Côtacattas Clatfeamaá Count? Jîetos In Its Fifty-fourth Year of Publication Volume No. 54 Number 43 Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Dec. 12, 1958 'News7 Subscription Campaign Ending Former Estacada This Saturday; Prizes, Cash Awarded Killed County School Unification Method Explained In Detail by Committee 10c Per Copy $3. 00 Per *i\ ur Business Houses to Start Giving Tickets Thursday for $ 2 0 0 Christmas Prize Joseph C.Gredvig and Norman The Clackamas County Com- scriptions o the boundaries of the The business men of Estacada Dr. Paul Slominski, D.D.S. check the total number of sub­ whose names appear in this art­ Howard Swith Real Estate scriptions their candidates have R. Boucher were killed Thursday mittee for the Reorganization of newly proposed districts. The Estacada Union High icle are giving tickets on a $100 Taylor's Hi-Way Market turned in up to Wednesday, to be afternoon of last week at a Port­ Schools was elected at a cointy fire convention held at Eastham Ele- School District No. 6 area shown Christmas prize to be awarded in We should also include our out­ sure their count is in accord with land shipyard when a fash broke out in a small hold of an mentary School Oct. 3, 1957.The with a heavy border line and in­ downtown Estacada at 4:30 p.m. side advertisers who have also office records. The campaign reached the almost completed Navy landing committee consists of nine mem­ eluding elementary districts Nos. Dec. 20. You will receive tick­ shared in helping us accumulate ship. They are both former re­ ets on each $2.50 purchase or the $100 during the year. bers and five alternates, serving 17, 93, 89, 108, 116 and 123 "anybody's race” stage this week The Estacada Unified District multiple thereof. The maximum without compensation. The mem­ We appreciate the fine spirit of as some of the workers who were sidents of this area. Mr. Gredvig is survived by his bers are : Dr. A. K Child, Canby; with the following component ar- amount of award on any purchase cooperation from the following low in their first vote standings L. A. is $100 or 40 tickets. These tick- business people who have joined edged their way toward the top wife Mrytle; two daughters,Fran­ Milton Fox, Brightwood; and are giving the leaders a real ces and Rebecca; his mother,Mrs. Wievesitk, West Linn; S. B. Pow- Elementary District No. 17, Eagle ets will be deposited with the in the Christmas Shopping in I place of business to be turned Estacada campaign. Tickets are run for high spots in the drive. As Gertrude Gredvig; sisters, Hazel ers, Molalla; George Coveil, Jr., [ Creek Dorothy Milwaukie; Lloyd Ewalt, Estaca- Elementary District No. 88,Porter over to the Clackamas County being supplied through the help busy as the candidates are these Harmon of Estacada, last few days it is going to be Ponci and Florence HanIon;bro- da; John Emery, Oswego; Nor- Elementary District No. 99, Bar­ News for the award drawing at of the Upper Clackamas River man Palmgren, Colton; and Dale ton 4:30 p.m., Dec. 20, somewhere Chamber of Commerce from last easy for some of them to overlook thers, Wallace and James. some of the people who have ■ Funeral services were held on Jacobs, Oregon City. The alter- Elementary District No. 108, Es- on Broadway. Special arrange­ year's supply and the Clackamas Tuesday, at 1 P.M. at the chapel nates are E. R. Bonney, Redlana; ments have been made for organ County News. tacada promised them. Anyone who has promised his of the Mt. Scott Funeral Home, Wayne LaFjrge, Carus; Maurice Elementary District No. 116,Red music and a public address syts Campanula's Market land, not including that port­ cm with the Estacada Electric Estacada Electric payment to one of the candidates with interment in Lincoln Mem­ Buxton, Mol •ilia; Joseph Vaeretti, ion lying in section 30, R4E, and the Lowrey organ represent­ Estacada Feed and Seed Sandy and Kenneth Coats, Colton. or who plans to subscribe from orial Park. Mr. Boucher is survived by his ative, Bert Clough. T2S Estacada Food Center The County School Supt. serves one of the workers, may mail or wife, Rozanne; three daughters, District No. 123, The $100 award has been made Estacada Lockers as secretary of the