Page 2 penditures from its property tax were proposed, people in the area THE C LA C K A M A S C O U N TY NEWS I l'. S. MOTORIST RIGHT A T maintain a resisted the change, yet in the Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Jan. 9, 1959 TOP OK SUCKER LIS T taxes could Oregon it PIANO TUNING BY APPOINTMENT! ■ I f Uncle Sam keeps a sucker favorable tax position with corn- long run in almost every case has worked out satisfactorily both S A M ’S SnOE REPAIR CO NCRETE BLO CKS list the U. S. motorist is right up peting states. to the Post Office Department fo r A ll shapes 8x8x16 " L it e ' Expert Factory Methods. near the top. ---------------------- D oin g Business A t Home and to local patrons" Norblad con Blocks sold at out plant In early depression years mot E venings and Saturdays cluded. O n ly 33c each ALSO A L L TYPES OF REPAIRS orists were stuck with a federal CLOSURE OK SOME SM ALL W ork w h ile you wait Eta gasoline tax and a string of au- POSTOKKICES CONSIDERED G ladstone B lock Co B y A p poin tm en t O nly tomotive levies imposed as 'tem 82nd at Clackam as B ridge S End of S h a fford A ve. emergency’ measures to Rep. W alter Norblad, (R .-O re) Since the City of Estacada has c o . : porary help out the Treasury. Each time said today that he was currently the distinction of being the best Gladstone. Ph O re C ity 4306 Phone CR 9-3979 a new temporary emergency considering reeommneding to the lit up city in Oregon, it has been came along, these taxes were in- Post Office Department the con- said by one o f our good citizens creased. An, o f course, a ‘ tem- solidation or closure of some six that it has to be w ell lighted so A A A A A 4 A A A A A A A A A A A 4 «*A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Phone OL 4-6643 proary’ tax is seldom repealed. or eight small post offices in the we won't fall in the holes in the ► ► Then in 1956 Congress enacted State o f Oregon and would take city streets. is w a f ir ► a massive new federal highway action on them shortly after t h e ____________ ► ► program linked to national de- first o f the year, In all ranks of life the human heart ► fense. And who was selected to “ In the past few years, I have ► CARPENTER ► pick up the tag to defend the recommended such action in the f ► yearns for the beautiful; anti the ’ • country, promote commerce and case o f 74 post offices in Oregon, ► WORK WANTED ► the like? The motorist, of course, which has resulted in a total an- i ► The federal gasoline tax was boos- nual savings to the Federal Gov- ► Framing - Finishing ► tiful that Cod makes are his g if . to all i ted to three cents per gallon and ernment of $121,816.00,’ Norblad ► ► other special new taxes were im- advised. Cabinets ► posed. To make it still tougher “ Before the day of modern alike. — H. B. Stowe ► ► for motorists, Washington plan- highways and fast transportation, Ph. Ectacada CR 9-6540 ► ners refused to earmark all o f the many o f these offices were an ab- ► ► revenue collected from taxes on solute necessity, but as the years ► motor vehicle ownership to be have passed they have become un SC E PT IC T A N K S C L E A N E D ► used fo r the highway program, necessary and expensive and the V $23.00 More than $1.5 billion of this mo- sub-station or rural contract sta- “ m i l w a u k i e M U S I C Milwaukie, Oregon TAKES REAL BITE (Carmi 1 IFiutrral JJontc Phone MOhawk 5-3794 Gresham, Oregon ney by-passes the highway fund tion effects the same service wltn ?4 hour S ervice each year and winds up in the very material economy to the 4 Day and Night Service - A Local Institution general fund. Post Office department. P h on e P rospect 5-5346 t Then came another ‘temporary “ In most cases at the time Portlan d, O regon emergency’ — the