Estacada's Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1957-1976, March 06, 1959, Image 1

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Clackamas Count? jSeto?
For Estacada and Clackamas River Development
Volume No. 56
Estacada Oregon,Friday, March 6, 1959
Number 3
10c Per Copy
$3.100 Per Year
This Is National 4-H Week; Estacada
Community Active in 4-H Club Work
Area Fire Department Units Improve Equipment
The regular meeting of Estaca-! clubs to organize plans to assist
da Rod and Gun Club was called ’ >n the North Fork dam dedica-
to order by President Howard l ion. Tickets are now being sold
Smith Thursday night with 50, on a boat and trailer to help fi-
members and guests present. In-1 nance various phases of the cele-
troduced were Ken Cochran,fish bration. The boat is now at
biologist from the
Game Com- boat show. Five girls who are
Ed. Steinman from princesses are
selling tickets
Western Rod and
Reel, Ralph | there are being chaperoned by
Markwart, and Sam Haines. Mr. Kiwanis, Chamber of Commerce
Cochran gave an
informative and Rod and Gun Club,
talk on the fish situation in this The Rod and Gun wili sponsor
All steelhead released | the fish derby which will begin
from the Eagle Creek Hatchery | at 4:30 A. M. also the Club is
this fall will be marked to check ] committed to sell
hot dogs and
to see how many actualy return hambdrgers.
to the streams. The Clackamas
President Smith appointed a
River wiU be stocked with steei- ' nominating committee to select
head this year.
Two year old | candidates or the following offi-
Fish will be released in
March,1 ces: President,
vice president,
this will give the fish an oppor- secretary-treasurer and two dir-
tunity to reach the ocean before ectors.
Election mill be held
the trout season starts and the April 30th.
The nominating
Clackamas could produce
more eommitee are
Frank Marshall,
fish if they could get over the Clarence Buser,
S. C. Carter!
dams more easily. Plans are now and Les Kiggins.
being made for a new fish ladder — sst
at River Mill.
Ed. Steinman , ™ e. ”le,mb,e1f s approved a
gave a report on the proceedings '. . . at'° . to tb c
National Wild
a’ the annual meeting of the Or-1 L,fc federation to assist them in
egon Wildlife Federation helu | ari?
out lboir
in January. He also stated that ■ 'r° lecls-
there has been no bounty paid on I Two color movies ‘Banff’ and
Wolves since 1946.
. Lake Louise’ were shown
Harold Norton
attended a 1 refreshments were screed by S
meeting of
local community ’ c. Carter and Ty Correll.
About two and a quarter mil­ group consisting of at least five
lion boys and girls in rural, ur­ members
ban, and suburban areas through­
Last year our county had 281
out the United States have join­ 4H clubs with 323 adults leading
ed in observing National 4H Club them.
Assisting many of these
Week from February 28 to March adult leaders were 59 older club
These young people, are members who served as junior
members of the Nation’s 90, 700 leaders. Junior leadership Is ac
4-H Clubs. Clackamas. County’s tually a project which gives the
2,200 4H Clcb members wiU take older club members leadership
part in the week’s acUvities say exeperiences in
working with
Donna Gaiser and Harold Black, younger groups of children.
county 4H club agents.
4-H in Clackamas County
growing in scope of activities and
participation. The main require­
Last year 4H
enrollment in ment for 4-H membership is
Clackamas County
passed the willingness to "learn by doing,”
2000 mark or the
time. whcih is the club slogan, and "to
2195 different
members make the best better” which is
were enrolled in one or
more the club motto. Character devel­
This year with club opment and good citizenship are
members still enrolling, an even the long range goals.
larger total Is exepected.
The term ‘4-H’ refers to head,
Girls and boys
between the heart, hands and health,
ages of nine and 21 are
taking are emphasized in the club pro­
one or more of forty
available gram and which imply these edu­
These projects
are cational obpectives of members.
grouped into home economics,
HEAD—To learn the value of
agriculture and
miscellaneous science through applying the lat­
classifications. Some of the new est scientific knowledge to farm-
projects available in the county j ing and home making projecsts.
within the last few years are: En­
HEART—To develop
tomology. Rocks and Minerals, some character and personality
Bird Study, The 4H Fisherman, and the qualiitcs o good citizen­
Greenskceper. (a project envolv- ship, often through working to­
lawn care,)
Electricity, gether.
Photography and Empire Build­
HANDS—To acquire
useful !
er (a project developed to give skills in farming, homemaking, I
older club members opportunit­
ies and experiences in commun­ mechanics and vocational trades.
ity service.)
HEALTH— To cultivate good
These projects may be
taken health habits which lead to satis­
either individually or on a club fying, happy living.
