ing devices basic school at Mem - 1 Jesse Whislers last Fri. had Main Streets, Oregon City. phis after ‘-Boot Camp” they met surprise visit of Kern's niece and in class. husband from Salt Lake City. After graduation from th e ' ----- Attending the Knight’s Ball of SERVICE DIRECTOR TALKS ON CANCER RESEARCH school, they were transferred to | The Paul Stills and Carl Bells Job’s daughters in Portland Iasi A killer whose toll in the Un- Pensacola, __ __ Fla., and assigned as | (daughter Vivian) dined in Bor Kri. night were Nancy Whisler depart-' ing at the home of Carl’s mother, and Lee Proctor, Karen Potter ited States is seven hundred liv- instructor» in the same es a day, and who knows no geo- By Margaret Ross Mrs. Emily Bell. ment. It was in the Pensacola [ and escort. Thanksgiving celebrations and The Prank Taoherons entertain that I On Sun., Nov. 16 Mr. and Mrs. graphical limits, must be fought Naval Air Station chapel in every community, and evety varied illnesses are E. C. news ed both sons, Boh and Don, and A. J. Zakrzewski were surprised they were married on May 18, ; person must be given the right features this week. 1956. their families. when their 25th wedding anniver The Lewis Rivers’ Thanksgiv ---- --------- The Hank Suters dined in New- sary , was „ UJJ celebrated ........... ... by the „... arrival ammunition for protection. Re- Before entering the Navy, Ga and service ing party of 22 relatives included ¡)er,, wjtA Dotty’s brother in law ,,f their older sons and daughter u”. len served three and one-half | are the means by which this can the A1 Collins, Lloyd Potter, Bud and family. and later by the pre-arranged vis- years in the U. S. Air Force and Rivers, and the Franzcns of Port- Thurs. guests at the Wm. Dun- ¡t of various neighborhood friends be accomplished. This was the shu-iey'grTduated from* EsUcada land. stans included, son. Marvin and Sylvia and Tim Leedham welco- message braught by Miss Janet Union High School. The Art Shultz family were family and daughter Barbara ana med the birth of their second ba- Shair, assistant sendee director, the hosts at a family reunion at E. C. _)im Base of Portland. On Wed. by girl early Wed. Nov. 26. The from the national office of In Grange hall. Special guests were Mrs |)unstan welcome visit of an huskv new arrival, wt. 10 lb. 2 oz . American . v , Cancer , , Society . mem- Kiwan s Annual Xmas Mrs. Shultz’ brother Ernest Tan- aunt and cousins, of Nampa. Ida. was named Sandra Louise.Grand- f'Jew y*™ ? b<,an ner and family of San Jose, Cal., The Oscar Judds entertained parents are Mr. and Mrs. limber aCHaiT^S.^ County! Benefit Pancake Feed Wea- who spent the week here. Others daughter Roth, Dr. and Mrs. H. Wilson of Eagle Creek, and Mrs Unit when they met last the Court Grade School Cafeter'a among the 30 present included Todd and children. Mario spent Prances Leedham of E. C. and nesday evening at house in Oregon City to from ; Sat., Dec. 6, 7 am to 3 prn two other brothers and a sister, the weekend here. Portland. their organization. Mrs. Wilbur, and respective families, from Sa Mr. and Mrs. Homer Glover The World Fellowship Circle T'ckets 75c next J ' Fa'l° ° n' executive director of j lem and Ore. City, also daughter were guests of Florence’s brother 0f E. C. Church will meet I 1 the Oregon Division, accompan Virginia and her husband. Tracy Colt and family in Portland Tues., Dec. 9, at 1:30 PM at the ied Miss Shair to this meeting. The Jesse Whislers attended a Mr. and Mrs. Willard Turner The Tony Buhlingers enjoyed home of Florence Glover. gathering of 50 relatives H and oP Port I and were week end guests I H w c k c n d visit of their two older i friends at Wood Village hall, daughters Janie from OSC ! of the George Bavarts, and M r.! and HUSBAND AND WIFE BOTH near Troutdale. Starley & de Smith from Seattle. CHRISTMAS SEALS NOW ON and Mrs. Bill Williams also of 1 SERVING IN THE NAVY Portland, visited them on Sunday. 