Page 2 penditures from its property tax were proposed, people in the area THE C LA C K A M A S C O U N TY NEWS I l'. S. MOTORIST RIGHT A T maintain a resisted the change, yet in the Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Jan. 9, 1959 TOP OK SUCKER LIS T taxes could Oregon it PIANO TUNING BY APPOINTMENT! ■ I f Uncle Sam keeps a sucker favorable tax position with corn- long run in almost every case has worked out satisfactorily both S A M ’S SnOE REPAIR CO NCRETE BLO CKS list the U. S. motorist is right up peting states. to the Post Office Department fo r A ll shapes 8x8x16 " L it e ' Expert Factory Methods. near the top. ---------------------- D oin g Business A t Home and to local patrons" Norblad con­ Blocks sold at out plant In early depression years mot­ E venings and Saturdays cluded. O n ly 33c each ALSO A L L TYPES OF REPAIRS orists were stuck with a federal CLOSURE OK SOME SM ALL W ork w h ile you wait Eta gasoline tax and a string of au- POSTOKKICES CONSIDERED G ladstone B lock Co B y A p poin tm en t O nly tomotive levies imposed as 'tem­ 82nd at Clackam as B ridge S End of S h a fford A ve. emergency’ measures to Rep. W alter Norblad, (R .-O re) Since the City of Estacada has c o . : porary help out the Treasury. Each time said today that he was currently the distinction of being the best Gladstone. Ph O re C ity 4306 Phone CR 9-3979 a new temporary emergency considering reeommneding to the lit up city in Oregon, it has been came along, these taxes were in- Post Office Department the con- said by one o f our good citizens creased. An, o f course, a ‘ tem- solidation or closure of some six that it has to be w ell lighted so A A A A A 4 A A A A A A A A A A A 4 «*A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Phone OL 4-6643 proary’ tax is seldom repealed. or eight small post offices in the we won't fall in the holes in the ► ► Then in 1956 Congress enacted State o f Oregon and would take city streets. is w a f ir ► a massive new federal highway action on them shortly after t h e ____________ ► ► program linked to national de- first o f the year, In all ranks of life the human heart ► fense. And who was selected to “ In the past few years, I have ► CARPENTER ► pick up the tag to defend the recommended such action in the f ► yearns for the beautiful; anti the ’ • country, promote commerce and case o f 74 post offices in Oregon, ► WORK WANTED ► the like? The motorist, of course, which has resulted in a total an- i ► The federal gasoline tax was boos- nual savings to the Federal Gov- ► Framing - Finishing ► tiful that Cod makes are his g if . to all i ted to three cents per gallon and ernment of $121,816.00,’ Norblad ► ► other special new taxes were im- advised. Cabinets ► posed. To make it still tougher “ Before the day of modern alike. — H. B. Stowe ► ► for motorists, Washington plan- highways and fast transportation, Ph. Ectacada CR 9-6540 ► ners refused to earmark all o f the many o f these offices were an ab- ► ► revenue collected from taxes on solute necessity, but as the years ► motor vehicle ownership to be have passed they have become un­ SC E PT IC T A N K S C L E A N E D ► used fo r the highway program, necessary and expensive and the V $23.00 More than $1.5 billion of this mo- sub-station or rural contract sta- “ m i l w a u k i e M U S I C Milwaukie, Oregon TAKES REAL BITE (Carmi 1 IFiutrral JJontc Phone MOhawk 5-3794 Gresham, Oregon ney by-passes the highway fund tion effects the same service wltn ?4 hour S ervice each year and winds up in the very material economy to the 4 Day and Night Service - A Local Institution general fund. Post Office department. P h on e P rospect 5-5346 t Then came another ‘temporary “ In most cases at the time Portlan d, O regon emergency’ — the