Cataratta s Clackamas Count}) JìeUiS In Its Fifty-fourth Year t)f Publication Volume No. 54 10r Per Copy Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Dec. 5, 1958 Number 42 * — h j ÍS3.ÍÜ0 P. v YuaJ’ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meet the Bov? end Girls of the Clackamas County News Campaign for Christmas Bikes & Cash News Subscription Campaign Swings Into Hirls Gear This Coming VVeek Candidates in the Ciackamas Co. News subscription campaign have shown such interest in the extra cash prize which was offer- i ed last week that a second cash prize was announced today by B. j L. Denton, campaign manager. ; The new $10 cash award will go to the candidate in either district who turns in the most points on subscriptions— either new or rt- 1 newal— from now until the cam­ paign closes at 6 p.m. Saturday, Billy Si mom ns Mike Pickelsimer Clifford Kniskem Ethel Garner Don Dobbins Maxine Davis Bill Abbott December 13. Candidates and subscribers are urged to read the advertisement on page 6 to be sure all details of this offer are clear. The new prize is in addition to the bicycles and cash awards listed earlier in the campaign. Interest in the campaign mount­ ed rapidly this week as parents and subscribers from the various neighborhoods and communities got behind their candidates to help them win the best prizes and highest honors. Increasing numbers of subscri­ bers are calling at the office and paying their subscriptions to the credit of their favorite worker. Workers receive full credit for any subscription mailed or brought to the office. Subscribers are urged to name their choice ot workers when the payment is made. Gary Dahrens Mike Williams Donald Hanks Peter Gudenzopf Eddie Groce David Riedel Mike Smith Ray Varner Pictures of the workers and comparative vote standings of each appear on this page, and these will set the pace for the fi- ; nal week of enthusiasm among the boys and girls. Listed below, in alphabetical order by district, THREE LYNX PTA HEAR are the first vote standings in the Clackamas County ABOUT JORDAN ARABS News subscription campaign. The Three Lynx PTA was in­ troduced to the Arabs of Amau The worker m each district finishing the camp­ Jordan by Wyde Walker at the aign with most votes in his own group will receive meeting Nov. 20th. The Upper Clackamas River Chamber of Com­ monthly Mrs. Edward W. (Emily A.) a $69.95 Schwinn bike or $60 in cash. Next two Meeting called to order by Mr. Walker who lived in Aman merce decided to continue its Christmas decoration for 2 years while employed by the Cub Master Mr. Jones, followed Ficken, 75, late of Estacada Rt.2, highest in either district will receive $59.95 Schw- died Saturday in an Oregon City program at its Monday meeting. This year there j u -.s - government, gave an inform- by pledge to the flag. Mr. Jones stated we were part hospital. mn bike or $50 cash and $52.95 Schwinn bike or will be no prize for commercial lighting. Residents of ‘THUNDERBIRD’ area ot Deceased was born Nov. 27,1883 $40 in cash. will be eligible for First Prize $1 5.00 ; Second will sity of our being well informed Gresham now instead of Clacka- at Oakland ,Cailf. and had lived New and renewal subscription orders give votes mas County. We will have to in Estacada erea for the last 20 be 10.00 and Third Prize 5.00. No winner of the “ bout affairs in the Middle East change our insignia. Cubs will be years. She was a member of the toward winning. Subscribers are urged to look this year preceding will be eligible for this year s prize. one might think, it takes about assessed 10c per week plus $2.50 Harding Grange, Survivors include her widower list over, and get in touch with their favorite worker A ll folks wishing to participate please send a card the same time, two days, to go fee per year, out of the $2.50 they will receive ‘ Boys’ Life.’ Edward W; a stepdaughter. Mrs. or pay their subscription at the N E W S office for to P O R n v F .s d n iw ln A ll r W r n m t in n e a n n a r from Portland to Aman by plane Cubs are to notify Den Moth- Ethel Osborn, Estacada; two bro- . ; A • , • ’ ^ s u c a “ a- corations a p p a i-ias it takes t0 g0 from PortIand ers of all awards they have been thers Thomas Jubb and Clarence I ^ | * '-h 'H C e. C a m p a i g n w i l l e n d a t ent to the judging committee will be considered but to Chicago by train, awarded so all records can be Jubb, both of Estacada; two sis-j u P -m - S a t u r d a y , D e c e m b e r 1 3 . P h o n e n u m b e r s a r e your postcard is necessaiy in case you might be Thl children. iary was enjoyed Monday by 55 | the „ church . . , „ parlors. , The December meeting and Steven McAndrew— 1 Yr. Service home of Mr. and Mrs. Lem Jen­ Star members at a potluck supper. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Michols home- Christmas program were announ- the Memory Bookshelf by the kins on Thanksgiving. Next pack meeting cubs must Xmas carols were sung and color steaded in the Garfield area in ded p sh0uld be a very special American Legion— ‘Aku Aku’ by slides of the Wheelhair Parade 1918. and Mr. Michols was em- night since the men of the con.- have one of their parents along Hyerdahl in memory of Meta Guests at the home of Mr‘ and shown by Mrs. Adolph Still. M rs.1 ployed by the LaDee Lumber Co. m unjty are taking over. It will be in nrder to attend. Kiggins and ‘American Aces’ by ............................ ...... theme Mrs. Bob Harmon Thanksgiving 1 n------- Presentation — g i of den’s Still explained the wiheelchair j and the Forest Service until they December 11 at 8 P. m ' Sims in memory of Wm. Reimers The Estacada Library Associa- ; The next Book Forum will be parade program and invited the I moved to Portland in 1936. They i * "xhe Three" Lynx PTA wishes to Project ‘-See it and do it” were Mrs. Harmon’s mother,Mrs. Post and Unit to attend the Open ; presently reside at 9007 SE 82nd f express special thanks to Mr and Den 1— Visited local theatre,con- Gredvig of Portland and Mr.and tion Executive Board met Satui- held Dec. 13 at 3 P.M. The dis- House at the Veterans Hospital | Ave., Portland. 1 Mrs Rynnint, and Mr and Mrs structed small model o f theatre. | Mrs. Ralph Milleson and 4 child- j day, Nov. 29. It was attended by cussion of biographies will be Dec.7 between hours o f 1 to 4 Their many firends in this ar- Dave Homer for coming up the Den 2— Visited Kammayer seed ren from Seattle Corrinc^was also j Mrs. S; S. Dunlop, JVfrs. Allyn continued. Anyone interested is PM to view the Gift Shop and get | ea are invited to attend their an- river to the ham dinner held in cleaning plant ‘-told of seed home for the holidays. She is at- Price, Mrs. Chester Dayton and welcome. Anyone who would like acquainted with the patients in niversary celebration. tending a Dental Assistants | Mrs. J. W. Saunders.The consti- to learn more about the book for October. Their patronage was ri^ n m g. tution and by laws are being brot urn can call Mrs. S. S. Dunlop. the hospital. ! ------------------- certainly appreciated and their Hen 3 - Visited Mayflower dairy School at Seattle. | up to date. The book sale is offic­ Child Welfare Chairman is as- *) • |J_ _ _ _ _ 11 presence added much to the en- Products plant, showed pictures ially over but books will still be they had drawn o f operation of sisting a burned out family and D O M H c I 1 0 W 6 I I joyable time