Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Estacada's Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1957-1976 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1958)
The Estacada Garden Club open- get materials organized so that ether articles suitable for Xmas tie Thanksgiving hoidays at the Clackamas County News Page 4 Willard Goodman home. ed their anual Ohirstmas party at ;.iie committees can have mater- gills. Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Dec. 5; 1958 the City Hall Monay bp singing ials with which to work on all the Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rickey en lunch of two sandwiches and 3 him with all his lessons for a Holy Night.’ Hostesses were Ab- Christmas displays which the CARD OF THANKS beiense Day joyed Thanshsviving dinner at pieces bie Armstrong, Mabel Baker, Ver- Garden Club will sell, of pie. Afraid to call him week, when I saw him give the The Chris Myers family wishes tiie home of their son Jim in Mc The swags which this club Next Sunday is December 7ih. nita Gant and Bertha Gentemann. ’Good Old Bill’ for fear his wife dumbest girl in Estacada schools t, c .r . t , appreciation to their Minnville. Mr. and Mrs. Jim The day and the date have a most 30 members and 4 guests were sends to the Veterans hospital many friends and relatives for Rickey recently moved to Mc would pull out all my hair. Bill two big ice cream cones.” familiar sound, for it was just 17 present. Members answered roll will be hung Dec. . 19. „ . Wednesday, .. . thouvhtfulncss and kindness Minnville from Seaside. Jim is is just as handsome as ever. Met years ago that this nation was call by naming her Secret Flower Die. 17 starting at 9 AM members their during the long illness and recent I manager of the new Coronet a relative of his a few days back. She said she had been married at •*“ the Legion K hall to blasted out of its isolationist com- Pal and handing her a Christmas wiil ■ meet ----*’ ** "n palling of Martha, their beloved Store there and his wife Louise So the fellow said. He had been to Dad all her life and said it was work on these swags. dog catcher in his home town for pacency by the attack upon Pearl ' wife and mother. i works in the First National Bank. The arrangements were judged 17 years, but for the past five true about him. It is not Dad's Harbor. Since that fateful Sun Ann Underwood showed the Chris Myers Family years had an easy time of it. In day—but here goes. At age 5 he day many changes have occurred Club some interetsting slides she by Grace Still. Lovely refresh Mr. and Mrs Ralph Ahnert answer to an query of why that is the greatest man in the world. in America, the world and in hu had taken at the Florists show in ments were served and a nice spent Thanksgiving in Portland Portland. time had by all. was he replied: “Didin’t you At 14 he looks like a dollar ma manity itself. at the home of Ralph’s sister and L w ll. ii.V W lf iw chine. At 20 he is a good ohap A short business meeting was hear? I caught the dog.” The surprise attack of the Jap held. The annual federation show husband, Mr. and Mrs. John An but very old fashioned. At 25 son Guests at the home of Dr. and derson. anese upon Pearl Harbor was suc for Clackamas district will Mr. and Airs. Lester An wonders how dad ever got by1.At be Mrs. Allyn Price on Thanksgiv cessful largely because Americans at the Clackamas High School on were also She had reached the “comm 36 son asks his advice. At 50 he ing day were Mrs. J. B. Edding derson of Eugene both officials and citizens alike, Dec. 13 and 14. Theme of the ton, mother of Dr. Price, and his guests. Friday evening. Carl Ah ence to notice boys age” when was one grand guy. At 60 “Dad thought such a blow could not be *£*• is “Joy to the World.’ Ad sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. nert and Terry White arrvied she found her ideal. “I helped always used to say”— struck so far from an enemy base. mission price is 50c. Ray Calmetts and three children, from Fossil, Orefon to spend the Very little provision had been all from Hood River, and the Doc weekend at the Ahnert home,and The annual Christmas sale is to made, despite the growing threat tor's uncle and aunt, Mr. and on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Wait of war for detection, defense or be held in the Legion hall Satur- Mrs. George E. Smith and daugh Ahnert and two children of Se distastér relief. Since that day. Dee. 13 from 9 to 4:30 P M. attle arrived. They all enjoyed ter from Portland. time America has continued to Leila Gordon is the chairman and another Thanksgiving dinner on Inclu ' :.s H a u lin g , B utchering, C ooling, C ut- he slow to recognize that in this Abbie Armstrong is co-chairman. Thanksgiving dinner guest at Saturday e i nirg. day of the jet bomber and the This week Thursday AM all mem- American Legion Auxiliary t,. », w ra p p e d a n d d e liv e re d f o r 6c lb. T"d intercontinental missile that a bers who eon w1H meet at Leila Lud¡es met recently an{, prcpar. the home of Mr. and Mrs Mr. Kenneth Crow and Mr. P o rk 8c lb. hundred Pearl Harbors could be Jordons home to paint, wire and p(( lhc f(ir tjle Roseburg and Harders was Mrs. Harders sister, John Todd. Science teachers al Mrs. Ella Halda. Estacada Union High School, at | Portland Veterans Gift Shop.Toy C ooling, cut, w ra p p e d a n d d e liv e re d , 4c lb. pillows, little boys shirts, pillow Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gi . dvh tended the fall meeting of Ore Associa slips and stuffed toys were fin and son John of Portland spent gon Science Teachers ished and packed. The Gift shop is Thanksgiving day at t, * home of tion. The program was design ed to plan for the atomic age. prepared for the veterans in the Mr. Gredvig-S parent5 Why does one farmer enjoy a good home, fine food and cloth hospital where they can shop fori D ial CR. 9-5145 Jack Britton.*"“ “ ' ^ J" '1 ing and all the advantages of modern living, while another can FOR SALE: Why not give a free for their whole families.The ___________ hardly earn the bare necessities? Both may be located on sim- gifts are wrapped and mailed free Mrs Lulu Snydcr spen, Bible for Christmas. King James ilar land and comparable build by Unit members and the Volun-' Thanltsgiving week with her son version editions with various si ings and equipment. Yet one tier hospital workers. The Rost and family,Mr. d Mrs. Boh Sn\- zed print to fit young and old. makes money and the other Also 15 old hens (Reds) at 90c burg hospital was open Dec. i der in Portland. doesn’t. each. and the Portland hospital will The Agricultural Service De have open house December 7th, Guests i ' he h' r.e of Mr. and r\ J. Bontrager, Rt. 1, box 141A, partment of Union Bag & Pa where the general public may Mrs. Clarei ce Dunn Sunday for Estacada (Porter district) Phone per Corporation, manufactur D5p view the gifts. dinner were Ir. and Mrs. Wm. CR 9-5122. ers of multiwall paper feed The Auxiliary’s Juniors atten- -i'urncr jJr' nu Mrs. Wm. Will bags, has looked into the mat The Well Baby Clinic will be ded the district conference at iams of Port nd; Mr. and Mrs. ter and comes to this conclu iteli! P c. 4 from 9:30 to 11:30 A. the SE Hall in Portland. 14 were Darrel _ Brown ___ d Romona of The sion: Farm management makes present and the officers install- j)a]Yes- *Mr ai Mrs. Larry Tay- M. a: the Estacada Grade School the difference! The experiment ed were Bonnie Jones, chairman: ¡()r and of Seattle; Mary Library. stations, agricultural colleges Linda Gourtain, vice chairman; Jones, Jim Alexander of Salem, and research scientists of feed Susan Kiggins, treasurer; nene Mr. and Mr: Geo e Bavart m, -. j companies have the facts on Barr, secretary: Ann Snowley, Estacada. which a sound farming pro- Thiz '*e rso a & Thai chaplain: Kathy Barr, historian; Mrs. Tayloi is Mrs. Dunn’s giam can be based. But not all Linda Fitch, sergenant at arms. neicc whom she has noe seen By C. T. E. farmers