Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Estacada's Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1957-1976 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1958)
STAFF CORRESPONDENTS ................................................... Mrs. M a r f a « ' Ross ........................................ Mrs. Nellie Currln ................................................. ¡ I s . Ray Gord- i ................................................... Mrs. Lafaye Fouls ........................... . Mrs. ~ .«aierhold Eagle Creek Currm sville G arfield Viola George . . . These Are Your Churches ASSEM BLY OF GOD CHURCH ÀAÀAAÀAAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAAÀAAAAAA4AAAAAAAAASAÀA. 4 There is nothing either good or bad — but thinking makes it so. l ► ► Woodrow Clay ► : ► : ► 5th and Broadw ay Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a.m. M orning Worsh%> 11 a.m. Junior Church Sunday School Bldg. Evening Evangelistic Service 7:45 p.m. — Shakespeare (Earrcll JFmteral 1 Unite Phone MOhawk 5-3794 < I Gresham, Oregon BARTO N COMMUNITY B A PTIST CHURCH Boring, O regon , Rt. 3 Rev. Glen Frye III, pastor Sunday School 9:45 a.m. M orning W orship 11 a.m. Youth Tim e 6:30 p.m. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa * Strawberry Acreage Wanted ST. ALOYSIUS CATHOLIC CHURCH ESTACADA MARKET COOPERATIVELY Father Ernest Jackson You Deliver at Currinsville Phone Sandy MU 2912 Masses 1st and 2nd Sundays at 11 A. M. 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays at 8 A. M. STRAWBERRIES RASPBERRIES BOYSENBERRIES PORTER MENNONITE CHURCH GRISHAM BERRY GROWERS I (Seven Miles East oi Estacada) 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M. Church Service 7 P. M. Junior M eeting Pastor Ernest J. Bontrager, Rt. 1, B ox 141A, Estacada GRESHAM, OREGON Phone MOhawk 5-3191 for field service agents now calling in this area._________ «.al'ACADA CHURCH 11 GOD Corner 2nd and Main Streets Sunday S ch ool........... 9:45 a.m. Y outh M eeting . . . . 6:30 p.m 11 Evening Service 7:00 p.m. B ible Study 7:45 p.m. Wed Pastor: Rev. James O. M oore Phone CR 9-3947 Is the Best G ilt You Can Give Yourself or Anyone You Love! There is no greater satisfaction than watching your savings account G R O W through regular deposits. OF W h y not arrange for a Savings Account here today for yourself or someone on your gift list. Clackamas County Bank Serving Eastern Clackamas County Since 1911 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. S A N D Y , OREGON sold in the Estacada Ranger’s of fice on Dec. 11 at 9 A.M. by auc tion procedures. The pui chaser of this timber was the Clear Creek Shingle Mill of Cherryvile. The high bid was $897.60. The timber was advertis ed for 10 days prior to the sale with notices posted in three pub lic places in Estacada. The tim ber was appraised at $405.45. FOREST SERVICE SELLS TIMBER AT AUCTION The Estacada District of the Mt. The News leads in neighbor Hood National Forest sold fifty- one thousand board feet of timber news in y ou r area, D ont be on a sale called West Fish Creek . . . . . Cedar Sale No. 2. The sale was wlthout Subscribe today. METHODIST CHURCH S E. 2nd & Main (on the hill) Church School .............9:45 A.M. Morning Warship .............11 AM. Nursery ...........................11 A.M. MYF ...„............................ 