Broad-axe tribune. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-189?, November 24, 1894, Image 2

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    Brod-Axo Tribune.
'.u"l Dvrty .jr
,ti t over M. (lung's Mrv; Uiane
i i:. Mmn; !. Ki n n,
m ii..
0 I'kH Y .
I o'l lif'lie..l.l01.
r...i.-rr l ,.,-,.ud ,u- M.ui.-r at 0
K u-nc, i .'(.in . !rrf. ' j
.. ...' in an v. X . VIl7T I
" i
fli" f ill !ni n vni- l (ii-tiioin arc our
i . In) it. ! iif"iil t. rv.iMvp ulotii-
i.i 11.1- - l'uin k and io 1
i .1 .ir tin ..i tie :
.V.' U.i V'V, Horeiice. O -n.
ili'i'iv A'Wni-on, l.r :in., I t.-.ii,
li t'. Perkum. I !.. I. n,' Ureiion.
N C, MiV, lli'i, (Mriit.
J.ilitt Sunn. on i n'.... I). I-jiii.
J. II. M !; i t, I'u'i. .nu, !ri-,f-m.
Will. II . i,-'i . II 'i i-''mk'. Oi-oll.
' l ;-.;vy. I'lViiivvl, Oregon.
Wm M.-il.-. iYmt:i.
1 t' Kent, l n'k4y, Oregon.
lrr HnioWliiliI, li"aoi, l.rern,
M V. ("i. '., In in, I'niiv-.iivil'o, Of inn.
, niii N-lunJ amount monuily,
.. -,.. . . . , j tlioiU runlin hi. work anvlliirnr.
Mi'OllUTtf Ihf lath. j All in all. il a raiher a 8:.omr
" ;mcrtini."
In rr?i.u it iho call of thej ye have no nmmnUo n aVc
h..irn.:u!..f th. ro.n4,-V Tarty Ex-. Uwm the bove farihorthan to Mato
-wuHvo fr Urn? cv.nnty, that it c.nUin aUut tlio came nr
l..t L iv o.i:..o out. Mny who live nx. Pf truth which the G'uurJceii-
i i K.isrn.-, an.I in the uburl tliJ ;eral!y hx whrn peakiug of
i..t atton.J, 1f;j!i.)u)?h thoy are eeon ve a ,rty luovciuenU in Lane
on the ftrivt j alniil any The;count
-TnDn Mnrir,i;W non att-m:nts j Th editor of Ihe Guar.? at every
v.-rcso'.uo of our fri -nils who were j opportunity, in cuonni out,trit-s
quite iKt?J Ai g.vl rnvl"' party t0 ,lur our ieoiJe and th main
lnoQjii-'t prior to the June elivtiotj.1 part of the measures upheU by
and vi.i:t J our gauctum alnot !them.. Why he does this nard
'ilaily.;. to jy hot one of to ee fnoru a stand point bf reason
nil thedofi .itJ oaudi.l.ito cxwpt-land justice. But from another and
iig brothers Spaujrh an U'erkios different point it nifght not be no
put in an appearance. Even the ' difficult. A majority of the people
ov.itl.-m-Ml Yi4: thi liirlr !frinortivl - .K.. T. T V. It - .v. ,1.1
ry - ' .
TjrTu'e v.ry i:p ,rUt olHccs of ,
"not ire.-on:, alt'iouh the former of (uken his paper and supported the
whom live tut a f.-w blocks away': Guard through all its year of up
fraewrrrT huiv the place of ' and downa for more than a quarter
in.vtini. A t-trangor and a rather 0f a century and are tod.iy support
unae,r)tinUV.e f uture of the mcet- ,ing both the weekly and daily"
injwaAhe fact of the". ion at'.en-iediiun; of the paper.- And we may.
