.. sALE ^oati Cherry Drop »R. HI c L A C K A M A S C O U N T Y N E W S .cal table with 5 extension Estaeaila, Oregon, Friday, March 13, 1959 board- and matching pads $75; Small drop leaf maple table « ; along the south line of said! Riom size rug $5;; Conlen Ironer Southeast Quarter of the South- FOR SALE Gibson 4 burner $45;^ hew wooi-iflled quilt $6, cast QUarter 359.6 feet to tne Electric Range with thermostat timer. Bargain for quick sale. I place of beginning. M27c ... FOR SALE; ... Timothy ..Hay; This citation is served on you Call CR 9-3362. string tied, excellent for horses by order of the Honorable Ralph PREPARA- and good *or aR cattle. See M. Holman, Judge of the above SHAVINGS FOR SALE: Farm­ It’l/w /l R n n K n t AUCTION Every Thursday T W N .^ l^ y ea i^ ex p erien ce, rea- i Floyd Beebe, Estacada Rt. 1, box j entitled Court made and entered FOR RENT: Partly f urnished ers’ Special-Blown in your truck 109 or call CR 9-3348. t f . ; on the 11 day of February, 1959. 2 bedroom house in Estacada.Call Nite, 7:30 PM. Buy-Sell-Consign. ¿unable. Evenings after 4:00 WTNESS My hand and Mai of I W OO a load. Ralston Lumber Co. Auction between p M Lila Edwards. Shafford — : , rj*r* n . rnm . , ^ --------- t i CR 9-3705. F20c Loop Hi way ALTERATION, Dress making, [ fbe sai(j Q0Urt affixed this 17 day South of Estacada Veneer Plant, Gresham and Sandy on Loop Hi- st., Phone CR 9-4167, and Repair of Clothing.Msde-u. L , Februaryi 1959. m nHn hiirrnnhnlne llln nn Cnn Pd. to April 15 FOR RENT: 3 room furnished way. MO 5-9922. F13c made buttonholes 10c ea. Can Robert Schumacher, Clerk apartment. Call CR 9-6992. tf. pickup and deliver. Mrs T. h FOR SALE: Montag Wood vVoods, CR 96888. Route 2, box BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WOOD FOR SALE Range in good condition. Call CR 167C, City. April 3 MAN OR WOMAN Fir, Old Growth; Second 9-6951. J16c Responsible person from this ar­ Growth cut for Heater; and Slab ea, to service and collect from all 16 inch or cut to your order WANTED: Ironing to do in my ELECTRIC cigarette dispensers. for fireplace, delivered. No ext­ home. CaU CR 96981. FOR SALE: Cedar Posts. ra for mileage charge. No selling. Car, references, and Hjalmar Mattson, CR 9-6398. $499.00 to $2495.00 investment | JAMES B. McKEE, Colton, Route necessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly ; WANTED —SHEEP Shearing. 1, Box 190A. Phone Estacada nets excellent return. Possible ■ Phone CR 9-3749. M27p FOR SALE: Chewings Fescue CR 96757. tf. full-time work. For local interview | Straw, 25 cents a bale. L. W. give phone and particulars. Write Fortner, Rt. 1, box 54. CR 9 WOOD FOR SALK WANTED: Mending and Sew­ International Sales & Mfg. Co. YOU CAN BUY WITH 6183. 16 inch 2nd ing to be done in my home. But­ Old Growth $15. D I AM O N D RINGS of Oregon, Inc., Berger Building, ton holes, zig zag mending, etc. growth cut and spUt for heater or Portland, Ore. CONFIDENCE Will pick up in for fireplace $14 a cord. 16 inch ... MUSIC LESSONS— Piano and Call CR 9-3782. slab, nice heater size. 1 1-3 M6p accordian. Pauline Jeche, Bach­ town. cord load $13.00. No extra mile­ elor of Mule Degree. Phone CU Large Stock of Popular GROKETT JEWELRY 9-6460. M6c FOR SALE: 108 acres close to age charged; immediate delivery. Sandy, Oregon AU dry wood. Makes and Models Estacada. 