V \ 'News7 Want Ads Bring Good Resuits Patronize your local 'News7 job printer I According to the Department of General C. P. Cabell, Deputy Commerce, the average size of Director of Central Intelligence, world history. Tt akes many families, statistically, is 3.65 per- states that the Communist inter- forms and assumes manp disguis- sons. Rural farm families were national propaganda apparatus es. the largest with an average of | 4.08. The total number of famil­ ies as of last March was 43,700,- A Á U liU lU iit U U U f f lA U illim t U iU á U U A lá 000. Christmas FOREST SERVICE SELLS TIMBER AT AUCTION The Estacada District of the Mt. Hood National Forest sold fifty- one thousand board feet of timber on a sale called West Fish Creek Cedar Sale No. 2. The sale was sold in the Estacada Ranger’s of­ fice on Dec. 11 at 9 A.M. by auc­ tion procedures. The purchaser of this timber was the Clear Creek Shingle Mill of Cherryvile. The high bid was $897.60. The timber was advertis­ ed for 10 days prior to the sale with notices posted in three pub­ lic places in Estacada. The tim­ ber was appraised at $405.45. Specials Friday & Saturday, Dec. 19-20 $1.50 Men's Suits wadies' Suits Ladies'Coals $lv50 $1.50 Plain Skirts 65 Trousers .65 STAFF CORRESPONDENTS t Eagle C r e e k ....................................................... Mrs. MarKar»' Rosa Currinsville ....................................................... Mrs. Nellie Currtn j G arfield ............................................ 1 ' s. Raj- Cord, j | V i o l a ............................. Mrs. Lafaye Fouta George . . ............. .......................... Mrs. ». .oderhold We Are Boosting Estacada for Yourr Christmas Shopping Headquarters! Get Your Tickets for the $ 1 0 0 sailW. ---- YOUR CHOICE Dec. ?0, Christmas Award with W E GIVE CHRISTMAS $100 Dec.20 A W A R D TICKETS ON EACH $2.50 IN TRADE! Automatic Toaster Every $2.50 Cash Purchase. 8 -8 8 A special value. W ill make perfect toast every time - - any shade. At,fc . . *jc shr‘ -off and pop ut?, 1 ar Guarantee West -to r n Percolator E S T A CA DA White Shirts COME EARLY TO GEY YOUR OUR SUPPLY IS GOING FAST! CUSTOMERS ON ROUTE W H O BRING IN CLEANING W ILL HAVE IT DELIVERED A T THESE PRICES! ALL CUSTOMERS WILL RECEIVE TICKETS FOR $100 XM AS A W A R D FOR EACH $2.50 IN CLEANING! KIT. ROOD CLEANERS & LAUNDRY Estacada Shop Phone Estacada CR 9-3336 BE TH E JUDGEI WHOLE FRYING CHICKENS! 2 to 3 ib. ave. 2 9 £ Calling all Scandinavians and other sausage fanciers in our area - - FOR YOU FOR CHRISTMAS P O TA TO SAUSAGE FROM AN ORIGINAL SV/EDISH RECIPE! 5 9 c lb* Hot coffee ; « you lika it! Exclusive method and of Clackamas County met Dec. 3 at Sandy Elementary School wltn 57 members present representing 7 schools. The flag ceremony was presented by Boy Scout troop No. 248, Sandy, followed by the invocation bp Rev. Donald Live- say of the Community Presbyter­ ian Church of Sandy. East ______ Council _______ president __ Mrs.W. ___ _ H. Tucker of Estacada presented Sandy PTA president Mrs. Arthur Colson and Mr. Clyde Sutherland, principal of Sandy Elementary School, who expressed words of welcome to the council members. Mrs. Ted Haneberg, Three Lynx, reported that the new East Council by-laws have been accepted by the Oregon State PTA. A report on measures that lo­ cal community organizations have taken toward our childrens I better health and safety was made by Health and Safety chair­ man Mrs. Ralph Hames, Sandy. Mrs. Melvin Hanneberg, Bull Run. Mrs. V. O. Anderson, Bor­ ing and Mrs. Robert Moody, of Three Lynx were elected to the nominating committee. Elected as an alternate on the committee was Mrs. Arthur Colson, Sandy, who will also serve as a member of the nominating committee for District Director for Clackamas County. The program for the evening ■ was presented by Sandy Element­ ary school students. Program ! chairman, Mrs. Bertha Genteman introduced Mr. Warren Adams, secretary of