ihno- -f some of the former pro- aJJ that from our own knowledge,
prieUrs of the D.ioad-Axe. We were every p-ople's party man of
confes that we o's well as other Laue county U withdraw his sup
teft diapp.i!nt-."J in tio meeting p.t it, s we are sure they
niiiny ol vrha were absent and
nli.i .iv. f.t-1 verv sure we had a
reasunab.e of nieetinj?,
Hut tliorc is cen-rjlly smw sweet-
K.i. f-T ru-ft it 1.111 iif mritiiiv
ne-s v. ii.-re t!i -re iri
rn'j'-li bitter-
no.S and th.- lui-tinjat the co irt ' people's parte peoil? did not with
b nfe la-t Sattif Jhv i no exception drawtheir suppirt from it, if th
tth rule.. Thro were thoso in : support it gt-ts from county iffuial
att r. l.r.i.v who came ten, fifteen, patronage were withdrawn. It may
twenty an 1 thirty tail- to ntteud.' w the (iwtrd regards the DBoxn
i .t . ..r...- -o j . ii. . , . ... r .
. "- " axe as a iuiure comjx-titor in ihisi-
in'f .1 ho-t who w is able to ncs a9 Weu A rro.nt opjxment
eha-L- a thousand. Like the fa- jn jlitics. And it is barely j.jssi
1L.0US t!.re.- hui.dre-1 Grecian ol-, Me that our friend, the Guard may;
Uier.-atthe p-iss i f Thcrm.-py'a', uterUin sonitj unpleasant renK-m-j
whoft l liie-'-piiUrs of st .ne as ' lJrance cf muelittle ground scuffl-.-1
pai,-dstd.-f.-iil their homes, their j., had with the Bbod-Axe in
h-ivesanJ, th-.-men "have , which it has not at all tim. eoint-!
always without bt or hindren.-e, out on this aa it may.
HiroiiV heat an cold responded i whiks we did fr best in sell defense,
to evirTmovwuent and proportion 1 not feel thatthe Guard ought
that w .rkel t the advan.-emeut of ,t0 complain, in as much as it has
the great and never perishing prin-! tt all get in rane of our
espies of the reformers of this na- Jchics, wbica its face,
tion, believing that in their succesa t But the cloeing sentence of the
c iuallr d. K-n l the s.vfety and hap-'extract; AU in all, it was rather a
pines t-f thems-drfts and their rxs-' g1X(my meeting" brings to memory
nfity. We would like to publish "another rather gloomy, yes rather
U the world thi n i nes of every one mure than a gloomy raetting" that
.f those pr i.t, it would show J took place in Eugene "away back,"
-the wUbvewithadriBt-reete,Lrlwriich the paper ont of which the
jJevotion, been from the Uginning j Guard has grown, plays a eolispicu
v ith wordt of encouragement, aaeri- ous pJirt. Back o far in fact, as to
-fico of t? ;n and inony in the fore- j reacri ,n epoch in the history of the
front of the battle of reform. MYre jf 0f its present editor, when that
we to write up the names and his- individual waa "a bare-foot boy at
t-irie uf these nu n they would ap- pla-on the Ikiow of aaw logs in
i-ear in mast extinct contrast with thenvll race in Eugene. An epoch
vlnt 11. a V be Called holidav and inlK kialnrv tJ that narwr ahn
j . j 1 t "
Sunday rtf .rtners, who are only under the m .lajreeaeat U its editor
'-en on djys when the turkey is to it ran more thaa $25 pr month be
be eat- n, or when there is occasion hind a time when, we believe, it
for putting on their Sunday best. the only single solitary demo
The io-n who were at our meeting ratic paper in all Oregon--a time
were those who stand on the out of which the nreaent editor knows
osts, without the lines, with arms
in hand in the stormy night, while
the isditical aloth, the drones, are
sleeping in soft beds away from
danger, ready at the Gmt disappear
ance f danger, when all ia fair
weather, to come forward and like
the cownrJlv Ini.lmnit iU clout
lck until his wife killed the bear
iu defeiiding her children and said
lu great tones, of bravado, craven
Jikc, "we.did il"
Tho tne. ting was called to order
by V. II. .paugh, Chairman of the
Count Central Committee, and
the obji-et of the laectiag briefly
stated, after which he read a most
interesting letter from Mr.' T. L.
Jlees, of Thurston, to the meeting,
tthieh ibound"d iu enoouragiug
words and acnsihle suggestions, a
.putt of which wt hejie to ud routn
mon to pul.) ish.