recession— and these consolidations or closures kÀÀAAÀAÀAÀÀÀAAÀÀÀÀAÀÀAÀAÀÀAAÀAÀAÀÀàÀÀAAÀÀAA, Congress voted to enlarge and speed up the federal highway program to spread around more federal money. In fact, this pro­ gram has now been boosted up so high it's beyond the receipts irom federal motorist taxes orig- nally provided for its support.We A Business and Professional guide to friendly OREGON C ITY Concerns who merit a share of are told that the Highway Trust >our trade when doing your out-of-town shopp imr . . GIVE THEM A T R IA L ! Kcnd w ill wind up next yea.' some $900 million short. PEGGY’S W hile this looks like a pretty ZASTROW JEWELERS staggering figure, it’s not a bit MUSIC STORE SHOES for the more staggering than the conclu­ . Diamonds - Watches .. • Records Entire Family sion being drawn from the dis­ Jewelry • Instruments covery in Washington. That con­ Gas & Oil Furnaces clusion is that the federal gaso­ • Sheet Music Watch Repairing - line tax w ill be raised next year • Instructions on DAY | to keep the program going. Costume Jewelry Piano-Accordion In other words, the first sug­ SHEET METAL CO. gestion of a shortage o f road Guitar-Violin funds produces an automatic re­ General Heating All Band Instruments Clock Repairing quest not just for more motorist Service Al! Makes iaxes.but fo r higher levies on mo­ At Foot of the Elevator OU , 0 . B U S T E R B R O W N SHOES tor fuel which is already taxed at 219-7th PH. 4994 220 Molal/a Ave. 203 - 7th St. PH. 2150 PH.3&31 j Oregon City Main at Eighth a rate far beyond luxuries. i j WHERE matched to D-14 POW ER T h e husky Allis-Chalm ers two-way scoop with high- carbon steel cutting edge bites into packed soil to take a fu ll load. I t also lifts, carries and dumps . . . and is attached or detached with the convenience o f S N A P - C O U P L E R hitch. Y o u r tractor is ready for chore jobs, m inute quick. M ounted on the new D-14 Tractor, this two-way scoop makes full use o f such D-14 features as— new P O W E R - C R A T E R engine with extra “ punch” . . . P O W E R D I R E C T O R that lets you quick-shift on- the-go . . . additional traction made available by T R A C T I O N B O O S T E R system . . . raised rear axle for work over ridges and ditch banks. < « SALES AND SERVICE FAXfii ÏKAC70R COMPANY Boring Rond Mt. Hood L oo t Highway B fa —w » Does the motorist want to get o ff Uncle Sam’s sucker list? If so, let him demand that all the | money he’s now paying in special federal automotive taxes be ear­ marked to support the road pro­ gram. I f that is done, there won't be any financing problem. RESTAURANT and M A R IN E R O O M A M E R IC A N a n d '“ C H IN E S E F O O D 517 M ain St. Ph. 6739 IN OREGON CITY PRINTING & STATIONERY CO. Complete Office Supplies Printing Office Furniture 703 Main St. PH. 3861 or OL. 4-8371 An; time is Picture Time - - d it’s F u n ! THE CAMERA SHOP . ' 'ills Flashbulb Sign ',21 M ain Ph. 4804 : HE ECONOMY SH01 SEVEN P O IN T T A X MORGAN'S JUNIOR BOOT SHOi" H AZE L L. D A Y PROGRAM IS OFFERED Bargains in Used Salem— A curb on spending Alterations Dressmaking Regular and Corrective Fitting Clothing For All and progressive development of l et Us H elp You Tots to Teens a new tax program yas contained the Family C o-O rdinate Y ou r W ardrobe in a 7-point outline proposed by 512 - 7th St. Ph. 3750 C22 Main Street PH. 7795 Ph. 4693 Dr. John F. Sly. New Jersey tax 70« Center St. expert, in his final recommend- nation to Gov. Robert D. Holmes. | TYPEWRITERS 1. A cigarette tax o f 4 cents a Royal Distributor package to raise $14.000,000. 