Broad-axe tribune. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-189?, November 24, 1894, Image 1

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    U KriomUoy
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"u !: w to tiik i.i m: i.kt
j ' e-". ' , I ; 1.1 .
ill. Will UK 'III I- Y MAY." ( V .T -
X (
Government's Position in the
China-Japan Question.
rrssljsal t'l.velaa.1 Will t-rubasly I'rg
That We Hale Trl.U la Altl la Mala
talalna lha l'rt af lha Wartd- the
I'aalllum af Jaaa. c
Wamiisgion, Noveinlier 21. The
tatemciit waa made In Congressional
circles to-day that President Cleveland'
mesaa to Congreaa uuM throw tight
on th China-Japan iii'itin ami would
forestall any resolution ul inquiiy, A
the Secretary of State, uulike Ilia other
Cabinet olhVer, make no annual re
ort to Congress, the President's mc-nage
ordinarily deals with tlii affair In a Imh
this government hat any pert, ami aa
tk recent negotiations with China aud
Japan tra lha moat important iiitrslioii
lh department ha bed in some lima, it
la concluded he w ill make clear the mmi.
turn of thi government. l'i to Ilia
present theie la b olh.-tal 'ninriuatlnn
on the subject, ami the State I r-artiiiritt
haa not staled otlicially that negotiations
with I'hina and Japan are in progress.
The readingot the :'ieaidcc.t'a iiirvtii
ia the tiral huainraa ul Congrv a. an that
ItwouUI precede the contemplated tiilro
tlurttoil ul resolutions ol inquiry I t l.ep
rrsriitative Ilellamy Slorer. tl ih
belief of thoae familiar with President
Cleveland' position againat foreign en
liktigTrmetits that such ridi-rctire as he
inav make to thl eiihjcct in lim niru,jii
ill ha on the ground u( humanity, tug-ing-
that, while thl government n.,-.
not reach abroad for connurat and ac
quisition, it tan wrll a.lopt an rn I . li l
HU-.I policy which will aid iu maintain
ing Uia prar anl priori-, ul the world.
Jacvn's rostTlux.
WAsinxoro-i, NovemWr II'. The China-Japan
incident, aa far a the I'nit.d
Slalee' otier uf mediation i com-t-mcd,
ia considered closed for the prra. nl by
those in position to un.liTi.laM. I tha
situation. At tha uVf.oi tTiicti t ami at
the Chinee ami Japanese legations there
ia only negative information to the effect
that no positive am art to lha American
suggestion of mediation haa lcen re
ceived. Yrt wrll-infnrniixl tar
Japan tia ma t lirr ixition rU r in
uih a way aa to ami. I lha rnilrrua
mant o( a poative l.-. lination an J yrt
how har ai.Pplanrj. autil.l hava to I mi
br.t on rrrtain .Irlinita inritiona. It
il balirvrj thtt tha raarntial ronni.lrra
tion on whuh Japan won I J ronx-nt U
any mvliation in that China ahall
Uia white Ha of truce, tha emhlr m m-
nliel the worl.I ovrr aa an lu lu ation
tanl want to treat fur teriut
" -i ! taaavt yet mai any
Tto nmvVpauaae, aixl lha lat-4
art not dupoaeU to ronahter a ronn.l-
atioat offer which ovrrlnok the rarof
niaad international emblem of tha white
wo ANI ra AT ALU
Wacui.iotoi, Noveuiber 21. Secre
tary Greeliam eaya he haa rereia no
reply from Japan to the -aanlei uffrr of
tnetfiation mare by the l'nite1 Hi aire
Novemher A, and In the opiaion of otlirr
hlate otBciala do deHoile reply Irvm Ja
pan it expertei in the Immediate future,
Iomtm), Novemlier 21. A eperial el i aw
patch from Home aayt Italy haa informed
the powera the cannot approve of any
form of Intervention between China and
It la Klaartaa Thai aaa Will
lata Caaaailtalaa
Valluo, Cal., NoTm)ier 21. It ku
nally been derided by tha Navy Ivpart-
iient that for the preaant the Marion
will not ga Into cuuiiuiaaion. uwinn to
the lack of men, aa it ii deaired to com
miaalon the nnarmored rraiaer
Olympia, now at the I'nion Iron Worka,
aa aoon aa aha romra op to the navy
yard, which will be very anon. I'rrpar
atory order have l-en iaanrd to
Lieutenant T. C. I'rinra of tha Marjnc
'or, drtailin( him to command the
Marine Unard, whirh will conaiat of
teen noMM-oimniaatom-d nllirera, priratea
and mnaii'iana. The Olvmpia will carry
alxiot forty officer and men aa her
rompleincnU Thi will le none too
many, whi-n it i taken into ronaidera
tion that abe ia the third lar-. crniaer
in the Aim-rii ari navy and a hat
tery of four eitflit inrh b'fn Ii !o.iik
rillra, ten live-im h rapiil linn if'"",
fotirtren all pound and an one rxiuml
rapid-flrin(t iiun, four (itliiia and all
of the amaller anna that if to make up
ahi' hatti ry. The detail of olliwra
w ill he innde out jitat a a'am aa the de
partment ia Inform. d that a crew can he
4-cnr d here for the ahip. -Many olln c.
are more than aniiou to aecure a detail
to the (Jl uif.iav.
T m.llga a Near Nlhl.or.
YVAiiiMiroi Novrmla-r il. Counl
Itaventlow, the Hanlali Minlater, lira!
tierl of the artlon of Ii iitnrk in ei
cliidmit American beef and im-ata
throii(li tha pre cablegram from (V
xnliien. The Count etpreaaed aur
priae, for M irtlon In thtt line had here,
to'ore lieerKontetnplatrd. lie aaid the
action waa proliahly due to rc iirt fioio
liermany, aa lieef recrlvcl at lUn ali
fort frequently would find Ita way Into
iernmny and thii overcome the lirr
Inah reatriclion. II ha I never heard
that any of tha Amaniiw-pnalurt 1n
"I'i nniark wa aire, tcl wilhTeiaa fever.
