5th and Broadway Pastor Sunday School 9:43 a.m. M orning W orshg) 11 a.m. Junior Church Sunday School Bldg. Evening Evangelistic Servie' 7:45 p.m. » M ETHODIST CHURCH S E. 2nd & Main (ou the hill Church School ............. 9:45 A.M Morning Worship .............11 AM Nursery ........................ „...11 A.M. MYF ...............................6:30 P.M Milton L. Nelson, Minister These Are Your Churches ASSEM BLY OF GOD CHURCH Woodrow Clay , K«\oH*llY ADV(*r/SfA BARTON COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH Boring. Oregon , Rt. 3 Rev. Glen Frye III, pastor Sunday School 9:45 a.m Morning W orship 11 a.m. Youth Time 6:30 p.m. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. GUARANTEED PERFECT GROKETT JEWELRY Sardv. Qrewon SAM ’S SHOE REPAIR D oing Business At Home Evenings and Saturdays W ork while you wait. By Appointm ent O nly S. End o f S h afford Ave. Phone CR 9-3979 CONCRETE Rt.OCKS for All shane« RxHxlR “ L ite" B locks sold at ou r plant O nly 33c each G ladstone B lock Co. R2nd at Clackamas Bridge Gladstone. ft. ALO Y SIU S CATHOLIC CHURCH E STA C A D A Father Ernest Jackson Phone Sandy MU 2912 classes 1st and 2nd Sundays at 11 A. M. 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays at U A. M. PORTER MENNONITE CHURCH ) I 'New s' Want Ads Bring Good Results CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST o f LATTE R D A Y SAINTS 1 Estacada Branch -555 N.Broad way. President Alvin Henry Lar son Sunday School 10:30 AM. Sun. Priesthood Meeting 9:30 AM. Sun. Sacrament Service 7 P.M. Sun Releif Society 10 AM Tues. Prim ary- 3:30 Thurs. . Four Miles East of Estacada) Sunday School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. Youth Services 6 P. M. Evening Services 7 P. M. Prayer Meeting Wed. 7:30 P.M. Pastor: Rev. Stephen R. Beals Phone CR 9-6325 E a r ly A m e r ic a n se ttle rs h a d no servants. Everyone had to w ork hard, using crude farm implements- hand made from wood or iron. THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Page 2 Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Jan. 23, 1959 IM MANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday School at 9:45 A.M . Main & Center, SA N D Y Worship Sunday 8:30 and | 11 A. M. GARFIELD CIIURCH OF NAZARENE I»; I STRICTLY BUSINESS FIRST B A PTIST CHURCH Sunday Meeting in Estacada City Hall Church School 9:45 a jn . Morning Worship 11 A.M. Evening Serivce 7;30 P.M. Y outh Program 7 P. M. Charles Helms, Pastor CHRISTIAN CHURCH W orship Service 11 A M. Christian Endeavor 5:30 P.M. David Worden, Minister lo rd c o m m o n ly em - 0 0 0 servants, vassals and retainers to maintain his castle, till the land, and defend the w alls against invaders. by McFoatta« ■ DICKEN& COOK for Boy« a1“* Girla OREGON OW NED Opon I I AM to • FM FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE 464 Portland A va. LINOLBUM CO M PA N Y Gladstone Meldrum S c Super H ighw ay JENNINGS LO D G E O regon C ity Ph. 2446 Jerry's Electronic & Refrigeration Sales and Service Television Appliances Youngstown Kitchens We Service What We SELL S. & H. G reen Stamps Featuring M itorola T V Tube n corn D or news'in y