmere.
42-inch Fancy Suitings,
54-inch Tricot
3C-inch Cheviot
33-inch Rural "
y 10 yards Unbleached' Mnalin. 11.00,
14 yards Bleached Muslin, tl.00.
We are giving Special Offt-ringaj in All XotjI Flannel, Outing?. Flan
neln,- Cotton Flannel., and Sheeting, Etc,
'T 3), 4 tl
Old pipers for sale at this office.
Racket Store.
Cant twiat 'em. Overall., every pair war
rantrd not lo rip, 70 centa.
Beat V ounce Blue lrniin Uivited over
all., 50 cents pre pair.
Men'a Hal.. 45. 67. 66, 87, 8. (1.25,
11 Viand - 50. ,
Br.t Frer.h t'alf 10-incb lace logger
Hiora, $4 rl.Vter pair.
Het Kiem-li t'alf IH-mrh lace Logger
ItontM. tli 00 er pair.
JJrai il I t.,M.ii. m anna or Jonjf coata,
tl 7'iand l.'W) perauit
l-a I e' am Miaara' (ioaaiurrs, 2Vf50c
and $1 00 rach.
Men's oil I haia, in black or yelhiw, 2oc
an I ioc, - - ....
Hull llrvrchea, every pair warranted,
I 3- per pair.
Dlankrt., Joe. II 00. $1.25, $2.00, 3.00,
14 0, and fA .
n-d guilt , tl oo, It.V). $t 9.
.Mrn'a heavy cotton ahirta and diawers,
4.r anil, cent..
Men'a all wool, very heavy and fiat,
SI. 7 A perauit.
Men'a Australian Lambs Woo) shirts
anddrawera. f 2.0-1 par ault.
Ladiua ierwer Kibhrd V rata and Pants.
verv heavy, 25c. 4'V and 45r each.
Beat all wool ' Tricot f-'lann-l, 4-c per
Wr arlt ihr tie't Rnh'ier givula made
and the priera arr below the lowrat.
Tina are. Whip., (iranateware. Cor
arta, ry li.avla, Notinna. 4c, 4c, at
price to auit the lllDel,
' "RTrcoUcnt Tcctcltioxa,
3Eca.3.tif5va.l Svlziq-vt -nrn-n ppa.
cusosme - win
Why Dress Goods, ,
Boys Goods,
Misses Goods, Baby's
Consisting in raft of Diagonal Tail. mujt Puits, for Men and Ikiys,
rw .: H I- C:ll.. U.l!.. .l...t.
UrCSS I.IMH1S anU irillllliinn Ol In-ru. .-Il.o, c.iuir, . rnv.r,
and Kihbona and Laces. Flannels, liinghsms and Trinta. '
Ziools and Shoes, lists and Caps, and Ladies Wrap.
And a thousand and one other articles too
Bumrrous to mention here, which
must be disposed of by the
I mean what I say, and if yoa will give ms a call I will convince you
f the fact, bv taking rour urioes. if you will not give ua our. I mean
to sell out, or ive out Try us and
Highest Price For
Sept a a
25 cent per yard-
50 " " "
50 " "
20 V "
15 " " "
Farm For Sale. y
Tbe anderasgned offers (or safe 40 acres
of land lying near Creaweil, Lane toxin
tv,Orezon. baid land under cnltiva
tion haa ho one and barn, email orchard,
peachea, apples and prunes. This tract
of land ia suited for bona or rait a. Aleo
SO seres, one-half mile from Creaweil,
40 arrea of whichja1n All of
which ran be bad in bulk or In tracts to
auit purrhaaera, on terms to suit the
times. For lurther particulars, csll eo
ths enderaigned St Creswell, Oregon.
Ju2-tf. .. ... . H.O. Mastis
I Hojsa and Fana For Sals Cheap
10.) acres. 20 of which are cleared and
under cultivation. Good hooae, barn
and otlirr biiildimra. Yoang bearing
orchard, 4 tiu.hela oals, 20 Iocs of
hav, 12 brad of rattle, 100 beahel pots
lor. and other trarden track, aome wheat.
one lior.e and larming uten.ila to go
with the place. Must be sold. Owner
wanta to t-loae nut snd go to Europe.
Apply to this office. sept. 15-2m.
land For Sale.
Best bsrnin vet offered. Wa have
200 arrwa feral rlaaa battom land lev ewle
with three horaes, one cow, one Baia
w,gon, and set uf harness. Most
sold. Call st this office.
Two 4-1 acre lots of Isnd lying 13 ml'es
wett Emrene, partially improved, and
ia excellently adapted for en in, vegeta
bles.' orchards or gra.a. Will be sold st
s great barvain. Apply tn the onder
igned st Llswelling post offics. Lane
rosnty. Or.
sep. 22 2 m. 8. Y. Asbott.
Tbe Annie Wright Seminary.
1 834. Eleventh Year. 1 894.
A Boardiog; School (or Olrls,
" with Superior AdvaiKagea.
rrrrnas 1 MORAL I tna
kaam V DTTtLLSCTCiX J ar
iswajj PHYSICAL ( Bra
am Ciarm
Mens Goods.
Women's Goods,
remember that wa will give you the
Any Kind Of Produce
Ofleela UeCluri building, tin (lea.
l-U(iFtXr.. . . . QlK(fONt
. J.F.AMI,
Attcraej:at-Law arid Koty piifcljc. '
CfCce in UnCltirig building a at aim
Compicrckl anJ Prohate; Bun ina
a rtxcittlty
OITice: Harrts Block. WillamelfoRt
L- Attornoy-at-Law,
Oakland,-- Oregon,
Julius Goldsjiitii's,
1 sw aV t o.. Im hava ktMt mmrtfitiT r.7 la Ua awn fiaiaaim
ral.ala as how la ae.
uaj and adantie. keou ax trjm.
mot.u Uirooaa Maua a Oa. taaiSie
fR?" aaalaaiataatarUatiaa AatrrlraVS
"a ar. hnwht wtavly Mnr. Ua aaiblla MaT
lo U. Hrramnr. Tat. MaKU iiih.
tm a 1 awaHT.-mwaiui j lUamatM, aa. ar firiae
hut irnwra o4 ur bmuJi work ta iha
,y."f "ayWHawBIT, Sla a vaar. la
JJ BIN em, if.) 4Sa)MaV ICrsja f tmbeW a iisaj hamaam.
" xXor ai tbuumiZSlrotmVZ
koaw witk BlatM, aUMu( VuidMa Uahov taja
Ja 4 'jm. uj ann euumu, aaaiwa
Fisher & ,AVfttkinBe
This old sad reliable firm on Willam.
ette Street, seep constantly on hand, a
iuii supply of
Fresh an! Salted Meats
Which they aell at the Lowest Market
Price. Call and be convinced.
anners wishing to sell Fat Stock
will do well to call and see them.
Keats delivered in the City FREE
Oa boost
Sterling and
Silver Plated Ware.
Watch Repairing i Sp:
Osburn & Delano.
Pat. r.lecL
and Olio,
Gonlectfonary and
Cigar Storo,
DAVI8, Pro
West 8th Ftrwe, ' !tesr.0l
Keeps eonrlaally txi band a tree aajpr
rly.d r'rn ta, Nuta, Candiee, ToSMaeeoa
Igsrs sad iBuaers so flies ol ail akatw
Fointsla Sowi t S;:!ty.
1 1