Under Iheae circiimataner be fwla that
tha actum of f lenmark la not an mnrh
aimeal arainit the ITnite. Male aa it I
to make Is nmark'a neihUir, llerinanv,
alfeiiiva in her actuMon. Tlie Mnnl..r
haa not yet received any official
oo the luhject.
areata la Craaaaala,
Naw Yoac, November 21. John Ja
cob Aitor appeared In tha JelTeraon Mar
kat (VMirt to-day, and etpreaaei! hi In
dignation at tha light puniahment In
flicted on lha tramp, tiarvin, who wa
found aalerp in hi mother' bona Sat
urday, lie ubeuetitly bad an Inter
view with tha man In prieon, and da
rlared afterward that km waa nre Oar
Tib' purpnaa wa rabbar. II taya b
TiU f roeecuU blm.
rrafaaaur I avail Bafa Thai Thay Nave
Hla la Duubla.
lUutMN, Maaa,, Novem1r 21. A li
patch waa received to-day from I'erclral
Uiwell at tha'Tiwell tthaervalory, Klg
tail, Arifona, elating that the canal of
Mar, aa otiecrved laat night, baveliegun
to double and that I'hlaun Jid Kuphratea
acre bih ii geminated.. The duplication
uf the canal nud th planet 1 phe
iiuinenun for which aatronomer have
U'rii watching with great Intereat. It
a Hat otervet by the Italian Aatron
omer eVhiappareilt a nuiulier uf rear
w'o. He aiiuouiiii.d that aom ol the
traigltt line, w hlch are known aa ca
nala, were to I hi aevn a.iMiupaiile.1 br a
I.aiallel hue, aa if another canal ilted,
H-ai.le the li rat. Iuring the dlllereut
iipMiailiun of Mar the canal have
lait'U cluacly aaU'Urd Ul Icaru uiuro liut
the duplication. Th tlrat Kumpcau
aatronomer to ohaerve the pheiioiiieunii
w aa IVrtoliu at Ni.'e, who in two atio
craaive ohaervatiuna olwrre.! duplica
tion. In thia countrr the canala a era
ohacrrcd douhle.1 bv tlto l.lck ulwerra-
lorv iu ami a-aiu In Irtt'J. 1ui
ing th preaeut xaiti(in on canal luily
baa heretofore lieeu annomir I aa
Inlllile, tlila l'ing 4iati;ea. 1 lie ol aerv-
..: ! ! II . .
rr ui una a aa I nMeaaur llimieu Ol .ica
Olwrtatioua of tha eame canal aim
that time have not iliuan II to ii n
liiiuiiiialy double. The caitae ( the rli
nluaii.ui i bv no iiuiia leUrmliu'-l.
lr. loaell i of the opinion that II la
deM'iidnt iIkiii th eeaenn, and haa pre
ilu led all along that the canal uld
not la aHn in duplicate until aouve lime
in Novruiher. y
la.r lha f lha ai.i nd.l
I annul TaalKj,
Mkmi iiik, November 21. The prtaae
rution of Ned Ninth auJ Y. S. Ku hard
anil, cbarge.1 'with the lynching of an
negriMi near Milllntnii, Tenn., laat Ail
gnat, rcceiveil a aevrre aetback t-day
when " Pill, h " McCarvrr went uu the
alan.l and ttrl that he la an lull. lei.
He la therefore incompetent under the
lawa ol Tciinceaee to ge Iratimony be
fore a Jury in a capital caae. " IliiU h "
Mit'arvcr la the man whom th Mate
iiiv-tly relie-l iiKin lti a cunvictmn.
The proae nliou Miily chargil that
M.t'arver wiiured himaelf a hen heaald
he did imt believe in a lil. Tike At-torney-l
ieneral had no doubt " Itnti h' "
teatimony woti'.d lie ailltii'leiit to hang
the men on trial a well aa three or four
olheia, liiiiiie.liati Iv alter M. I'airr
enaatioaal alalement to the court to
dav he a ta arrealed on a bench warrant
i tiar,Mi: Jinn w uh e'Jury. It la alao
givenyi" by Atlnmer l.eneral Taller
aim tfijl he a ill Hume hatelr pro. eed
Bk-aiu-t . J. Mi arver, the MierilT of
the mini" v and tha fa'., r of " lluU h,"
Ul retno.a 1. 1 rti from orf;.-.
lll. lliaCBaJjOajrr afe
L.I t hew I uaairaT Hnlc
4 linlhr.
f Hnlcl.le.
Mii..ii4i Mo., Novem' .-r I'l A
ter:il.e t.a-e ly ill conitulM.. at '.i
'. '. nr: t. ia m rn i ti a'-ril tan mil.-a
Ir.itil U."..l'e. Al II. at t.!ra live.)
Thnmaa Porten heck, hi mether, twa
later and a brother, all llobetniane. It
apaar that Tliotna Torterrhe eiM
plained yealerday evening that hia bead
waa hurting him, and aaij that b lx
lieved hi lin k waa broken and refiaed
to go to lied. At J o'clock thl morning
be aecure. I an at, ami killed bi( widowed
mother, hia aiater and brother; bi other
iler niale bar eecape'by lumping
through the window.. Hha (Lood outalde
and baked through the window and aaw
her maniac brother aaturate the room
w ith coal nil, et it on fir and then gaah
himaelf with a knife in the throat. He
Bank down and all four bod lea wereron
umed in the burning bouae. By th
time the neighbor re a. bed th place th
bouae wa ahiaia. They tried in vain to
re acne the Dmliee. Thl morning tha
four hodic could lie Been (till burnlTig
in the ruin. The mother waa an in
valid, ami had been confined to her tied
for twelve year. The murderer sud
denly became Inaane.
la Caaaeatlea With Ika lilapate.
WiaiiixoroM, Novemlarr 21. Hrnor
Arrlgla, the fiuatemalan Mmiater'to tha
t'nltcl Mate, haa gone to Mriico In
connection with the boundary diipttUol
(tuatemala and Meiiro. It I ahl at
Ijolh tha Meiiran and tinatainalan lega
tion that no additional Information ha
route to them looking to breach ol
friendly relation lielwecn the two gov
ernment. Therw.. baa ln-en for aom
time a controversy -between the two
muntrie, and both aldea rTva4roii
along the frontier and will proTialiiy
maintain their rre live force there
until the routroveny I teltletl.
