Estacada's Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1957-1976, November 28, 1958, Image 1

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    CS tacanas
Cíackamaá Count? üetos
Volume No. 54
In Its F ifty-fourth Year of Publication
Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Nov. 2$, li)o.S
Number 41
Extra $10 Prize Offered in News
Subscription Campaign; Other Details
Charnier ùf Commerce Erects Sign on 82nd Ave.
An extra prize offer was an- cles valued at $*>9.95 head the list
‘ nounced by the publisher of the of major prizes in the campaign.
Clackamas County News today Workers winning these prizes
for boys and girls working in its may chose $60 in cash instead of
subscription campaign. All ac­ the bikes if they wish. Two
tive workers are eligible to com­ other Schwinn bikes valued
pete for the extra prize which $59.95 and $49.95 will be given,
will be a mighty welcome addit­ with winners having choice of $50
ion to the winner's Christmas or $40 in cash in place of the j
bikes if desired.
All workers
This added award will be a $10 who do not finish among the [
bill, and the boy or girl who se­ high four will receive cash com­
cures the most points on NEW missions on each order they turn
subscription sales from
this in during the 3 week drive, thus
Thursday through next Wednes­ assuring each participant a good
day will receive the
prize for check for Christmas shopping.
Subscribers who wish may mail
their good work.
The advertisement in today’s or bring their subscription pay­
paper gives complete details of ments to the News office and de­
this new prize offer. Workers signate their choice of workers.
and their families are urged to Worker will receive full
read the ad carefully and ask for for all subscriptions turned in at
any additional information at the the office for them, including the
cash commission.
campaign office if needed.
Pictures of the workers will be
Names of
boys and girls
working in the campaign will be taken this Friday and Saturday at
found on this page. Subscribers the News office and will be pub­
will now be able to select a favor­ lished in next week’s paper.
Campaign is expected to roll in­
ite worker and help him or her
win one of the valuable prizes to high gear this weekend and the
with their new or renewal sub­ News has urged each worker to
take full advantage of the extra
scription to the News.
Two Schwinn “American” bicy- holiday to make sales.
lu e i ’er Copy
North Fork Dam
Produces Its
First Electricity
$ 3 .iu 0
The Ladies Brigade of the Es­
tacada Church of God will have
a bazaar and home cooked food
sale Dec. 5th an 6th in the old
Telephone building..
There will be toys and other
gift items and also Xmas cards
Have lovely corsages for all
winter and Xmas wearing with
one especially for teenagers and
smaller children.
Plan to get some of your
special Xams gifts here.
Portland Genvrat
company’s $20,000,000
Fork dam on the Clackamas riv­
er began producing its first com­
mercial electricity last Saturday
The new project, located
miles east of here, went official­
ly on line when PGE president
Frank W. Warren, Jr., pulled a
switch activating one of the
plant’s two 26,500 kilowatt gen­
erators. Within a few days, ac­
cording to company vice presi­
dent O. E. Walsh, North Fork’s
Rev. Woodrow Clay will bring
serond unit will be in operation the Thanksgiving
message at
bringing the project to its full Union services sponsored by Es­
capability of 53,000 kilowatts.
tacada Ministerial Assn. Nov. 27
‘The completion
of North at Methodist Church at 10 A. M.
Fork” Walsh said “will mark the
All members of Ministerial As­
addition of 198,000 kiloyatts dev­ sn. will participate in service,
eloped by PGE for the Northwest wheih stresses Christian’s pur­
power pool in the last 11 months' pose in the annual harvest festi­
Walsh referre to the comple­ val.
tion of Pelton dam on the Desch­ Special music will be brought
utes river last December with a 1 by Gordon Gilbert, music leader
capability of 120,000 kilowatts I for the Church of God and by
and the addition of a 25,000 kilo­ Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Bontrager
watt generating unit to the Far­ of the Porter Mennonite Church.
aday nowerhouse on the Clacka­ The offering will go to support
mas two miles
below North work of the released time Bible
classes sponsored by the Assn.
North Fork reache the produc­ Expenses are incurred for curri­
Listed.beiow, in alphabetical order by district,
tion stage 26 months after the culum materials and supplies in
are the boys anti girls who have signed to work in
consruction ocntract was signed the teaching of the classes.
between PGE and Guy F. Atkin
the (JiacKamas County .News subscription campaign
son compnay of San Francisco.
ine worker >n eacn district finisning the camp­
The thinnest dam for its height 1
in the United
States—8 feet |
aign with most votes in nis own group will receive
at the top, 32 feet at Us
a $69.95 Schwinn bike or $60 in cash. Next two Len Verberg and Ty Correll ad­ bome designed it and Larry Es­ It was a major chore. The sign thick
base—North Fork, Walsh
mire the beautiful new sign er­ pinoza executed the work. The is 6ft x 8 ft. and with its supports plained controls the might of the
highest in either district will receive $59.95 Schw- ected
Estacada lOOF Lodge will hold
by Upper Clackamas River sign was erected by a Chamber weighs over a ton. Duane Day Clackamas by tenacity
rather j their
■nn bike or $50 cash and $52.95 Schwinn bike or Chamber of Commerce members of Commerce work crew consist­ with his telephone company than bulk.
homecoming meeting Wed.
at the intersection of 82nd and ing of Len Verbürg, Pres., Ernie equipment and Len Verburg’s j The leak formed behind North Dec. 3 starting with potluck din­
$40 in cash.