Cub Scouts Get
Awards at Banquet
Estacada Rod & Gun Club Hears Fish
Biologist from State Game Commission
Rebekahs W ill
The First Baptist Church
¡Estacada will
be host to the
Observe their
j monthly singspiration sponsored
by the Mt. Hood Ministerial As­
sociation on
Sunday. March 6.
50th Anniversary
„ . _The singspiration will be held in
CenLnnbd TtVhekl.'hi!IS
' °b' was
25' 9 ,ht>
Rebekah Lodge
P City
M. to Hall P auditorium
M Each chupch
Changes affecting many Oreg­
on area units of the United Stai
es Army Reserve through the or­
The Cub Scout Blue and Gold ganizational shift to the Pentomic
Regclar Army
banquet was held in
the grade concept of the
school cafeteria on Thursday eve­ were announced today in Seattle
ning at which time the following by Maj. Gen. Francis M. Day, the
awards were given: Bobby Con- commanding general of the Tenth
rey—one gold arrow: Joel John­ U. S. Army Corps (Reserve.)
General Day emphasized that
son— wolf badge; Dennis Smith—
wolf badge; one gold arrow and the reorganization is expected to
three silver
Billy make little difference in the total
Klaetsch— wolf badge and one nember of individuals now partic-
year pin;
Jimmy Varner—wolf pating in paid drills in the area,
badge and one gold arrow; Tom Not affected by the reoragniza-
Hopkins—bob cat badge;
Kelly ,!;)n are assigned students at Ar-
Pinkerton—Bob Cat Badge; Mike my Reserve Schools and Reserv
Donaldson—Bob Cat Badge; Dav- (jsts participating in unpaid train-
id Donaldsbon—Bob Cat Badge; ing up its.
David Brown —Bob Cat Badge;
As previously announced, the
Oregon and
John May—Wolf Badge, one Gold 104th Division of
Arrow and 2 Silver Arrows; John Washington has been designated
Matters of great importance to
Campanella—Wolf Badge; Johnny the 104th Division (Training) US
Fitch—Bear Badge, one Gold Ar­ AR. The division will contain five ! the respective Colton, Springwat-
row, and one Silver Arrow; Don training regiments. In case of er and Estacada fire departments
The top
Donaldson—Den Chief Cord: Don­ mobilization, this division will be took place last week.
ald Dobbin— Den Chief Gold responsible at an early date for picture was taken at the meeting
Star Arm Band: Paul Sanders— giving efficient
basic combat of the Estacada City Council fire
individual committee and fire
Wolf Badge and one Gold Star; training, advanced
David Jones—Wolf Badge; Dan training and specialist training in | members when they awarded con­
Jones—Bob Cat Badge; Gordon a short time to vast numbers of tracts in the amount of $12,951
| to Peter Pirsch & Sons Co.of Kc-
Hayden —Wolf Badye and Gold men called into the service.
modem fire
Arrow; Martin Gentemann— one
Brig. Gen. Eugene G. Cushing [ nosha, Wis for a
year pin; David Showerman—Two of Vancouver, Wash., will contin­ j truck for the city.
Gold Arrows and one Silver Ar- ue to be division commander.The right, Bob Clayville, Glen Han-
u T ir o m t h I T ^ g Ha A mVM ‘ present wi" contribute
Z Z L . to participate at
ASf embi y special music or personal testi-
of J Oregon
the | mony to the program of the ev­
Grand Lodge session
it I
The devotional speaker
meets at Roseburg in May. The will be Rev. Henry Quiring from
Lodge was asked to do an exem­ the Haley Baptist Church at Bor­
plification used in the initiatory ! ing. All interested persons and
work and voted to accent. Money [ “^ c i ^ l V ‘^ 0 ^ p eo ^ eT re T -
from a pie and cake walk was a»- vited to this ev?en?. P
loted to start a fund for this pro­
A committee was appointed to CENTENNIAL DINNER AT
prepare a number for the
vaudeville; those
named were
The Springwater Women’s As­
H oy Wade, Ann Underwood and sociation is giving a Centennial
Erma Kiggins.
Dinner at the Grange Hall on
The Centennial feature for the Thurs., Mar. 12, at 6:30 p.m., proc­
evening was a contest to identify eeds to go to the
childhood pictures of the officers; Church building fund. Adults $1.
Gladys Stormer was the winner.
Children under 12 50c. There will
The refreshments and
clever be several door prizes and a dis­
decorations in keeping with Wash­ play of antiques. For more fun,
Castile and Earl Eckersley.
1st Capt., Sam Gray, 3rd Capt.,
The Colton-Springwater Fire Fred Rask, Sec-Treas., Adolph ington’s birthday were prepared come dressed in your Centennial
Marshall clothes.