65 acres cleared and James McKee, Colton, Route 1, Immediate opening for lady in good condiition, lays fine, lots Box 190A. In The Circuit Court Of The Phone Estacada CR Good Bring in your present car with car— full or part time— o f out bids. $25,000.00 State Of Oregon For The County 3-13-59 Several other places lu 96757. $55.00 weekly. previous exper­ terms. OF Clackamas List your and see what a good deal ience meeting the public helpful, this vicinity for sale. PROBATE DEPARTMENT but not necessary. Trained at place with George Beers, Sandy, No. 11451 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY we can make you. company expense. Write E. M. Oregon. MU 7-2521. Evenings- CITATION MAN OR WOMAN Tucker, box 35, Oswego, Oregon. Residence MU 7-2831. In the Matter of the Estate Responsible person from this ar­ M13p Joseph Nicholson, Deceased. ea to service and collect from el­ FOR RENT or SALE: 3 b e o - ectric ________ ___ cigarette dispensers. No TO: Bertie Bowman, Sydney Bow­ FOR SALE: Manure Spreader, room modem home in Estacada selling. Car, references, and man, John Edward Bowman, Arth­ Madge | investment ur WiUiam Bowman, wooden box, iron wheels. In good near school and business section. $637 50 to $2245 00 M13p an der, I necessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly Nicholson Walsh, , Violet Ousby, working condition, price $150. L. Call CR 93749. I nets excellent monthly income. Clarice Ena Sykes, Betty Doreen W. Fortner CR 9-6138, Estacada, CaU after 5 P. M. defocÛHü Martin, Elizabeth Nicholson, and Possible fuU time work. For local Rt. 1, box 54, Estacada. formerly of Estacada WANTED: Sewing, alterations, interview give phone and particu­ Kathleen Chenery, and each of you. and salesman with SEWING WANTED: Centenni­ crocheting, machine made button lars. Write International Sales 6c IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ¡tome cocked ut 7 luùuitèi al dresses a specialty. Call Red- holes 10c each. Corner S. E. 4th Mfg. Co. of Oregon, Inc. P. O.Box OF OREGON You are hereby de­ land TE 1-2402. Mrs. Ben Ave. Sc Currin. Phone CR 9-3802 669, Portland, Oregon K raft Dinner i3 a with manded to appear in the Circuit Franklin, Route 2, box 157, Esta­ M20p tim esa ver and a Court of the State of Oregon for cada. M27c KRAFT menu-maker! Stock FOR SALE— DRY OAK WOOD, the County of Clackamas at the FOR SALE: Twin Beds $10; G R A T E D up today — it costs* On Super Highway at 16 inch Oak Wood $20 a cord del­ Courthouse in the City of Oregon Bunk Beds $15 complete; child s SA W S AN D LAW N M OW ­ ivered. James B. McKee, phone City, Oregon, before the Judge of for that through- on ly pen nies. So Gladstone Ph OL 6-2924 ERS SHARPEN ED to perfec­ portable Electric Phonograph $5; CR 9-6757. the above entitled Court within h a n d y for school und-through tf. tion on precision grinding ma­ Daveno $10; Danveno and Chair four weeks from the date of the lunches, emergency cheese flavor $10; Table and 4 chairs $10.Baby chines. first publication of this citation m eals. A n d g o o d FOR SALE: Goose hatching High Chair $5. Cloth Racks $ 2 ; SUPERIOR SA W SHOP and show cause, if any exists,why eggs 10c each. Dewey QuaUs, complete Elec train for 220 witu 1449 E. Pow ell B lvd an order of sale should not be meter base $10. CaU CR 9-3708. Phone CR 96185. M13c Gresham, Oregon made for the sale of the hereinaf­ ter described real property' of the KNAPP SHOES above named decedent at private BARTON GRAVEL COMPANY STANLEY PRODUCTS