IHaaaned l atter HaaaHIng Hallaad.
WAainaiiiTow, November 21. A report
from the Cummiaaioner of Immigration
atate tlta twenty-ait diamond poliah
er bare arrive.1 at New York from
AmiUrdam. After eiemlnatlon thej
were erinitted to land. The atatemeiil
ia alao mail that of the 10 i0 diamond
cutter in Holland fully 8,0 "J are out ol
employmriit, and that many of them
are coming to the I'nltcd Htatew, tha in
ference being that the diamond-ratlin
IndilBtry l largely being tranaferred
from Amiterdam lo Nw York and Chi
cago. .
Adaalral Oaana' llalaa.
IxmooM, Novemlier 21. A diapatch to
tha Time from llueno Ayrr tayi:
Admiral Raldanba da tiama, one ol the
Uratlllan Inanrgent lewler, (late that
the revolutionary chief have definitely
delermlne.1 not to a.-cepl lhn,l'reldency
nf Prudent da Mnraee. Admiral da
tiama declare that be lift 7.1X10 tmoNi
on the frontier of Kin Oran.le ready to
lieirin hHitilitie Immailiately, and that
br a ill bimnelf comuiand the trooie, tak
ing the Held In a few week' time.
ftltlf Arraala la Waraaw.
ftr. rTmaara0, Novamber 21. Hlity
parson br been arretted In Waraaw
for dlatribntlng circular a-lvialng th
Kople not lo tak the th of allegiance
Ie lilara Haalgaa., Novemler 21. Th Frank
furter Zeitnng aay M.d tiler. Kuraian
Minlater of Foreign Affair, and lleaera
Vannovakl, Kaaaian Minuter of War,
bav resigned.
Probabie Diittribiitlon of Im
portnnt ChainuAnahipt.
raiaa la Nut lha halrauaaaWla af
lha Mlvera aaat llarbara, aaa Murraw
'AniNuroM, Novemlier 21. The
Itouae Couinillleea w hli II are eiiectl
lo ba of the greateat Importance in the
nait Congreaa are thoae on Way anil
Mi'in7-AiptvpnaHar Uuiea,-JJaukl"!'
ami Currency, Coinage, Wright and
Meaaure, liner ami Harlaoa, and l'ul
tir llulldinga and tirounda, The tlrat
three named alway bead the hl In or
dcr of iuipcrlauVc. The other are ca
ected to aaauui Impoitaiice In the neit
f Cmgrea laacaiiBe uf the Bieclal Condi
tion which will prevail during that
Congreaa. The llaiikiug Committee will
aerlaluly be one ul the moat Important
roinmitteee on the Hat, If there alioul.
le mt rlTort, a it la hinted there may be.
lo review the currency lawa and change
tlie preaent atatem. Ilia prolialiihly ul
an rllort to en-ure silver Irgialatlori and
the further prohahilitr that the lieput
liian party when il come into iioaer In
llouae may want to formulate a lailicy
on thia iiealion, will bate the rife, t alao
of 'l vain. inu the Coinage Coin mi I lew lo
a iKwitioii of the Ural rank. The lilvera
"t and tfaiNir and tmhtlc ItiilMttig Com-
lnltteea will hare the deii.ate taak ol
tireviiling for pnhhc tuipruveiueuta, an
lar a tlie coiumiltrea ol the llouae can
ai'Clnl.lah thia ork.
With so uianr new men a there will
lax on the UepuVlliaii aide uf t'on,rea.
and all of them feeling that It will U.
netvaaary for them to make a allowing
to their ninatiturnt. there will natural
ly Ian a pretty gi.ucru! rlmiml fur ap
propriations for xtolll.'e buildinga, rue
tom bouaes and rlvrr and barter Im
pruvrmenta. While the llepuhlicaii
parly haa alwava aim) n a diapvition to
ward librrahlv in puhliaeTTnr i inenta,
there ia prulVility of an rltort to holl
thru biiacellaucuiia at propriatl'ilia aa
low aa Miaaihle.' 1 lie lo,w nimlitioii ul
the treaaury mul the la. t that a I'r. -i-dential
elrrtion will la a near at hand
will prove atrong argumeiita In thia di
re tion, aa wjll tlie jMwaihihty of a I'rr-i-dentlal
veto. The (rpuhllcaii at prea
enl have ail of the aevrliteen memliera
of the Hirers and llarlwra Comiinttrr,
and all their memliers have been re
elei ted rtcept Heiidrraon ol lliimna
With Henderson out of the war Her
axaun of tlregoii fakes tlrat place in the
Repuhluan meintierahip of the Coin,
tiitee, with "tnph-n of Michigan,
NkSm ol New Yurk. iiroavanorol Ohio,
and KeylHiro of reunaylvanla following
In tliBor.lernsuie.1. It cannot, of cmrae.
be known whether the nritepeaker will
follow the seniority rule. -If be should,
Hermann would la-ome Chairman.
Mllhkrn of Maine Ira. I a the Kcptib
licao memlnhlp of the Coiumittew un
luhllc lluildi;iga, ami (Tie chances are, il
Keed becoBie t-petker, Mllllken will lie
made Chairman of this committee.
Morse of Maaaa. huaetta la tha only lie
publican member of the com roll tee re
turned. Only three nf the old Repub
lican memlaara of the Committee on
tanking aad Currency are re-elected.
Thy are Walker ul Massachusetts, Kus
ell of Connecticut anil Johnson of In
diana. Walker la the senior mm!er,
arvl lit chances for the Chairmanship
are the beat. Of the sli present Kepub
Hi an memliers of the Committee on
Cxiinage, Weights and Mraauree five bav
been re-elected to the Kilty-fourth Con-
free. - They are in Uia order named :
time of I'ennaylvania, Johnson ol North
Pakote, Inngley of Maine, I lager ol
Iowa and Aldrirh of Illinois. Htone
would naturally become Chairman of
the committee if be deaired tha place.