committee, Elementary bring his payment to the News Carol, Marsha and Patricia; his possible by the cooperation of the Estacada Tel and Tel. Co. Three Lynx without vote. Mrs. Albert Stout office before 6 P.M. this Satur­ The committee made little ef­ tegular advertisers in the ‘News’. Gray's Hardware day and have the votes credited parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emile Bou­ is recordin g secretary aud War­ cher; brothers, Paul and Euclid. ren S. Adams, assistant Kiggin’s Chevron Service County fort to straigten out the irregu­ These advertisers are: to his favorite worker. The News Requiem .mas was offered at School Supt., represents Mt. Hood Cleaners L. G. lar boundaries that exist between Broadway Theatre office will be open to receive Phillip’s Variety unified districts Dr. Lionel Burton payments all day Saturday until Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Rood as secretary of the group, j the proposed Portland at 9:30 A.M. Tuesday, Dr. Guild was elected chairman since the committee’s major pro- Currinsville Market I’rokop’s Radio-TV Service the 6 P.M. deadline. Dec. 9. Interment was at the and Dale Jacobs was elected vice- posal is that of unification of ex­ Don Day Ray’s Shell Service The $10 cash prizes will be Willamette National Cemetery. chairman. I isting union high school districts. First State Rank of Milwaukie Sagner’s Richfield Service awarded with the bicycles Satur­ Sinclair’s Serviccnter The committee is composed of the placement of non-high school George S. Hara, M. D. Parents of the candidates are day night. Checks for the other Tommy May Coffee Shop one representative from each of areas in unified districts, provid­ Horner’s Market urged to come into the office workers will not be in the mail STORK SHOWER FOR Lem Jenkins Union Oil Consign. ing contiguity for non-contiguous C. Jones Jeweler Friday or Saturday morning to later than next Monday. MRS. STANLEY DMYTRYK the union high school areas and areas and the placement of joint Len's Rigging Shop Valberg Lumber Yards Inc. A stork shower honoring Mrs. one representative from each, of districts in unified districts. Miller Chevrolet Service Tickets are available only at D is t r ic t O n e ( E s t a c a d a C it y ) ; Stanley Dmytryk was given by the unfied districts. This gives the firms who have mentioned it Although the committee recog­ AUyn M. Price, M.D. Clackamas County a good repre­ Mrs. Harold Shoemaker and Mrs. Maxine Davis CR 9-3771 A I c liff Kniskern CR 9-3790 'in their ads in this paper. nizes the existenc of many irregu­ Dr. Chester Rasmussen Jack Ledgerwood at the Shoe­ sentative committee. Don Dobbins CR 9-3214 / Mike Williams CR 9-326 lar boundary lines.it is felt that COMMITTEE .PROCEDURE maker home on Nov. 30. Those Eddie Groce CR 9-3749 ; ; Ray Varner CR 9-3241 The Reorganization Act states changes should come after major Show to repeat two and one-half Don Hanks CR 9-3776 present were Mrs. Edward Dym- reorganization is accomplished, times closing at 4 P.M. This Sat­ !tryk, Mrs. Jack Watson, Miss that “The school board members through boundary changes effect­ the urday’s show is ‘Black Eagle’ plus Linda Marchbank, Mrs. Don in each school district in D 's t r c t T w o (O u t s id e E s ta c a d a C ity ) ed under existing law or by new c comedy and two cartoons and [ Burgner, Miss Ann Harbert and county shall act in an advisory legislation. Bill Abbott - Route 2, City CR 93884 .............. .......... a serial ‘Captain Video’ ! Mrs. Don Looney. Other friends capacity to the committee until Gary Dahrens - Route 1, City • CR 9-6191 .... ............ General Recommendations all of their school district is in­ j who were unable to be present As we go to press, there has Ethel Jane Garner Viola - Redlands TE 1-2385 .... cluded within an administrative Concerning sent gifts. I been no report on the lost Martin Peter Guldenzopf - Route 1, Eagle Creek • CR 9-6386 The location of schools school district.” | family. Our readers are urged to Mike Pickelseimer - Currinsville -CR 9-6060 ........................ In order to make use of this Utilization of existing buildings keep their eyes open for any David Riedel - Route 2, City - Redland TE 1-2358 .............. provision of the Act and gain Construction of new buildings Bilip Simmons - Dodge - CR 9-6703........ ................................... opinions, the commitee decided in t iacxamas county irom luoi-a , Mike Smith - Route, 2 - City CR 9 3854 ................................ to gather pertinent data about to 1958-9 would indicate that (1) skidmarks where a car could the existing (48) school districts all existing school buildings wMl into a canyon, lake A three inch sapling was (now reduced to 45 by consolida- be needed in the near future and /i blamed for the death of Charles and hold a meeting with that 38 or more classrooms will t ^ ^ , to S Edward Ballou, Route 2, Sandy, Bernard Schoenburg, a well tions) board me/nbers o each of the un- be needed in addition to existing 1 a[ d A, l ua J^ong the | “k^_above when it snapped back and hit known resident of Estacada dist­ the North Fork dam, where if a rict for many years and a county ion high school districts of whlcn ‘ facilities for this present school car or truck skidded in there him on the head last Saturday afternoon. He was employed as commissoiner at one time, and there are five (5) in the county year In view of the large enrollment woold be very little trace and a chocker setter by the Winter com­ The Estacada City Council held who has and one meeting with the The Water Comm., through the Mrs. Edith Williams, the water is very deep. increases each year the commit­ and Bouray Logging Co. near their regular monthly meeting on City Attroney, John C. Caldwell, lived in the Sandy community bined boards of the unfied dis­ tee has not concerned itself with Brightwood. His mother, Mrs. Thursday, Dec. 4. Two bids were called attention of the State San­ for years and a nurse at the tricts of which there are four (4) the elimination of any senool Gena Ballou, is'a resident of the received for comprehensive gen­ itation Engineers to the contin­ Sandy Rest Home where she met in the county, This was done. Several ap­ buildings since it is obvious they Garfield area. He is also sur­ eral liability insurance, one from ued turbidity o f the Clackamas Barney, were married at Van­ will all be used and new ones con­ vived by his wife, Effie A; a son, L. R. (Bud) Rivers, representing River and the fact that the couver, Wash, on Dec. 4th. They proaches to reorganization were are Aaron, 15, and a daughter, Re­ Farmer’s Insurance Graup, and Clackamas was being heavily dis- will live at Barney’s home south considered by the committee be­ structed. As old buildings gina Marie, at home; sisters,Mrs. one from Larry Berentzen, repre­ turged by loose dirt other than of Estacada after the first of the fore the meetings were held. The repaced in the future, however, Act makes it clear that if the co­ the new school boards may help Now playing at the Broadway •''rn°l(l Anderson of Estacada; senting the State Automoble & that which was caused by the con­ year. mmittee fails to carry out its res­ themselves and their patrons ma­ Theatre Cheyenne Walker in a J?.1!?’ Walter (Ellen) Mann ot Casualty Underwriters. The struction of the dam. In the terially by preparing long-range ponsibility, the State Board ot Soldier and Western titled ‘FORT’ Hillsboro, Orc.;Mrs. Joe (Myrtle) State Automobile was the low bid­ past several weeks the two dis­ studies and preparing plans an- Education will be authorized to DOBBS’ co-staring Virignia Ma-1 G redvig of Portland: Mrs. Lyle der and received the insurance turbances combined have caused prepare the plan.Thc committee ticiating such replacements since yo and Brian Keith. A real thril-1 * P*S8y) Chrisinger of I orlland; liability policy for the year end­ unnecessary expense to the water attempted to anticipate what the some of the buildings are reach- ^ ler 7 from ^ start to finish. Second and of ing 1959. an< ■^rs- Maxon (Billie- Alf department. Attorney Caldwell majority of the people might 'ng r ” i l of big hit—Filmed hit—Filmed in in Italy Italy ‘ATTILA’ ‘ATTILA’ j j Portland; brothers, Richard has made arrangements for the want, discarded the first-men­ Clifford G. Hanks, DBA Hiway Council’s Water Comm., together the leader of the Huns, played by k,s1 „ iiicada „ ,, and Orín of Sherwood. ' p , inpnts I * eader °f tioned county unit system and Requirements | Anthony Anthnnv Hninn mierh+vr TJ.ir.ol Cafe; Paul J. and Seraphine with the State Sanitation Engin­ Quinn. 