Remarks were made by Messrs. 8ioj,on, II. C Perkins, J.
Atkinson. H. V. FM.rks, Ree. fl.
J. nkin. Dai id El.y others, af-
ler whieh a resolution, waa passed
by which a lum of mottey was guar
anlcrd a a fund to assist iu defray
ing i xpcuse incurred iu ibUltiug
lb Hkovj. Ar. 'Wauy jpressioii
of fi i.-ndship ami anprotal of ibcpa
! r and the course d iu editor,
ufekh we lake occi.i lore to ae
knoaledge with gr.atdil thsnky,
otpieiiq; to y the future as in
Hi a d to d.-.jerve and return tha
m'M nI '"I""" of our friend
by an uin-.aj.inj? fl"..rt in Ihe cause
in which we aie all cnlii-ted, anil
which i so dear to eviry sincere
Tho Uroad-Att U Mattered.
Tli1 "An7y (imrJ in noting the
p.ople's parly meeting f the 17th,
Jus. the fallowing conn Jimentarv
! language: j
" Ahout tl onlv rttiin tranartod
tlie iit -rilinif ( a nfi-lv (un.l
f M-r m inlli lor on yrar-4nr tli mil"
! M.rt 4 llioii;anW llie -rtT. Hi lU.nn
! Ai, Mr. Anna atatinf hal h wa run-
l.i l . V'llll',. 1 nuuiU V
the object of his Ticiou?nes
the object of hia viciou:ne3 are hi
aiiurjxsrintlrticat-friPTidj wrha hnve
ought to do, it would be running
h, hind thtn 1 2. tier
s .1........ :o.' u- r.... . -
;This we are assured woul-1 he the
raw with haner. even though
nothing a time when Tony Nolt
ner, ita then editor, called a mut
ing, "rather a gloarar meeting"
(it was war times) which consisted
f Got. Whiteaker, J. J. Walton.
Judge Miliron, Elijah Rhea, John
Edrnuaaoa, Joho Bailey,' ExekUl
Uailey, Rebt. Chochran, and we
think. Rer. Jacob Gillisme. and the
! humble writer k.W, J. F. Amis.
This meeting met for the purpose of
devisiag mean for the support of
the paper,aad securing the plant on
w hich it was published, a amnion
old fashioned hand press. Well,
Mr. Noltaer had more to say to
that meeting than Amis had to say
to the meeting t the 17th, which
resulted in espitaliting the plant
and making a joint stock com pan 7
divided up into twenty share we
tbiakof I'jO p ahare. V wmt
the artirlea vt agreement we re
member distioetly, bat do not reoo
lort all the detail. Out the g entle-
roew above mentioned, aad fterLaps
one or more others who may hawagafearfulrtiljabootfrnr lurhe Ion?.
! eard our tMiiitory
tlu-rc,, and then, tlio
the f
that til
ter w e p
anioiiiit tf iiti-ana I.i l.'t
. ... .... ,
un iu tottt-rinji f.vt at that til iNv
lony N. .it nor, a while nfterwe puid
up our !i.ip-, ald .out t-s r l'j4, let out the (J.iut t O'Meur.i.r'K
whoa-Mni M.s.'d it into the hand'
of Ah-Kainb-r and into
the I. audi of "Hud" Tl.onipin, who
aold to Mr. lUn i., and ao on from
bin. into itj'pri-xcut owner's handv
We are not Mitive a. t th ex.n-t
number 'f hau.U the p.ijH-r pu-..-r.l
ihrooti. nor as to Ihe order of it
p!sii)t, nor htve we thought it
it iH-oesary to nHi.-o th f.n t that
the (i'kii-iI i simply the cuitiimi
tion of the ol 1 ori;ii al PeiniM-ratic
1 1 raid inlitut d b.iek f the 'ti)'n.