had by all. Kiwanis Annual Xmas avaiable at the Broadway Theat- plant. also secured work for a family, j . _ |re, the News office, Estacada Benefit Pancake Feed Den 4------ Visited Eagle Creek Needs little girls shoes six 11 1-2 R a f l s a l (j| | A 0 n Food Lockers and Library.Money Grade School and size 2 l-2.Community Service ■ ' • H l v l H U C v l l Fish Hatchery, presented skit of Cafeter'a which came from sale of books reported one bed and one Wheel- \ Bethel No. 54 of the Estacada fishing and hatchery operation. Sat., Dec. 6, 7 am to 3 pm will be used to replace Books Cub Master Jones Introduced chair out. \ Order met Monday night in the I Bob Cody new instituional rep. Members working on the Blood- Masonic hall with guest Grand | f . . /I j ,- .,, Tickets 75c Now playing at the Broadway ®ro in bod shape. replacing Bill Bruguier who is Theatre an exciting western film-1 The office of corresponding se­ nubile were Mrs. Geo. Armstrong, Guardian lone Goodnough of Eu- /T O T G v l l O n i P Mrs. F. E. Dooley, Mrs. Frank; gene holding inspection. Intro- i J h Woodcock 1*55 noundwr moving. ed in Cinemascope and technicol- cretary has been created. Mrs. | __Try a Classified Adv. in the Marshall, Mrs. Larry Meade, Mrs. ductions of Mrs. Goodnough;Past ^ Review of next months theme or “GUNMAN’S WALK”stars Van Ea1-1 Eckersley was appointed to ,„w Jnst ph0ne ns or .bring Harry Hickman, Mrs. Ray G ot - Honor Queen, Linda Marchbank: j K n ’ T c™;*», an.i ‘•Golden Rule” Heflin as the violent, picturesque this fr" lce, , , , , , , ¡will get results and the cost Is don and Mrs. James Lamb. M i» Grand Bethel Chaplain. Karen, Next meeting date Dec. 23 at the cattleman with his two sons, one | Two books have been added to Qr mal| yoar ad. in. Carol Stevens and Miss Mazylen Potter; and guests Past Grand 2 hard fou* ht deC1Slon OVer U r ’ school gym. like himself, the other played by ---------------------------------— -------------- -----------------—-------------------------------- ry Snyder to win the state 165-lb. After adjournment refresh­ James Durren is a mild mannered . _ , _ . , _ . _ . _ , AAU Novice Championship. desk from the High School. ments served by Den 4. Portland and Past Grand Guard- ¡ „ „ 1 Woodcock showed a sharp left Rehabilitation Chairman L. R. Brown, Rec. Ser. re- lan, Mrs. Crowley of Lake View, jab . , which „.vu-h rocked > »i<. nnnnMnt the other two. A real western his opponent ported sending gifts amounting to were made. Jo Anne Marchbank, thriller, full of surprises. \ many times. With a little more $38.25 to Roseburg hospital and Jane Little and Donvema Barry I, • Second feature is a masterpiece from MEETING POSTPONED gifts amounting to $70 to the were initiated into the Order. of suspense with Richard Todd, The December meeting of the Portland hospital. They also had election of offi- ^ Anne Baxter and _ Herbert Lorn | Zone 5, Oregon School Boards\J _________ _ _______ _ Mrs. Don Showerman reported cers with Bonnie Howell being . Association has been postponed 'CHASE A CROOKED SHADOW that rummage sale netted $82.80 elected Honor Queen; Senior b y thc.tournamettts drarpest a and will be held at the Estacada When a brother* who has been Norm Schnitzer of Boring Route 2, Box 197 or for the Restricted fund. Princess, Tonya Haugen; Junior dead for 12 months suddenly The annual Xmas dinner and P rin ce Judy Smith Gnide, Ka- ’ « » « T » K , intohts S S ? h<^e-h^ I Henry Gibson of Boring Route 1 Box 20 did not find Xmas ? ^ P0*|W and mar8ha11' mi « J S E Z S X Z ' to — can be nothing but an importer in th e T a y lo r Hiwav Market and Estacad be ^ ^ _____ ______„ _____ V. make a fight out of it « t couldn’t Paul Eaton is in the