Clackamas Corniti» Jîctos Côtacattas CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ESTACADA CITY HALL MONDAY, MAR Í6, 8 P.M. MEMBERS PLEASE ATTEND For Estacada and Clackamas River Development Volume No. 56 Number 4 Estacada, Oregon, Friday, March 13, 1959 Glen Park Reveals Plans for M ill Expansion 10c Per Copy $3.(00 Per Year H. S. Queen Contestants for Water Festival Pose Eagle Creek School Recreation Bldg. Plans Discussed The drawings for the multi-pur­ pose public building for the E ag-, ie Creek School to be used for a j play area and for oemmunity pro-1 jects, are available for your in­ spection. This building would I provide much neeeded indoor re - 1 creational facilities needed espec­ ially during wet weather. It yould also provide facilities for i general community activities, in­ tramural ball games, etc. The cost is estimated at approx-; imately $10,000. The foor space ■ would be 44 feet by 60 feet. There will be a meeting at the { Eagle Creek School for the clari-1 fication and open discussion at 7:30 PM on Wednesday,.March 18. Plesae come and voice your op- ion.------ Mothers’ Club of Eagle | Creek School. mmm, Glen Park, president of Park Lumber Co., outlines work in . ... progress at the I-aik Lumber mill at Estacada, entailing a quarter million dollars when completed, As this picture was taken, Glen was inspecting the construction of his new 6 acre log pond. Besides tf,is pond, a new barker and chipp er are being installed for more complete log utilization. Estacada City Council Gets Sanitary Authority Order ; Transacts Business TOM AKINS RESIGNS On March 9th Tom Akins, Ut­ ility Superintendent for the City of Estacada, told the Council that he wished to re- A new airstrip is being built members . which will extend from the mach-1 bls as *be end of ine shop in the NW corner to the ' -Marco, 1959. SE corner on Wade Street. This will necessitate the moving of ARMSTRONGS ENTERTAIN the Englund house to Wade St. ALASKA VISITORS Mrs. George Armstrong had a very enjoyable visit for three days last week with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Elexson, and their friends all from Knik, Alaska. They left Alaska February 2 by car and had toured several of the west­ ern states and also made a trip to Mexico. Mrs. Elexson hadn’t been here since 1918. On their way back to Alaska they will vis­ it relatives in Washington ana expect to arrive home April 1. While they were here they drove up to Three Lynx and had dinner with the Clyde Barnes family, and enjoyed the beautilul Clacka­ mas River. Clyde Walker to Speak at Grade School for P.G.E. These Estacada Union High girls are the contestants for the Queen’s Crown for the Estacada Water Festival and North Fork Dam dedication to be held here June 28. Left to right we have Linda Chamberlain, Veronica Starkovich, Donna Kitching, Caroline Reynar and Caroline Durham. These young ladies are working hard promoting the Festival and selling tickets for votes for queen. The $2,000 boat, motor and trailer should give all an added incentive to support them in their ticket sale campaign. The regular monthly meeting | Clackamas. River, o f the Estacada City Council was 3. That in the meantime the held March 5th The business City of Estacada shall operate liense transfer was approved and maintain its present sewage from Hayden Motors to Hayden disposal facilities at maximum Chevrolet, owner Ray L. Hayden. efficiency. In appreciation of a service 4. That the City of Estacada, The membership roster of the Dr. Allyn Price rended by Chief of Police Jamea by and through its officers and Donna Wood ami Leslie G. Ly­ Upper Clackamas River Chamber l>r. Lionel Burton Barden, an Estacada citizen do­ agents, shall subit quarterly re­ ons exchanged vows in a late af­ of Commerce now numbers 56 Newell Barber Shop nated $10.00 with the request ports to the Sanitary Authority ternoon wedding ceremony held members according to Fred Bar- T. C. Jones, Jeweler . that it be used by the Police De­ of the progress being made by in the Springwater