Cstacafta’aí Clackamas County Jacios In Its Fifty-fourth Year of Publication Volume No. 54 10c Per Copy Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Dec. 26, 1958 Number 55 Attend the Church of Your Choice for Christmas! mm,tn 1958 CHAIRMAN LLOYD EWALT SAYS RECORDS SHOULD BE KEPT OF FALL LAMB SALES Producers who arc marketing lambs this fall should obtain and save adequate records of their By Anne Justice I ner u'hen Oregon City and Esta sales in order that they can make During the morning session of cada Kiwanis members were hosts proper application for payment the last meeting of the Spring- to farmers of the grange and the under wool incentive program. The weather smiled a moment Everett Shibley, neighborhood. The baked food Mr. Lloyd Ewalt of Estacada, Saturday and over 600 people at­ water Grange and Elwin sale at Hogg Bros, store in Oreg­ Chairman, Clackamas County Ag­ tended the Christmas Award dr­ Grace Henderson ricultural Stabilization and Con­ awing in Estacada put on by your Shibley told of attending meet­ on City was a success anl the pro­ Home Ec. servation Committee, said today. , Clackamas Oounty News with the ings of the Oregon Seed League prietors invited the Sales records of lamb produc­ appreciated help of Estacada Elec­ held in Portland when speakers group to use their store for fut- ers selling lambs this fall must tric, Bert Clough and our advert­ told of two new grasses develop­ I ure sales. ed at Penn State College; also j The health and safety reports include the name of the buyer,his isers. experiments in conservation us­ were based on the article “Eating signature, and the number of live- weight lambs sold, with the de­ Miss Donna Marie Bresko drew ing grass to replant land over- j for a Healthy Heart.” Foods are scription ‘unshorn’ showing. Pay­ the lucky ticket which enabled grazed and eroded. Very interest­ being so refined and so many fats such ments are made only on lamte Vern Sutton with the help of our ing reports were given by men are being used that some that have never been shorn. dear friend Santa, to present Bob who had recently been in Japan, | products may actually be harm­ a ful. Another article on German Mr. Ewalt says. “Get these fall Moody of the U. S. Forest Ser­ Korea and South America as seed dealer, a seed grower and a experiments in the use of novo­ sales records together now and vice with the $100 bill. professor. Their viewpoints were cain for arthritis was described keep them at home in a safe place The afternoon was pleasant. The according to their occupations. and more will be given at a later or file them with the county ASC In date. office. The final date to apply Lowrey electronic organ music There is a potential market where the The Chaplain Vemita Gant re­ or payments on 1958-59 market­ added greatly. Bert Clough was Africa; especially ings is April 30, 1959. Produc­ assisted by Mrs. John Englund, French are in charge. However if ported Jack Akins and Mike New­ ers may submit payment applica­ Mrs. Earl Ramsay and Mrs. Cecil this changes, it was the opinion ell recovering after surgery and that agriculture would be given a that several children had been ill, tions to our county ASC office Taylor. severe set back.In South America some with chicken pox. anytime between now and then.” Near catastrophe occurred when which had The lecturer’s hour featured The chairman warned again the lid slipped off the can the they visited farms years Christmas songs by the entire that lamb feeders, particularly, tickets were being mixed in. The been cultivated for 3000 grass group, recitations by Delbert Gen- should keep accurate records of drawing was made right from the and badly needed some temann and Margaret Shibley the length of time they have ow­ ticket pile on the bottom of the seed.. It was urged that a large and a gift exchange with Ray Mil­ ned a specific lot of lambs.Lamb truck bed where the tickets so group from this area attend the ler acting as Santa Claus aided payments ae made only to produ­ very fortunately fell. next convention and work to elect by Martin and Delbert Gentc cers who have owned lambs 30 A good time was had by all - a member as a representative. mann and Scott and Kevin Just­ I days.These factors are important at least so says Moody. A. T. Varitz gave the legislat­ ice. I because under the Wool Act pay- ive report using an article from The usual monthly social will I ment is based on the weight gain the Wall Street Journal on sub­ be omitted for December and the | of the lambs during ownership of sidies and described crops seen annual New Year s Day get-to­ PLAY TO BE PRESENTED the seller. on a recent trip to Calif. gether will be held at the grange Recent figures show that pay­ AT CHURCH OF GOD Vemita Gant of the Home Ec. hall. Pot luck dinner will be serv­ Jerriene Wihate and Bill Brink ment on 1957-58 unshorn lambs in Clackamas County came to will play the leading roles in a Club thanked those who helped ed at 1 o’clcok a id all friends and $5,620 .09. Shorn wool payments play to be presented by the Esta- with the Town and Country din- neighbors invited to attend. amounted to $46,159.00. National ada Church of God Sunday