In tha natural order of eventa Har
rows of Michigan will ticcome Chairman
nf the Wave and Mean Committee.
With Keed In the Speaker's chair there
I little doubt that be will be given this
important post, which carriea with it
the Iteiinhlican leadership on tha floor
of the II ouae, If he fails in bis ambition
lo succeed Henator I'atton In the Hen ate.
With Keed In tha Feaker's chair and
liurruw in the Senate there would lie
only three Kenublican members of the
present committee left to chooea from,
these being Payne ol New York, Halieli
of Pennsylvania and Hopkins ol Illinois.
Henderson of Iowa Is tha ranking Ite-
tu til lean meinlierol tlie Api.ropriations I
X'-onimi I tee, w Itlj (VI wU ul Maawar-h ii-1
aetta, llingham ol l ennavlvauia, Ding
ley of Maine, (imnt of Vermont and
Cannon of Illinois coming In the order
named. It I possible that neither Can
non nor Henderson will bo given tha
Chairmanship In the event of Ilurrow
becoming Chairman of tha Way and
Means Committee; the prohahlhtlea ar
strong that tba K.ast would demand th
Chairmanship of the nrtt moat Impor
tant committee, which would be the Ap
propriations. In that contingency Cogs
well' chance for being promoted to lb
head of the committee would lie ei eel
lent. If Keed become Speaker nf the
llouae, th Republican memlieralilp id
the Committee on Holes will prolnihly
be composed of himself ami tha Chair
men of tha Appropriations am Way
and Mean Committee. He pursued
thl plan In tha Klftv-flrst Congreaa, and
there 1 reason to believe that he would
revive It rather than Imitate Crlap'i ihjI
Icy of diatribntlng the honor.
Wall ef I al.rad. ..4 Mr.ekl.riaf. .
(la aa tha rtatraraa.
Iiiavaa, Novamlier 2tl, (Invernnr
Walle baa decided to go iiKin the lecture
platform, lie wilt make a abort tour In
the West lardore hi term et plrea, de
livering til first lecture at ht, Ionia
and olng from there to Chicago. After
bis term ripirea he will lecture In the
I.siihutos, Ky., November 20. C. I).
Hess in an Interview to-night said that
the report that ba bad contracted with
Colonel W,(). P. Itre klnrl.lge fur a lect
or bmr wa true, and that tha Colynel
would taawla at onea. Hi first uhle, t
will ba ''Tsa Yara Aniong Tariff ha-lorsoara."
ti r
QAM 18.
Ilartare Alhtalaa Aaa -arllelarli Ami-
luua fr 1 haa.
('AMiiHili,laaa.,Novemlr 211,-The
lulLrvlew wllh pri'li""iiMlfofd ath
lete cabled from lnidnn, In which th
Idea WB auggealed that, Il Yale or a
team made tip froii Yale and Harvard
should challenge an ' 'sford Cauibrldgn
leant loan Inteinatl.! alhU-tic couleal,
the I'jigliahmeii woii l Very likely send
a team to this country neil year, has
arouaed great luteiest among Ilia rollegi.
athletes. Captain Norman Itinnliaiu,
Jr., of lha llarvanl-New Haven team
was seen lo-dav, ami he said :
"Harvard certain) lav ma the idea n
a Hilt Harvard a tlrsck and Blhlellc
tram meeting a Joint team liom i iifoid
ami Camhtl'lge, and 4oiil l in. v
agree lo a i petit l"'l on cither side of
thefwater liiia api ni;. I should like to
see rrpieaenfatiTe team rneted at targe
from Die i-olhui a, loan the hnli-e of lis
members, real in g on the re.nita uu In
tercollegiate games si New ntk. t l
course, Yale, la I ig the winner laat
spring, la lha one l.iiuake the flrkt a l
Value to llattar.l it to the mhrr col
leges. I feel suie that Harvard will do
everything ahe can In luitlu r tha plan.
"Nothing olhcial, Imsever, haa vet Ijeen
done. Several Haxsrd gra lualea have
luiaever, leen In the li t. reat of
the matter, bijMln have arrived al no
delliiile dlairin a- yet. It Ilea with
Yale In take the initiative, and Harvard
will follow her lead."
Aa llallaa !.! la lha Arl ar I h. a lag
Una mt laaar'a lallaa Wnaina,
avtM, Novemla'r ft).- II. Mailer, an
Italian, rlltere.1 th houae uf Marie
A'rnttre at -1 1 -twerrtteth- street, Ttrar
Market, alaiut midint'hl laat night, and
aiaiu la-aiiie riitiag.d In a .piarrel with
the woman, and aithjul warning aeiie.1
her by the throat. He prreaed bis
tli'iuil-a tightly in-. li hi r windpipe, and
s.iifered an hai l tin t the woman wa
not able to inter a sound. She Imag
llie.1 IhaT Oie man engntreii in rhoking
her waa the one a ho I atraugle.1 lena
Tapper, M.irie Ctmti-aoit and Kiki
Avaiiis. Site la a of great phys airrr.k-lli, and msnaa'e. to releaae
heia.ll. She railed hulp, and w hen
an otl it r arrive.! Mellrr waa Irving In
rut her throat with a laior. Chief of
Polite Arn.a'roliK' and the -ill.-e g.-ner
ally think Mi-ller ia nothing more
than an ill-t. m.ered Italian. The le
li t tivea are imt etilhuaianlic In the idea
that lhe:r pnaouer is Uv man whnatrau
gle.1 time women rx.iilly. Thia at
templed muiiler has a ! !e. to the terror
ami rtriteiiirtit ul lus women iu that
district of the to a n.