'Phrt The mighty Huns I Mr. Mr- *4a ,K1 was born on Sept. The Student Body of the Esta­ A survey male during the 1957 - 1 ____ ., A1 ... 15, 1917 at Eage Creek, Oregon, Trechome, DBA Estacada Food eer and himself, to make a survey cada Union High School is proud decided to approach their advis­ e r s with w .u . the ine proposal that im u each eaen 18 school y w m d t e a t M ^ t a t ^ ^ n ^ a n d ^ s t r a c t i o r ^ w h a t ^ h ! and at the time of his death was Center; Don L. Trail, DBA Trail’s trip to the Clackamas River and to announce the Annual Winter ers union high school area be unified tal of 110 operating school^busc, , (,rmcd ,the S(mrf;e of Doath..At. 41 years of age. All of his life Inn; and W. E. Dexter, DBA observe at this time the conditions Formal Dance. This festive hol­ exist in the public schools, 21 of ™ u l,,e Sportsman’s Club, all received ap­ existing. iday dance will be held on Mon­ and present unified districts re­ which are privately owned. A to- ¿ 'a ,'s conquered by the princess. has been spent in this area. He attneded school at Tracy grade, proval for renewal of their 1959 The Conncil was informed that day evening, December 22 at 8 P. main essentially the same, with tal of 15,431 students were trans- . ...... .. „ ___ . „ OLCC liquor applications. He there has been founded a new So­ M. in the high school gymnasium. consideration given to non -high ported which was 62 percent of daunted toward Rome.A picture and Estacada high school. filled with action and vitality and niarrle<> Effie Ada Tyler on Councilman Eckerslcy, Ohm. ot cial Club known as “The Work­ The winter formal is sponsored and contiguous territories. the total enrollment of Clackamas As the meetings progressed it based on history. March 28, 1942 at Vancouver, the Fire Committee, reported that man’s Fellowship Club.” This by the Student Body for the en­ j County. The enrollment increase became apparent to the commit­ Starts Sunday through Tuesday, Washington He was a memDer the directors of the Rural Fire organization has leased a part of a joyment of the public. Everyone ! in Clackamas County from 1956-7 Protection District had contacted building from Gladys Aikins, and is cordially invited ever r”. * ^aP° ° ‘ ^he Hills to attend. tee that three major problems ex­ school year to the 1957-8 school the greatest racing movie isted in the county: (1) the Joint an architect to draw preliminary will use the premises for recrea­ Much work is being put in the an­ made-THE DEVIL’S HAIRPIN’ Lhurch. year was 12 percent and from Districts, (2) the Non- High They inquired of nual dance this year and it is plans and estimates on tne pro­ tion facilities. with Cornel Wilde, the King of j , . , i' Ju n o r ? 1 ^mees were held on 1955-6 to 1956-7 school year was Racing Drivers. A film filled Wednesday, Dec- 10, at 2 P.M.in posed addition to the City Hall the City Council if any permits for hoped everyone will come out and School Districts and (3) the Non­ 6 percent or a range of 6 percent uith'Thrilis’ th lt will” * hol'd“ vou Ithe 0hap<:| <>f tho HilIs al ( her building for the purpose of hous­ such activities were necessary.The enjoy the fine orchestra and have contiguous Areas. Estacada has to 12 percent in two years. This ! wlln cnnlls tnal W1U nold you 1 — - -■ - ing fire equipment. Chm. Ecker- Council informed them that as a a pleasant evening at the school. no problem with (1,) (2) or (3) A special display, I ¡7 vil,lc, Re4v\ TK hy~ Strand of would indicate a proportionate spellbound. THE PRELIMINARY PLAN ficiated assisted by Rev. Maurice organization they sley also reported that the Fire private club including the Isetta 600 and Prinz The Reorganization Act out­ need of from 6 to 13 buses per Miller. Interment in Cliffside Comm, is now ready to complete should comply with the legal re­ year. 39 out of the 45 districts will be on display in our lobby on Cemetery north of Sandy. Pall­ lines the following requirements specifications to cover the City quirements the same as other Wednesday. Saturday