DEA­ See or write me. Lester Me-1 or Fill Rock- Crushed Rock LER: Mrs. Stanley Juker, Pohne administrator’s sale for cash Knight, Ruóte 2, box 71A, Estaca­ A Business Guide to friendly Gresham concerns Call ev­ CR 9-6110, Route 2, box 192A, part cash and part credit as may da. BuUt-in Air-Tread Arch Phone Damascus 561. be approved by the Court. Said enings or Saturday. Estacada. tf c Support, oil -tanned. real property is situated in Clack­ who merit a share of your trade when you do your amas County, Oregon, and is more FOR SALE: 3 large A. R. LOGS WANTED— Delivered at particularly described as follows, out-of-town shopping - G IVE TH EM A T R IA L ! SCEPTIC TA N K S CLEANED Woods brand gas brooders, in our pond. We Pay Top Market. to-wit: good shape, 72 in.-500 chick size. Ralston Lumber Co. $25.00 Beginning at a pipe line on the $27.50 each. Phone CR 9-6185. GRESHAM Highway 211 between Currins- 24 hour Service south line of the Southeast Quai Dewey Qualls. M13c viUe and Eagle Creek Inn. ELECTRIC Phone Prospect 5-5346 ter of the Southeast Quarter ot Start Sept. 5. tf. Section 21, T. 3 S., R. 4 E., of the General Portland, Oregon W. M.. in the County of Clackamas PUMPS, both new and used. FOR SALE: 2 bottom trailer I and State of Oregon, distant 60o Also pump parts. Pauli’s Repair Plow $35; also Strawberry Disc j feet west of the corner common Shop. Estacada. Phone CR 9-3774 $15. We need consignments. Loop I to Section 21, 22, 27 and 28 at the Hiway Auction, Phone MO 5-9922; or CR 9-3392. tf. Electrical Contracting SAM ’ S SHOE REPAIR I southwest corner of a tract con­ House Wiring D oing Business A t Home veyed to P. T. Davis by deed re­ WOOD FOR SALE Evenings and Saturdays corded in Book 111, page 383,Deed Electric Heat Log Ends $10 a cord 218 N. Main MO 5-5103 W ork w hile you wait. Records: thence North along the Baseboard Heating Planer Ends $10 a load West line of said Davis tract 794 FINE FOOD Del. Chg. 40c a mile after 3 mUes By Appointm ent O nly Appliance - Television feet to the south line of the Coun­ Slab stovo size $18 a load S. End o f Sh afford Ave. and C O C K TA ILS IZZY'-i AUTO WRECKING ty Road; thence North 76 degrees Light Fixtures Park Lumber Co. Phone Damascus 2317. Address Open Every Day 15 minutes West along the soutn Phone CR 9-3979 1150 East Powell Phone CR 9-4144 ril 3 box 311 Boring. Oregon at line of said road 377.7 feet to the MO 5-2456 Rs. MO 5-2917 Barton We buy and sell fill northeast corner of a tract con-1 W AN TED: Rough lum ber or kinds o f batteries, radiators veyed to Max Klaetsch by deed 1 timber. Call K ingsley Lumber and «crap autom obile pares, IDEAL recorded in Book 111, page 242 Co. , Portland A V 6-0671 or tires, old and refittings, angle Deed Records; thence South along CONCRETE BLOCKS NURSING HOME write B ox 6215, Linnton Stat., irons etc. We buy Junk any for All shapes 8x8x16 '‘ Lite” the east line of said Klaetsch ild junk 24 Hr. Nursing Care , tract to a point in the South line B locks sold at our plant [of said Southeast Quarter or the O nly 33c each An Oregon Licensed ALTERATION, DRESS MAK­ Southeast Quarter distant 334.6 Nursing Home Member ING, Repair of Clothing; Mach­ Gladstone B lock Co. W ANTjtD. To buy all kinds feet from the southwest corner of I ine made Button Holes 10c each. 82nd at Clackamas Bridge Ambulatory and I ah " o • thick • ruts • un • lUfiNWI of livestock, Harold Server the Southeast Quarter of the Also dressing o f dolls. ...