Estacada's Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1957-1976, October 24, 1958, Image 1

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County JlcüiS
In Its Fifty-fourth Year of Publication
Volume No. 54
Number 36
10c Per Copy
Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Oct. 24, 1958
Much Activity Noted at Estacada Veneer Plant
Fire Chief Urges
Citizens Practice
Fire Prevention
$3. 00 Per Year
Work Starts on New Commercial Buildings
At the regular meeting of the
Estacada Volunteer
Chief Rudy Sagner cautioned the
men in the department to be alert
emergencies which
' might prevail during the coming
fall days.
The citizens of the community
1 should practice extra
home safety as they will be using
| more heating
elements which
might not be properly
and functioning.
Chimney flues are of most im­
portance because of their stand­
ing all summer not in use
haven’t been checked too close.
Also defective wiring in
household appliances are anoth­
er danger for a fire.
Our community has been very
fortunate this year to take
and be on the alert to choke off
j the immediate emergency. Coop­
eration of the citizens
prime concern of the local depart-
Work is started on
the new front.
The City grader is shown under the direction of Jim White.
I ment when meeting these situa-
Rynning Drug Building on
the readying the ground.
This will also be a block building
Things are humming out at Es- plans for an additional increase stalled and is in operation,
corner of Broadway and S.W. 3rd.
We did not get a picture of the and will match in with the Esta-
tacada Veneer.
The above pic- west and south of
plant the plywood market holds, it
contract start of work in the new Sports- cada EJectric. Besides the cock
ture shows part of the log truck building with building space be- possible this will become a full- discussion pro and con was held Del Nordquist has the
in a small part of the pond. This ing allowed for more plant.
scale plywood plant by next sum- j on the purchasing of
tne new for the building which will b. „ „ d u b which
a S i M
“ th“
! ,,i
shows about 10 percent of
the j There are presently
29 men mer. (This is rumour.)
¡city fire truck. Chief Sagner out- of block construction with a brick weeks ago. Work is progressing ilities
available pond space and the pond employed on a one-shift basis ac-
T^c Ralston Lumber Co. is in lined in a detailed
report just
. . . .
, .
. .
process of making mill improve- what the new truck
would be
Mrs C. E. Westerberg and Mrs.
is being increased to morp than cording to Bill Carson, plant man- ^ ents and has 12 men on
pay. equippcd with.
. . . .
. J. C. Rickey made a trip to Mc-
double its present capacity with | ager.
A chipper has been in- roll.
The new tanker truck ordered Minnvilie last Thursday. While
by the rural board is being out- ¿herc they ^
a short visit with 1
fitted and should be in
service Mr and Mrs Jim Rickey
TURKEY FEED NOV. 11TH within our fire district at the end have recently been transferred
there from Seaside. Jim will b e l l r The f ‘7 , °
" ncheon,_of thc
Dlck Groencr was present and
Veterans if World War I, Es- o f the month.
15 men were
m attendance managcr of the
Coronet Upper Clackamas River Chamber spoke on our highway
taoada Barracks No. 1272 met in
Presiden tFrank Marshall on ! stor which will 0Den ther this of Commerce was held at the E s-, from Clackamas.
The average
i the VFW hall at Currinsville on n with
o fc
A n n n fm d o in in r r f i l » «
tn P a H n
P i + V T in 11
, 1 ' 1 .. a.
_ i
eats. An entertaining film
fol- week
j tacada City Hall Monday noon, daily traffic check at Clackamas
.. ,
Oct. 14th with a good attendance.
Tom May had places set for an was 4600,
2800 at Eagle Creek
In newspaper articles o ff the present system, the
financial At this meeting it was decided lowed the adjournment and
serving of refreshments.
attendance of 50.
Despite the and 3400 at Estacada.
?ueSiUihlS Weoe.k . lt
noted t» at statements, the ordinances
ap- that on Nov. 11th at 6:30 PM we
j advance ticket sale, 20
He explained that 212 is a sec-
the Oregon State Sanitary Au- pertaining to sewer charges, the ! would have a pot luck supper in
were present.
Vice- President ondary highway and as such does
thority is quoted as preparing a bonded indebtedness and
the the VFW hail for all
Ernie Rynning officiated in the not participate in
the Federal
citation to be delivered to
the bond retirement schedules. Be- of World War I
The turkev
absence of President Len
Ver- road program. At the present time
City of Estacada ordering
the ing advised of the cities actions will be furnished by
the Bar-
there are no plans so far as
City to abate the sewage pollution the State Sanitary Authority re- racks.
From 12 noon on that
Howard Smith reported on the improvement o f 212.
