Clackamas County JSeto? Cstacaíta’s In Its Fifty-fourth Year of Publication Volume No. 55 Rehbein Retains Championship Number 50 10c Per Copy Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Jan. 30,1959 $3. ¡00 Per Year 188 B ILLS INTRODUCED HOUSE F IR ST W E E K The 50th Legislative Session I Ed. Donham of Estacada has I got o ff to a fly in g start. One hun­ been appointed sales represent- dred eighty-eight bills were intro­ Jerry Rehbcin retained his Fly- ative of the M iller Motors of Or- duced in the House the first Eagle Creek Grange held its KmirA ■ -* weight Championship at Tacoma, egon City as announned in the week, compared to 59 the first 1 first regular meeting o f the new Wash. Saturday night by winning advertisement elsewhere in this week of last session. A ll o f the j year Jan. 17. Two new members over Bennie Brown of Portland paper. bills appropriated money for the : were voted in and reecived their and John Plelch of Fort Lewis In addition to the new car line biennial budget, 104 in all, were 11st and 2nd degrees. They are Arm y Camp. of Studebaker, Mercedes, - Ren­ among those introduced. These Mr. and Mrs. Byron Stewart of Jerry came thru in his usual ault and Peuleat, Mr. Donham money bills usually come down Folsom Road. The charter was pleasing style which left no doubt also has used car sales. the second and third month of the draped in memory of Bro. Paul as to the winner.. session. This augers a short ses­ Eaton. Rehbein will headline a show sion i f the fast action on Way and V. F. W. NOTICE Ora Gaylord was appointed to at Oregon City Saturday night Means bills is any indication. serve on the planning committee and will defend his championship FOLKS, be sure and check pos­ A combined calendar is an in­ for improvement of the premis.. in the Journal G. G. next Friday ters around town fo r Game night i’ novation of the new Democratic- at the V. F. W. hall at Currins- es. This committee reported that an Saturday, Feb. 6 and 7. 1 ally controlled Houses. This alone ville Saturday nite. Be there. gravel has been laid on the drive., w ill save thousands o f dollars for Chmn. L. M. Kitching. way and in front o f the hall.The the teaxpayers. A 25 percent Grange ordered exterior paint savings in printing alone is being | or the hal through the State experienced by the merger. W H IT E E L E P H A N T SA LE i j Grange, taking advantage of a Clackamas County has 2 of the A T G A R F IE LD GRANGE I special bargain offered to en.. 8 women legislators in the House 1 courage Oregon Granges to re­ W hite elephant Sale at Gar­ of Representatives. W e are very The Mothers March on Polio furbish during this Centennial with pot much photographed and inter­ w ill get under way on Thursday field Grange Jan. 31 year. with a viewed. There is supposed to be a evening, Jan. 29 at 7 PM after the luck dinner at 7 P.M. Visitirs were Mr. and Mrs. charge of 25 cents for all over 12 full page spread on the women le­ fire siren blows one long blast. Kirshman o f Redland Grange. years, the proceeds to help pur., gislators in the Sunday Oregonian. Mrs Guy K e iler is chmn. fo r Es­ A ll members and friends are This s ession has a record number tacada and surrounding areas chase a Piano. Everybody w el­ invited to attend the Grange So­ come. of women, 2 in the Senate and 8 with Mrs. Marshall Laughlin as cial night, Feb. 7, the first Eagle in the House. O f the 8 represent­ co-chairman and they urge all to Creek social night for this year. atives, 6 are Democrats. Both sen­ turn their porch lights on or to It begins at 6:30 PM with pot ators are Democrats. A ll of us give some indication that they luck supper, oowed by bingo and have women secretaries except wish to contribute t o this very caid games. Juanita Orr, who has employed worthy cause. Working within M iL V V A ü K I E I her husband as her secretary. the city w ill be Mrs. Robert The Legislative Counsel, a batt- Schleichert and Mrs. Leslie R ig ­ | ery o f lawyers who prepare confi­ gins, Mrs. Delbert Nordquist.Mrs. Estacada Garden Club will dentially almost all o f the bills John Geil, Mrs. Robert Clayville, meet next Monday, Feb. 2 at the , that