•I? your fritura*«« Gladstone. Ph. Ore. City 4306 Southeast Quarter; thence East Convalescent Care I Mrs. T. M. Woods, Estacada Rt. Estacada phone CR -3746 2, Box 167C, Phono CR 9-6888. .Special Diets D22c BULL AND B O AR SERVICE Local Claim Service | Reg. Nurse in Attendance 10 Registered Bulls D elivered) F. C. (DICK) WENS FOR SALE: Walnuts in shell Administrators Anyw here - A nytim e W ALT SCHMITT or cracked to order. Mrs. R. H. FRA N K LEITHETSER H. E. W andke and Currin; Phone CR 9-6645. Route 2, box 470, Sandy ¿112 L. Powell | Victoria C. Wandke CaU MU 7-4780 TRNTTTTRF 1945 W est Powell O ff. Phones Res. „ BUY u s ™ FURNITURE The Social Security Administration calls our Phone M O : 5-2801 M O 5-7677 MO 5-4813 * M^ ’ I^ m*; £S f,e(, or * FOR THE BEST DEAL truck load. Call CR 93776 or CR attention to the fact that many farmers in on a NEW PLYM O U TH or tf. 93860. the low income bracket and ordinarily not CH RYSLER >ee or call EMPIRE FURNITURE CO. H A R O LD B O Y A N O V S K Y required to file income tax returns are failing LA W N M OW ER Sharpen­ HESSEL’S, Gresham MO Complete Home Furnishers ing; also flow er baskets and to meet an important requirement of the social hangers fo r sale. Quinn Beal, 5-2146 or Portland A L 1-1626. W e Give S. & H. Green Stamps Also Used Cars and Trucks security law\ Estacada route one. First house 1070 E. Powell Phone MO 5-2811 north o f Currinsville store, tf. Carl Burch, Owner Residence Phone MO 5-4787 pftsM W -m soH u m , aps . FOR QU/CK RFSUIFS / russimi ms Reai Estate REAL ESTATE VALUES A really nice farm of 127 acres with 45 acres cleared and 34 seeded to grass. Includes 2 bed­ room home, shop and garage, barn, small sawmill, tractor, small amount of timber, grow­ ing Christmas trees, creek.Loca- ted G miles out on oiled road. Full price $16000 with $6000 down. 28 lots in best location on Lake Shore Drive outsie city limits,In­ cluding small dwelling and space for 10 trailer houses. Good income property. Only $10,000 with $500 down and balance line rent. 50 acres, 40 cultivated, good location three miles o u t Includ­ es 5 rm. house, barn, nice yard and orchard. Full price $13,700 with $2,800 down. Small house on two lots inside city limits in park. Only $1,000 H O W ARD SMITH RE ALTY ESTACADA Phone CR 9-3773 . . . . FOR SALE: Two bedroom mó­ dem house in downtown Estaca­ da. Cali Estacada CR9-3859. WANT TO SELL? We need accages large and small, improv­ ed or not, within the area of this newspaper. We get the "out of town” buyers. Free appraisals.. C. C. SCOTT REAL ESTATE 620 East Powell - Gresham Phone MO 5-3211 FOR RENT: 2 bedroom modem house close in. Phone CR 9-3978. F20p FOR SALE: W ell built old house in Estacada. 9 rooms. M ontag furnace and 80 gal. electric hot water heater 3 years old. FuU cent, basement; tw o lots; garage. $8500, terms. Call ow ner BE 6-4065 Portland before 2:15 PM tf FARM WANTED Cash immediately for your equity in your farm. Phone Port­ land Belmont 46681. tf. FOR SALE: 3 bedroom home. Large front room, bath, Youngs­ town kitchen sink and new buUt ins. Auto. washer and dryer hookup. New roof and sid­ ing. 3 lots. 4 blocks from schools. Must scU to liquidate estate. $4600. 