lA A iA á Á iiA U iiá iÁ iá U ü U A Á A U iU iiiU iiU U i u Recorder’s office. I ST. A LO Y SIC S CATHOLIC The City of Estacada reserves Page 3 THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS CHURCH the right to postpone the award­ E STA C A D A Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Nov. 28, 1958 ing of the bid for a reasonable Father N orbert W. Fritz time or to reject any and all bids i Morning Worship 11 A.M. Phone Sandy MU 2912 Sunday School 10 a.m. and to waive informalities. Y outh Program 7 P. M. Masses 1st and 2nd Sundays EAGLE CREEK ASSEM BLY OF GOD Published for the first time | Evening Service 8 P.M. at 11 A . M. Rev. Vernon E. Ross,Jr Pastor November 7th, 1958 and for the Martin R. Craft, Pastor CHURCH W orship 11 a.m, 8 A. M. second time on November 14th, Woodrow Clay Sunday School 10 a.m. 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays at 1958. ST. JOHNS at GEORGE 5th and Broadw ay - Pastor IM M ANSEL LUTHERAN 8 A . M. R. R. Cooke, Recorder Rev.Vernon E. Ross, Jr. Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a.m. CHURCn PORTER MENNONTTK W orship 9a.m. M orning Worsh%> 11 a.m. Sunday School at 9:45 A.M . Sunday Sch ool 10 a.m. Junior Church Sundav School Mam & Center, SANDY CHURCH BIDS WANTED Bldg. Sunday 8:30 and Sealed bids for gasoline to be (Seven Miles East o f Estacada) Worship Evening Evangelistic Service 10 A. M. 11 A . M. used during the calender year Sunday School 7:45 p.m. CHRISTIAN CHURCH ► 1959 for the school busses, will II A . M. Church Service CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Bible Sch ool 10 A. M. be accepted by the school board 7 P. M. Junior Meeting of LATTE R D A Y SAINTS Worship Service 11 A. M. Pastor Ernest J. Bontrager, i of the Estacada Union High M ETHODIST CHURCH Estacada Branch -555 N.Broad Christian Endeavor 6:30 P VI. School N0.UH6 until 8:00 P.M., S.E. 2nd & Main (on the hill) Rt. 1, B ox 141 A, Estacada way. President- Earl H. Eck- Bible Study 7:30 P.M December 11, 1958. Minimum M orning W orship 11 a.m. ersley. , , Choir Practice 8:30 P.M ESTAC AD A CHURCH OF delivery 400 gals. The board re­ Nursery fo r children at the Prim ary- 3:30 Thurs. GOD serves the right to reject any or parsonage Sunday S ch ool 10 AM . Sun. Corner 2nd and Main Streets GARFIELD CHURCH OF THE all bids. Youth Fellow ship 7 PM Sunday S ch ool...........9:45 a.m Sacram ent Service 7 P.M. Sun NAZARENE •lames W. Smith, Clerk, Route 2; Milton L. Nelson, Minister R eleif Society- 2 PM Tues. Youth Meeting 6:30 p.m (Four Miles East of Estacada) Box 64, Estacada R. S. W ork M eeting- 10:30 ev Evening Service 7:00 p.m. Sunday School 10 A. M. Publish Nov. 22-29, Dec. 6 Let us heat your home this winter. BARTON COMMUNITY Bible Study 7:45 p.m. Wed ery second Tues. Morning Worship 11 A. M. B A P T IST CHURCH Pastor: Rev. James O. M oore Youth Services 6 P. M. i'ou will find us always on the job to give you Boring, O regon , Rt. 3 BIDS WANTED THE PRESBYTERIAN Phone CR 9-3947 Evening Services 7 P. M. Sealed bids for fuel oil for Rev. W alden A.Askren, Pastoi CHURCHES first-class service. Prayer Meeting Wed. 7:30 P.M. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. heating the high school building SPRINGW ATER FIRST B A PTIST CHURCH Pastor: Rev. Stephen R. Beals M orning W orship 11 a.m. will be accepted until 8:00 P. M., Sunday M eeting in Estacada Rev. Harry B. Hampton, Sup Phone us your order today. Phone CR 9-6325 Youth Tim e 6:30 p.m. ; December 11, 1958 by the School City Hall ply Pastor Evening Service 7:30 p.m. I Board of the Estacada Union Church School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. ► No. UH6. *■ j High School District i ► The board reserves the right to 4 reject any or all bids 4 t (Formerly Farmers Gas & Supply) James W. Smith. Clerk, Route 2; 600 N.E. 8th Gresham MO 5-2501 Box 64, Estacada, Oregon. Publish Nov. 22-29, Dec. 6. T T m T T T vm vm T m vT T m m T T m T T T T m T T vru NUT GROWERS TON ACRE ol NUT CLUB TO CONTINUE A Business and Professional guide to friendly OREGON CITY Concerns w ¡-o merit I R. L. Smith, County Agent,cal- your trade when doing your out-of-town shopp mg . . GIVE THEM A TRIAL! | led it to the attention of Clacka- I mas County Walnut and Filbert j growers that the Nut Growers PEGGY’S Society of Oregon and Washing­ ZASTROW JEWELERS SHOES for the MUSIC STORE ton is continuing ‘The Ton Acre Ent’re Family Nut Club” in 1958, according to . Diamonds - Watches .. • Records information received from Gor • Instruments Jewelry don Hull, Salem, President.This Gas & Oil Furnaces * • Sheet Music project was started in 1956 to f c i? £ Watch Repairing V V I V lllw V l C | “ to foster, encourage and call at­ • Instructions on DAY tention to those practices that Piano-Accordion Costume Jewelry SHEET METAL CO. ; will increase production and pro­ Guitar-Violin mote the general welfare of the General Heating walnut and filbert industries in All Band Instruments Clock Repairing Oregon, Washington and British Service - All Makes At Foof of the Flevatnr BUSTER BROWN SHOES jj 1 m Columbia.” Ph.3831 Oregon City Main at Eighth PH. 4994 220 M olal/a Ave. PH. 2150 219-7th Rules and purposes and appli­ 203 - 7th St. cation blanks for membership in the ‘TPA Nut Club’ may be ob­ Time - tained from county extension OREGON CITY PRINTING & STATIONERY CO. An; -time is ¿1 Picture it’s Fun! RESTAURAN T agents, nut processors or buyers, Complete Office Supplies and n Smith stated that a grower to i HE CAMERA SHOP MARINE ROOM Z These Are Your Churches ► More Heat Less Cost For the Most Economical and 2 Satisfactory Heat Use Dependable \ 1 Pacific Heating Oil I GRESHAM C00PERAT9VE 3 WHERE TO FIND AND BUY IT OREGON CI TY j ! Thanks, Folks! U 'j want is express : Thanks h r the Best IVishes of the [j peC’i e cf our fine community on the \ Grand Opening of our new P im m - ’ acy last Saturday . l £ i and we want you to know that we will make every effort to meet the needs of this growing community in our line and to give you the best ■ D M L possible Pharmacy Service............ ................... It you were unable to be at our Grand Opening, come in anytime you are in Sandy. We will ■ will anticipate your visit with pleasure. K ■ id Ivan A, Barn Fred Dkkman I S a n d y R exaSI D ru g Mt. Hood Looo Highway, Sandv 3 ■ ■ ■ ■ « s a a n R B S R B Z E n a B B B a B H a R - ’ n R i i i f i s a n T T H A T 'S A F R E T '. r t .