apply them. Here, for Judy Brnadhurst was chaplain on since Mrs. Taylor was % ars old. Fuirow a very interesting pub example, are some “manage the installing team. Mrs. Murray lication sponsored by the Hessel r s r.i’ tips on good poultry Kiggins, Mrs. Agnes Carpenter, Implement Co. a very reliable Mrs. George Bavart has been a FEED ING . T oo m a n y farm er* r e ly raising techniques: Mrs. Lester Courtain, Mrs. Mary winner three times on ‘Big Chief company of Gresham, has found o n p rofitless ru le o í th um b pro OVERCROW DING. L ayin g h en s ce d u r e ,. T he m a n u fa ctu red feed s— ivlinker and Mrs. Adolph Still, Bingo.’ a stranger who being risked to *: ou ld h a v e a m in im u m o i 3 io 4 w ith lh c lr p a la ta b le ec len lltlc ra bqv. xrft fe e t p er b ird and 50 to chairman, transported the little contribute a dollar for a most tion s co n ta in in g a ll th e n ecessa ry 5V fe e t or m ore of roost sp ace per vitam in s, m in era ls a n d p ro tein s — girls to the meeting. The de 100 birds. Guests at the J. C. Rickey worthy cause gave five. But let are ch ea p est in th e lo n g run. A nd partment president. Mrs. George home on Scntlay were Mrs. Hai the Furrow tell the story: FR ESH AIR. Pu rd u e U n iversity fo llo w th e is e d m a n u fa ctu rer's d i re co m m en d s you d o n ’t clo se th e rection s. Dickie, Jr. talked to the girls ry Pemberton, sister h ou ses u p tigh t, regard less of o u t of Mrs. An editor died after a lingering D on't h old back o n feed . In g en sid e tem p eratu re. R esoarch has mem iiiekey, and Mr. and Mrs. Gail E. illness. His savings barely cover eral. th e m ore la y e rs ea t. th e m ore and told them that their p ro v en th at birds w ill b e less su s egga th ey w ill la y . A llo w a m in i bership was a thing to treasure; ed hospital and doctor bills;Ieav- cep tib le to d isease and m alntnir Brunson from Salem. m um o f 32 linear fe e t o f ic e d hopper that she too had been a Junior h ig h er p rod uction if th ey h ave a-Te- ing nothing for funeral expenses. ■pace p er 100 la y ers. q un te v en tilation , oven in cold LIGHTING. W h en d a y s g ro w and little dreamed that she A friend after soliciting funds all w eath er. shorter, y o u can aid eg g p ro d u clio n Guests for Thanksgiving din- t|ay, lacked only $1 of having G ood id ea, th ough , to h ave an b y p rovid in g artificial lig h t. M ost would one day be Department of au tom atic w ator w arm er in v ery p ou ltry specialist* a d v ise tu rn in g -m Oregon President. nor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. enough. W’earily he said to a cold w ea th er—it w ill m ore than p ay electric lig h ts sev era l h o u rs b efo ra Don Dodd were Don’s parents, stranger, “Could you give me a for itse lf in in creased eg g p ro d aylig h t a n d a llow o n e w a ll o f lig h t d uction . for ea ch 3 o r 4 aquare fe e t o f floor V \HI.\N GUILD XM AS SALE Mr. and Mrs. George Dodd oi dollar to bury an editor? LITTER. O hio S tate U n iversity apace. Saturday, Dec1. 6th is the day Brightwood, Lloyd Mallicoat of recom m en d s that th e la y in g h en ’s The stranger pulled out a $5 floor shou ld be co v ered 4 to 6 Poultry profits are the result to do your Christmas shopping Boring, father of Mrs Dodd, and bill and said “Here—bury five of in ch es d eep w ith ch op p ed sita w . of good management. Above starting at 10 AM in the Ameri Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kidder of them.” w ood sh avin gs, saw d u st or sim ilar m aterials. K eep adding to it u n til are some of the elementar' can Legion hall the Marian Guild Portland. -------------------- it reach es 8 to 12 in ch es. T h en le v e l rules every farmer should hi will hold their annual Christmas It o r Add l i n e at rate of 10 *o ---------------------- We went into Dr. Price's neat 15 p r u .D p * * *9 a f t c l . «nould in mind. And keep studyi sale. Besides many kinds of fan Bob Reed, student of Wiliam- and well eqiupped office the oth- th e litter becom e tea d im p . A lso That’s most important. cy work tire re will be a lot of ette Law School in Saelm, spent cr day and found it staffed by stir freq u en tly to p rev e n t cak in g. alert, energetic and good looking assistants. As we left the place a man stopped us and requested that we tell ‘Dock’ two siories.We promised if we had to break a leg to do it. You have acute appcndictis." “Listen, doctor, I came here to be examined, not admired.” “Now, Junior, be a good boy and say Ah i . 