U 44 AAAJ 'News' Want Ads Bring Good Rssyits t>a*e Estacada, | THE Oregon, CLACKAMAS county new s : Notes by the Friday, Dec. 5, 1958 Wayside Re who receives a benefit should never forget it; he who (By John J. Inskeep, County Agent This article is pointed toward bestows should never remember j the 175 Clackamas County resi­ dents who have obtained State it. — Charron I Nursery forestry tree order blanks this fall and to others who will obtain seedlings from private sources. During a “Show Me Trip” to ranger districts in the Mt.Hood National Forest alst September, District Ranger Earl Karlinger Phone MOhawk S-3794 Gresham, Oregon showed the group an area refor­ ested 10 years ago. One portion Day and Night ..>«;* vice - A Local institution of the area had been fall planted, j The other was planted in early 1 spring. This plating is not far j A*. I A AÀ A A i.A 4 AJ. A A » AA A A AA A A A 4 A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A AAAA from Three Lynx.A near perfect 1 Come in today J f.ud I make your choice from our large stock. H-na » you will find BULOVA and 1 \ I O I XT P M A i i r r» m r . i stand remains on the fall planted LONGINE and WILLNAUEP. W ashes « f o i -•un or ° her. Also Brooches, Necklaces, Diamonds, portion. Only half a stand re- ■ Silverware and Novelties. mains on the spring planted por­ tion. It is a good object lesson. Incidentally, this trip was or­ You can easily solve all your Christmas gift problems here where pices are reasonab e and ganized by the agricultural com-: quality is highest. mittee of the Oregon City Cham­ ber of Commerce and the Exten­ Here you can shop at your leisure and have plenty of free parking space. Visit our store. sion Service. Eighteeh business­ men and farmers attended. Fall plantings stand a better chance for survival under most conditions. Project Forester A1 ! Parker advises planting before I INVITES 7- Christmas where this is possible. Do not plant on land sustaining a heavy sod. Such areas should be summer fallowed first. This is the experience of Bill Helmlg, Molalla who is systematically re­ foresting 175 acres of tillable land. Many tree plantings ol last winter show light survival. Bill carefully summer fallowed A Business and Professional guide to friendly OREGON CITY Concerns who merit a share of the area last winter. His tree your trade when doing your out-of-town shopp ing . . GIVE THEM A TRIAL! survival is excellent.. An excellent stand of several1 PEGGY’S See “This Is The Life” KOIN-TV Sunday Noon Christmas tree species is found ZASTROW JEWELERS MUSIC STORE on the Red Soils Experimental1 SHOES for the Area. This area was planted on 1 . Diamonds - Watches .. Records Entire Family a former alta fescue sod and was Jewelry Instruments also summer fallowed. Superin-1 Gas & Oil Furnaces tendent Jack McDermid made Sheet Music Watch Repairing this planting on March 21. The Instructions on DAY point here is that spring plant­ Costume Jewelry Piano-Accordion ings have a better chance for SHEET METAL CO. survival on a well prepared Guitar-Violin seedbed. General Heating Clock Repairing All Band instruments Our observation also leads us Service - All Makes At Foot of the Elevator to believe that the ability to sur­ BUSTER BROWN SIIOES vive varies with species. Adapted 203 - 7th St. PH. 2150 219-7t!- PH. 4094 220 Molal/a Ave. Ph.3831 Oregon City Main at Eighth Douglas fir seedlings seem hard­ ier, for instance, than Grand fir. Adrian Newton, Highlano. RESTAURANT OREGON CITY PRINTING & STATIONERY CO. Anytime Is Picture Time - - has a young planting of Grand I It’s Fun' and Complete Office Supplies fir with a survival of approrima- MARINE ROOM tely 50 percent. They have E CAMERA SHOP Printing Office Furniture grown throuyh two summers. AMERICAN and Tile Flashbulb Sign These trees are subject to com­ CHINESE FOOD 703 Main St. PH. 3864 or OL. O l . .¿1 Main Ph. 4804 petition from creeping velvet ■>I7 Main St. Ph. 6739 grass. In the planting is an oc­ casional Douglas fir. They have , far outdistanced the growth ol j 1 HE ECONOMY SHOP HAZEL L. DAY MORGAN S JUNIOR BOOT SHOP the Grand fir seeedlings. Bargains in Used Across the fence is another Alterations Dressi iak' Regular and Corrective Fitting 3 planting consisting of Douglas l et Us Help You Clothing For All ■ fir of the same age. This planting Tots to 1 cens the Family g is subject to grass competition Co Ordinate Your Wardrobe Ph. 4693 Street PH. 7795 512 - 7th St. Ph. 3750 also but they are growing rapid­ 706 Center St. ly, perhaps too rapidly for good Christmas tree form. We inspected the Newton PEWRITERS planting last spring and found a Royal Distributor number of Grand fir seedlings in I h o presenting a sickly yellow color. Lester Standard ... Portable In March we staked four rows. Electric On two we fertilized with a Gahram New A Used goodly pinch of ammonium nit­ FURNITURE - HARDWARE - GIFTS rate. The other two rows re­ Lawrence RENTALS not visit this bank and arrange