Maa aiaralag aaal llfleg V rem alvhaeaa
Mtwrnia, Nuvetnl'r'jO. Not long ago
there waa puUitlieil in manv of the
liesapaiM-rs ul the what pur
airtrd to ) a diapat.h I nun Colon,
Cel.tral America, on tl.e Panama canal,
and atated there waa a great demand for
lalair. To-day the Commercial-appeal
receiveil the fnllowiiiir apieal from tlo
roadmaater of the ra.laav at t'.ilon :
"In luv po-itmn ailli the railroad
here I aee a girat deal of the f.tllit
ai. illation of the laihmua. Theie are
to-ilav on the lathmua erowds ol well-
educated, gal-in t.-li I i..n-.t marbinlats,
rarpentria, draugh'.siiiBn in fact men
of every trade and profession who are
starving ami suthring from srkneas
brought on by rilaiaure lotlie wet season
and neglect, and cverv laaat brings more.
There Is not work for any of them.
Since the revival of the work on the ca
nal the canal companr has not hired one
ainifle man, except negro lalairere, al tal
to 70 cents a .lav and paid In I oluinhiail
silver. This e.iiials 27 cents in American
money a. lav. There are men here starv
ing to ileatd, who gave up hii lions at
home lo come here." i
Bfaer Vataraaa t lha ladlaa Wara Are
Kaally la Mead af AM.
Olvmi-ia, Novemlarr 2.. AIkiiiI twenty
veteran of the Indian waraol I sfaU-Vrti as-
Bern hied In this city yeaterday wilhia
view to taking steps toward the securing
of recognition of their claim on ac
count of the war with Indiana. Among
thoee in attendance were: II. O. Par
sons, James Patterson. John de lju a
tour, William liuou,tirern McCallertv,
JJV.'rJnrins, J. P. Maniien. -Jacob Olt,
Thomas Prather, U. V. Kutli, William
l.ittleydiu, Manns McMillan, U. W.
Hhaser, John P. Ilara.
Kesoluliuii were adopte asking the
government to grant penauma ami land
warrant lo tha Indian war veteran and
deiendenl widows, slid that the Kepre
Beiitatives in Congreaa from the Peclflr
Northwest lie reiicnted to urge Ihsar
claims. Aseipreaaed In the preamble
and resol ut ions, what is dune In this line
should lie done quit klv, for there ploneeri
are now few In number, not ricredlng
l,(Kl, and they are old and In many In
stances need the aid of the government
aa a Jtut reward for their past aervlcoe
II Was la, Tap.
MiRNiAroi.ts, November 2t). Atlei
the suh Ids of Kditor Jamea I.lddell at
Lyons, la., yesterday It waa discovered
that be bal written a brief description
of hi throwing Mm a. If in fi olof arail
hia.1 4raln, stating that b had contem
plated It lor over a year. He even added
a display heading. 'Ihw pre of the
T lines waa atnpied ami the article In
serted. Alieolotely no cause wa as
signed, lla wa alway cheerful and
' WlaalBs anfl His rang,
Iimwi, Novrmlier 2t). Mr. Hyford,
wbos eon I with Captain Joseph Wig.
gins, the Arctic naviiishir and master of
Teas steamer Ht. Jern
hlch vassal was
wre. ked near Vug'
has received
new Hist Csplaln
and hi party
are coming home a'
ashore, piloted
by Kuaalan ram.
hey are riding
In reindeer ale
liorl, wlintw
they will make f
TAsnn, Novel
Ion favor in of
ndel, and M '
lra.le. f
Ti retayll-
,imJ lia
i V
a II
Condcnucil Tf Icfti uphlc Ke
porta of Lata iCventa.
Maalgal af Stai far aaaf lllgaallaa fvaaa
Uiaareat rarla af lha !! af Waah.
laflaa, Urta aa4 lleha - !!. af
lalaraal la CaalSa I'naal raaala.
" Paikhlirsling
I not uuknoan In
I aouine.
Spokane pay ll.Tlkt tuoiilhly for II
electrle llghta.'
The Hueola Tallinn I ulerpris I g'e
ing to move tw 4 tu..p.4i.
A stage la lo be run fiom Korl Klam
atb tofialeV lake lie it Bummer.
Stokane's City 'Council i.r.aaae to
pay only H a inonth lor are light.
1 be Aral pile baa laaen driven Lar a
new cannery Ham Kluiore la going lo
build at Aatuna.
A threshing band In Wa'loaa coiinlr,
Or., has s")iil ! trying to coCul W
due hliu for wagee.
Iteiirraenlatlve Helta la ahlpiiing 2K)
Hi lor. I tun ks from l emlletuu to a
Montana purtbaaer,
The Spokane bureau of Immigration '
baa decided Id i. at he fruit fair nait
year, the dale eelet le. being tha first '
week lit October. "
A Ui of norserv st.a k shipped In
New York Inhaled with woolly an
. , i .
' . vi'.Vj 7. , il ' -,lhepat.riorldl thell.i and the al Vv inlock r-wnlly. ,h.Urrln, , ,,, n,.r
Work haa begun at lba Laatadae -o-h, haae.- She r still alive, but Is sink
the lob ol raising the State Portage rail- ng rapldlv. Tba murderer wa removed
rua.1 lo higher ground, en aa lo get it out to tbetgden hospital, and regained ran
of the way of the canal work. a. inuaneaa for several boar. II
St. Joseph's Hospital of Ala-nleen has bwlly described the raurde to Ills In.
Isaiied a neat Hkin.lilet coinmeiitorativ Irict Attorney, lla la luw oncona. iona,
of two year of very ucreaaltt! work on and death I but a question of a few
Ul part of th Slaters of St, Ikjintmr. luiur. Th partle are all well known,
Il I thought now that tha counts Beat respectable alliens of hlmire, and lha
will remain al Suubouiish, aa a three- tragedy ba created great eiciU-menL
filth vote waa required lo change it and ,
Uiia, il la believe,!, Kverett failed to aa-i .THAT OflUM.
The iUeetlons of special tag levies for
tight, wator, fire prole, lion and street
tin IH JVemsnl purjajses tra ft heeolHint
tod to the volar ol Port Townsend on
Wednesday of neit week.
Marshal I'ral a sava that tour men In
cluding the cook are now guarding fifty
eight convicts In th Mr.Neil'a I -land
penitentiary, and that the walls of the
anitentiary are old and crumbling.
The attendance at the Cheney Normal
Hebool continues to Increase, and now
tlie enrollment In the normal depart
ment i ninety-eight, the largeet nuiulier
ever enrolled at thl Season ol the year.