2. A real estate transfer tax at Standard .... Portable 1 per cent to raise $8.000,000. Lester Electric 3. A 1 percent alternative gross income tax within the present Gahram New A Used personal income tax to raise FURNITURE - HARDWARE - GIFTS RENTALS $7,000,000. Lawrence Phon e O regon C ity 4911 A 1 1-2 percent annual tax on the market value of passenger Sporting Goods 502 - 7th St. Oregon City Phone 4279 CLACKAMAS cars. Leather Goods OFFICE MACHINES 5. A 2 percent Washington type consumers sales tax if new 192 R iv e r Road Shoe Repairing FREE PARKING LOT BETWEEN STORES expenditures in excess of G ladstone. Oregon $T0,000.000 from the general fund 916 M A I N ST. P H 9034 I are anticipated. As a means of improving the m jr * - A OREGON CITY ; ..EL business and investment outlook m / . ( Dr. Sly proposed: 1. N o personal tax on capital HOME OF HOFr 1 - X r - z-i EN li TH Sales & CHOREMASTER gains if the asset is held longer J-i. V V A . WLa RADIO & T J than one year. -th ori.ed S ervice C al / 1111 ■ and r rs Phone 5516 619 Madison hy 1005 - 7th St. Orer, X > t ,x on manufacturers’ Ph. 35S p i p c ,n|'pTf' g p - . ' v i c p invt ntories. .1 N o tax on industrial hulld- Ph. 3971 or Portlan d O L . 4-735C • General Auto Repairs i ;s during the period of construc­ 104 Rth St • Wheel Balancin ■ ami alignment tion. 4. A reasonable inhrri'ar.ce SPEEDOMETER REPAIRS A t Economy Prices tax. SPEEDOMETER CABLE A L L CARS - ¡’ RUCKS S lip covers - Tip’ -‘ er; 5. An i stabllshed slate-w id e TH E F LO W E R SHOP K irsch Rods - A cce- mes Melvin Dunmire’s EIGU i H S > RaE I' C a r a g e property reappraisal program. F low ers fo r e v ery Day 6. A «late wide unifrom assess­ Ht On the Hill 615-Sth St. Ph. 6124 ment ratio. it ; ■ ■ o i RAMBI .ER‘ voting local exce s levies and W eddings Corsages WHEEL CAI 2 O. K. bond issttes. Salr-s And Service 16 - 7 th St. Ph. 6618 s file S t - , e expert said that only RUBBER JEFFS mint ta additional reven- by LOUNGE WELDERS ti it= present income lev- 4iipcr H iw a y at 18th - STEAKS . **/ -m m nr ^ an equal restraint on ex- 2136 Ph. 7177 C‘U kj C -1 T . O . U A w v -M LANA’S 503 Main St. Ph: 910 Washington Ph. 5341 1123 ¿3 L J R K - T O - 'I C.E? O U R S P E C IA L T IE S : ESCROWS REINSURANCE Featuring Q uality — F loorcoverin g Wm — C ou n tercoverin g N ation ally K n ow n — W a ll C overin g j f i c . C i £ < j . W M F’ Eager-beaver Mousewarmer service ^ BUY IT CITY Gresham, Oregon Route 2 e FI ND AND OREGON W m rm n P O W E R -C R A TE R , S N A P -C O U P L E R and T R A C T IO N BO O STER are Allis-Chalmera trademarks. A M IS -C H A L M E R S TO C>1 * i ' HOPP'S C ^frieclricJió -V, ! ttut point V A'i F -i n Fhooe MO 5 G C Brands o f Clothing f- r OREGON CfiT B oys and Girls DICKEN& COO OREGON OWNED ;>1 n 10 A M to * PM 461 Portland A v e Gladstone Oregon C ity z e in 2 . a i Th 2446 t Portland OLive 4-7731 Jerry's o: warm rervicable clothing for Zoya and • ftCHAH-Y L IN O L E U M C O M P A N Y Butler Bldg.-8th S\ PH. Oregon City 2638 or iren s wear and can save you many G r compie e siock will be sacrificed at. this closing A ST FRIENDLY SERVICE Refr: r»een tion as es ami S >rvi - Te!<-'ir n ArpTiaiv'-s r t" n Kitchens W« Servii - What We t-ET,I. n. St H. Green Stamps r'.'Rt rirrj M ‘.arnia T V Tube S u it .y which t. ip.^s L ife o f S> t 1114 *V *«h»nrton Ph. 6231 A U T O - FU RN ITU RE UPHOLSTERY CO. Satisfaction Guaranteed Í Th. O C. B u ild in g M aterials Free Information P H Oregon C ity 4152 82nd. at rarkplare B oat Cushions Repaired C o n vertib le Tops O I A D STONE Ph. Oregon City 3662 COO S U P E R H I G H W A Y 6506 O L. 4-74' ’ark Place Lumber Co. Seat Coverr. Cushions M oldrum 61 Super H chwa: J E N N IN G S L O DGF HU.LStDP CHAPEL 1306 Seventh St. R.H. C O N R A D . Pnone Oregon City 3902 BUICKS Direct Factory Dea| i Dynaflow - T«me Wreck P-v ng Our S; eriaity Best Selection of New : r 1 I ;| ' , SUPER-HY BUICK If Phone Oregon City 512» Super H iw a y at G'acVi 'ne