for a Why ceived a pinch of 16-20-0 ammo- Phone Oregon City 4911 S avinés Account for someone you wish to give phos. Sporting Goods 502 - 7th St. Oregon City Phone 4279 Results from th° fertilizer ap­ a special gif* this Christmas. CLACKAMAS Leather Goods plications appear to have been OFFICE MACHINES of slight value. The area was Shoe Repairing FREE PARKING LOT BETWEEN STORES 192 River Road cultivated once over with a ro­ Gladstone, Oregon PH. 9034 tary tiller last spring. All 916 MAIN ST. trees, fertilized or not, assumed a good green color with the com­ OREGON CITY FEED ing of warm weather. It vvould seem from these ob- for tto tp o in i Hay, Grain, Feed, Seed i serrations that such species as HOME OF HOFFMAN ZEN HT H Sales & CHOREM ASTER Grand fir, White fir. Silver fir, RADIO & TV SERVICE Sr- ving Eastern Clackamas County Since 1911 and Noble fir require a better .. Tillers and Mowers . A uthorized Service Call - 7th St. Oregon City Phone 5516 1005 seedbed and more care. Walter 619 Madison ph. 35 92 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Hardy, Russellvill.e has noted ELECTRIC SERVICE SANDY. OREGON j that Noble fir seedlings require Ph 3971 or Portland OL. 4-7556 • General Auto Repairs I good culture during the first 104 8th St. CURTAIN SHOP • Wheel Balancing and Alignment summer. DRAPERIES - CURTAINS SPEEDOMETER REPAIRS Careful planting helps to se­ At Economy Prices SPEEDOMETER CABLE ALL CARS - TRUCKS Slipcovers cure good survival. Fall plantings - Upholstery the flo w er sh o p cnabe seedling roots to become Melvin Dunmire’s EIGHTH STREET GARAGE Kirsch Rods - Accessories “Flowers for every Day” better established before warm 514 - 7th on Hill Ph. 4126 615-8th St. On the Hill Ph. 6424 weather. Winter rains firm the FUNERALS soil around the roots and help to RAMBLERS ~ prevent soil drouth the next W e d d in g s - C o rs a g e s O. K. spring. WHEEL CAFE Sales and Service 816 - 7th S t Ph. 6618 RUBBER & JEEPS Planting directions may be se­ WELDERS cured in the Extension office in LOUNGE Super Hiway at 18th. Oregon City. Those planting for STEAKS PAN KEY MOTOR CO. Ph. 7177 LANA’S the first time might profit from 1423 Washington Ph. 5344 503 Main St. Ph: 9106 a visit from Project Forester A1 STORK-TO-TEENS i Parker prior to planting opera- | tions. ESCROWS OUR SPECIALTIES: Featuring Quality TITLE INSURANCE And one final word of precau­ —Floorcovering tion. Do not allow seedling roots Nationally Known —Counterrovering to become dry even for a minute. —Wall Covering Brands of Clothing This is likely to occur during planting operations. fur Boys and Girls ...FOR LOVE AND REMEMBRANCES (Carroll IhutiTul J Unite r m CHRISTMAS SELECT JEWELRY, THE IDEAL GIFT! J IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Main & Center, Sandy GROKETT'S On the Wit. Hood Loon You to Worship, Sundays, 8:30 & WHERE 11 AM ., Sunday School 9:45 A M . A ristmas Sandy, Oregon TO FIND AND BUY IT OREGON CI TY fîiè k i k # Mem m ol ihe family U Appreciate - - h SAVINGS ACCOUNT T\ rlQPP'S Ckickjm'is County Bank Clackamas County lank PAUL'S RADIO SERVICE CO. & OREGON CITY ABSTRACT CO. AT ESTACADA EVERY WEDNESDAY GRESHAM SEED & FEED CO. Gresham, Ore OBSELETE FARM STRUCT - URES now are getting new at­ tention from farm management experts, economists. engineers, md farm officials. Modernization of farm buildings to reduce farm i costs is developing Into the next ! big movement in the agricultural technological revolution. Th» reed for a maior shift in "cientrfie attention to structures *s emphasized by a new survey conducted bv agricultural engin­ eers of the U. S. D A. The sur­ vey shows that obselete farm structures rob farmers of gains in income devrferi from giant strides made in production effeciencv Long time emphasis or reducing the actual cost of production has Phone MO 5-2186 Open 10 AM to 8 PM 464 Portland Ave. Gladstone Oregon City Ph 2446 Jerry's Electronic & Refrigeration Sales and Service Television Appliances Youngstown Kitchens W* Service What We SELL S. St H. Green Stamps resuUed in a serious la^ i^ oth er r'V *turirig Motorola * * Tube segments of the farm end of agri-1 Sentry which triples Life of Set bu*in,“9S as buildli^s. 1414 Washington Ph. <214 DÏCKEN& LOOK OREGON OWNED FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE LINOLEUM COMPANY Butler Bldg.-8th St. PH. Oregon City 2638 or Portland OLive 4-7731 AUTO-FURNITURE UPHOLSTERY CO. Satisfaction Guaranteed Park Place Lumber Co. Building Materials Free Information PH. Oregon City 4152 82nd. at Parkplace Seat Covers Boat Cushions Cushions Repaired HILLSIDE CHAPEL Convertible Tops 1306 Seventh St. 600 SUPER HIGHWAY GLADSTONE Ph. Oregon City 3662 Mcldrum Sr Super Highway JENNINGS LODGE Ph. O.C. 6506 OL. 4-7467 R.H. CONRAD J 1' Phone Oregon City 3902 BUICKS Direct Factory Dealer Dynaflow - Tune-up and Wreck Repairing Our Specialty Best Selection of New and Used Cars SUPER-HY BUICK INC Phone Oregon City 51*9 Super Hiway at Gladstone