which sulMitiUi-rtlv tmU the
name of the -rinr and then of the
tnird, and that Ihe piper thr.ugh
many years if jt -istenee was
rhteil on the same pr-ss that we
at this meeting paid ovil our money
fo.:hat s f: ir a we are in
formed iik''ro( the patties w ho used
that pres etn ever a mueh a-,
piid the i.iterest on the money ad
vanced by us, but that the parties
seemed to assume that the stock
holders had Ixmht the press ami
given it as a present to thi.ise who
got bold of it. S fir ns we our
selves are concerned we know we
neyer gt even as muoh as gra
tuitous nuuiS.'r of the aper, always
having paid f.r it. We venutre to
say that every one of the otlur
shareholders have fared similarly,
each having puid their annual sub
scriptions f.r over 2" years. AnJ
w will stite f.irth.-r, simv the
(iiririf's course jti'ttfics i'.. that were
the former nnuirletors )f tliut na-1
, , .1. ...
tiens and honest pledges to those
niiuoimr i'i nu n irr. ui' in. mum); ;
the interestdue thi'reon. thev would
nt be able to pav a nickle to the
dollar. Mat aotue men are. like oth -
. I..,.- I...,.! ..f -U..
and fail to return until they really
eonclude what they borrowed be
longs to them.' Meantime we pre
dict a ghwTiiy lim? f r the (iu'rd in
the no distant future, although we
do not w ish thfs to b"fall our friend I
for his industry and enterprise as a
journalist we think, deserves a let
ter file. - -
Bat we can imigine a time not
viry far ah-d when Ira L. (.'amp-
JhII will be a vcritablo hay see.1 f. 4 -,
t ....i... . e i '
. " .... .... i
anil notAtiva I v ldeiil noil it Ii
.- . . .1. . 11:
p.. rv 111 1 . r' r i.i ini' 1111111 n itiii Tr,.-
" :
eluccr aivi naturallr a iMiile s par-
ty man in pnneiple if not in name.:
Militia Colonel.
is announced that' the junior
elit r of tl.e U-jti'rr lias Icen jro
moted from Major to Colonel of the!
2nd Regiment of the Oregon Na
tional Guards. ince thieorganiza-
thm is simply an institution more ;
for ornament than for use, and to :
impose a needless nduitionil bur-' the g si to the grealest
den on the Ux paver, it matters but ' Himts r, we have umde this declar-
:..i ... T. . cii. .1 ir... .ration on lanj.
in. .c v w w ui nils inr .iiiieei", anl :
so if wc must havAMnalitia cnlun.'ls.
majors and captains as ornaments,
we don't know but that George ill
611 tl.e bill just as well a any one.
Of one thing we are certain, if ever ;
the Ore gun Militia, ia . con v. rud i
from an infantry troop to that of a!
hiru.l. Kr;.,l 'H h.U .11 ...
nickles on "Col.
Voran making tlK"
grandest display on his bicycle of
any man in the regiment, judging
frnm mmnur In m j-li
- -"
he performs his evolut oos i n tl.e
a'.reeU of Eugene
The lwoAi-Aar rrmliten I ssrn ita own
Hvin and lis. ralM ..r . -I.arital.le e. n natoth amo-ml of li- ter week
just for tin nod of the rinv. Kitlisr
the canae is al lanit, or the niwnn of
Mnuliam ia anahle lo r..r,y inl
it, or it wonlil lie a hi. to lire ou ua own
merits Usgmter.
The above paragraph is false.
Simply false, a many statements
of the R"utfr generally are. The
BboadAxe ha earned its living
and ha not called for charitable
contribution to the amount of
a .
per week for the good of the cau-e,
or otherwise. The RroaivAxf. has
always given an equivalent for all we hnve pan! to Wie railroad corn
it received, and proposes lopay its ' "nin in twenty-ane years, a sum
.tnf..i.i..n k. .i ,iUluiot eoual to the as ! value
further, we think if the success of
the R'nirtrr depended UfK.n 'Wrif"
- f
the roost charitable contribution it
would receive would be to contrib
ute to the ehargis incident to if
funeral and burial. A fact beyond
ftiato. a Ariir.sT ;ne dr IjM
week s . I. Ilih wka live 10 (uilpn
west at here, on Hpsweer errk, was
haaling water on a 1t a serious aeci
deal hanpeae.1 liltl. Moths, wh
waa ridinf on Ihe ale4 with Mr. Mntha.
fch waa amdantly thrown Ihe
alee' aad a nail psutrading- from tha alnl
rauglit en bar iril limb tioiow Uis knre
l.arincawsr lh. Ii-Mir1rr lliKxirk m.V.
t'll KlfllH
oThat All
w 'Muni.