212 at Clackamas on Sun­ Rynning, vice-pres;,
Bill Wy- pickup managed the hauling and Fork is 4 miles long and one- ner at 6:30 PM All Odd
New and renewal subscription orders give votes Hiway
Rebekahs are asked to at­
day, Nov. 15.
erection. If you drive to Portland quarter mile across at its widest and
Tony Gruba,
tend; also Theda Rho members.
toward winning. Subscribers are urged to look this The sign was designed to plug Smith, Larry Espinoza, Howard
Harry and come in at Clackamas the
There will be a program foll­
the Upper Clackamas River
Portland, North Fork forms the owing
list over, and get in touch with their favorite worker for
sign is on your right.
supper. Miss Elaine Far­
Recreational Area. Harry Os- Osborne and Duane Day.
or pay their subscription at the NEWS office for-
rington, delegate to the United
Pilgrimage in 1958 will
the worker of their choice. Campaign will end at
Alongside the reservoir a 16- Nation
be on this program and tell of
acrc recreational area has been her trip to New York and also
6 p.m. Saturday, December 13. Phone numbers are
developed by PGE.
Known as show slides. The public is cor­
listed by each name for convenience of subscribers
Promontory park and scheduled dially invited to this program.
Springwater Extension Unit met
to be opened next spring the
who may wish to call one of the workers.
at the Grange hall recently with
The Odd Fellows would like to
Next Monday, December 1, the 25 members present. Visitors wel- Estacada PTA met n the grade park includes a combination oi extend a special invitiation
District One (Estacada City)
Estacada Garden Club will hold corned were Lillian Lauderback school Thursday night with V P picnicking and camping areas. the sophomore and junior stu­
Maxine Davis CR 9-3770 Don Hanks CR 9-3776 their annual Christmas Party and and Marion Sutter.
Bety Carnes presiding and Rev.
dents who are intrested in enter­
After a short business session Nelson giving the invocation.Ha- tion with North Fork are exten­ ing this contest for pilgrimage
Don Dobb ns CR 9 3214 C liff Kniskern CR 9-3882 Gift Exchange at the City Hall at
1:30 P.M. The hostesses will be Grace E. Henderson explained zel Miller, treasurer,
in 1969.
Eddie Groce CR 9-3749 Mike Williams Cr 9-3207 Abbie Armstrong, Mabel Baker, how to make Yo Yo dolls for $188.51 on hand and $56.80
made fish around the dam. Major com­ Amo Vose, county chairman,
D'str'ct Two (Outside Estacada City)
Vemita Gant and Bertha Gennte- Christmas gifts for small child- on food sale at carnival Hallow­
be present to answer any
fish ladder an a unique skimmer will
mann. Each memberf is asked ren. She also displayed several een in Grade School.
questions anyone has on this
Bill Abbott - Route 2, City - CR 9-3884
to bring cookies, candy, nuts or of the dolls which she had made,
Lawna Howell, secretary, read
Gary Dahrens - Route 1, City - CR 9-6191
anything of this type of refresh- j A sack luncheon was enjoyed a letter from the Oregon Centen- pipeline for downstream - bound
I at 12:30 with Doris Miller and nia which stressed historical edu­
Ethel Jane Garner - Viola - Redlands TF 1-238? merits.
Ann Underwood will show j Nita Gant as hostesses; they ser- cation. Lewis Douglas, ehmn. of grants around PGE’s River Mill
Peter Guldenzopf - Rte 1, Eagle Creek - CR 9-6386 some slides of Christmas arrange-1 ving coffee and cake,
the education advisory commit­ dam farther downstream.
Last Thursday morning Bp-on
Cost of fish passage facilities
Lucille Ives - Route 1, City - CR 9-6228
merits taken at the
Florist’s The program for the day was tee stated they are sending out
Anders was injured quite serious
Show in Portland recently.
I ‘Block Printing' and a talk and education kits to schools which is estimated at $3,190,000.
Ga l Mabee - Route 1, Eagle Creek - CR 9-6376
ly while felling timber with Abra­
The arrangements will be on demonstration was given by Jane should be received by Dec. l.The
ham Miller for C. E. Westerbcrg.