Mr. Groe-
claiming to come from the dispo- quested that a preliminary survey day there will be a Sailor break-
__. . . .
, sign that is to be erected at the ner’s recommendation was that
sal plant and emptying into the be made.
I fast {ree for all World l buddi, s. 1
l.-T ^ L n
82nd Ave' tatenectlon at Clack- if we expect to get any act.on it
Clackamas River.
During the year
1957-58 the
We plan to have our
regular 1
In December of 1955 the State j Mayor and the
have meeting after supper on N ov.ll. I The United Fund
committee Jam m lth dram^t^tTon ^>f
the amaS i1irT0,ing folks to thc Up wl" !)c necessary to sell the state
mnJ „
,7 „ isi „
per C!ackamas River Recreation highway department the
Sanitary^ Authority wrote the ci- made rapid progress in the study Come and bring a buddy with s p o rts
that to date they
W l L f e of Moses, will open Nov. 5th
a, Arca This
is a double.faced ance of this‘ routt, The Chamber
ty recommending improvements of storm water drainage, sewer you. Anything you can bring to r e i v e d $410.00 in contributions
to be made which were
based treatment plants and‘ ways and eat will be welcome.
from the local business firms.
upon their observations at th at, means for the city to finance Fred A. Marshall,
A kick-off was held Oct. 16 to th^aStVista vIsTon25' ^ c h n S plaCe Within thc nCxt two weeks Club arp both W()rkin«
time. This letter calls attention consruction. Every available Fe- Junior Vice Commander
.start residential soliciting, which coiossus stars Charlton Heston,
to the present condition of the 1 deral and State aid has been giv-
gave a report on the library ser-
will be completed by
Oct. 31. Y ul Brynner, Anne Baxter, Ed-
disposal plant:
“it was built in en consideration. To date the
! vices which are available.
; Any contributions made will be ward G. Robinson,
Yvonne De
1936 and was designed to serve financing problem is a major
Bill Bruguicr, cub scout leader,
| appreciated by the various
ag- Carlo, Debra Paget
and John
a maximumu o f 800 persons and one. There is on file in the Re-
stressed need for den mothers.
encies listed below :
Starring also are Sir
that now it is estimated to be corder’s office the correspond-
Speaker of the evening was R.
¡Arthritis & Rheumatism Founda- ^ed” c «ardwicke
Nina Foch,
serving approximately 1400 and ence and information covering
_, _ .
, „
E Jackson, Chairman
Martha Scott, Judith Anderson,
that thc existing sewer pipe lines these items. In regards to the
The Estacada I’ .T.A. mot at thc sta(0 tuition scholarships. Mr.Co-
tion, American Cancer Society, and Vincent Price in key roles,
receives street and storm water cities position, we like the
eve. dy rPad a letter from Anna Marie
j American Red Cross, Boy Scou ts,! with a large and
distinguished high school last Thursday
drainage. This should be correct- marks of Portland’s Mayor Terry
with Mrs. Betty Carnes, vice-pres- Moore, wbo was j]] and unable to
By Margaret Ross
Girl Scouts,,! supporting cast of top liners.
ed by the installation of separ- fclirunk, quote “ We don’t
An unfortunate mishap occurr-
She told in her letter
Filmed in part in Egypt on the ident, presiding. Invocation was attend,
ate storm sewers, and that as o f 1 tribute a ll'o r nearly all of the ed on the hiway just north of Ea- Mental Health Association of Or- l o r e s 'o f t t a R c V s e a
the given by Rev Milton Nelson.
how much her scholarship meant
Mrs. Allyn Price, health chair­ to her.
this date,a competant consulting pollution,but we do recognize fie Creek last Monday afternoon egon, Oregon Heart Association, § jnaj deserts and on tne slopes
volunteers to
engineer be g a in e d to make there is a problem and our
ef- "* e n an 11 year old
girl was Oregon United Appeal, Salvation o f Mt. Sinai, ten years in
the man, asked for
The meeting adjourned and the
. __
. . . . . . . .
drive children to Portland
who following women
a detailed study of the existing forts to solve it have been re- thrown to the pavement as her bi­ Army
from Eagle
White Shield making, the three hour, 39 mm-
_ „ „
- .
sewerage facilities for the pur- stricted only by lack of money.” cycle was struck by a passing car.
Creek and Barton served refresh­
Home,) Young Men’s
Christian ute Paramount film backgrounds We„ B . CUnic
pose of designing and estmatlng
We attended a sewer discils- Geraldine Wyatt, an Eagle Creek
ments o f cookies,
the construction cost o f the nec- sion meeting held by the Estaca- sixth grader, riding along
the Association , Administration and le of a dimension that ta
A moti<)n was Passod “ > * * * punch-- Mrs. Bill Wymore, Mrs.
is history-
essary enlargements or improve- da City Council one week ago right hand side of the road, sud- Campaign.