and Sunday now transport. for the preliminary plan: Frank of Estacada's purchase of a new such private organizations. They i nights, provided by Walt Stone.. bearers were Bill Dyal, Assets, Debts and Liabilities (a) The boundaries of existing Christensen, Al Strand. Norman fire truck and equipment.. The informed the Council that they ■ Second big hit ‘WITNESS for the Section 10 of the R eorganln- school districts and the boundar­ Jake Williamson and Council thereupon voted unanim­ understood these regulations and I PROSECUTION" starring the late „ Erickson, A ies of the district or districts pro- tlon Act . states: , Tyrone Power, Marlene D ietrich, Sylvester Amundson ously to authorize the Fire Comm, would abide by them. posed under the plan. to call for bids as soon as the The Chamber of Commerce, ..the P™™"0“ „ ® I and Charles Laughton. A film ; w?1rec. un(ierI * u* >lcett The Water Department of the recom­ ORS 329.555, the committee shall fjlled with SU9prns<1 and action j of the Carroll Funeral Home at committee completed printing the through Harold Norton, requested City of Estacada calls attention (b) Where necessary, mendations respecting the loca­ determine the value and amount FREE MATINEE FOR KIDS I Gresham, specifications. permission to string Christmas to the loss of water pressure a and all Saturday, December 13, will be lights at certain designated places week ago. The water pumps are tion of schools, utilization of ex­ of al school property isting buildings and the construc­ Councilman Nordquist, Chm. of in the city. banded and other indebtedness of | t|,e fjrst Saturday for the Mer- Permission was the Sewer Comm., reported on a granted provided they clear with operated automatically and it is tion of new buildings. all school districts affected by the j c hant sponsored Kiddie Matinees PLEASE EXCUSE ERRORS IN possible that while installing the (c) The transportation require­ comprehensive very interesting session which he the Police Department and the reoragnization j These are presented each year ADVERTISEMENTS THAT MAY new street lights the power com­ ments under the plan had attended on Nov. 16 and 17, PGE Co. plan and shall determine an equi- free for a|| children of the com­ APPEAR IN THIS ISSUE OF pany temporarily cut off the el­ (d) An equitable adjustment of I table adjustment of all property, munity by the local merchants THE NEWS. DUE at a meeting of the League of Or­ TO ME­ When all the property, assets, debts a*ets, debts and liabilities of each and will be run egon Cities. This meeting cov­ The Police Department request­ ectricity to the pumps. 15 consecutive CHANICAL DIFFICULTIES WE such stoppage occurs it is neces­ and liabilities of each existing such school district.” ered many subjects of interest to ed that a suitable barricade be weeks. Window cards listing the WERE UNABLE TO REMEDY small cities relative to their sani­ installed at the dead-end portion sary that the pumps be reactivat­ school district wheih is affected I BEFORE GOING TO PRESS, ed manually The City Record­ by the plan, determined under; The school board of the district sponsors will appear in the win­ tary facilities and sewage dispos­ of S. E. 2nd Ave. and Main Sts.by ERRORS WILL BE FOUND IN in which are located the school dows of those sponsoring the free al plants, their operation and fi­ the Methodist Church, and that a er was instructed to request the section 10 of this Act. SOME THE ADS. THANK YOU reasons j facilities for which the indebted- chows. The doors will be open at nancing. The Council received dead-end street sign be erected power company to notify the city (e) A summary of the FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. an 11 AM for the tyo hour showing. much information from his re­ at S. E. 2nd and Currin St.These at any time that power to the wa­ for each proposed reorganization ness was incurred shall levy ter pumps be cut off. of school districts. | annual tax on all taxable property port. installations were approved. ( f ) Such other reports, records in such territory sufficient to HONOR STUDENTS AT DENNY SARVES ON A IA and materials as the State Board meet the interest papments and STAR DEFENSE TEAM LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL of Education may require. i retire the indebtedness, but no Denny Sarver of Estacada, a Honor students of Estacada Un­ EXISTING BOUNDARIES 1 tax levy shall be necessary as half back on the champion Will­ ion High School for the second The boundaries of existing dis- long as other provisions are The regular meeting of the The Upper Clackamas River Chamber of Com­ amette University football team, six weeks period are as follows: Auxiliary of the VFW new districts are made fo r the payment of the in- Harry tricts and was choaen as a member of the Freshmen- Donna Kitching, Roger Randall Post was held last Wed­ shown on the map along with de- indebtedness." merce decided to continue its Christmas decoration Connie nesday night, December 3. Northwest Conference all star de­ Kitching, Carol Munns, program at its Monday meeting. This year there fense team, and also earned hon­ Nichols, Cecelia Paine, Sue Wes- We are planning to work up GARDEN CLUB WILL HOLD Wreaths, Table and Mantle Ar­ orable mention on the offense terberg and Michael Williams. some entertainment to be held in rangements, Kissing Balls, and will be no prize for commercial lighting. Residents ANNUAL XMAS SALE team. Denny is the son of Mr. Sophomores- Karen Berentzen, January. Watch for further Candles. While this is a Christ­ will be eligible for First Prize $15.00; Second will and Mrs. Harold Sarver and is a Robin Cody and Cheryl Weinrich. announcements and advertising The Estacada Garden Club will mas sale it is truly a Christmas junior at Willamette. Juniors- Gene Bomotti, Carol Bun­ as to date. This is to he held at hold their annual Christmas Sale show also, as the displays are so be 10.00 and Third Prize 5.00. No winner of the nell, Marcene Eaden, Lynn Faulk. the VFW hall In Currinsville. this coming Saturday, December beautiful. It is worth your year preceding will be eligible for this year’s prize. Larry Fiske and Patricia Peter­ Wood like all members to re­ 13, in the Legion hall. The sale while to take time to look. All folks wishing to participate please send a card W A N TED W hite E leph­ son. Seniors- Pat Mitchell.Ches- member our meetings are always starts at 9 A M and is to contin­ j to P.O. Box 296, Estacada. All decorations appar- ants or W H at H ave You ter Scott and Vic Starkovitch. Mrs Ray held the first Wed. nite of the ue until 4:30 P. M. Then talking about pathetici ent to the judging committee will be considered but Mrs. month and please be present to Gordon is chairman and for OES Social Club Sale (The regular monthly meeting of help plan and give us your id­ George Armstrong the co-chair­ court scenes. your postcard is necessary in case you might be Jan. 9-10 Call for pick-up Marian Guild will be held Dec. 16 eas. Anyone wishing to become a man. drops were crying because I missed, so don’t let it happen. mother was in the pen. There will be Swags, Corsages, CR 9-3959 or CR 9-6417 at 8 P M. at St. Aloysius church. member please phone CR 9-3700 Fifteen boys and girls in the area served by the Clackamas County News have remained act­ ive in the bicycle campaign which ends Saturday at 6 P.M. Candidates in the campaign are busier than ever putting on fin­ ishing touches to their work, and getting those last subscriptions could mean the difference be­ tween the bicycle they are work­ ing for and the cash commission thew will be awarded if they do not finish among the four high­ est. The ballot box will be placed in the News office today (Thurs­ day- and in it hangs the candid­ ate's fate. AU subscriptions tur­ ned in from Thursday until clos­ ing night of the campaign are to be placed in the ballot box.Judg- es will count all votes and points contained therein for each cand­ idate. These wUl be added to the votes earned prior to Thursday of this week, and the winners will be adjudged from these scores. Missing Martins Search Continues ? Last Rites for C. E. Ballou B. Schoenburg City Council Has Busy Meeting; Local Wed on Dec. 4. Administrative Problems Headache Cheyenne Walker at Broadway H. S. Winter Formnl Planned Low City Water Pressure Problem J V. F. W. Activities Chamber of Commerce Sets Yuletide Decorating Awards; All Eligible