S. Xuiiraii, !! ,
rings Aik.
st Appeal.
k hi.u HI a ohi !.
M 1HH IIONK ll..s.
j.-et of tfl.-rr- )ih and
tt lepli.M IMir l ttt". rn .MBtjiun
the f'll.'Kiiw !.v!;iriition:
Tl teli'ff ami lli l.-l-lmiip, like
I lu Mt .i ll -leni, ' -"'ii a uiTi'.-iiy
ur tin. t r;.'-iti oil l hpm, kIio.iI. I tn.
n... ii. , r . t.-4 liv tu g.-riiiiii-iil
in the tul. i. t tin- ili.
Otii of t'K tiioiioi.iliia in
the bin I iothe U tt rn 1'nion Ti l
trsph ('.'iijun v. lt rx.u u.mih on
the people are w ilhout a p.ttullel.
It cntr.!s tot only the ipi.intily of
news I'm mailed our melropl
it in p;His, but the quality. Still
ig in 1'iSwitll a capital of Ili'S,
tiK it ibfll.ired "st'H-i. (Ill ii!. lids"
in eight t-.n
then add 'i n
of fl? lO.llit. It1
. , ,
riv two million ilol-1
Urs f..r luvv Inn s. Hulking Us ci.t ,
tal t-.tMKVi'MI. The liexlyear it'
added .'iV a,t. V of .it. r 'i stock, '
which iiu-rMS-d itse.pitd to -II,- !
IXMVK. At ..r.-seut H is f IiXVM,. '
' 1 .' ,'
lK). Its sdiumI average pr ilits f.
the M ri.d .4" thirty four y.ars haie'
Ut-n ;UV p.r .vt t.. its l.irp-t dm !
.lend reaehu.i Ul jsr ,-eut Kvery
fdl.lKM u.-:. d in l.S.h,.s .. J
f.KS.tHH) ,;, t,H- .I'.vidends mid ;
mil tub. ' . . i i
um,uiuror.i. ii u.e noier.i
If tl.e
tnellt WO.ll'l I' IV
it the net f.rolils (
.. ....i i ...... i . ,1... ......... . ... . .... ...
ten yrrs, it't r wht.-ti pne. uld
Ih mlueed to ! ?s-th:in otu- thtrd t
of the. present rat.-. I and
r ranee on ; ti.eir -t !e r.ii'h Inns, !'
t . . . - :
and whiie th- rates are l-s J
bat tl.i y ite i-i thi-
i'oui trv,
the lines p.iv t in. r.Mi.ui-,
,. vx' " lnt.T fl. . ,.,,,.
abiie (
ury. . Teetul liiKlllier i
contains un A illent
the Arena
nrti.'le I v
J Jotiee Cluri.. f tin- viipreme court
Vf"V,,1,'lV''i:,",w,r',,k' i
! tin,. I i. ,i, t i hi .... i, .
! 1 'Is'- -
woiu.i. not only
that it is u: 1. r I
W jrni'l, '
: il and tie r..l oh !
k. 1
TMlrrV A
Ol tlVl
Il..ll'( 1IIMI' r l.M . "IIMIIUII'MI IO r,. a
,, i i , , eilit.-n of tlie McKenie valley -
give the tieiipl - the l-t and m.. iIi- j J
est staf fa.-:l:U.'.- such as th.- tele ;,rv ,,k,n several .iuiH.rlant en
graph ailords. jcjuirii- nlsmt th McKeniie road
tiP. ' ' f rorjration and the action of the
Land is the so".r-? nf all hditmn ; county court pertaining then to,
sub-if Th-- earth provides 1 which aro much easier asked than
fr every human want. Un this ' a, gwi.rr,l. Hat wewillaav g.-n.r-
i-t-stioti our pi iit. rm inakes the ,, t '. i .i .