- mu s Y our interest in our new store is most » gratifying f J & ■ m n n a .... i s ' for,tl?f 'Ton Per Acre Nut Club must have a minimum AM ERICAN and of five acres of walnuts, filberts; CHINESE FOOD Ph. 6739 a combination of the two or a 517 Main St. nut crop interplanted with other tree crops. Yields must be re­ ported from the entire bearing HAZEL L. DAY walnut and or filbert acreage in a farm unit. Production must Alterations Dresrmaking be at least 2000 pounds of walnut Let Us Help Ton or filberts per acre dry weight Co-Ordinate Your W ardrobe (orchard run) whether a solid Ph. 4693 planting or interplanted with rot. Center St. i other crops. The dry weight per acre is based on the state stand­ a r d s which allow a 10 percent maximum moisture content. Major headings on the appli­ cation blanks include soil data, .ester information on planting stock, pruning practices, fertilizer pro­ Gahram gram. tillage practices, filbert suckering methods, pest control Lawrence program, irrigation (if nsed)and harvest methods. Growers will Sporting Goods also be asked to list other prac­ Leather Goods tices which they believe con­ tribute to high average yields. Shoe Repairing Production must be verified by processing company or buyer 916 M AIN ST. PH. 9034 I and the application blank must i be returned to the county exten- sion agent. ttutpoint ¡NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT k I r Notice is hereby give tnat the Sales & undersigned has filed his Final Authorized Service Cal/ ; Account in the matter of the Es­ tate of George Whetstone, deceas- ELECTRIC SERVICE | ed, in the Circuit Court of the I State of Oregon for the County ot Ph 3971 or Portland OL. 4-7556 104 8th St. I Clackamas, Probate Department, and said Court has set 10:00 j o’clock A. M. on the 8th day of December, 1958, as the time for THE FLO W ER SHOP hearing of objections to said Fin­ "Flow ers for every D ay” al Account and the settlement thereof. FUNERALS Howard L. Smith, Adminstrator of the Estate of | W eddings - Corsages George Whetstone, deceased. Ph. 6618 ‘ Beattie, Hibbard, Jacobs Sc Cald- 816 - 7th St. | well Attorneys for Administrator 210 Masonic Building LANA’S | Oregon City, Oregon STORK-TO-TEENS Published Oct. 31, Nov. 7, 14, 21 Nationally K now n Brands o f Clothing Q uid: fl/bate! for B oys and Girls Open 10 A M to 8 P M 464 Portland A ve. Gladstone Oregon City Ph. 2446 KEEPS PCACE -Potvm ft- TAK ES INDUSTRIAL AND MILITARY STRWGTH. 10UCAH help achievs th * sttwsto rr * * * * * u *. * * * * * * * o n o s._ H B rtN * Y O U » COUNTRY— A N O VOUM**/ mn Ham and ah mr**** RED CIRCLES? 1 chase by the City of Estacada of We’re happy with the response a Blanket Liability Insurance from you folks in bringing your Policy will be received by the subscriptions up to dste. Those city o f Estacada at the City Hall of yon who are still getUng the Estacada, Oregon, until 8 00 P m ’ red circle, if we are in error let on the 4th day of December. the office know-or come In with 1958. At said time the bids will your renewal. If you do not feel be thereafter publicly opened yon can afford to renew now, and read. Proposals shall be in let ns know, and well rid yon of the form of a letter, sealed and the circle and yon may pick np addressed to the undersigned at yoor balance when convenient Estacada, Oregon. A copy of the requirements of the Blanket Liability Insurance NOTICE FOB BIDS the Sealed proposals for the pur- Policy can be obtained at Printing Office Furniture 703 Main St. Tm dm , d e tic io ü l 1*CAR0N!-AND-CHEESF ¡WM cooked in7 minutes Kraft Dinner it a timesaver and a i'PAFT menu-maker! Stock ¿RATED up today — it cost* ->r tfcroBglt- only pennies. So u.'.’ Phone Oregon City 3902 BUICKS Direct Factory Dealer Dynaflow - Tune-up and Wreck Repairing Our Specialty Best Selection of New and Used Cars SUPER-HY BUICK INC Phone Oregon City 5129 Super H iway at Gladstone