Klamath and Ijike counties. Or., will
sll la all Ibis fall alamt LVirnO bead of
eat t la. Will so-ne local slallslKiari let
us know whether the Increase in sight
i suflicienl to make up fur this drain
upon th herds?
Many of the farmers around Spangle
are going into bosr-rsiising .juile eiten
slvely. There will l a large number of
I log a lor marlat Beat vear. I he
farmers are anilousto e a large pack
ing house in tipukaas, mx aa to have a
home market, ( .
John W. Clinton I logging opposits
Coiiille City on an attentive Beat thl
season, employing annul eighteen men
and two team. II haa all acree of low
ground completely covered with log,
waiting for high water to run them out.
In th. caae. of the Htate against Tott
andagalbat Parker, charged with muhler
In the second d.-gree, tne.1 laat week In
llarnar county, th verdicta were guilty.
Parker waa sentenced to seven and one
half years ami Poll to twelve year In
the penitentiary.
Oakesdete ' water and electric light
project bava finally come to grief.
Judge Sullivan baa sustained and mads
permanent tba Injunction agaluil the'
pmrsased bond isene. - The bonds evreed
the town' legal Indehtaolneaa. and th
electric light plant, the oourt Hilda, ba
decreased in value. I
A firm of Walla Walla horse dealer
have juat shipped four carloads of borse
to Vermont. In order to have the ani-
mala In g aal condition It Is pr.ifxel to
allow them tn rest evr -y alternate) twen-
tr-foiir hours, thns la-cupylng thirteen
day iu the journey. Though the freight
(ier car ia ftln, the firm eipe. ta In real-
se a handsome profit from the venture.
The l'nlte.1 Plate grand Jurv al Wall
Walla returned Ihlrty-aeveu true bills.
On of tb prisoners w ben railed upon
hi plead, said : " I will plead guilty ll I
can't get more justice than I got bef.irt
the Judge who sent me here." Jmlgt
Hsnfor.l, with the"icy"bak that hi
ha alwava on tha bench, directed I lie
clerk t enter a t.lra of not guilty. Moe! '
nl II, l.a.l la. In.
auld lluuor to In
Wyman J. lewis,
rho for the past
Uiree vears has a. tet aa agent lor ttis I
ftteveilurlng A Kiggllig Cominy of Old
Taooma haa Iwcn arreale.1 on a warrant
worn to by Frank Ikunaldsnn and Al
bert Anderson, luckhnlder of th coin
pan.?. Tho company I maleupof lung
horemen, and lwls I rhargel with
having collected sums to tb amount ol
11,47.1.76 fl.rwork done, which be did
not turn over lo lha company. Il
denies the whole charge, claiming h
men have entered Into a conspiracy ti
ruin blin and break op hi business
II say lha money ba le e.cnae.1 uf em
lienling wa paid to tha Co orally
Ktevednrlng A Kifglng Company through
tba aaAMO Aliarrt Anderson a,u I un ul
th complainant, lew I wss placed
onder 1 1, (UK) U.nda, which lia famished.
The November Isane of the Puget
Wound l.nmlrruan says: "Tha reenl
sblpinent of rVs) red cedar door a and a
quantity of window frame to Johannes
burg, South Africa, par lik lvenhank
by Wheeler, Osgood A t o nf 1 aroma
mark ahnther eiMM b In lha denr trad
of tha Pacinc Norlhnest. Only three
year ago lha red crdar d.ait Ira-le was
nnknown east of tbCas.ade M.tuntaln
Th doorman nf lh 1'a. lrlii Mnrthweal
will, however, have tha asms difl. ulty
In Introducing their rad that the redai
shlagle mil had, aatasly. Ike nrelndlce
of rnatem. It I always kard la In lea
i un aay new a.alarlal In tha older eonv
munltlssi but, enc liiWo-liine.1, the
ellsni of Ik material will aaeak '
Ileal 1. Tba door trade af the recllr
Merits west la enr kesakle eplalea ha a
nght latara ahaasl.'
Ilaaaeatla Traahlas I aaaa a lleable Mas-
I l ais, N. Y h'ovsmlair 10. Till
i lly was slailled thl afU'ii ovvf a
rejMirt liat a triple oinrder ha-1 been
commltud On llu twin Street. 1 he I act
tra briefly Iheae: M. V. Straight, who
raindot la flour ami feed store, and his
wife have hot llre-l together flirTa"p(
few weeks on aerounl of domes! t -difll-rultle.
Thl morullig Mr. Stralglit t lit
a nota to bl wlf Baking lorglvsnrea and
reoiiratlng her to take him law k. ' She
lalle.1 to reply, Th a angered the hus
band, and ha purchased a JUl call tier
Smith A Wesson revolver of five cham
ber, although ha already had at o'her
revolver of Ilka pattern. T bl aftaino m
lie saw bl wlf anil her aider, Mr.
Mary Whitford, In the htislneaa part ol
the city, lie billowed them nntil with
in 1IKI last of their home, whan ba ran
up behind Ihein to within ten feet and
emptied tha cinilei.l of one revolver at
l.iein lanth. Ha then drew lha other
weapon and irad avain al Mrs. Whit
ford. After firing the laat shot be re
marked, "I guess -Va filed both of
you," and roptieci tba other loua i ham
liers Into hia burly near tlie bearL
Meanwhile a crowd rathervd In' the
vicinity of tlie tragedy, Tut no one dared
to coma near bini. Straight real-r I
that they were afraid of him, and en'out-
ed that lie would' not hnrt any one.
be hal killed those he waa shcr.
,",r" l,"n removed all paruew to th
lions. Mra. Straight aJr.d..4ijr.P
l" u, lr. "" " -Vwla-iiig In
the alalominal rarely and the base of
'liieiung. rnm riimi at 7 oJk tin
morning. Mra. Whitford wa elxA twice,
one obui piercing wie arm an i innging in
' Aflsr All II Mar BaM Legal
ly laaasrla.