recession— and these consolidations or closures kÀÀAAÀAÀAÀÀÀAAÀÀÀÀAÀÀAÀAÀÀAAÀAÀAÀÀàÀÀAAÀÀAA, Congress voted to enlarge and speed up the federal highway program to spread around more federal money. In fact, this pro gram has now been boosted up so high it's beyond the receipts irom federal motorist taxes orig- nally provided for its support.We A Business and Professional guide to friendly OREGON C ITY Concerns who merit a share of are told that the Highway Trust >our trade when doing your out-of-town shopp imr . . GIVE THEM A T R IA L ! Kcnd w ill wind up next yea.' some $900 million short. PEGGY’S W hile this looks like a pretty ZASTROW JEWELERS staggering figure, it’s not a bit MUSIC STORE SHOES for the more staggering than the conclu . Diamonds - Watches .. • Records Entire Family sion being drawn from the dis Jewelry • Instruments covery in Washington. That con Gas & Oil Furnaces clusion is that the federal gaso • Sheet Music Watch Repairing - line tax w ill be raised next year • Instructions on DAY | to keep the program going. Costume Jewelry Piano-Accordion In other words, the first sug SHEET METAL CO. gestion of a shortage o f road Guitar-Violin funds produces an automatic re General Heating All Band Instruments Clock Repairing quest not just for more motorist Service Al! Makes iaxes.but fo r higher levies on mo At Foot of the Elevator OU , 0 . B U S T E R B R O W N SHOES tor fuel which is already taxed at 219-7th PH. 4994 220 Molal/a Ave. 203 - 7th St. PH. 2150 PH.3&31 j Oregon City Main at Eighth a rate far beyond luxuries. i j WHERE matched to D-14 POW ER T h e husky Allis-Chalm ers two-way scoop with high- carbon steel cutting edge bites into packed soil to take a fu ll load. I t also lifts, carries and dumps . . . and is attached or detached with the convenience o f S N A P - C O U P L E R hitch. Y o u r tractor is ready for chore jobs, m inute quick. M ounted on the new D-14 Tractor, this two-way scoop makes full use o f such D-14 features as— new P O W E R - C R A T E R engine with extra “ punch” . . . P O W E R D I R E C T O R that lets you quick-shift on- the-go . . . additional traction made available by T R A C T I O N B O O S T E R system . . . raised rear axle for work over ridges and ditch banks. < « SALES AND SERVICE FAXfii ÏKAC70R COMPANY Boring Rond Mt. Hood L oo t Highway B fa —w » Does the motorist want to get o ff Uncle Sam’s sucker list? If so, let him demand that all the | money he’s now paying in special federal automotive taxes be ear marked to support the road pro gram. I f that is done, there won't be any financing problem. RESTAURANT and M A R IN E R O O M A M E R IC A N a n d '“ C H IN E S E F O O D 517 M ain St. Ph. 6739 IN OREGON CITY PRINTING & STATIONERY CO. Complete Office Supplies Printing Office Furniture 703 Main St. PH. 3861 or OL. 4-8371 An; time is Picture Time - - d it’s F u n ! THE CAMERA SHOP . ' 'ills Flashbulb Sign ',21 M ain Ph. 4804 : HE ECONOMY SH01 SEVEN P O IN T T A X MORGAN'S JUNIOR BOOT SHOi" H AZE L L. D A Y PROGRAM IS OFFERED Bargains in Used Salem— A curb on spending Alterations Dressmaking Regular and Corrective Fitting Clothing For All and progressive development of l et Us H elp You Tots to Teens a new tax program yas contained the Family C o-O rdinate Y ou r W ardrobe in a 7-point outline proposed by 512 - 7th St. Ph. 3750 C22 Main Street PH. 7795 Ph. 4693 Dr. John F. Sly. New Jersey tax 70« Center St. expert, in his final recommend- nation to Gov. Robert D. Holmes. | TYPEWRITERS 1. A cigarette tax o f 4 cents a Royal Distributor package to raise $14.000,000. 