Department was officially organ­ Gruenhagen, Traffic Dir.
and by Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Norman i and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Bledsoe.
ized June 22, 1956 after several members Ray Poppe,
Coming events: The members
attempts. The fire truck shown
Rognar Anderson w e * lnvlted to «'«•Widen wedo- A i j l / p , . f & p i / r f l / a #
was donated to the district
by Stahlneckcr,
anniversary of Mr and Mrs.
the Molalla
Fire Department and Val Renhard.
Henry Hciple which will be cele
and is in the process of renova­
These boys are every bit
as brated at the Legion Hall Sunday, I
Shown left to right arc
March 15.
Carl Swanson, Chief,
Leonard proud of their single piece
The Lodge birthday anniversary
As of Sunday, March 1, Miller
Swanson, Sgt. at Arms, Ken N el­ equipment with which they have | wilV‘
^ ^ e m ^ e d “by‘vWtinK Chevrolet Service became Hay­
son, Asst. Chief, Alan Stahlnec- answered sixteen calls to
date the IOOF lodge on their regular den Chevrolet Service after the
ker, 2nd Capt.
Del Nordquist. Johnson, new member.
Other with only one complete loss due meeting night March 18—the ex­ purchase of the interest of Woo­
low. The next den meeting willi division is scheduled to complete | wig, Von Gray,
act date the Rebekah Lodge was dy and Hazel Miller in the local
be March 23.
its reoragnization before going on Rudy Sagner, Bob Cooke, Verne members include Wm. A. Swain, to a late fire call.
instituted in 1905. The Rebekahs Chevrolet agency and Miller Auto
its two weeks annual active duty
will furnish program and refresh- Parts. This deal has been com­
for training this summer.
at their hall Friday,
Feb. 27th Snowley, 1st vice commander; ments.All wives, whether they are pleted after some weeks of nego­
Not all Army Reserve units in
2nd vice Junior Rebekahs or not are especially in-
with 65 members and guests pre­ John Abbott.
tiation whcih culminated in the
Oregon will become part of the
Past; Leroy Forman, Command­ | vited to join the ladies in the din-
O. K. of the Chevrolet Motor Co.
104th Division (Training)
The Auxiliary initiated Mrs. er; Louis Coffin and Chaplain^- i ing room when their husbands at- accepting Ray Hayden as a fran­
Re organizational changes
Marshall Laughlin,
Mrs. Clyde E. Lawrence. Mr. Lawrence has I tend lodge and to attend the pro­ chise dealer.
The Estacada Garden Club met nounced include:
Alexander, Mrs. Leonard Buoy, a very impressive explanation ot gram and refreshments.
A year ago last September, Mr.
The 313th Reconditioning Bat­
at the City Hall March 2 at 1:30
Mrs. Henry Heiple, Mrs. Thomas the meaning of the American Le­ MARCH 11 REGULAR MEETING and Mrs. Miller won a trip to Eu­
will retained
P.M. with the following hostesses. talion. Eugene,
Carter, Mrs. Byron Stewart, Lin-1 gion emblem.
The next reguar meeting will rope that was made possible by
On Feb. 18 all classes in the da, Cathy and Connie Courtain.
Mrs. Minnie Forman,
Mrs begin with an open portion
Grace Still, Besie Hills, and Del­ without change.
their sales
COMPANY D, 413TH INFANT­ Estacada Union High School el­ Mrs. Howard Parcel, Dist. Pres. Clyde Alexander and Mrs. Orol I hear the local high school coti- the support given
la Ewalt.
drive by Estacada and its area.
The meeting was opened
9, was initiating officer.
1 testants for the United Nations Ray and Pat Hayden hope they
a ial guests were Mrs. Wm. Flem­ freshments. ,
singing the ‘Howdy Song’ and the COMPANY A, 2nd BASIC COM­ them in the contest to select
| Pilgrimage which is being spon­ can do the same.
Gardener’s Prayer’ was read by
ing, hospital representative for
sored locally by the IOOF lodge.
Ray has sold his Ray's
ing sponsored py the
Kiwanr the Portland V. A. hospital and
Leila Gordon.
Parents, students and friends are Service to John Geil who Is now
The four alternates who our own member, Mrs.
Roll call was answered by
cordially invited to hear tne* • operating under the Associated
were chosen by their classes will Erickson, National Membership
members and five guests were in­ FOOD SALE SAT. MARCH 14
young pepole who are
working Oil Co. Flying A flag He is con-
A food sale will be held at the be voted upon by the entire stu­ Committee member.
troduced among whom was Mrs.
The Unit
for a free bus to the United Na- tinuing to operate his automotive
Vernon Eilers, Director of Clack­ Clackamas County News Office on dent body at a later date.
was proud to report to her that
tions headquarters in New York ! specialty repair business.
The five girls will sell tickets they now have 156
amas District.
Mrs. Eilers spoke Sal- March 14. Both baked goods
Meeting time is promptly at
All employees of the old Miller
briefly on some of the highlights: and resh tamaes will be sold Or- for the Festival which will ope./ Several new members were un­
Chev. operation except Fred Mc-
Park on able to attend.