1 The George Richards family Home from Corvallis for holi- SALE SAYS TB HEAD The Galen K. Smith family The Bill Williams were formerly i went to Beaverton to a large din- days were Tom and Joanne Burn Dr. Mabel Hardenbrook, Ore- first has moved its houshold from residents of Estacada. ner honoring the visit of Alice’s e tt and a classmate of hers from gon City dentist, was the seals Memphis, Tenn., to Almeda, Calll. sister from the east. Calif. On Thurs. the family all person to Christmas buy J. E. on orders from the Navy depart- Thurs. dinner at the Durwood d'ned in Sheridan with Ethel this Mrs. year, reports Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schlue, John of the ment. Douglas home honored his sister, Mae’s niece. Blinkhorn, president Galen, the son of Mrs. Marie and Linda moved to Long Beach, Verna Hanley, a minister from Kenny Ronnow is home from Pa- Clackamas County TB and of B. Smith of Sunbury, Pa., a train Calif, on Wednesday of last week Los Angeles, tVho was visiting c jfjc (j. for holidays brought a Health Assocition, sponsors the seal sale. Contributions for ing deviceman second class in here for a week. Other guests in- friend from Connecticutt. of the sale the U S Navy His wife, the for- COMMUNITY PROGRAM eluded (their mother) Mr. and Thanksgiving at Geo. Baley the first week Mrs. Ben Doerkson of Gresham, home came 3 days late sine _■ amounted to $1,132.50, she said. Dr. Hardenbrook HaraennrooK has nas a (headed e a a e a , £ 0fM ^ a n d M « ! ^ y ¿ S e n - n ie ^ f b f e ^ Durwood’s daughter) Mr. and Mrs I young Richard needed time to re- Loren Hulick, of Boring, and Bea- cover from his tonsillectomy ot the list of early contributors for derson of Estacada, Route 2, is al- partf c ^ t e d in the 4th annual trice Yeager of Portland. ! previous Monday. Sunday guests several years, and stated. Mrs. D. E. Crowley, llv- specialist the Navy Waves. b the w Sp‘ Thurs. guests at the Salem were Sibyl’s brother Doug ing in San Diego, was second Both graduated from advanced ( nts of - the ■ college. - atu“‘ I home of the Bill Gardners were Lavonne Holbrook. The n purpose Another Mon. tonsillectomy was with her usual contribution and (training device- school at Mem- i °f the program involoving Dora and Nola Clester, Bob and 140 daughter, Luella Mrs. J. D. McEdward, Jennings phis, Tenn., thu, fall, and recelv- girls was to observe and Mabel Clester, Roxanna Clester, Walt Smith’s assist ed concurrent orders from the and Hazel Beers. Dora stayed to Lutz, of Gladstone, who recuper Lodge, was third. in the work of 18 social agencies We have been pleased, Mrs. I Navy Bureau of Personnel to re- of Portland. visit daughter Opal till Sat..when ated here from Wed. to Sun. Blinkhom said, with the early port to Alameda for duty as In- _________________ the Gardners brought her back. Grandchildren Connie and Nancy response to our Christmas seal structor-Repairmen with the Pa- Mr. and Mrs. L.O. Gerber spent spent the week here also. Chicken pox is now arriving in appeal which seems to be getting cific Fleet Airborne E !«tronics Dolores A. Schleichert, daughter Thurs. at Lake Grove with daug young better each year. Training Unit. of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Schleichert hter) R. J. Shaver family, then E. C. First victims were We appreciate it, for the sale Since enlisting in different of Estacada, graduated Nov . 7 brot two oldest boys back here Wayne Bul’ilinger, Paul’s son, and Lloyd Stephens’ small son Jeff, is our only source of income parts of the country within two from the Women Officers’ Indoc- for week end. Sam Olmstead was stricken sud- and it takes place at the busiest weeks of each oth«i in February trination Course for newly com- Holiday houseguests of the Ora Gaylords were Ruth’s brother denly last Sat. night and taken to time of the year. and March, 1954, ^ e e p t for re- missioned Marine officers at the Myron Shaner and family of T a- 1 Portland San.for diagnostic obser- j Contributions should be sent cruit training the two have been Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, coma. i vation. ! to McIntyre building, Sixth and together. Assigned to the