2. A real estate transfer tax at Standard .... Portable 1 per cent to raise $8.000,000. Lester Electric 3. A 1 percent alternative gross income tax within the present Gahram New A Used personal income tax to raise FURNITURE - HARDWARE - GIFTS RENTALS $7,000,000. Lawrence Phon e O regon C ity 4911 A 1 1-2 percent annual tax on the market value of passenger Sporting Goods 502 - 7th St. Oregon City Phone 4279 CLACKAMAS cars. Leather Goods OFFICE MACHINES 5. A 2 percent Washington type consumers sales tax if new 192 R iv e r Road Shoe Repairing FREE PARKING LOT BETWEEN STORES expenditures in excess of G ladstone. Oregon $T0,000.000 from the general fund 916 M A I N ST. P H 9034 I are anticipated. As a means of improving the m jr * - A OREGON CITY ; ..EL business and investment outlook m / . ( Dr. Sly proposed: 1. N o personal tax on capital HOME OF HOFr 1 - X r - z-i EN li TH Sales & CHOREMASTER gains if the asset is held longer J-i. V V A . WLa RADIO & T J than one year. -th ori.ed S ervice C al / 1111 ■ and r rs Phone 5516 619 Madison hy 1005 - 7th St. Orer, X > t ,x on manufacturers’ Ph. 35S p i p c ,n|'pTf' g p - . ' v i c p invt ntories. .1 N o tax on industrial hulld- Ph. 3971 or Portlan d O L . 4-735C • General Auto Repairs i ;s during the period of construc 104 Rth St • Wheel Balancin ■ ami alignment tion. 4. A reasonable inhrri'ar.ce SPEEDOMETER REPAIRS A t Economy Prices tax. SPEEDOMETER CABLE A L L CARS - ¡’ RUCKS S lip covers - Tip’ -‘ er; 5. An i stabllshed slate-w id e TH E F LO W E R SHOP K irsch Rods - A cce- mes Melvin Dunmire’s EIGU i H S > RaE I' C a r a g e property reappraisal program. F low ers fo r e v ery Day 6. A «late wide unifrom assess Ht On the Hill 615-Sth St. Ph. 6124 ment ratio. it ; ■ ■ o i RAMBI .ER‘ voting local exce s levies and W eddings Corsages WHEEL CAI 2 O. K. bond issttes. Salr-s And Service 16 - 7 th St. Ph. 6618 s file S t - , e expert said that only RUBBER JEFFS mint ta additional reven- by LOUNGE WELDERS ti it= present income lev- 4iipcr H iw a y at 18th - STEAKS . **/ -m m nr ^ an equal restraint on ex- 2136 Ph. 7177 C‘U kj C -1 T . O . U A w v -M LANA’S 503 Main St. Ph: 910 Washington Ph. 5341 1123 ¿3 L J R K - T O - 'I C.E? O U R S P E C IA L T IE S : ESCROWS REINSURANCE Featuring Q uality — F loorcoverin g Wm — C ou n tercoverin g N ation ally K n ow n — W a ll C overin g j f i c . C i £ < j . W M F’ Eager-beaver Mousewarmer service ^ BUY IT CITY Gresham, Oregon Route 2 e FI ND AND OREGON W m rm n P O W E R -C R A TE R , S N A P -C O U P L E R and T R A C T IO N BO O STER are Allis-Chalmera trademarks. A M IS -C H A L M E R S TO C>1 * i ' HOPP'S C ^frieclricJió -V, ! ttut point V A'i F -i n Fhooe MO 5 G C Brands o f Clothing f- r OREGON CfiT B oys and Girls DICKEN& COO OREGON OWNED ;>1 n 10 A M to * PM 461 Portland A v e Gladstone Oregon C ity z e in 2 . a i Th 2446 t Portland OLive 4-7731 Jerry's o: warm rervicable clothing for Zoya and • ftCHAH-Y L IN O L E U M C O M P A N Y Butler Bldg.-8th S\ PH. Oregon City 2638 or iren s wear and can save you many G r compie e siock will be sacrificed at. this closing A ST FRIENDLY SERVICE Refr: r»een tion as es ami S >rvi - Te!<-'ir n ArpTiaiv'-s r t" n Kitchens W« Servii - What We t-ET,I. n. St H. Green Stamps r'.'Rt rirrj M ‘.arnia T V Tube S u it .y which t. ip.^s L ife o f S> t 1114 *V *«h»nrton Ph. 6231 A U T O - FU RN ITU RE UPHOLSTERY CO. Satisfaction Guaranteed Í Th. O C. B u ild in g M aterials Free Information P H Oregon C ity 4152 82nd. at rarkplare B oat Cushions Repaired C o n vertib le Tops O I A D STONE Ph. Oregon City 3662 COO S U P E R H I G H W A Y 6506 O L. 4-74' ’ark Place Lumber Co. Seat Coverr. Cushions M oldrum 61 Super H chwa: J E N N IN G S L O DGF HU.LStDP CHAPEL 1306 Seventh St. R.H. C O N R A D . Pnone Oregon City 3902 BUICKS Direct Factory Dea| i Dynaflow - T«me Wreck P-v ng Our S; eriaity Best Selection of New : r 1 I ;| ' , SUPER-HY BUICK If Phone Oregon City 512» Super H iw a y at G'acVi 'ne