, ,, ii. rally, in answer to our, fn nd. that
tII. oi mg d-cl..r..tivii: ' V
:...: ... - .t - ... .:....: ... .
ti.- I ... I :.!.. m .i... i
i tic lawn iiii iini.n ' m.i int nainraM
.he Je. an I ,, . .., ,.,,.,
lur.l -,r imvu ativi- i.t.-. twi.-. . anl itli-iti
nersuiii ul Ian I liill l piulitl-u-l.
II I u. f. 1...1 1 1... , ..1,., . 1 . 1 ..n..
f enriSl.-atiii'L. in clii-.. iif I' M.-tn.l .
- -
AtHlra-a'al fd A'aaiallit k. tl.aa l.rila.M d Mlltuklt 1 It l I I . l ( Iv f 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 t I i
an.I ait now n.l hv aleinn lv corir tinv, and that every act
?,llH,:,."T.l:,!:e''BU''n,:or the company, arid that of H e
As the laud is the source Irom
which a!l human ne;vilii sar-sup-
u n k. 4t. .i.i I,... '
; , . . ..... , f
own us.- anile other are homeless
- ' i
and ruth riiig for that whieh it can
hj ma l'' to priKluee". I roju-rtv
rights in l-t always give way to hu
hi 1 n riirf.Su I'ri ... tmiul 1;
,u,riltlu. to ,tM. W(.jfar,..
pn-d;eat d on the grand principle (
Having lluia briefly diseusvl the
tirirn ii'l'-i iidssl I in our platform
it II' Of devolves tlon US to Hlilt
oui a riU'iv lor existing cms. lie
f.,re .Joinif this, however, it Ix-oni.m
iif-cer--ary fur us to uuder.UiuI our
V'l't'"" and the causes which
M l" To Una end, Ic-uld
i n tin I.. l..r t.iun In ir.t f--.ll
.......,,.,. lo the r(.,nble of our
platform adopted at Omaha, July
I, H'JJ. I-t every man re:id that
d's Ullielit. It foretells W ith UtUT-
rin iruin in.' oisasiern nn.ei. nave
i r-e. ntly verwlH-lmel ns. In tii
I light these events it reads like a
. .i ... i: I -u i
proph'-ey. Millions of men and
..... ..c .......I............ 1
"rc Y" " ""l"J "
""n Hi cold blasts of w int-r will
witness iich suffering ami priva
1 tion as waa n rer U forc known in
j (.11Illrv. siller ha.s bi-en de-
mnmtizr-l and the banks clothed
with a jmwerovrr our currency anl
ovr th business of the country that
end.iugi rs our lilx-rties and pros-
rity. In twenty-one years, from
lSTl 'to 192, the jM-ople paid to the
railroad companies the enormous
snin of lrt.OOI,VS7,l!2. The as-
1 p.-kF. -l vabie of all
nrapii f ;iijU l iv: (T ill
. ,. c,.e in ,., ' ,M)i)
I I. at 1 n as a
M;,'.KJ2.5f,J'5l'J. In other words!
i.r..ii... .i.i.v. t.wr.