eve Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bartholo­ figures as of September 30 show­ at 7:30. The play entitled T h e mew will have all of their child­ LUMBER PRICES TOOK humorous i ed shorn wool incentive payments Highest Gift’ is both ren and grandchildren home for JUMP LAST WEEK of more than $13 million and and yet expresses the real signif­ a diner on Christmas eve. Mr. Crow’s Lumber » Price Index rose lamb payments of over $3 million icance o the meaning of Christ­ and Mrs. Bob Bartholomew of 29 cents the past week. It reflect­ mas. Playing supporting roles in Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. Bud ed somewhat greater strength in the cast are Karen Califf, Jane Western Califf, Larry Kniskern, LeRoy Bartholomew and two boys, and green Douglas fir and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Godsey and Pine region dimension. Studs are Smith, Wm. Rinehart. Everyone Anne will complete the family up several dollars in price, lead­ is cordially invited to attend. | circfle. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Doo­ ing the parade. ley will also be guests. Prices on green Fir and Hem­ lock have risen about two dollars 1 The local American Legion Wanted White Elephants or Mr. and Mrs. Carol Bond of Au­ for February loading. White Fir ! and Auxiliary held their annual what have you for OES Social burn, Calif, arrived Monday to board prices have not risen, de­ i Xmas dinner and children’s par- Club Sale Jan. 9-10. Call for spend the holidays with Mrs. mand is somewhat better. | ty Sunday with 110 in attend- pick up CR9-3959 or CR 9-6417. Bond’s father, Chris Myers. ! ance. This was the largest crowd ever to attend this event. | Mrs. Don Showerman assisted I by the Junior Chairman Bonnie I ! Jones and Ann Snowley passed | out gifts and candy to thirty-nine j youngsters. The Post served the 1 turkey and everyone brought pot luck with the holiday spirit. The hall was decorated or the holiday by the Auxiliary Juniors on Saturday. I The next regular meeting of the Post and Unit will be Jan.5th at 6:30 P.M. Potluck supper.Vet- | erans and their families ase cor­ dially invited to attend. Also a reminder the Juniors meet the 3rd Saturday at 1 P.M. in the hall. The next meeting of the Juniors will start the program of Pan American and the dressing of dolls in customs of El Salva-1 dor. Christmas Award Springwater Grange Planning Local Party Attendance Activities of Interest for New Year Pushes 600 at these gifts be $3.;00 Per Year ' 110 People at Christmas Party Estacada Veneer Head Outlines Improvements Garfield CHURCH of the NAZARENE Rev. Stephen R. Beals Porter MENNONITE CHURCH Rev. Earnest Bontrager CHURCH of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Rev. Woodrow Clay Barton Community BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Glen Frye Estacada St. Aloysius CATHOLIC CHURCH, Fr. Ernest Jackson Springwater PRESBYERIAN CHURCH, Rev. Harry B. Hampton Estacada FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Charles Helms Estacada CHURCH of GOD Rev. James O. Moore Estacada Community METHODIST CHURCH Rev Milton Nelson Estacada SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Eagle Creek PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Vernon O. Ross Estacada CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. David Worden PRESIDENTS PARLEY HOLDS ANNUAL XMAS PARTY The American Legion Auxil­ iary Past Presidents Parley held their annual Xmas dinner and party Saturday night with 25 in ¡attendance. The husbands of the ! Past Presidents were guests. Proposed tariff revisions filed There was a gift exchange and by Estacada Telephone & Tele­ the evening was spent in visiting graph Company, now under sus­ and playing cards. pension, will be studied by the Public Utility Commissioner of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Rickey, Oregon at a hearing set for Le­ gion Hall, Estacada, Tuesday, Je ff and Brad, came out from ner and helped Joe Rickey, Sr. January 6 at 10:00 a.m. Originally filed to become ef­ Portland Friday evening for din- fective May 9, Commissoner celebrate his birthday. Morgan twice issued a suspen­ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harbert and sion order, pending investiga­ family left early Tuesday morn­ tion and hearing. Included in ing for San Lorenzo, Calif, to the revisions aie certain local spend several days at the home exchange service rates. of Mrs. Harbert’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Easterling and family. Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson went JOHN LEE INITIATED INTO down to the Easterlings last ROTC HONOR SOCIETY John Lee of Estacada has been Thursday and will stay in Calif, initiated into Scabbard and Blade, for most o f the winter. national military ROTC honor so­ ciety at Oregon State College. Mrs. Marie Lebold and boys of Thirty outstanding ROTC stu­ Salem visited at the home of her dents. drawn from the arm yjtaw parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank and air force ROTC programs Hayden last Saturday. were selected for • membership this year. ScfhoLanhip and leader­ ship are considered in selections. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hayden Lee is a senior in the school of visited at the home of their son. business and technology. His Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hayden in home address is RL 2, box 76.Es- Portland last Friday. Herb had tacada. recently had surgery and was re­ covering satisfactorily. They will spend Christmas eve at the Frank Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stewart Hayden home. of San Diego. Calif , are visiting at the home of Mrs. Stewart's pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harbert. Mrs. Ethel Gardner of Hayward, They will also ^pend sometime Calif, is spending the holidays with Mr. Stewart's parents in Eu­ with her daughter and family, the gene Gene Bavarts Hearing on Local Phone Rate Hike Set for January ' CHRISTIAN CHURCH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM The Bible School Classes of the Christian Church held their an­ nual Christmas program Sunday morning at 11:30. The C. E. PAUL W. EATON Society and members of the Bib­ Paul W. Eaton, late of Route le class had the Christmas pro­ ‘Christmas Candles’ on 1, Estacada, died Dec. 23 in a gram Portland hospital. He was born Sunday eve. combining it with a Feb. 1, 1889 in Belle Forouche.S. , candle light rommunion Service. Walter Dakota. He was a member of Soloists were Mrs. Bob the Estacada Lodge A . F . 4 A . M. and Mr. Glenn Hartwig. After the program the C. E. No. 14«, I. O. O. F. Lodge No.175 and the Eagle Creek Grange No. Society accompanied by the min­ 197. He had lived here 32 years ister David Wodren went carol­ He is survived bf his wifejdaye; ing and ended up at the Under­ two daughters. Mrs. Rollo Jones wood home for refreshments. Dave Prentiss, head of Estacada Veneer gave an of Portland and Mrs. Mary E. Ma­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keith present­ enthusiastic outline for the future plans of the plant ed the church with a pair of can­ honey of Cheyenne. Wyoming;one delabra, which were used in the last Friday. Present improvements alone will mean brother, James Eaton of Belle program. Forouche, S-D. more jobs. The plant payroll will jump from 30 to Mr. Eaton was a retired emplo­ 35 when the plant reopens after Jan. 1. The impi ov- yee of Consolidated Freight He June L. Hood of Estacada, R t was an automotive engineeer and CANBY COUGARS TAKE ments underway have necessitated a short shutdown 1, box 122A, has been elected to RANGERS TO CLEANERS a shop foreman. membership in the “Dachshund and this was a good time. The picture above shows The Canby Cougars pulled a- Funeral services will bt held the Club of America.” She is one of the 80 ft. addition to the plant beng rushed for use. Friday, Dec. 26 at 2 PM at the j head in the 3rd quarter of Canby on only five members in the entire Clayville Chapel with committ­ basketball game at Besides the increase in the plant size the log Tuesday and beat Estacada Ran­ state of Oregon of this 550 mem­ ment at Portland Memorial. ber nation-wide group. Founded pond has been increased 13 acres to 18 £ acres. gers 64 to 57.. The Estacada J . Wa got their in 1895 the “DachsOhund Club of Three trays for handling veneer off the lathe plus the third oldest MISS ELTA SCHOCK first victory of the season aa they America” is the world another clipper are in the process of installation. Miss El ta Schock, late of Esta- beat Canby in the 1st game by 4 i dachschund club in and has as its purpose the nation­ cada, died Dec. 23 in a Portland score of 48 to 47. Other improvements -will include a side log haul hospital. No funeral arrange­ Next home game or the Rang­ al support of the breed and the dach­ and a lathe charger. A sawdust recovery unit and ments have yet been made. ers will be against Banks on Jan coordination of efforts of 6th. Seaside will be here the 9th. shund fanciers from coast to dragsaw are also being added. coast. She was sponsored by Bill Carson, who was acting superintendent has Mrs. William Burr Hill Jr . of Richard Keeth and Claude Par- New York secretary of the D. C. returned to Vancouver Ply. His duties have been vin returned home last Friday Mrs. Geo. Bavart and her sis­ I A. from Ft. Ord, Calif., where they ter Mrs. Bill Williams of Port­ assumed by Mr. Jack Clark, formerly of Oregon have been training with the U. S. land returned Sunday from a trip June L Hood is responsible Army Reserve. They will be to S t Louis Mo , where they were for bringing to Oregon several 1 Veneer of Tillamook. Mr. and Mrs. Clark are now borne for about two weeks Hugh called borne for the funeral of outstanding dogs frrwn New York residents of Estacada. Reynolds, who has also been at another sister s husband. Mrs. ; and California, including the on­ Mr. Prentiss stated if the log supply and market Fort Ord, will arrive on Wednes­ Sprock was visiting here last ly “de Sagpur1' strain stud dog in day to visit his parents. Mr. and February with two other sisters 1 the state and one of the very few holds, the plant will be expanded into a complete Mrs. Ira Reynolds. producing unit in the Spring. from S t Louis. on the west coast. I Local People Called by Death National Dascbund Club Taps Hoods \