'to’ *si i íf'¿ U * £ m l . ' ¡ - A . so the doctor can get his finger j out of your mouth.” It is presumed that the doctor J y MONEV-SAVIHG MEAIS FOR YOU! ] has both stories by this time. Sunday, Dec. 7, Garden Club Has Christmas Party Auxiliary Readies hospital Girts MEAT CUT FOR LOCKERS | How Good q Farmer Are You? Harold Middleton 1 9 5 7 LINCOLN A real bi?y for someone wbo wants a first-class car with everything on it! Otker Specials ! rrjv -.j ■ îîs * Beautiful 1957 CHS VSporr Coape a $189500 December 4-5-6 IOOA EAU MAU *«« TOP qilflUTV. TtflDItt U ^ U \T 5 ^ -------- r , ------- C 0 Ï Pink G R A P E F R U I T Poiith Ring 5 A U S A G E e a .§ c ib .4 9 c O R A N G E S 1 0 c ib. carton 3 * 2 5 OrioleS!:ced B A C ON ft. 4 9 c USDA Good biaue BEEF ROAST lb 5 5 c BarSBoneless H A M S CARROTS Emperor G R A P E S lb. 1 0 c ¡b. 8 9 c Cottage P E A S G roceri es Swanson's TV SINNERS cello bag ea.5> ea. 6 9 c J O 303 tins 9 9 c Van Camp TAMALES 2 303 tins 2 9 c This department mt t up with him a few days ago. He used to ’make’ the Esta :ula country a 1 few years back and ho asked about those two grand guys at : Currinsville. We assured him that Henry Heiple and Boh Gurrin , were still ‘grand’ though some- I what molested with physical diffi- j cuities. He asked us to extend a ! ‘God bless you’ to both of them, which we are mighty glad to do because both of them are worthy and have it coming. h ----------------- Somebody asked her what an efficiency expert did and being from Estacada she knew the right answer. “It is a little hard . io explain but if we women did it t hey would call it nagging.” ! He declared at lodge the other ■ night that winter time was the best. “In the summertime the flies, bees, mosquitoes, gnats, ants, beetles and other multi legged evils flown into my yard I from parts unkonwn never gave j peace nor rest.” A brother com ing m late yelled: “What about I bed bugs." It seems strange to go into the Estacada bank and not find Leah Walters Faust about.She was pop ular with everybody, and did all her work well. She retired to her home among the Walters at j Currinsville and has taken up a new job of being mother to her own baby, bora a few weeks ago. She don’t remember the woman who came into the bank a few l weeks ago and said to her: “I TAYLOR’S HIWAY MARKET N. Estacada City Limits & Hiway 211, - CR 9-3253 3-Tone, Power Pad:, Radio & rear speaker, Heater, IVindshHd wash, Back-up-Sites, New Whit^wrs'l tires nnd Standard transmsissson. 1958 CHEV V i ton Pickup. Heater, 6.50 x 16 tires; Side tire mount & Qniy J 0,00 0 Miles. Like NEW! $169500 1957 CHEV. Bel Air Hardtop 2-tone Radio & Heater, Powerglide, Low milage. 1 owner^ $ 1 9 9 5 - 0 0 1950 PONTIAC 2 dr. Fleetline Radio and Heater $ 1 9 5 -0 0 1949 BUICK 4-dr. A good motor & transm. R&H As is $ 1 2 0 0 0 you want a savings account or a cheeking account?” “Neither,” replied the woman “I want a charge account like they have at 1 a department store in Portland.” IVe are now getting delivery on our new 1959 models. If you want a rock-bottom deal on a new car car, S E E US before you buy! A conundrum going from door to door is ‘What was the biggest fuss in Bible history?’ While most of us are profound Bible students, all of us did not f*. member that Adam and Eve rais ed Cain. MILLER CHEVROLET SERVICE Estacada Phone CR 9-3297 want to open an account” “Do Lyons FRUIT CAKE Mix lb. pkg. 4 9 c ? Met Bili in a restaurant the other day. He had just finished a