©f the District Meeting which will ders may be placed in advance by the North Fork Dam
ally will continue under Hayden
The princess selling
be held March 9 at the Bolton Phoning Edna (Mrs. VirgtDNelsou June 28.
Mrs. Marshall Laughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dodd and Chevrolet Service.
Fire hall.
presented her 10 year continu­
family attended a surprise party
The Millers have secured the
Girls chosen
for princesses ous membership pin. Mrs. John
Our next meeting will be an al
At the meeting of the local Am­ for Don’s father. George Dodd, at franchise for General Motors pro­
day meeting on April 6 starting
Abbott and Sandra Kiggins, the erican Legion Auxiliary last Mon­ I Brightwood last Wednesday eve. ducts for Lincoln County on the
Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Woodle cess with Marge Wolf as
at 10:30 A.M., members bring a i and Jfr. Butler
coast. Their headquarters will be
Portland nate; Linda Chamberlain, junior daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray day evening plans were made for
sack lunch. There will be a Spring
___ „ -
Kiggins were
presented with the 40th birthday dinner to be
The Chirstian Church had at Newport. Fred McNally Is to
Show among the members, a Plant Tf™ , ?
M , princess with Nikki White as al- their five year pins. Unable to given by the Auxiliary for the their regular
monthly potlucx ! be manager of the dealership at
i temate; Carolyn Durham, sopho- attend, but will receive pins, Mrs Legion March 11th at 6:30 P. M.
Sale and a Guest Arranger.
Armeda _Woodle on Sunday.
_____ _________________________
dinner on Sunday with a business | Toledo,
which is a short distance
| more princess with Judy Eckers­ F. E. Dooley, 30 year pin, Miss
Grace Still talked on the use of
All Past Commanders, Charter session following the dinner.Visit-[from Newport.
In addition tu
Mrs. Kate Heiple and Mrs.Sa­ ley as alternate; Veronica Stark-
the Color Wheel bringing in the
members, and city dignitaries will | ors were Mr. and Mrs. Royal Garn- Chevrolet, Miller Motors will also
rah Sandell visited Mrs. Armeda j ovich, freshman princess
witn Erickson, 10 year and Mrs. Nora be invited to this affair.
point that this is beneficial
Guest ner of Molalla and Mr and Mrs represent Cadillac in
Woodle Friday last week.
j Donna Kitching as alternate
only in flower arranging, but also j
Lamb, Orting, Washington,
5 speakers for the evening will be Truax and family of Albany.
The five princesses represented vear and Mrs. Maxine Mathews 3 Dept. Commander George Nelson,
Mrs. Bill Griggs
returned Estacada at the boat
show In year.
decoratmg our homes or in choos- ^
The Unit received a Dept. Service Officer Glen How
Mrs Joe Barr had major surg
Hershel Collins, 11 year
membership award in their div­ AH members of the Post and cor- cry at the Physicians and Sur- son of Mr. and Mrs Richard Col­
ing our clothes^
I lives in Coquille lust week.
• Marguerite Keller
spoke on j
ision for outstanding percentage dially invited to attend.
: geons Hospital in Portland
on lins broke his arm Mon last week
‘Arrangements With A Religious
.. _ ... _ . v „ r
in membership
Mrs. Forrest Erickson, chairman, ’ Monday,
while playing at home.
Theme” and explained in detail
V . r . W . D A IN C b
The American Legion initiated appointed the following commit-
about using the Madonna.
Byron Stewart.
Leonard Buoy, tee to assist her: Mrs Frank Mar- RAKED FOOD SALE SAT.Mar.7
Arthur Smith. Dr. Lionel Burton, shall, Mrs. Harry Hickman Mrs
The Dodge ( omunitv Club will
also explained about the different |
The Past Noble Grand
plants and their meanings.
Clyde Alexander and
Warren John Abbott.
Mrs. Geo Arm­ hold a baked food sale at the of­ will meet March 9 with Mrs Mar­
Lovely refreshments were serv-
Everybody Welcome
Initiating officer was strong, Mrs. Larry Meade,
Clackamas County garet Lvnch In Portland
Mrs. fice of the
at Mrs Mollle Bates regarding trans­
The American Legion and Aux­ Geo. Vianne. Dist. 9 Commander. Ray Gordon, Mrs Oral Stormer Naws on Saturdav March 7
ed by the hostesses after the mee Ticket 50c Refreshment»
team was Charles and Mr« Adolph Still
iliary held their annual initiation Initiating
Interesting Meet
of Garden Club
m ille r
Sold to Hayden
Water Festival
Queen Candidates
Are Selected
Auxiliary to Host
Legion on their
40th Birthday
Legion and Unit
Hold Initiation