v\r xTf^urt WE OF THE BEAUTIFUL ALL-NEW '59 CHEVROLET ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16. Refreshments Miller Chevrolet Co., Estacodo 1 ing trip of 9 days were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kiggins, Mr. and INCREASE SHOWN IN AUTOMOBILE INJURIES Mrs. Jim Platt and Bruce, Mr. Traffic accidents in Oregon and Mrs. Rodney Kiggins, Casey By Phyllis Fitch Sunday guests at the Jack Clark and Curly Mills. Their sent to hospitals more than nine people a day during July, the De-1 Akin home were Mr. and Mrs. camp site was 40 miles east of partment of Motor Vehicles re- Paul Beck and small daughter Prairie City. They filled seven ported. of their eight deer tags. Jimmy Paula from Milwaukie. The monthly breakdown show­ Everett Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Howell Kiggins stayed at the that 286 people were injured visited Sunday with the Law­ Kiggins home while they were ed to the extent that they had to be rence Wahlstrom family in the away. carried from the scene of the George community. crash with bleeding wounds or Monday Mrs. Wilbur Howell [ distorted members. took the Jobs Daughters to the J ao / tl m if .Another 552 people received j Molalla Job Daughters’ friend­ other visible injuries, such as ship meeting. bruises, abrasions, swelling and ' % p to tiL fw ix J t limping; Twenty-four members and and 358 people com-1 eight Dodge ladies were present plained of pain without visible ■r CARL HUM at last week’s Springwater Home signs of injury, or momentary un­ Extension meeting. consciousness. Last Friday morning Mrs. Wil­ A reader who, as myself, was department said injuries bur Howell attended the PTA. incarcerated for years In a stone­ so The far this year are running a- executive council meeting. walled, grasslesa city, writes liead of last year, despite the fact There wild be a PTA meeting on that he, too, likes to see grass total accidents and deaths Thursday night at 8 o’clcok at grow ing between occasional that are down. During the same per­ the high school. Springwater res- cracks in sidewalks in his home­ iod a year ago 9.057 people had 1 1 idents are urged to attend. town. been injured. Through July this | Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Petri I’ll bet there may be hundreds from Portland spent Friday of such strange characters as year 9,659 were injured in traffic night and Saturday with the we — perhaps even a Mrs. or j Try a Classified Adv. in the Jim Tenneys. They went deer j two of the fussy type who can t i will get results and the cost Is unting on Saturday. abide even a spot of comfortable low. Just phone us or .bring Mr. and Mrs. Everett Shibley dust around the house . . . or mall your ad. in. attended a cattle sale at Prin- ’Comfortable’ dust, I said, j ville this week. Show me a house that doesn't Mr. and Mrs. Everett Shibley have a smidge of clean, honest and Johnny, Mr. and Mrs. Joe I dust In it, and I’ll prove (to j C l i f t EC FOR THE Gcttridge and family, Gilbert myself, anyway) that it Isn’t a JilU C j FAMILY and Winnifred Shibley and Mr comfortable house where a man „ j n, m can sprawl out with his pipe and and Mrs. Tom Bard and Jack | his UJ„ newspaper, or munch an un RED GOOSE drove Saturday to Bieber, Calif, eatin’ apple in calm male con- For growing feet to attend the wedding of Jim tent! Shibley and Darlene Henderson. GRACE WALKEP The wedding was Sunday attei- “If I saw just the good in you noon at the Community Church. vjueen For a Day Fain* "And you the good in me, Winnifred Shibley was brides­ "Perhaps within a day or two maid and Gilbert