hoepltal Even the police can not find proof ............... J . VVo th o ro fo rP Hiscontini and nuts will be presented the The next meeting will be Dec- këëp up with toe terrific pace set in PortUnd in a critical condition that he is’ not what he claims to Motor Co. ads last week. W e therefore discontini small fry. The Juniors will decor- ember 15 when they will have bp Mabee. Ralph is a firm be-1 -------------------------- j be. He even has the same finger- the ‘“ Find the Error” contest (for this year) an . ate the tree. their Christmas party and ex liever that fighting for real la a Mr ami M 0 , 1 ^ 1 , «Uuehter I Prints A picture that makes my- the money accumulated ($100 with this week) is Members of the Unit will wont change gifts. Refreshments of « ' . " , ' Ä Ä f e a Y“ ” - - in the Gift shop wrapping room decorated sheet cakes, coffee and lot . easier than ^ some u .. of the V spar- nimi i » " “ s ' “ » “" designated to be used as a Christmas award for the Mrs. Dec. 11— Mrs. Geo. Armstrong, punch as served in the dining T_f , n 11 , , * with a dinneT for Mr and Rob R ussell and son Larry and s u ’rts Sunday through Tuesday, people doing their Christmas shopping in Estacada. Mrs John Abbott. Mrs. Don room by Bonnie Howell. Karen w Thursday, Dec. 11, our advertiser, will Showerman, Mrs. Larry Meade, Potter and Tony« Haugen. Favors Trainer Fred u^Vaiiv McNally mn received __ Mrs. Frank Marshall and Mrs S. l0f Sants Claus heads were made Portland, and * ^ » 0 ° Dlcx in a sky^ized saga of the jet age award you one ticket for each $2.50 purchase or many complimenta on the show- „f'woodbu'm. Miss E. Lawrence. Mrs Adolph Still bp Karen Potter, ing of his fighter. McNally now gene Gaines and Mr am? Mrs « ith ^ HUNTERS’ with Robt multiple thereof ($5.00 purchase 2 tickets, $7.50 and Mrs. Harry Hickman, volun- has three fighters, all three cha- Dale Russell of Estacada. teers will work in the gift shop ardEgan !md May B r i? w ith the purchase 3 tickets). These ticket, will be given on the full week. Next meeting Jan t h e ^ K r i l e r h ^ T w S T M ^ ™Pions in their weight division. locale in battle torn Korea the your purchases until 3 :0 0 p.m., Dec. 20, at which All these are expected to fight 5th at 6:30 PM. Keller’s uncle, George Spees of An announcement was received flying and battle action keeps this time they will be collected. At 4 :3 0 p.m. of Dec. 20, Dec. 6th in Portland. Redland and Barbara Keller.who by Mrs Floyd Day of the birth of film moving fast with interesting was home for the holidays from a habv hov to Mr. and Mrs. Bern- bits of humor. Actual scenes a drawing will be conducted at a place to be desig­ OES Marvlhurst. Mrs Claremont Fall- Moutain Chapter No. 108 OES MarylhursC Mrs Claremont rail- Woods snent if McMahon of Salina. Kansas, from the Korean countryside, nated, and who can answer the number called will Mr. will have a stated meeting Tues- ert of Brookings. Ore. and Mr. Mr and Mrs_ Dan ^ *P j graduate of the Esta- Next Wednesday— Clint *Chey- receive the $100.00. More details will probably be day. Dec. 9mt 8 PM There will be and Mrs. Wm Gran* of Oregon ^ 2 ! cadT Union High School and is enne Walker in “FORT DOBBS” . ■ a ^ r J ^ h ^ X ^ i S .117 2 5 X 0,1 1 S p w I " P orln d now a pilot inlhe US Air Foree plus Authony Quinn in "ATTILA” available for next week Cub Scouts Receive Awards Chamber of Commerce Sets Yuletide Decorating Awards; Al! Eligible Last Rites for Mrs. Ed. Ficken Legion Auxiliary Active in Local Welfare Work Local Library Assn. Meets Local Kids Rate Action Films at Broadway Theatre "Find the Error" $ 1 0 0 to be Given on Sat., before Christmas to lucky patron of Estacada Business; Errors End