James Bomatti, Mrs. Henry Suter,
! making in scope.
fund to buy raincoats and
mit­ Mrs. DeVere and Mrs. Glen Zuber
ments including the proposed in- and were surprised at the mass denly turned into the path o f the
tens for the safety patrol. Mrs.
stallation of secondary treatment of material that had been inves- northbound car. Driver Joe Nix-
Jack Lacey reported that $267.75
tigated and screened. Carl E. nn. swerving sharply to
try to
In response to this request the Green attended this meeting and avoid hitting thc bike,
in savings stamps have been sola.
Mrs. Walter Graven reported that
Bob Storey is home after a tus-
city obtained a list of qualified as of the 17th o f October he In- and overturned his car into the
40 teachers have joined the PTA sle in a hospital.
Here’s good
engineers from the State Sanita­ formed the State Sanitary Au- ditch adjacent to Millard Trullin-
ry Authority. From this list, in thority of the progress made to ger’s property. The girl was ta-
and only 69 parents are members. 1 wishes, Bob.
In those days
The membership committee will j when you were busing kids
February 1956 Carl E. Green & this date.
We further observed ken by ambulance to her home,
By Anne Justice
esting. Communications
from take the school census the
last school you was a great favorite
Associates were retained for the that the council members are but reportedly suffered only a se-
Springwater Grange was host Pomona Grange, Margaret Shib- week in October.
among them all, inclcding their
specific purposes as outlined by seeking the most efficient meth- vere head bruise. Nixon’s wife
to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Butler
of ley, Tenny family, the Juvenile
Mrs. Earl Eckersley stressed teachers and their parents, and
the letter. Mr. Green’s
office ods o f disposal and at a cost that and daughter, passengers in the
Oswego Grange at their October Grange and the Oregon Museum book week which will be
from other folks had about the same
required all data covering
the | can be financed.
! car, suffered minor
bruise«. Nixon is a truck driver ^ ‘ in* .
M” :
and lDdu^
were Nov. 2 through Nov. 8. She also opinion.
for Estacada Veneer Co mill The Eocnomics chairman o f the Po- read.
Wyatts moved to Eagle Creek hurt ^
Ubaplain report.d Bertha
. .
. .
fo r m er ber official visit.
She was es- Wallaert and Florence Dymtryk
The Rebekahs will have a Fun June and bought
corted to the Master’s station by ill.
Del and Vernita Gant, Ray
Night, Oct 29. This will be a Quentm Cook place
Assistant Stewards, Fred and Bernice Miller are recover•
Hard Time party. Della Ewalt j
j Horner and Jeane IUig and Stew- ing from injuries received in a
AH thieves are not as consider- will give prizes for the beet dres-
I ard W. F. Miller. In the absence two car collision. Under good of
A. P. Pearson of Eagle Creek, Routel, overlook­
ate as the one who robbed Ryn- sed man and the best dressed wo-
!o f the agricultural
committee the order Mrs. Butler complimen-
ning Drugs early Tuesday mom- man. All Rebekaihs are invited
| chairman, the agricultural
re - 1 ted the Springwater Grange on ed the error in his paper in the Broadway Theatre
ing. Sometime between 3:30 and and are asked to bring mince or
port was given by James Hamil -1 its publicity saying she
learned ad last week so here we are, back at $40.00.
5:30 A.M. someone carefully re- pumpkin pie. Please come and
ton, who described a move to- much o f county grange activities
This week’s error - takes finding -
A .0 0
moved the pane o f glass
from bring a friend if you wish,
ward making more informative from newspaper reports. She al-
the front door and set it inside
Now playing at the Broadway 1 and complete records a bigger so spoke briefly on the next Po and some observant person should
“ V
Theatre, a top notch western in factor in judging FFA and 4-H mona grange meeting at Willam-
wnst watches but left
Cinemascope and color "CATTLE projects, and told about ‘styles’ <«tte Oct. 25. The grange master find it. Our advertisers are happy to award you
each card. They rifled the cash
„ H ' 1’ 1'.