6:30 P.M. ► Milton L. Nelson, Minister Day anti Night Service - A Local Institution ► OLD SANYA KNOWS A SAVINGS ACCOUNT IN THIS BANK Fortune magazine forecasts a i spectacular boom in capital spending during the next two I years. According to it, even con servative estimates show that the 1 total capital goods market by the second quarter of 1961 probably will amount to a record §53 bill- j ion a year------ 30 per cent above the current market. Give a Power Lawn Mower THE C L A C K A M A S C O U N T Y N E W S Page Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Dec. 19, 1958 Nou'&urgical Method Cures Hemorrhoids Painlessly A relatively painless, non- ization or confinement. Pa surgical method of treating tients show marked im hemorrhoids (piles) is work provement almost immedi ing therapeutic miracles for ately, and u ncom plicated thousands who suffer from cases can be frequently cor rectal and colon disorders. rected in as little as 10 days. A recently developed elec Further information with tronic treatment is proving out obligation may be ob more effective than surgery, tained by writing the Dean with none of the after effects Clinic, Chiropractic Physi of surgery. [ The relatively new tech- cians, 2026 N. E. Sandy 1 nlque requires no hospital - Blvd., Portland 12, Oregon. Advsrtissmsnt FOR CHRISTMAS! W e ll Give You a We have 3 rotary mowers and \ reel type at terrific bargains. Dec. 2 0 ,4 :3 0 p.m. Award Ticket IF W E DO NOT STO C K W H A T Y O U NEED, W E CAN GET IT IN A H U R R Y ! ON ALL CASH RADIO and TV SERVICE E S T A C A D A FEED & SEED PROKOP'S RADIO & TV SERVICE WE GIVE CHRISTMAS $100 Dec.20 AW ARD TICKETS ON EACH $2.50 IN TRADE! Sunday Sch ool 10 a.m. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Phone Estacada Electric CR 9 -3 7 6 9 SHOES for the Entire FAMILY! fiickk I »)»»»ai»»»»at»i»)>i£i>iai3i»s<>i*i9i3i ¥ Professional AUTO POLICY ‘ Broadest coverage in our history... fastest possible claim payments FORMERS I Ü L .R "BUD " RIVERS Res. Phone CR 9-6510 Off. Phone CR 9-6527 Estacada City Licensed But thanks to m j Vnion 0.1 static« , ®he never compl**1*9 Of rheumatic pains. tier joints get Stop-We*r Lnbr'cali0n ; WANTED: T o b u y all kinds of livestock. Harold Sarver, Estacada phone CR -3746 I v Dr. L. W. Griffith I * Syes Examined g Broken Lenses D uplicated g Glasses F itted« g Eyeglass Frames Repaired g W hile Y ou Wait g tie invite Comparison o fg y lervice, Quality and Prices' sj We do our ow n grinding g 5 VISION OPTICAL CO. I S v g Gresham, Oregon O ffice on Pow ell Blvd. Telephone MO 5-3813 y g GROKETT JEWELRY Sandy, Oregon CARPENTER WORK WANTED Framing - Finishing Cabinets Ph. Ectacada CR 9-6540 SCEPTIC TANKS CLEANED *25.0* 24 hour Service Phone Prospect 5-5346 Portland, Oregon GRESHAM SEED & FEED CO. Gresham, Ore- Phone MO 5-2186 UNION OIL COMPANYor SERVICE CONCRETE BLOCKS 10 Registered Bulls Delivered for All shapes 8x8x16 "Lite" Anywhere - Anytime Blocks sold at our plant FRANK LEITHEISER Only 33c each Route 2, box 470, Sandy Gladstone Block Co. Call MU 74780 82nd at Clackamas Bridge Gladstone. Ph. Ore. City 4306 FOR THE BEST DEAL on a NEW PLYMOUTH or CHRYSLER see or rail california WWrt 1* I m hi Clue am cas TV • aw *»• I* S o n Book* « umm oil W i n HAROLD BOYANOVSKY HESS EL’S, Gresham MO 5-2146 or Portland AL 1-1626. Also Used Cars and Trucks - Real Estate g y Agent fo r Badger Mutual & y g National Fire Ins.Companies g * 172 S. E. Fourth St. g g j f f l c e Phone Res. Phoneg yCR. 9-3773 CR. 9-38545, y y v Allyn M. Price, M.D g PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Estacada m Rynning Drug Bldg- g Phone CR 9— 3205 If No Answer Call CR 9—4152 OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY Estacada Rynning Drug Bldg- Phone CR 9— 3265 If N0 Answer Call CR 9— 4152 BULL AND BOAR WIN ttS.SSI Send us a limerick about your favorite Union Oil product or serv ice. I f it's a winner, we'll pay you *25 on publication. W rite to : 76 Limericks, Union Oil, B o* 7600, L os Angeles 54. Calif. y ' ¥ ¥ ¡g A Complete Optical Service^ if George ___ S Hara, M. D M rt. L yit tr im . M ill V a iltj. Calif. W ho care* if cars get old. as long as they rid i like newt And they will, with regular Stop-W ear Lubrication b y the neighborhood Minute Man. He guarantees in writing " N o squeaks (or 1000 mile*.