train- Va. THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS, PAGE 8 Eatacada, Oregon, Friday, Dec. 5, 1958 EcagSe Creek Patronize your local 'News' job printer News' Wan? Ads Bring Good Results C Good Fertilizing Methods ----------------------------------------------I Make One Dollar Grow Into Fonr j Would you invest • dollar now If you could get • four-dollar return next fall? Who wouldn’t! You ...n—and easily. Just apply fertilizer at rates recom mended by state Expei. nt your station test college. results ♦ Soil is the basis of any | as well as the experiences of farming operation. Treat it thousands of intelligent farm right, treat it to recommended ; ers who are using fertilizer amounts of plant nutrients. A according to recommendations high fertility level in that soil ihow that for each dollar in- w ill mean the difference be i vested in plant foods, there can tween a poor crop and a profit i be a return of four times that able crop. | amount . . . or more! What w ill a high fertility Fertilizer is still the farm level in soil mean during the er’s best investment. So says coming growing season? Con I the Agricultural Service De partment of the Union Bag & sider these points—all helping . Paper Corporation, maker of to produce profitable yields: multiwall paper bags for fer fertilizer increases production, tilizer. A well-planned fer improves crop quality, hastens tilizing program, with other maturity and, a point that's good cultural practices, gives very important, it replaces nu top profits through bigger yields trients drained off by last year’s crop. The intelligent use and lower production costs. With soils well stocked with of fertilizer, and other good pla-t nutrients.yields w ill jump farming practices, is a must on j w. head of unfertilized acre- most farms. You can't increase crop pro ’ a g e- Remember that It costs almost as much to produce a duction, though, by adding only puny crop as it does to pro one plant nutrient when others' duce a bumper crop. Fertility are in short supply. Only when is the key to profitable farming. piant loods are teamed up in With spring now upon us, it’s correct balance can you get top the business of every farmer yields. The best way to find to look at his soil with a crit out what's needed for your ical eye and to ask himself soils — they may be differen* l this questia» How can I get from your neighbor’s — is to the mostTWt of this soil to have your soil tested by com earn the greatest possible profit petent specialists. Ask youi at the end of the growing sea county agent how to do it. Whether you top dress, band, son? Fertilizing wisely — ac cording to state college rec or broadcast, fertilizer is the ommendations—is the biggest best investment on the farm today. atep towards profits. CURRINSVILLE ¡MARKET NEWS Volume No. 1 estacada, Oregon, Friday, Dec. 5, 1958 Number 28 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wade had I Miss Helen Rickey from Sacra-' several years, the Smith family bert and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Day, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Meade Mrs. mento, Calif, surprised her par-! held a family reunion at the Le all of Estacada. were Monday callers at the ihome 1 Thanksgiving dinner with In the ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rickey, gion of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Christiansen Sadie Wade and Merle. hall on Thnasksgiving. 1 afternoon they all drove to Port on Saturday when she came home Among those present were Mr. at Barton. ( Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keith and land where Mrs. Sadie Wade was for a short visit. She had arrived and Mrs. Lawrence Smith and Mrs. Ford Darrow attended a pot- I able to visit with her three in Portland Friday night with a Mr. and Mrs. Larry Meade and Miss Cala Stainal of Stayton,Ore., 1 luck dinner given by the 5th Sun Donald Meade were Thanksgiving granddaughters and other rela girl friend who wanted to drive Mr. and Mrs. Glen Millard and day Rally Association of the tives at the Don Fish home. up for