Presbyterian tholomew, member drive Estacada Tel. Co. partment. said City in the construction of Church on Saturday Feb. 21 witn head. Fred was unable to com- Raymond Jones, Att’y. The formal order was received its new or improved sewage fac­ Rev. H. Hampton officiating. plete the list before leaving on Geil’s Motor Clinic from the State Sanitary Author­ ilities, with the first report to b* Donna is the daughter of Mr. a trip to California, but has asked Linda Kays Dress Shop ity advising the City as follows: submitted on or before July 1, and Mrs O. P. Wood of Estacada j that the names of the members James White lee Cream 1. That the City of Estacada, 1959. and Leslie is the son of Mr. and be published. Those firms n o t. Trail's Inn it’s officers and agents, snan in­ A letter dated March 5 was re­ Mrs. Leslie Lyons also of Estaca­ | listed will be contacted on his Hayden C'hev. Service stall not later than Jan. 1, 1960, ceived from the State Sanitary da. return. Eagle Creek Gracery adequate sewage treatment or Authority commending the City j Gray Hardware For the ceremony and reception I Campanella’s Market disposal facilities for the abate­ Council for their request for Fe­ which followed the bride chose a Sunset Beauty Shop ment of pollution of the pubuo deral funds that may be avail­ Due to the demands of hi ex- ! ?*«*• Store blue chemise suit and a corsage | R. O. Reed waters of the Clackamas River in able through the Public Health panding business venture John F. ' c mi of pink rosebuds. Clackamas County, Oregon. John’s Body Shop Geli requested to be relieved of Saaner RlchfleId Service Service. Judy Lyons sister of the bride­ j R. R. Price Garage • 2. That on or before January for First State Bank his duties as a Councilman groom and Wayne Wood brother The Planning Commission pre- J Acme Timber (H. York) 1, 1960, the City o f Estacaaa the City of Estacada. His res- Estacada Lumber Co. Horner’s Big Chief Market of the bride attended the couple. |Mt. Hood Cleaners shall abate pollution of the sented formal approval of the __ _______ ignation was received with muen Miss Lyons wore a grey fitted Clackamas River in said County variance in the zoning regula- I Park Lumber Co. Clyde Walker, educational re- regret by the Mayor Robert H. Tunnell’s Texaco Service suit and pink rosebud corsage.. and State caused by the ais- tions as requested by William G. presentative of Portland General Weinrich, as John has done an j ^ ’ ^ . S e j v ^ e n t e r Depot Coffee Shop tharge of untreated or inade- Sinclair and the General Petro- Electric Company, will Broadway Theatre address outstanding job on the Council. ! £ on] ‘ iay,?. Rest , , . Rooms in the bridegroom’s par­ (uately treated sewage into said i leum Corporation. Estacada Electric Estacada Grade School science We, along with all of our citizens, Baylors H.way Market ents’ home where the reception Harold Norton classes Thursday, March 12 on wish John continued success a n d j ^ b e r g Lumber Co. was held were beautifully decora­ Clackamas County News 'Story of Electricity.’ thank him for the work and time Riggins Service ted with silver and white stream­ Len's Rigging Shop Walker’s talk to the students he has snent with the Citv Currinsville Market ne has spent witn tne i ny. | Dick,s Logging Supply ers and white wedding bells. A Howard Smith will point out basically how el­ four tiered bride’s cake; baked by Barton Store and Lockers I Phillips Variety ectricity is generated at such po­ Alice Richards was served by Mrs. • | m | a Mickie’s Tavern R.vnning Drug wer plants as Estacada s Nortn Lou Ann Fogelstrom. Mrs. Wini­ Estacada Food Center Scotty’S Barbershop Fork, Faraday and River Mbl fred Archdale poured and Mrs. Bill Hale b Clayville Chapel At the practice evacuation of ESTACADA TRADING POST and then how it is carried over June Oliver Landry was in charge tre Estacada Grade and High transmission lines through sub­ of the guest book and gifts. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Miller of stations, transformers and final­ School on Friday a thousand the Portland hospital May 19. Fogelstrom; Mrs. Archdale and students were evacuated in 28 Sandy have purchased the old ly into the home. Sewing Chariman Mrs. Minnie Mrs. Landry are sisters of the Judy Eckersley, 15-year old minutes. The high school beys Homer Grocery building and are PGE’s representative will par­ Forman reported that one qutu bride. who had their own cars did a opening an antique and second­ ticularly emphasize how to use Estacada high school sophomore, was tied off at the last meeting; Out of town guests were the good job o f getting out o f the hand furniture business. They will and work with electricity safely has oeen selected parliamentar­ girls dresses were cut and several bride’s three sisters Mrs. Frank Home­ parking lot and on their way also buy, , . . sell and . . . trade other Also on the program will be ian o f Oregon’s Future had been made and turned over Landry and small son of Long Robert Stark, Coast Electric and makers of America, composed of 1 home. County Sheriffs and Pol­ second-hand merchandise. to the Child Welfare Chairman. Beach, California, Mrs. Leslie girls taking The Millers formerly °Pera'(^<1 Manufacturing company reprt 3906 high school ice Chief Jim Barden were on Next work day March 20 with ArchdaW of San ra lif. atuJ who wjl] present a de. home economics courses. hand to assist with the flow o f he same type o f business at Sandy , pot luck dinner at noon. AH American Legion ." '7 '“ '. , ™ Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fogelstrom, The local She was elected to the state traffic. The Estacadqa firemen for 7 years and were also located monstration on ‘circuit protect­ American Leg _ members are invited to r>a|e raro, and Teddy of Eugem.. leadership post Saturday at the and Auxiliary held their monthly g’^ n cT routed the traffic in the down­ on S.E Powell. ion.” The bridegroom’s grandparents, 14th annual state convention ot meeting March 2 with a potluck town area. Hy Jackson, County Reservations of $70 for two FTIA at Oregon State College. supper. Before the regular busin­ girls to be sent to Girls State in Mr. and Mrs. S. A. McDonald of Civil Defense Director, and two ESTACADA WESTERN AUTO More than 400 girls from across ess meeting the grop was enter­ June was sent in to the Depart­ Salem were also present for the State Directors were present. SUPPLY OPENING event. tained by Mrs. Jean Griggs who ment. the state attended. This was the first rural school Starting the latter part of next Mr. and Mrs. Lyons were grao- Miss Eckersley is president of sang appropriate nembers for the practice evauuation held in the week, Bill Hale will open a West- j The next regular meeting will . . . , cated from Estacada Union High the Estacada high school FTIA month o f March. state and those directing it felt e m Auto Supply Store in the 1 i be April 6 with pot luck supper ... .. , , ,EO ___ a.on d m with the class of 58. j They are Child Welfare chairman Mrs. 3 t . u.iJU chapter. As a state officer, she i , lu i . * __ it was a success. Estacada Electric space formerly [ .now at home in Estacada. Allyn Price reported assisting will help coordinate plans and occupied by Estacada Floor Cover­ activities for Oregon’s 106 chap­ several families with clothes and ing under Jim Hosek. ters during the coming year.She bedding and purchasing shoes for HEIPLES WILL CELEBRATE She made a re­ ESTACADA BOY WEDS will also play a leading role in three children. er. Organist was Mrs. Dorothy 50TH WEDDING quest for play clothes for a girl SANDY GIRL next year’s state meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Meade of Hanson. Mr. Bert Mombert, uncle ANNIVERSARY ____ size 5 and pants for a boy size 5. Estacada and Mr. and Mrs. Law The Little Chapel of The HUis £ *be K™om and Mr Buddy Joe Junior Chairman Mrs. Adolph at­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heiple o f rence Wahlstrom of George brother of of once more folds away another Horttor. Horttor' bn>ther the b n d e’ Still reported on the Juniors and of William Currinsville will celebrate their tended the funeral were ushers. they will give the program for ( scene of vows exchanged, as Dor FOOD SALE SAT. MARCH 14 50th Wedding Anniversary on Giles held in Oregon City Thurs Reception was held in the Ma dis- [ othy Wanda Horttor of Sandy be A food sale will be held at the the April meeting and will Saturday, March 14 from 2 to 5 day afternoon of last week. Mr. cam e'thTTride o f’ Adrian T rd 7 n ! ? nic i ,al1- Sandy. Pouring^ was Clackamas County News Office on ' play their work P.M., at the Estacada Legion Giles was a brother-in-law of Mrs Mrs. Anna Mac Linsey and Miss Sat. March 14. Both baked goods The Poppy chairman Mrs Ray Franklin, Jr. of Estacada on Feb. hall. Mrs. Heiple has lived in Meade. Kathy Franklin was at the punch 27th at 8 P. M and resh tamaes will be sold.Or- Gordon asked that we purchase Currinsville for 53 years and Linda Franklin had Soft glow of candle light and bowl. . , Miss - ders may be placed in advance by 900 more poppies. The Unit vot- Mr. Heiple has lived there for 73 baskets of orchid stocks and pba!t p tbp boolt- The I OOF Lodge will hold phoning Edna (Mrs. Virgil)Nelsoii I <-d to do so as the need for funds . years. They have made many graced • - Joe Horttor was at the their regular meeting March 18. at CR 9.6573 for Child Welfare and RehabilitA ! white chrysanthemums friends and want them all to 8 | gift table. -----------------------------I tion is great. Members were re- the surroundings. celebrate ! After the meeting the Rebekahs come and help them a short will serve refreshments and fur­ minded of their responsibility for ! The bride, given bp her father, J The couple left for their anniversary. after MARIAN GUILD BAKED nish a program. IOOF. wives the sale of this poppy The pop- Mr. Glen Horttor, wore white honeymoon in California They will make pies are now being made by the : brocade taffeta with finger tip the reception. I are urged to attend. FOOD SALE MARCH 21 hospitalized veteran who is In ] veil and carried a white Bible ,bplr bome in Sandy REGULAR PTA MEETING IS The Marian Guild will hold its need and for a theraputic value, with orchid and shower. Her ma- Larry Mehl was here the other POSTPONED TO MARCH 26 Easter Baked Food Sale at 10 Mrs. Adolph SttH is Poppy Chair-1 tron of Honor Mrs. Leona Shank \ pre, Len Verburg hopes that , day. Larry yas a swell kid when A M. on Saturday, March 21 tu man at the Portland hospital and ; wore pale orchid with orchid ■ members will not feel their res- The regular meeting of the Es- he Uwd armmgst Us. the Clackamas County News of reported the great good the pop- corsage. ponsibility ends with the payment tacada Parent Teachers Assida- fice. If anyone desires any- nv making program is doing for Best man was Mr. Don Shank (>f dues and that members will tion will be postponed from the , The person identifying the Cm- thing special in the baked goods the men in the hospital. and Rev. Marice Miller officiated, make it a point to be in attend- third Thursday unitl the fourtii If you haven't anything to fall ____ _ __ « ac Rehabilitation Chairman ennial ________ garbed __ gentleman in the call Mrs. Frank Lingelbach Chairman^ Mrs. I Mr. Mr John McKenzie of ^ Viola ance at the Chamber meeting Thursday. March 26 at which back on remember _ that an __ eie ________ tim e T here wiTl be OPEN HOUSE o h an t e an h av e fleas but that a above picture will recei e a quart CR 9-6045 and your order will Forrest Erickson reported that sang ’’Hand in Hand’ 'Calm Is next Monday evening at the City at the Grade School flea can't have elephants. of filtered Clackamas River aqua, be filled. the Unit is for a Bingo Party at the Night’ and The Lord's Pray-Hall Upper Clackamas River Chamber of Commerce Boasts Fifty Members John Geil Resigns ham City Council Evacuation Here Wins Praise Spring Brings Business Surge Judy tckersley Rates F.H.A. Honor Guess Who? I I Legion Auxiliary Sponsoring Many Projects I Springwater Scene of Marriago Rites