-’ g I y Estacada, Oregon y * V I V --------------------------------------------- V I Phone Sandy MU 7-3831 car i s . vinUge creation C MASONIC BLDG. g insurance * W ork IZZY’y AUTO WRECKING Phone Damascus 2317. Address Rt 3 box 311 Boring. Oregon at Barton. We buy and sell nil kinds of batteries, radiators and scrap automobile pans, tires, old and refittings, angle Irons etc. We buy Junk, any old Junk DENTIST » to 5 Mon. thro Sat. * y -------------------------------- ________________ y y % Howard L. Smith g HEWETT'S Business Services ■ V V V I -V shoe : A. D. Benshocf I BRAND NEW 1 Paul Dire^ Slominski, DMT? General Sheet Metal AT ESTACADA EVERY WEDNESDAY $100 See Us for Your Livestock & Poultry Feeds Bible S ch ool 10 A. M. W orship Service 11 A . M. FIRST B A PTIST CHURCH Christian Endeavor 5:30 P.M. Sunday M eeting In Estacada David Worden, Minister City Hall Church School 9:45 a.m. GARFIELD CHURCH OF THE M orning Worship 11 A.M. NAZARENE Youth Program 7 P. M. (Four Miles East of Estacada) Evening Serivce 7;30 P.M. Sunday School 10 A. M. Charles Helms, Pastor Morning Worship 11 A. M. Youth Services 6 P. M. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN Evening Services 7 P. M. CHURCH Prayer Meeting Wed. 7:30 P.M. Sunday Sch ool at 9:45 A.M. Pastor: Rev. Stephen R. Beals BUSTER BROWN SHOE STORf Main & Center, SA N D Y Phone CR 9-6325 OREGON Clir «AIN XT EIGHT« Worship Sunday 8:30 and , 11 A . M. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST -'O R THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Sabbath School 9:30 AM Sat FAMILY of LATTER DAY SAINTS Preaching Service: 11 AM Estacada Branch -555 N.Broad- Vesper Service 3;45 PM RED GOOSE way. President- Earl H. Eck- Prayer Meeting each Wednesday at 7 PM ersley. , , F or grow ing feet Located on Second and Broad Primary- 3:30 Thurs. way, Estacada Sunday Sch ool 10 AM . Sun. 'G R A C E W ALK E P Sacrament S ervice 7 P.M. Sun Queen For a D ay Fam" R eleif S ociety- 2 PM Tues. R. S. W ork M eeting- 10:30 ev General C. P. Cabell, Deputy JOHN C. R O B E R T ! * ery second Tues. Director of Central Intelligence, |-------------------------------------------------- states that the Communist inter For Particular Men & Boy» national propaganda apparatus THE PRESBYTERIAN or sheer magnitude, is unipue in CHURCHES world history. It akes many SPRINGW ATER forms and assumes manp disguis Rev. Harry B. Hampton, Sup es. p ly Pastor SHOE STORE M orning W orship 11 a.m. 702 ¿lain Oregon City Sunday School 10 a.m. According to the Department of EAGLE CREEK Commerce, the average size of j Rev. Vernon E. Ross,Jr Pastor families, statistically, is 3.65 per W orship 11 a.m. sons. Rural farm families were Sunday School 10 a.m. the largest with an average of ST. JOHNS at GEORGE 4.08. The total number o f famil Rev.V ernon E. Ross, Jr. Pastor ies as o f last March was 43,700,- Plumbing and Heating. W orship 9a.m. 000. % 2 SAM'S SHOE REPAIR Doing Business A t Home Evenings and Saturdays Work while you wait. By Appointment Only S. End of Shafford Ave. Phone CR 9-3979 i t—" Don Day i Agent for Loyalty Group & Franklin National Group Insurance Companies Estacada, Oregon Phose CR. 9-3371 DR. LIONEL BURTON OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON | DR.CHESTER RASMUSSEN Associate j ESTACADA, OREGON Office Phone CR 9-3250 If no answei CR 94152 Hours: 8 AM. to 6 P.M. Monday through Saturday C. JONES ESTACADA JEWELER For Watch Repair Opaa • to 5 Daily Season's Best Wishes w W W W