the trip and also to visit three children and day guests at the home of Mr. Mrs. Alice Churches of Chirst of Clackamas Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wade and friends there. They left for Sac Smith and sister Edna from Port County, at the Milwaukie Church and Mrs. Lester Colson in Port children of Salem visited at the ramento Saturday evening. land. land; Mr and Mrs. Bob Sullivan on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Darrow Ralph Wade home on Saturday. and two boys of Salem; Mr. and 1 is the secretary and treasurer of Jim Bowan of Salem was a Mrs. Ron Johnson of Vancouver, this association. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Phillips Mrs. Brooks Snyder of Warren- luncheon guest at the home of Wash., Mr and Mrs. Bob Judd and spent Thanksgiving at the home an Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Day on Satur children from Eagle Creek; Mr. Having dinner with Mrs.Gena of their daughter and family, Mr. ton recently bad surgery at and Mrs. Bill Conray and child Ballou Sun were the pastor and and Mrs. Wayne Wade in Salem. Astoria hospital. Mr. and Mrs. day. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Puizan of Esta of Snyder were residents of ren, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Day and Seattle were guests at the Floyd wife. Rev. ond Mrs. Dave Wor Mr. and Mrs. Walt Strobel cada serveral years. As has been their custom for children, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Har- Day home on Sunday. Oak Grove were also present. den of Eugene M-Sgt. Robert E Rickey, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rickey,has recently been transferred from Davis Monthan Air Force Base at Tucson, Arizona, to Mather Field, Sacramento, Calif., where he works in the Post Command. He has been in the Air Force for 15 years, having served in World War II and then re-en listing after three years of civil ian life Prices for Friday & Saturday December 5 & 6 Miss Ann Hrabert, University of Oregon student, spent the Thanksgiving holiday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cec il Harbert. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Tomlinson, Mrs. Harbert's parents were at the Harbert home for Thanksgiving dinner. Stanley Rutherford, a medical specialist in the U. S. Army,left on Nov. 17 for doty in Europe. His wife Sharon is employed by the Sunset Beauty Shop and will remain here unitl he can make arrangements for her to join him. W HY PAY M ORE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT T O LIMIT J - * S * d w m e RE IT COUNTS -_ ’HI— - MEATS m i t i l t t i U H PRODUCE 4 4 A A A A 4 A A A A A A A A A A 4 A A A 4 A A A A A A A A A 4 A A A A A t SHORT SHANK PICNIC HAM S 3 9 c lb. yf T T T f T r r f f f f f f t f f T t J f f f f f m ? l I ► * T f '/ FINEST EVAPORATED! GRAND FOR TABLE USE AND ALL COOKING NEEDS Shurfine M I L K JUICY NAVEL Sunklst ORANGES 5 lb. bag 49c ARIZONA SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT U.S. No. 2 POTATOES 8 lb- bag 59c 5 0 ll>- bog 8 9 c TONIGHT St-RVE A DELICIOUS Blade Cut PORK STEAK ib. 4 9 c PORK ROASTS, Picnic Style lb. 3 9 c Wlnesap or Delicious APPLES 2 6 ll>- box 99c I AA A A A A A A A A A A A A 4 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4 4 ^ Sliced H A L I R U T lb. 5 5 c CHETS, BEEF, CHICKEN or TURKEY Frozen M EAT PIES Special Reg. 29c ea. 4 l°r 8 9 c SEASIDE i TASTEWELL BRAND SALAD OIL full quart 4 9 * - THE FINEST SALAD and COOKING OIL! TTWTW TWTWTW T~~---------------------- HARD WHEAT Shurfine F L O U R Reg. 99c 1 0 lb- bag 8 9 c DUBUQUE, 12 oz. tin t AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A a a a a a A a a a 1 x 4 LIMIT ¡ I ' L U N C H E O N M E A T ▼▼▼▼TTTffff▼ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? VVTVVV????f LIMIT 3 SHRIM P, 5 oz. tin or Minced Razor CLAM S, 7 oz. 3 for 1 . 0 0 Currinsville Market g tall tins 1 0 0 en- 39c i tw ffifp ffH fU fff BRAVO, 12 oz. tin CORNE D BEEF .... .............................................................. „ „ „ „ ÿ eo-39« l W M M Ml W Estacada Rt One