Tacciwi, Novemlarr l. Th S"0
pound of lloBg Kong opium that re me
over on the steamship Slkb ie tfng de
laine. by the rustom-honsa i?UirM.a
an I will do Jbtlre be eaiae.1. Thai r,;una
wa consigned to a Portland Chinese
firm, and, duf-paid, I wurth alamil
I2.AOI. t'ndsr th aimmetiisl treat v
eutered into laalween the l'nile.1 Statee
and China, and kaown ee the treaivof
1h, there I a Terr rlear an I sipln it
c lanes prohlbitiag Chi Bess from Import
ing opium Into th e country onder any
circamstanca. Secial Treaaury agent
Italia Cullom aay that by reason uf
thia c'anse the drug cannot l dis
charge.! bar. TVpotv Collerttar lanrsev
has detained the upiam, and will pre
sent the aee lo Co lie. tor Saumlera for
hia artioa. The eeiiure, however, is
practically made.
W "MlMit..a, Nuvemlier III In m
teresting feature of the Seventh ly
Adveutists' conference wa a recital le
the of he. rstary B. ft. Hua-ton.
whirh was read to-day, of the persecu
tion to whirh th denomination I lute
Jected in certain lo. alilie lltareeorled
that two mem lar are in ail al Ceater
ville, Md , for chopping wood on Sun-
u. ,a ,,,4qcw lnsurant.a companls. lo
insure rhurch property on account of
fear of iitceudlarlain, and the Secretary
said bs bal oft tarrn served with whllarea
notices for trying to coodwet nieelings.
The report showed a Wiewi Ivrsh I p of
KM.tkaj ! g,ajd (Lauding la tl I'nitsd
The ralir.rala VJlsss.
Sab l'siian, Noveintavr 19 The
State Mtweialugiet' seaaaet akswa. IsveA
u.irlini 1M.I3 Calllornia more tliaa doubles!
Ul. ,u,rr oullu, lh. pmu year,
. . .,,,. , . . .i
i rn.liii Ing S (7.1 Ml a against .eiy. rVm.
The iucrraae was alm.ait entirely due lo
Kan Hernardino nounly, lh ore uf the
Caluw lulna laBinaj wurke-J more heaply
than any other silver ore oo the C-at.
1 he gohl outpnl waa practlrally the eame
In laith yeara. 1 his year forty hydraulic
mine, which have lsn uaprolai live
for yrara, are again laving oerat! T he
Stale Mineralogist believe litis will In-
creaae lha aoid out wwt from ll,ii "J
lo KI ttui tVal and lil II will I auain
taiuaj at the larger f g.ire lor eon.e yeara
Trylag le lasssvs.
Cnli aoo, Nuvsiuhsr IV l ucky "
Italdwiu ba AM a bill la lb Circuit
Court to prevent the enforcement of a
.,, , ,,, , s o..g .g.tnsl
blm by John Md lellaud, la whuh gar
ilshnianl proceeding bare la-en laksn
against ths Washingtoa I'aik t Tub.
liable In claim II la Illegal, on
not he waa aeive.1 on bliw. kl.t Irllah.l
I a IkhTb traiusr, and aaa al on tun
In the employ of hal.leln. The suit was
bioiigbt lor salary lor Bsivlie aad rena
buraenieiit fof UiuiiS) pall out lor the
hoiae uwusr.
A a Miiiiaff iihsstssr.
faa Fbabii.i, hevsH sr If Karl
sua Slalumsls, a ( aplale la IheOermaa
army ami a aua ol Osnsral Klsia
Iliel, Oil of lha Wliaal dlsllligillshe.!
army la liar minf ba arrlye-l
liom the fast ea touts In I bine. He I
under ordsi Ut . lr ths f Irleal nej
the neit steemer, but lor what pnraee
li ba not aa ysl been aav tees) He ea
Il tali graphic Inalru. Ilnnc I hue the
learner sails. It le au.Uisl.a-d, bow
ever, thai be I going lo t hliia In watrh
the upsiatlun ol Ilia two ewavemliiig
l(kllaa 's Wsal A .
loaie.a, NvyeiiiUr III -Mall advlcea
from Wltu, r asl A fib. r1tl lh wild
ilj of tS lolr. say sheip Tghtleg ba
laksn pla un tl.s Tana river between
gui S alls end re raroeant a.em-
i.siila.1 by tesnly lte aativea. Many
Suuialts wsre killed. v
Wlgata aaesAHlea Wrssasa.
AbiHasusi., Kusala, Nvenilar It
The Anile ei pad 1 1 Ion eeeiaisade.1 hf
Caplalu Joeaph Wiggins of Kara ftea
fame bs kwaa wrerked Mtl Yogfrskar.
AU band wara eavesL
m i s
r r
ThrteWl Say li Mirtfllang:
' i
1k Caa'a'a.wl Wti tnailaut at
Wrtalhg 'a hsra I'a. 10a .Ttavla
liurlee," ' linka-Hssra Ills I ! Wsaaarlng KuiuUon ,,
Woulil.jju,s'veinlair The court-''
room waa ia'lcl long In-lora T:vy
thia STVwitjryi '' l"'"! Hfl for jim-s-Ing"
Kn'tfaN eijff Wvi'h-n, the riain
wreks, Hfl.s crow l were many -ladiav
N,tTa oaurt aa. l j J all Jurors in
the ItstLii Tria l Vi ban aaVrd if be bad
anytt''hifVTer'by sentsmc tbould not
ba passW yirvV. attorney r AVur
deu, moreifta ! tvah Ihe vadir-t for
reaiiia, Trti,' hl the' roitrl err.ed in in- '
trucling VSa jiiryjo-tuasief'ftf' lar. and .
ccgiul,'lfrt. J f verdlit l contrary, Uf
th law anil i-ai lene.-, Mr. Ktrr.ggr cokr
teniked lb"?t Vbncimrt ervtal Ja'not -iiy " i
trnctitig TVs )ry that it pailit bring in
a verdii t a iTri r in aee limt or itjud
rlegree. oPyefQ fUltT. He re. ni;i'r
oua de.Sa.naW iui that le.iut. I In the jafo
fund -i1o.CUa hiiwi.r V..iittn,Wd ihattf
it ! a-!rnll.l t'ii Uif' . .tu,,M,y in- . tb l;:a.-,4 tftiv only
iiiiirdcr W h '.rvJ 'J.rcek)vl la-en
proven ( il t..Vunm reply rei frorus
the llitni(kjkria hsUie grwi.U ( u r y aholt'
Ing that 1'ls ioj.rl not only fViriicted ia
r. garJLe ' tao degare of murder, but
daaiAiTl.-ea. y. t lis cunu-ude.) that .tliw ,
iMuartioii'ii awureaaiv stated that lha
c Sirni s' irr'f 'mi'te-l to tho
t . -i ia . .. i L. . .