Dav'd Riedel - Route 2, City - Redland TE 1-2358 Christmas theme —Madonna and Gillette, assisted by Frieda Kieii. Centennial starts Feb. 14, 1959.
This year the Christmas sale He is now in the Oregon City hos­
the Horticulture will be holly, The members each taking turns
Executive report was given by
Billy Simmons - Dodge - CR 9-6703
Christmas Rose or miscellaneous. ] cutting and printing.
Hazel Miller in absence of Pat sponsored by Marian Guild of St. pital and the latest report he has
Mike Smith - Route ?., City - CR 9-3854
The attendance door prize was ! Hayden, 2nd V P. Gerry Graven Aloysius Church will be bigger a croken pelvis but doing as well
won by Grace E. Henderson.
Patty W iley - Route 2, City - CR 9-6876
the membership chmn. reported and better than ever. Date is Dee. as can be expected.
parents have now paid their 6 from 10 AM to 6 PM.A wide va­
R'chard Wilson - Eagle Creek - CR 9-6535
The U. S. Fish an Wild Life
temann appointed Nita Gant to dues bringing the membership riety of home made dish towels,
serve as good cheer chairman re­ up
121. Gerry Price reported aprons and pillow cases will be on Service will release 410,000 silyer
Eagle Creek this
placing Ethelyn Martin who with
tffe Well Baby Clinic.3o‘child- sale plus an assortment of toys samon into
The First Baptist Church o f ' her. husband is moving to Calif- ren were taken care of last time for children. Coffee, donuts and week. The fish wil be about 5
inches long and the weight of the
The Stock Dodger’s field trip Estacada welcomed its new pas- °rma next month. Each member anf| one child taken to Doernbec- hot dogs will be sold
total amount will be 14,000 lbs.
to Perry DeLapp’s farm In Ei- tor Mr. Charles Helms, with a signed a friendship card for Mrs. ker hospital to have her tonsils
A return from these can be ex­
wood was the main topic of dis­ pot luck reception at the Estaca- Martin. A card was also sent to f out. Mrs. Jack Lacey reported
Kiwan s Annual Xmas pected
in approximately 2 years
cussion at the meeting held re­ da City Hall Sunday afternoon. Emma Lampe who recently pre- they sold $324.20 in
Benefit Pancake Feed
Those old clothes, furniture, cently at the home of Eddie,Wal­ Mr. Helms previously was pastor seated h*1- huhiband with a fine stamps during last 3 weeks.Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Sagncr
and -household goods you haye ter and Eugene Davis. Ocr leader, of Brentwood Conservative Bap
. ,
Eckersley reported that they Grade School Cafeter'a and
son of Eugene visited at the
wanted to dispose of to some Mrs. Slane, asked questions to tist Church in South San Fran- Next meeting will be held on have decided to keep the PTA
F. E. Durham and Walter Sag-
worthy organization can now be find what we have learned on our cisco. He is presently attending December 9 at which time the combined and have the meeting
ner homes over the -week end.
put to good use.
Wednesday, field trip.
T'ckets 75c
Judson Baptist College in Port- j ladies of Garfield Unit will in- profit both schools. On nights
December 3, a Goodwill Indus­ Our leader also paased out land and plans to move to Esta- struct us in candle making. The they meet in the high school the
tries Truck will make pick-ups more material on feeds. A dis­ cada with his wife and three hostesses for this meeting will be meeting will be conducted on a
in Estacada. You can bring your play committee was appointed young children as soon as ade- Eleanor Newell and Edna Mae high school basis to profit both
things to the Methodist Church consisting of Ellwyn Reynolds, quate housing is looated.Sunday Palumbo and a Christmas party teachers and parents. They also
by calling Rev. Milton Nelson at George Caswell and Bob Caswell. School morning
and evening j
^ enjoyed with exchange of decided to appoint a High School
CR 9-3375 for appointment to de­ Scott Justice, Ronald Slane, and church services ase being held 8'fts. Ladies living in the vicinity Service Committee to work with
posit them; or make a date for Eddie avis were appointed for a at the Estacada City Hall pena- who are interested in the Exten- Mr. Jones. Mrs. Kawamoto has
Geo. F. Akins or Boring Route 3 did not claim
the truck to stop at your house. public deiplay committee.
ing future construction of a per- sion wor*t are m08t welcome 10 been appointed chmn..
error in M’ller Chev’s ad. Neither did T. E.
The truck cannot stop if you do
Ellwyn Reynolds, George Cas­ manent church building on the j attend,
Mrs. Guy Keller gave a report
not call.
of Colton Routel. We have two errors again
well. Eugene Davis and Scott church’s property in Estacada
on PTA magazines of which they
Your discards, whether usuable Justice wert appointed to give a Pastor Helms succeeds former
are trying to get new subscrip­ this week in two separate ads. Use your eyes. We
in their present condition, or not, demonstration on the parts of Pastor Martin Craft, who recent­
tions at $1.50 for 10 months Mrs.
provide jobs for handicapped their project at the next monthly ly resigned to accept a pastor­
Elmer Klinker introduced her ho­ think the errors this week are easy.
persons, who re-condition the meeting.