are presented at the legisla­ Mrs. Richard Lundeen and Mrs. City hall with the follow ing host­ ture is busy working for us in B ill Carr w ill cover the Parks esses: Louise Linn, Hattie Qualls B Clackamas County as well as for Mil! road and town area. Mrs. and Ruth Westerberg. j others. The counsel does Inter­ Now playing at the Broadway Mike Perry w ill cover Low er Mrs. George W. Clark o f Gres­ department Theatre a real treat or the coun­ Jurrinsville, upper Eagle Creek, ham, State Bird Chairman, was posits started at $40,000 in 1909 im committee bills, w ill Observance of the 50th anniver- capitalization 50 years ago a grand River Mill and Heiple roads. Mrs show colored slides and talk on sary the and were more than $14,000,000 bills, as well as those for our in- try music fans with Increases over the opening of the First $10,000. | dividual legislators. Each legis- mund o f that type of music Delbert Kitching will cover Sch- birds. to in 1958. Total resources grew years have been in steps ' state Bank of Milwaukie is set for lichter road coming up highway $63,000 to ! lator has a priority on three piec- wrapped up in a story of a Ten- The arrangements are to be pa- Monday, B’ebruary 2 when the $50,000 in 1938, $75,000 in 1940, from the original impresses his les o f legislation to insure early ' nesee G. I. who 211 to road going toward the old triotic or featuring birds. Peas: hank’s Estacada branch w ill hold $100,000 in 1945, $200,000 in $15,500,000 in 1958. I introduction of most vital bills. I budies with his wonderful han- skywatch n Garfield road. Mrs. brin g horticulture. 1952 and open house between 10 A.M. and 1948, $250,000 in bank started in | dling o f hill-billy songs. COUN- Lem Jenkins and Mrs. Homer W h® ^he Women who are interested in 3 p.M. Coffee and anniversary $300,000 this year. My priority is a request for | T R Y MUSIC H O L ID A Y stars Fer- 1909, bank personel amounted to Brown will cover the Regan H ill gardening and flu .ver ar- cake w ill be served to all visitors trans­ | lin Husky as the G. I. plus a Growing service to bank cus- three pepole. Today it is 46, drafting of a Tri-County through downtown area and up to ranging are always v. elcom.- to the bank that day and every­ portation b ill which w ill lay down huge all star cast including Zsa tomers is indicated by the fact which includes the Estacada staff Faraday. Mrs. Guy K eller and one is invited, according to Verne ground rules fo r the appointment that outstanding loans have in- Df Verne Sutton, Bonnie Bodley, Zsa Gabor, Rocky Graziano.Faron Mrs. Marshall Laughlin w ill cover L. Sutton, Estacada manager. creased from $32,000 in 1909 to Caryl Dahrens, Dixie Slaughter of a Transit Authority to plan fo r Young, The Jordanaires, Lonzo V.F.W . M EETING FEB . 1 downtown Park area. Mrs. K en­ Now one of the leading banks the transportation needs of Clack­ and Oscar, LaDell Sisters.Bemie A ll members of the V F W are neth Brown will cover Cary road of the W illam ette valley, original more than $8,000,000 in 1958. De- and Leila Edwards. amas. Washington and Multnomah Nee and of course D rifting John­ and Suoth Estacada Park. Mrs. aske l to make a special effo rt to counties. There are many prece­ Wednesday i W alter Graven w ill come down attend the regular 1959, to obtain social security dences fo r such an authority -the ny M iller who is well known fo r Visitors LE G IO N & A U X IL A R Y M EET his music in this area. Second their road to the highway, down | eve. m eeting Feb. 4. coverage. Such coverage will be most comprehensive is the one The local Am erican Legion and to the bridge and up the Day from Portland will be present. compulsorily effective fo r 1956 from the San Francsico Bay area, Feature— Henry Fonda and A n ­ Auxiliary w ill hold their regular thony Perkins in T H E T IN STAR, H ill road and down Cadaneau and all succeeding yaers. an area made up of a number of a brand new inexperienued sher­ m eeting Feb. 2 with potluck sup­ road, Mrs. George Gentemann counties nd cities. per at 6:30 P.M. Regular meet­ i f f finds himself facing an ex-sher­ is representative for the Spring- The Uniform F ryer Labeling ing at PM. E ligible veterans and _ . . ! Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dmytryk i f f now turned bounty hunter. water area, Mrs. Bill Simmons is Susie A^ a c h in g , 72,.a te of ^ ^ parents of their ^ B ill on which the Oregon Fryer fam ilies cordially invited. representative fo r the Dodge ar­ Plenty exciting. Commission has ieen working all Estacada Rou e , child a boy, named Stann Lee. ea and will conduct a Mothers Starts Sunday through Tues­ land conv^descent home on jan. f was summer, under the tutelage of march there at 7 PM and Mrs'Os- day— John Wayne in the role of 25th. Deceased was born r e b .l, Bert Searl o f Molalla and others, Chief of Police James Barden at the Emanuel Hospital in Port­ car Lins is the representative for the first white man to open trade 1886 in Currinsville, Oregon and | reports that Leonard Baker of land and weighed 7 lbs. 8 oz.The was introduced py me this week. with the east as the first the George area. U. S. This bill will tell the consumer the George District has contrac- Mrs. diplomat to Japan. ‘THE B A R ­ where the fryer was grown and ] ted with R. J. Sponhauer to de- Jack Watson of Estacada and Mr. BEARD CONTEST HERE B A R IA N A N D T H E G E IS H A ’ bert Kitching; one son- Harold In line with statewide promo- molish and remove the building and Mrs. Edward Dm ytryk of whether any chemicals or preserv­ filmed in color and cinemascope. one daughter- Mrs. Ernest Ryn- atives were used. Fryers coming tion of the Centenial, I. G. A. Sto- form erly ooccupied by the S port-! The W e ll Baby Clinic w ill be Estacada Rt. 2. Great- grand­ A film with all the tradition and Norman in from other states, some as far res are condusting a best beard smen’s Club and Cafe. It is un- held at the Estacada Grade ning, and - one parents aie are ivirs. Mrs. xseuiait Beulah n-iiea Rhea l of , brother, _ „j„u ;ijrnn parents m . pageantry of the Japanese way of Linn and three ^andchildren port)andj Mr Tom Watson * as Arkansas, w ill be clearly labled contest. Prizes are being offered, derstood that this job w ill start School Library on Thurs., Feb.5 life. Beautiful Eiko Ando w ill p . and ,,mi Mr nm vt.rvk as to the state where they origi­ For full particulars contact our in the next few days. Believe from 9:30 to 11:30 A. M. For and one great - grandchild, a ll o f i Portland Mr. Sam Dmytryk steal your heart yith her lovable two brothers- Roy o Estacada route two. Mrs. A lly n Estacada; Both Mr nated. This Centennial year, es­ Geisha ways. local I. G. A. store, Campanella’s. us the News staff w ill appreciate appointments call Linn of Portland; James Linn of and Mrs. Dmytryk are graduates pecially, we in Oregon should be There w ill also be a I. G. A. the removal because we have to Price, CR 9-3211. proud to label our fresh broilers |______ Nampa, Idaho and one sister— of Estacada Union High School. Next week----- ‘The Revenge of sponsored pony express run on look at the old fire gutted j I ‘Oregon Grown’ Frankenstein’ plus .High H ell’ a Saturday. You may get your pony building every day. Thanks M r and Mrs. Del Kitching had Mrs. M attie Cahill o f Seaside. She was a member of the Esta- N orth suspense picture with John Derek express letters at CampaneMa’s Dick Sponhauer, Jim Barden and week end visitors from and a Saturday Free Kiddie show is or the Broadway Theatre i f you Leonard Baker fo r a job well Dakota, Mrs. Kitching’s cousins, cada Methodist Church A L L A L IE N S MUST arc long time member of the Centen- to be ‘The Bandit o f Sherwood wish to have an actual pony ex- done when"this chore U comple- Mr. and Mrs. Tom L ee who REPO R T IN J A N U A R Y During the month of January Forest-’ press memento o f the Centennial, t e d . _______________________enrolled at Corvallis._____________ v ic e fw e r o hcid January 27 at 2 Get your Pony Express Letters ] all aliens in the United States j p.M. at the C layville Chapel with first man 'w ill again be required to report in our lobby fo r the J Rev. Milton L. Nelson officiating; Students at the Estacada Union I their current address run in this area. I also the Centenial r Rebekah . , i High School