' ajr were rrnnni aiT.i . i .nnaei n ijiu
Mew, a'l.OB" ol slui were preaent.
Con lis. 1 aa-i- IjHa-l fl.e statutes of
!v l.iM.aI-at h.k a rail, whether
hie ia taken or"vro. ' an ntb-tise putiinh
ahle either bv Jaipriaohmeut for lilesor
death, aa tb )wry may elect.
Arinslcrmg also .lilrese.l the court in
eppneitiuii1. Iq ii in.tion, ami Judge
Bush iloev.1 frtfaan-gwiuent in support of
' ' N v
The rniyy, air review. ng the ary(t-.7
wient af l"utroeiim denied Sir.
Hitm eu!'' that tha- case be 'dts
igiiaseil ent,a gndrid liat the court A
no JurWi.tisaa,: UiaLy ti.t governrre-nl .
was inaiitreAoi th mad and Kng.iieer
t.rrk was la toil aervice of.' the" l'fcite.1
Slates at fnw ' a The train Was wrecked
Mr. Cook Ia4i "cted many dciaioua in
uppnaitinn la Mr. String. The court-'
sal I he .let not desire to delay the mat-
trr I v an eiannnatioB of Uhumv authori
ties. Protwedinga had U--n taken under
the advi.w nf the Atturaey-tieneral of
tba I'nited Stains, and if an error bad
bee a romnntte-l, the Supreme Court can
rorrer l it. A motion for arre-t of judg
ment was denied. .
The court called upon Wonh n to aland
up, and aentetiend hl.n to be I!hw.-I in
Its State pnaon al KulenniTuvlav,
s State tiriaon al rolennil uva lay, ,
bruary 12. 1m, l' .the hoiira of J
m and'; r. u. JuI.-h Orant. was,.
inn. h alfe. te.1 aa he prtvnoun'ced the Ul
tsuee, but Wordeti heard his .loom with
out betraying any evidence of emotion.
YAnrdeu's attorney have announced
thnr intrtitmn to apeal the case to th
Supreme Crturt.
1 1 he crime which Wortl-yi is sen
teneed w as viniuitted J ill v 11 'last dur
ing lha great strike. - .A Itairj was pent
out (mm Sa4-rauiento un.'.er'Wie guard ol
tinted Mtatea soldiers, and was wre. keri
al a bridge crossing in Yolo i-oiu..--- Tha
spikes were drawn from on of tliev!"
and ti lelt lo poitioni - TJie ennineer in .
i harge uf the train, Clarke, and two eol
d.srs were killed.
Ths llalpul ar riuur.
Cmi aoi, Novenilapr IU. Twelve mill
ers, re pre en ting 1W0 merchant floupng
mills with a daily capacity of Sfti.tXaj
trrrta, biet in secret aeesion at tba
Auditorium to-day to consider the prop-,
reattirm to redu.-e the output lOO.OHl laar
iela tr flour a day fof thirty dayir, or
S.issi.taaj barrel in all. The echeiue waa
luieel some time ago, owing to a largo
uninerrVawlal.le mrplus. but the- recent
ta-lter deiuand lor Hour and an advance
In price ha, it waa changed tha
rompleiiou . of the nuation, and the
Opinion wa cipreeaed br some of Those
present' thai no curtailment would ba
unbred. It I dt tlionght, however,
that a deviamu will be rvaclievl belore to
morrow. Those' prrseiit represented
mill In tM, liVhana, Illinois, Minne
Bnia, Wisconsin, Miaaouri and North
' Mailer far lha Cvnrta.
Wabbixoto, Novemlapr 10. The In
dian oftic la doing nothing in the mat
Ier oldelegraro received from the Indian
agent at M,ukogee, reparding the
('.k gang (if,.leapers.lncs. lie lias been
iiformt that tha troop askci.1 tor Can
not under the law li ecnt into the In- .
ban Territory. It i latcl t the.ln
d an orh.-e that Die whole allair ia one
with which th agent n.teil not concern
htmeell, a it is under tlx- jurisdiction of
lh court. The Indian ottice has given
him laermrssion to ore the lndiarrpolioe
In c .t-vperation with the Chitcl Stutea
Marahala, bill lurther than thihe baa
no jiiriailiction.
Rekela Ihs Allarkers.
Nw Yu."Novemler' Ith A special
to lha Worl.I from Valparaiso, Chili,
says: The ilrttish Mmislcr to Peru haa
Baked for help, and lia's protested againit
the attack on the British ship Siren at
Selaverl early thi month. Tho Peru
vian fc"vernmcnt rlairtis st is notrcspon
si hie, as lha rebel were the attacker.
The llntish Minister is said to have
threatened to leave, (fning aboard a war
ship. T ha British fuuadron i expsx-lcj
shortly. ii .
tspalaiaa f Jan ally Thrsstsnsd.
Sr. lofia, Mo., November 17. A City
of Mriico special aay Congressman
Mali haa presented a bill in the Cham
ber of IVpntie praying thatall chnrchea
In charge of Jeeuit be sold at auction in
that Kepiihlic. It I claimed the nieas
aie will prohahly he a great factor In the
complete ettpuUion of the Jesuit from
Meiico. ' efi
A (ale Ike reek flaag.
Mt'rma, I. T., November 19. Last
night twelve member ol the Cook gang
raided th town. They laid In a snpply
of clgara, and then rede leiiorely out of
. -
. ii
? ;