If the prizes advertised this week do not go, next
Mrs Slane showed us ate In Brownsville, Oregon.
spitality committee: Mrs. Jacx
items or break them down to be some slides and the meeting was
Ziets, chmn; Mrs. Virgil Wallas; week we may change our pol'cy and give someone
Mr. Willis Reynar moderated
used in making new goods. Give adjourned.
Refreshments were at the afternoon reception
Mrs Ken
All churches interetsed in for­ Mrs. Jack Lacey and
a nice Christmas present for shopping in Estacada.
anything to Goodwill and let served.
the new Pastor Helms and the in­ ming a basket ball team for Palmateer Blast Oounty Council
them use it for something. For
Remember, this week there are only two papers
vocation was given by Mr C. R league play between now and the will meet Dec 3 at 7;30 in Sandy
instance, unusable clothing can
Vocal music by the end of Feb. are asked to have at School.
with the intentional errors. Any others do
be used in making new carpels
Mr. Cody announced Kiwanis
giria’A mens’ quartet from least one person represent their
GARRETT GRADUATES FROM Judson Bapitist College was es­ church at
organizational Club are sponsoring Blood bank not count.
pecially enjoyed; as were instru- meeting Dec.3 in grade school Nov. 25. Also Kiwanis are having
A deliberate mistake of price or text, or both,
Residents of thfe area are in­
their annual breakfast Dec. 6, the
mental numbers including an ac- library at 8 PM
been placed in two papers or shoppers and
vited to share in the Union
Several churches have expire* proceeds to go for Xmas baskets.
Charles J. Garrett, son of Mrs. corion solo by Mr Curt Reisblcs
Thanksgiving service at 10 A M. Myre E. Lim of Estacada Route and a saxophone solo by An- sed intrest in a league or a night Mrs Sheltons’s 2nd grade rythem then mailed or delivered at random. You’ll have to
Thursday, Nov. 27 at the Estaca­ Two graduated
from recruit nette Lundeen. Mr. Ben Ralston for their church-Due to a limited band played. Mrs. Elkins intro­ check all the ads carefully to find the “planted”
da Methodist Church. This trad­ training Now. 7 at
the Naval I extended a welcome to the past- number of free nights, all are duced Hi Jackson who gave
itional Thanksgiving
observ­ Training Center at San Diego, or on behalf of tre church, and asked to come to this meeting to talk on Cviil Defense. Meeting ad­ mistake. When you find what you think is the right
journed and cake
and coffee mistake, take your paper to the firm in whose ad it
ance is sponsored by the Estacada California.
Mr Reynar exteneded a welcome make any decisions,
Ministerial Association
Churches who may be interes- enjoyed in cafeteria.
exercises, on behalf of the deacons
appears and you may take advantage of the error
marking the end of nine weeks Richard Lundeen. representing ed are Church of God. Methodist,
in price if to your advantage. You will alto receive
of boot camp, included a full
dress parade and review before owship presented a corsage to tist, Eagle Creek and Springwa burn, Calif, and Cester Hayden the $45.00 * <f you will please read the ads.
ter Presbyterian, Redland and from Vallejo, Calif, arrived at
Kiwanis Annual Xmas military officials and civilian the pastor's wife Mrs. Helms
The mistake mast be reported by 5 p.m. of the
About 38 people atfended the Viols._______________________ the Chris Myers home Saturday
Benefit Pancake Feed
Saturday following the date of this paper. If the
Take things as they come—the
Grade School Cafeter*a In nine weeks of instruction,the
prize is not claimed, it will be added to the next
raw recruit is devepoed into a
Herb Reeves
un­ Mr .and Mrs.
Sat., Dec. 6, 7 am to 3 pm I Navy bluejacket ready for duty Mr and Mrs. Willard Goodman past is gone, tomorrow is an sure
visited their parents near
Am­ week’s prize. A duplicate paper showing the “mist­
visited Mr. and Mrs. Case and certainty, and today is no
with the fleet.
Tickets 75c
boy, Wash on Sunday.
son Charles in Salem Sunday
ake” will be posted in the News office window
Union Services
Here Thanksgiving
Local I . Q . Q . F .
Homecoming Dec 3
P. T. A. Outlines
Many Projects
Garden Club Plans
Christmas Party
Goodwill Industry
To Collect Here
Baptist Church
Has New Pastor
"Find the Error" Contest Has Two
$ 4 5 - 0 0 Prizes; Two Separate Errors
Seek to Form
Church League