~5 EMPIRE" with Joel McCrea.Glo- in meat buying. Buyers
now Del Gant thanked members who your prize of $40.00 - -and take a snapshot of you.
register but left $1 in i t Other v 5 ^
RaIwial‘ Post N o„ ®®79- ria Talbott and Don Haggerty. A know that a good looking animal helped at the Community Fair
Remember, there is only one paper mailed witl
than the watdhes and a
small Z ™ - 13
a J ^ 0* - western that will please all^ec- does not necessarily
produce and a« protem officers
amount o f money there did not r ,lrH„J?: 1 ^
nr, me
ond itau
the trucks on
the tender meat.
! the meeting. Overseer Richard the intentional error. Any others do not qualify yoi
The legislative report w m gi- Guttridge called for a rising vote for the contest prize.
n r nrvt in m r f,m
ROAD' with Gene Raymondjoane ven by A. T. Varitz who told of of thanks to those who made the
A deliberate mistake o f price or text, or both,
or HOT, 10 our run party.
com e Cooper and
, n/l Wayne \ Morris.
ln r r lc
An I the
L , A defeat
n f a n i r A Ih » h ill r d lin t f for ---- -
------- and
. L
of the bill calling for new .1.
cleaned ,L
; bob apples, play bingo, etc. Dan-
exciting story full o f action and j remodeling the Estacada
high , before the fair,
been placed in one paper or shopper which is
NEWS OFFICE SATURDAY cing later Free lunch art mid-
suspenee from start to finish.
School building.
Our county
Serving on the lunch commit- then mailed or delivered at random. You’ll have to
The Church of Jesus Christ of night. ALL FOR FREE. Be see-
Starts Sunday through
Tuea- court house staff wants a Shorter tee were Mr. and
Mrs James
the Latter Day Saints will hold a ing you there.
day -Robert Mitehum and his son work week, but is finding some Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Carl II- check all the ads carefully to find the “ planted”
food sale in the office
---------------------------- -
Jim in a wild mountain yam with obstacles to the idea. Everyone jjg j T Mrs Wm. Tucker, Mrs.C. mistake. When you find what you think is the riprht
Clackamas Coutny News this Sat-
the hottest merchandise, hauled ¡is urged to vote at the November j j ubb and Mrs. Homer Newell
mistake, take your paper to the firm in whose ad It
urday, October 18.
¡in the hottest cars ever to careen election
helped in the Juvenile
We’re happy with the response dirwn a twisting road known
The Health and Safety Report ar>d were seated at the Juvenile appears and you may take advantage of the error
from y°°. folks in bringing your THUNDER ROAD.’ Filmed in was read by Mrs M. F. Ott from tab|e
in price if to your advantage. You will alio receive
SPONSOR HAM DINNER robscription* up to date. Those the moutains of North Carolina the Coronet article,
’Physical j
1 .1
* . nnn
First Upper Clackamas River Chamber
of Commerce Lunch Meeting Apathetic
State Sanitary Authority M ay Site City
to Abate Sewer Pollution in Clackamas
Progress Report on Local Theatre Sets
U. F. Fund Drive
P. T. A. Acts on
Highway Accident
Near Eagle Creek
Various Projects
County Home Economics Head Talks at
Current Springwater Grange Meeting
Rynning Drug
Burglarized Again
It Pays to Read Our Ads - They Have a
$ 4 0 - 0 0 Message in this Paper
Action Films at
the Broadway
*“ * Wednesday
* -
— ln f. prTor
-ft —
S 5 " " r T m t o k e mu.,t l,e reported by 5 of the
Three Lynx
night ^
clrc,e- w* i are
•«* t that Ls packed with thrills
and At the luncheon
recess .. Happy
Out. 24 and will be the 1 annual
frwm 5 30 to 8 00 sponsored
by thi
®iflrf' k"«w-or come in with »tion which reache* an all time Birthday was song to Hugh Mar Booster meeting. All friends
Saturday following the date of this paper. If the
the Three Lynx PTA It will be ri,ar renewal. If you do not feel high.
shall. Sadie Westman. Jeanne H- and prospective members are_in-
a treat well worth the trip. The >ou ran » " » r d to renew now,
Coming next week
The Bad lig and Jack Butter
Ivited to share the potluck din- prize is not claimed, it will be added to the next
charge $1 25 for adults 60c
ns know- *nd t**1* rid T®“
landers ” with Alan Ladd
The lecturer’s program
was ner at 7 P M and enjoy the pre­ week’s prize. A duplicate paper showing the “ mist­
children and free for those under ,h*
clrrl*‘ *nd r®« " * 7 ®l<’k ®P The Adominable Snowman of the under the direction of the Home gram at 8:13 under direction of
ake” will be posted in the News office window
four Come *>d have fun
" h .n convenient. Himalayas’ with Forest Tucker 1 Ec Club and proved w ry inter- the lecturer, El win Shibley