the Clackamas Coun­ ty school reorganization commit- 1 tee. The goal of this committee is the unification of the high school districts in grades one through twelve. Mr. Adams | spoke of the problems of reor- ' ganization; joint school districts; non-high school districts and non­ contiguous districts. Mrs. Oscar Lins, president of Estacada PTA extended an in­ vitation to the council to have the February' meeting at Estaca­ da Elementary School. That mee­ ting will be the Founders Day program and will be held Feb. 4 at 10 A.M. The East Council Executive Committee meeting will be held January 9 at 8 P.M. at the Esta­ cada Elementary School library. MAYFLOWER M I L K New 5 % MV 25 c The Dodge Extension Unit held j their December meeting and | Christmas party at the hall Tues­ day, Dec. 2nd. After a short busi-1 ness meeting members ate a lov­ ely potluck dinner. The afternoon was spent in exchanging ideas for home made Chirstmas decor­ ations and playing games. The party was climaxed by a gift ex­ change. Homogenized Golden Premium Fortiffied with Multiple Vitamins and Minerals. Can be used as dry or steam iron. Handy dials ■ for all fabrics. Calrod element. ® GRAY'S HARDWARE \ x / r ^ . i CADA Phone CR 9-3333 W E GIVE CHRISTMAS $100 Dec.20 A W A R D TICKETS ON EACH $2.50 IN T R A D E 1 ■ Polish SAUSAGE RINGS 3 for \ .00 Pure Bulk PORK SAUSAGE Ib 5 5 c Breakfast Link Sausage 14 oz @ 9 C Big Chief BUTTER, Ib. prints 5 9 c M I L W A U K I E MU S I C CO. Miiwaukis, Oregon Phone OL 4 6643 * * » » * » ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ J1 Estacada Food Center Wish You A MERRY CHRISTMAS and YEAR! HAPPY Specials. for Christmas Only leeember 18-19-20 MEAT THRU CHRISTMAS Produce California Sunkisi, medium size Navel O R A N G E S g ib s .4 9 c U.S. No 1 POTATOES I Q Ib bag 3 3 c Fresh,Crisp C E L E R Y CARROTS Ib . \ \ t 2 cello pkgs. 1 5 c Give Apples For Christmas! OUR CHOICE MEAT PRICES Are Effective Through Dec. 24 Turk« , Lynden Brand Pan-Ready Turkey H E N S 10 to 14 lbs. 4 3 c Ib. Turkey T OMS 16 to 25 lbs 3 9 c Red Winesap APPLES 2 6 Ib box 9 8 c m Swifts Premium Fully Cooked u Butt Half 6 3 c Ik- Groceries salad dressing qnd a spread! Borden's MAYONNAISE quart 4 9 e E G G S , AALarge KRAFT from the one and only pickle relishes ^TÍ á M/ ic Í í ***** ^ît-gMo f ALSO ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS Hamss Whole |,<,nk Hams Ha|f 59c |b- 5 9 c Ib. «S 'íS 'lS ’íS i ^S'rS'iízsii, go a sa u c &...3 Shurfresh COTTAGE CHEESE pint 1 9 c M IR A C L c W H IP and special ^ O U E F M A R K E T Expert Factory Methods. S & H fsreen Stamp Os. md It's grand M ade b y WE GIVE CHRISTMAS $100 Dec.20 AW ARD TUNING BY APPOINTMENT! i-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi " — . ----------------- -------- J * * W J E L L O All Flavors 9c 4 pkgs. 3 5 c TICKETS ON EACH $2.50 IN TRADE! LOCKERS 888 tnermostatic control gives more cups and flavor .20 EaSaP.T.A. Council ‘■■■U SB ! per pound. Bright Aluminum finish ■ Holds Sandy Meet G. E. Steam & Spray Iron 1 7 * 7 7 5 PIANO The East Council of the PTA GIFTS - • ■ r c u M K « x « w « w c ir « K ««cv;':' While It Lasts! Fortune magazine forecasts a | spectacular boom in capital spending during the next two years. According to it, even con­ servative estimates show that the j total capital goods market by the second quarter of 1961 probably will amount to a record $53 bill­ ion a year------ 30 per cent above the current market. Page 5 THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Dec. 19, 1958 Sandwich S| I M I Xmas Hard MIXED Candy doz. 5 5 e Ocean Spray, Jellied or whole CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 303 cans 4 5 c Santiam Cut GRE EN B E A N S Candy 303 cans 3 ' ° r5 5 c MIXED NUTS RIBBON MIX, 1Hi "YiTfci* nsfaraPu ! ¿íi& W Ib. 3 9 c Ib. 39c Ib. 59c lO oz.p kg. 4 9 c îJfcïi SfòStifcfò 2fcai&5re»iSÆ.2«>e: W ê M&EMITXi il-E iBW W W W W C w t i « « * K M * C K W « w * w w « « w w c w e «