in iUI llllllilio ii"ji ; '! tiivjiai
IS'. HI. Add to this the immense sum
of int r st we hnve paid tocreililors,
! the extortion of truhts and corn-
WneK, and i U any wonder that we
are struggling in the throes of a
debt of ;,(K)U,0Ul),(H )? Never bo
fore in the hisWy of the world waa
stieh fubulou lortiine made in such
an incredibly short time. No coun
try posscsse aa many millionaires,
rate we are traveling, in
a fe
jo county will poses a
innnr J
ng table prepare.! by
Recorder, show un
distribution of iur
to figure from reliable
were in tuft l-niUl
1 1
the M
iV'll t
Sla., in S'M, l.l.UI.MHKI
fiunlies, w ith an e'timiited w i ullh
of ii'.,,HS.,l)iiii1tKK of m hi. Ii theie
r laiiiHWawoitl. noo,
Ul " " l.l'i'VKXt.O"1
I'M " ' " 1 ,4 tt..ta.(k.Hl
" " iHii.OOil.lKHI
X.J'A " " a.i.Hi.iim.iiiK)
huh. " " 7,.k.i,iio iioo
7.UM " " 4 AVl.tNHl.taM
U.i.m " 4 l.A.iNst.ium
I l.i-o " " a.T.ii.uai.uai
t.l.ft"! " " tMI UHI
t,iM v,imi,niio,iM
7.i " . " 4ki,ikai,.m
:vmi,ooi ummm
l.on,ik " a.Mki.Uki.ikkl
U.lKkl.Olll " " 4 IklO.IIOO.IIIIO
W.ti.V.ikk) " " 7,'.,lA,nik.,ikii
These 11 urea show that 40,1 KH
H-rsoua ow n over 'oue-biilf of the
Wetilth of the l iiil.l Hbites, while
one stxtl.ieib purl of our tcoplcw u
ov er two thitils of the entire wealth
of the country; and that 2'.0,tKt)
p. rs.ins.iH n 4 I M-r e nl ,nf the 1' id
led S. These laid, a also ahow
that three fourths of our families
me not worth ovcrflUH) to the fain
ill, while one t'our'li ule Worth over
i.tksl to the lauiily.. It wul ..p
ir ali-o tl st ly a small e.ileul.i
tion, oi,e half of these f.unilies are
worl1 ','"" tnii.i f-tai to ll.e (.tuiily.
Again, while 'J...IH.) faiiuliea have
. . ,
.iih;(;kj;.ii' irillll III. .Mill-o 1101
,. h, iii i',.Vk,(Ht'.t.K Kryrar,or
ttH,Ut as an avernge, th. re are,
ae.-oiding to Kdiviird Atkiuoli'a is
t'",:,te, not less thai. I l.tXHUs) fain-
!'" ,-; ''" ''
li ho ban un income nlmh
jM ,i11nt ,.Xl..,j j,.-Ki H r v,n(.( n
,.lr.v av.-iaS.-a .J.V). .'ikiii-...i.'s
, lr,,. r ..n.n.Uions show that o Iv
,,(N, t.ii.tlt. have an iu.oi.ieU--
t.Vland I.Ukla year, ami
(,v o.HI.IMH,..! ore than f I.INMI
fM.,rv .,,., Take his h.i:l,,
i:pm.,"., and io.t will have:
r Attn !
A vr. Iii.oiuiv Till ul
.'n) t.1 S.'Jl.lkl.(l)
7i 4 s.,' iIi.imi
..! t .S m i.ii.ii ii
liwi.lkkl ,S HI I. O. 0
a bi'h proves
llml about o.'.I.OiHt !
l.iu lines liave astiiiiil. lu.-oiiu1 as
1 1..'', fatnilie", mid that tt Is
alu.'t iinHili,- the loon r
el.t-xs to iiiTUinnlale tiny a.-allli
w hateier.
(Cotilinur't tnl isk )
l lie Mrheiirle Road igain.
We puMi.h in another p-.rlioti of
this p.jier a i-ommuutcst.oi. from a
o as iiivisii.iiiona nave
, r ,.1,',,k-I with th- very
1 J
tinit reiiuirenieuts ul Ihe I
.4 ll.e law con-
the coiistruetioii of roads
nny court by w hieii thi.l-t..uiiy
has been allowed to collect toll JT
t.t It... Bu.u...1. I.... 1 ....... .11 .1
' . ,-
i-;..i, an. I lli. u. u uui iiiii v in i
th in an outrage.
There is no doubt als.ut tin com
pany having iuwirporat.-d to con
1 .....
siruei a roai iu 111.11 me k!
pany has ever complied with
j law so as t give it the shadow of a .
right to charge toll on the r ad, or
in any way to interfere with the
travel over the road wp the McKen-1
ie, which was first ojicned by Fclia I
Scott, as-ist.,1 by the p,,.pie of;
Lns eiiw44T thr-i-es-tlainly nn
ipjestion. It Is-ing a fact that the
company has imt "rlenred the road
way of standing t imlx-r for thirty
feel in width, nor have they a trm k
in the center not c thin sixtstu
feet wide, finished and kept in good
traveling condition, except wher
cutting on said road ia six ft or
more di'i i un nither side, in whieh
cas. such track need not be more
thin ten f.-et wide with turn outs of
IGfeet i i width for every quarter
of a mil'-of such uarrow track, as
the law require. Any p-rson who
has been ovet the road will have
seen thiil no part ol the law ha
Is-cn complied with in clearing it
of standing timber for 30 feet in
width, and having a track in the
center 1 ft wide finished and
kept in good traveling condition.