Shibley was JOHN C. ROBERTA best man. "We’d find a remedy Bill Tucker and Fred Kruse For Particular Men & Boys "For all distrust — suspicion, have returned home from their too: hunting trip over by LaGrande. "And we’d quite friendly be — j They were fortunate to return "If I saw just the good In you, with a deft’. SHOE STORE Those enjoying a recent hunt- "And you the good in me!” 702 Main Oregon City j ’News' Want Ads Bring Good Results Springwater O ddly £ nough bv a w * * A b righ t firm a fe w y e a rs a g o hit on the idea o f b ottling fresh lem on juice fo r convenience a n d e c o n o m y - t h e n ih e y hit on a seco nd idea thot w a s even m ore striking. T h e y p a c k e d the ReoLem on juice in a plastic container - that lo o k e d like a lem on, even felt like a lemon. It w o rk e d with a s q u e e i e - l o p ro d u c e a fe w d r o p ­ lets o r a tablesp oo n-full q u ick ly a n d easily. Then thin gs h ap p e n e d ! 1 ^ item O n e m an w rote in to s a y the em pty lem on container, tightly sealed, w a s the best fish b o b b e r he ever used. Its b righ t co lo r m a ke s it e a s y to see— even after sundow n, he notes! .y . —I*" A clever h o u se w ife w rote to s a y she fo un d the em p ty contain er, with the top cut off, a c o lo rfu l planter fo r artificial flow ers. A n o th e r w rote that she w a s sa v in g them u p fo r ou t­ d o o r C h ristm as tree orn am e nts — colorful, festive — a n d u n b ie a k a b le . • A n o t h e r in g e n io u s la d y w rote to s a y she f o u n d the " l e m o n s " ’m a d e u n u s u a l p a r l y f a v o r s — p a p e r b ir d h e a d s co uld be fa s h ­ io n e d a n d inserted in­ to the n e c k s o f the p la s t ic le m o n s . G a y a n d am u sin g! S u g g e s tio n s co ntinue to p o u r in for the plastic le m o n — r a n g in g from clothes sp rin kle rs to h arm le ss squirt gu ns. In fact, s o y c o m p a n y o f fi­ cials, p e o p le seem o b se sse d with cre atin g uses fo r the container, other than the h u n d re d s of uses for lem on juice itself! K | HEWETT'S We're Your Bank OF S E R V IC E .1 Besides aiding you with your financial prob­ lems your family Clackamas County Bank has these services for your convenience: • Our personalized checkbook service which helps you with your bookkeeping. • Our Bank by Mail Service - - yours for the asking. • Our night depository for late banking. W e invite you to use these services. Clackamas County Bank Serving Eastern Clackamas County Since 1911 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. SANDY, OREGON rtn y P ay. spend where it co u nts l É l I Prices for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 16-17-18 and >:’$ B a r g a in fiul TRY . «riM M F B U.S.D.A. 'Good' R IB ST £ A K S lb. 6 9 c Smoked P O R K H O C K S lb.2 9 « Room Specials '50 — Van Camps, Reg. 29c Can French's T A M A L E S with sauce Reg. 35c MUSTARD J In. 8 oz. 23c Country Fresh STEWING CHICKEN lb. 4 9 c Swift's Premium, Thick or 1 Thin-Sliced 1 lb, pkg. 5 9 c BACON Karo, 1 Pint, Reg. 26c Special WHITE SYRUP 2 *0 ' 39 c April Orchard, Reg. 2 for 45c C R AN BERR Y SAUCE e a .lQ c Rosarita, Mexican Style, Reg. 29c | FRUITS ft VEGCTABUS FreshCRANBERRIES CABBAGE 4 f o ' l -00 TORTILLAS lib . 29 c lb. 5 c Sta-Flo Reg. 39c Vi Gal. Special 25 c STARCH Firm .RipeBA N A N A S 2 lbs. 29 c Cottage Brand Beautiful, Fresh C E L E R Y Stalk 1 0 c T O M A T O JUI CE 46 oz. tin 4 lor 100 Purina, Reg. 39c DO G C H O W 2V a lb. box 5 for 1 0 0 Full Line TRICK or TRIAT CANDY Full Line SCHOOL S U P P L I E S N. Estacada City Limits & Hiway 211, - CR 9-3253