were commended on , Lodge ;e participated parucipaieu. In term their quick action in evacuating at the Wade Memorial Cem-1 the during the small fire was etery. in a basement radiator Thursday morning, January 22. The school fire squad is also to be congratu- j Y O U R SO C IAL SE C U R ITY lated on their quick work in hand- \ By Elizabeth W iley ling the situation. Probably one of the most important steps in the Q: I w ill be 65 on March 20, The rapid evacuation o f the 1 1959. W hen should I apply for students indicated the value of Economy of Clackamas County was taken Monday. the periodic fire drills. Although A representative group o f Chamber of Commerce my benefits? A : A new procedure, design­ the teachers were in the building, ed to speed the payment of your they were not yet in a position to men from the various cities of the county endorsed first check, now permits the fil­ supervise the students as the a master plan for one major chamber of commerce ing o f an application in the morning classes had not begun. month before reaching retire­ Blinding smoke fillin g the for Clackamas County. ment age. In your case, for building, and the need fo r the Estacada was represented by C. of C. president example, since you reach retire­ fire detail to completely check the Len Verburg, and members Jim Anderson and Von ment age in March, you should area of the blaze necessitated de­ file your application in Febru­ tainment o f classes unitl the air Gray. The only town not represented was Molalla. ary. Under normal corcumstanc- was cleared. Estacada was commented on as being the “ sleep­ es you could then expect to re­ ing giant” of Clackamas County. (W e didn’t find ceive your first check about A p r il 3. out just how’ this was meant, but we took it as being Q: I am a farm operator and complimentary). W e do sit in one of the more fav­ nnow that I should report my employees' earnings for 1959 orable positions in the light of county economy. during January, 1959; however, The Estacada Odd Fellows and The master chamber of commerce will give us I have heard that the tax rate Centennial Regekah Lodge held a ! more weight for the accomplishment of goals we has been increased. Is this cor­ join t installation Wed.eye., Jan. rect? 21st. Those being installed were: have such as getting a highway along the river to A : Yes, this is correct, be­ J. D. (J iggs) Pedersen, Noble central Oregon. It will also aid us in promoting our ginning with wages paid in Grand; V irgil Nelson, Vice- 1959 However, the change will Grand; Kenneth Palmateer-Treas- vast recreational potential. Another very important not affect your report, for 1958. urer with Hans Lnch Jr as Past thing is the development o f ou»- forest access roads. The tax you pay this month w ill Grand Those installed fo r the * Sen. Neuberger is presently working on this and the still be 4 1-2 percent of the first Kebelcahs were Mable Sinclair- $4,200 in earnings o f each em- Noble Grand; Edna Nelson, Vice cooperative chamber group will be able to provide ployee half ^ ^ h you ’ hould Grand; Lorraine Sagner- S een- him much needed support. Cub Scoutmaster Bob Jones and Den Mother A U X IL IA R Y M ARCH OF ED. D O N IIAM AP P O IN T E D SA LE S R E PR E S E N T A T IV E CONGRATULATIONS TO ESTACADA'S BANK! f T C |Q c III 111 i c I i IL /iJ i Mothers W ill March Jan. 29. XV \i 1 c> 1 i = 1 T9 ° 9 - x95 9 Izî&aËsl Garden Club W ill Hear Bird Expert Hagle Creek Group to Improve Hal! OF Hill-Billy Music at the Broadwav Last Rites for Susie A. Kitching Landmark W ill Be Removed Weil Baby Clinic fiere Feb. 5 T !h & *>. i - t j* j - Fire at High School Praise for Students Cub Scout Groups and Leaders Tour "N ew s" Plant County-wide Chamber of Commerce to Promote Projects for Mutual Good LocalLodges Install Officers Josephine Sanders pose with this group of Cubs upon their completion of a “ News” office tour a week ago last Tuesday. W e are unable to identify all the group. Amom* them are shown Harry Jones, Joel Johnson, Larry Donaldson, Fred j McNally, _ _ , _ j y > i a Terry Tunnel, Terry Founds, Paul Sanders, Pat Hatfield, Bobby Coorey and W alt Bartholomew, / ^ r ChemP,