And that this company has been
allowed to h arras and aunoy
and cxt'rt off the public in
the way tiny have rs simply out
ragcou' and the county court is
greatly at fault, that it has eon
nived at thowj wrong and assisted
and protected this quasi rorisra
tion in well nigh rubbing the pub
lic, (rood roads, and freo road
are w hat tho p-ople and the pro
gress of the age demand. Toll road
and toll bridges, and toll ferries'are
la-hind tha age, and w herever and
whenever we see one of there anci
ent institutions we are reminded U
the daya when civilisation was in
its larva state, so to SH-ak, being
only the cata pillar, and not the full
grown butterfly. This pteudn
corporation road company might
a well praps 'e to get out of the
way t lie re, for the increasing d.
ttiand of the settlers np the Ma
kttiiie and tho of the public who
ever year w ant to visit the apringa
and the mine and to pata over
lb Cascade cast, will surely ace
to it that the law will be invoked
in th-tr protection and 'hat soon.
ii:ali:u in
tiujhstox, - oiicjo:v.
Kii pa constantly on hand a well lH-k of t i. in ml M.rehandiae
and will si ll at Eugene prices, or us cheap as sny otl;er place in l.niitf
oouuty, For 1' Give mo a trial and li coiivitned for youiself.
Travelers can r.eeive the list of aecoinnnslutiona lu re, and at
'leva In Iow those of Eugene,
A r.l'NUlNl' IIOMl-
Nu . II
The largest St.H-k in the Wilbtm. tin Vallev, mid Cln aH t Prices,
tjuality t'onsiilrr.d
The 9th Street grocer.
The Best Place in Eugene
Ftr a Farnicr, Mci lianic, or any other kind
of ,a Man or Hoy t et his .
Brownville Clothing Store.
HOVi: aV ltH'i:, Proprlrloi-M.
You Come I'pl And
With Boots. and Shoes. Hats and Capi
Shirts. Pants. Coats and Vests, and
Ladies' Wear at your own prices.
If we can't inak. a profit we'll It AT COST. The g.asls must go.
i Kelt DoOf t0 HofftDtLiT IIOUSO,
' ' -
El'GENE, -
O. O. (K)UnNMlTH V CtVH.
IltOIt::i: 'I'lilss'H ..I llluli.-f Mml.i t la-l.
TORN Ell 7tn AXl)
IUlttlV IT IT 11 K.
Calls Attended Day and Night.
Ana 4 II
Saddle Tree Manufacturer.
Maker of tha Tloner I.akln Treea; first mail.- la fjina eonnty In IMA. A flnat
clasa atoeh tree rt. Cummon livr. at la cost. Also Hhln, Boya and Paek Ireea
to order, liawhlde ImSIo.i rot and chairs bottomed. Will take teotl heavy beat
liidea In ar iavmsnt ; also lral for work . Km Wis irrea cover! and rrirL
hHM-lal rstsa t dr.lars fafThlllMiLKH KOH HAI.K. Cedar and while fir shin
airs for sale at Hill, er will tdllver alien ordered. Will take farm produce in
I olTnr for aala my shlnula mill, steam enitlne, shlngta boltlnf and drag
paeaer, aaw giimnier, shafting nulls ys, sin rapahls nf culling 20,IKK) per d
Aral rlasa irnu-hiimrv, al one-hall 01 real
1. It. I., .
Till. TKAVl'LI-K.
Hardware Co.
2 i:t LJI !
yoursilf up at lhs t'oujitera
w. H.vrs'ii:iH.
Willamette SifCet.
Ko la at
Cor. Seventh and Willamette.
ay (all
value. A.iiirrss,
YarleiuLan cvuBiy Orcsen.