263 N. W. Wade. Home evenings or call CR 9-3753. tf. c GOOD FARM FOR SALE near Estacada: 108 acres lays first class.90 acres cleared. Paved road. Lot of buildings. Priced to seU. Now is the time to list with George Beers, Pioneer Bro­ ker. We can help you on your finance probelm. Geo. Beers, Pioneer Broker, Sandy, Oregon, Phone Sandy 7 2521. NOW IS THE TIME to sell your property, we have clients for all kinds of farms and acres. For quick action in sell­ ing your property call ? BERENTZEN REAL ESTATE Phone CR 9-3283 or Bid Elliott CR. 95121 FOR SALE: 2 Bedroom house on 50 by 100 foot com er lot, 3 bdocks from school. Call CR 9 38113. TFc For Rent NEW Miscellaneous FOR RENT: Partly furnished 2 bedroom modern house in Es­ tacada, $40.00 per month. Call WELL DRILLIN G ’ H onest CR 94180. tf. W ork, Fair P rices." O.E. Jann- •en, b ox 38, Clackam as,Oregon, FOR RENT: 1 bedroom house. Ph*ne O regor c it y 6085 Call Jesse Moore, CR 96296. FOR YOUR FLORAL NEEDS call Ames Flowers CR9 3945 FOR RENT: F am ished m od­ j Corsages, Wedding Orders,Party ern house close In. Phone MU j Arrangements and Funeral 7-4427. tf. I Sprays. Also have planters and [ Gifts. Corner 3rd and Main FOR RENT: Downstairs furn­ ished modern A p t Close in. In­ BARTON CABINET SHOP quire Pastime Cafe. tf. Boats Built and Repaired Built to any stage. FOR RENT: Modern 2 bedroom You paint and save. Home. Stove, water heater and Stop and see BILL for your next refrigerator furnished. $40. boat. Estacada Hwy. 212, Barton, Bonnie Lure Homes, Eagle Oregon. Phone Temple 1-2541 Creek or call CR 96545 tf. morning or evening. M6 * R A M B L E R NEW ADDRESS 360 SUPER HIGHWAY Gladstone, Oregon P A N K E Y M O T O R CO Phone Oregon City OL 6-1438 and U S E D C A R S GUARANTEED PERFECT TaslyTIpfor. Quick Meals! SEE r Adrian Newton MACARONI-AND-CHEESE SUPER HY BUICK Where To Find and Buy It in Gresham! Elec,nc The M ALLARD Business Services FARMERS ATTENTION All farm operators, having a net profit of at least $400 during 1958, A . D. Benshoof Plumbing and Heating M UST FILE A N INCOME T A X RETURN General Sheet Metal for social security purposes, even though there W ork may be no income tax liability. April 15 is the Estacada City Licensed Phone Sandy MU 7-3831 i deadline for filing income tax returns covering GRESHAM SPORT SHOP Fishing Tackle - Guns - Ammunition - Skiing and Mountain Climbing Equipment - Evinrude Motors Wilson Athletic Equipment Rentals Repair Service Hobby Equipment 227 N. Main Phone MO 5-2521 MULTNOMAH BUILDING SUPPLY Everything for the Home Builder-Use Your Credit! the year 1958. j W ANTED TO BU Y: < Cash for Livestock. Top Portland price Call Paul Shaver CR 9-6112 1 Sat. or Sun. or w rite Rt. 2, box I 193. Estacada tf. Timber Wanted! HIGHEST CASH PAID F O R T I M B E R Large or Small Tracts Harris Lumber Co. A State Income tax auditor will be at the Clackamas County Bank on March 30, to assist you with your income tax return - no charge. Clackamas County Bank S A N D Y , OR EGON Serving Eastern Clackamas County Since 1911 Boring MO 5-4678 Member Federal Dennrit Tn«ur»nep Corn LEWIS BROS. SLAUGHTER HOUSE Section Line & Kane Rd. M O. 5-2465 Custom Killing - Cutting & Wrapping Locker Mea? for Sale 195555 S. E. Division Phone M O 5-8151 Gentry's Hardware & Appliances HotPoint Appliances 236 N. Roberts Phone M O 5-2210 . Mary's Make-It Shop GRESHAM RADIATOR SHOP Drive-In Sendee - Cars Trucks - Tractors 424 E Pow ell MO 5 3313 Mary Kaatz Dressmaking-Alterations ‘QUALITY WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES’ DRY CLEANING STATION 20 N .W . Second