Clackamas County News Page 4 Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Oct. 17, 1958 advised. 27.5 mile, two-lane highway that The new road passes through probably going to Bible School, are now under contract lie be­ 10-mile long, 1,477 acre Sam He will be getting to com e hom e tween the Pistol R iver and Boardman Park, exposing beach­ cither the 14t or 17th o f October, Brookings. es and coves that in the past --------------------------- have been accessible only to a Marian Guild will hold its reg- The terrain in tms area is spec­ handful o f hardy hikers. tacular. Canyons ranging from The new highway, when fin­ 100 to 200 feet deep are being ished, w ill elm ininate the Gold p ------ filled. Thomas Creek Canyon, Beaeh-Brookings section o f old over 360 feet deep, will be span­ Highway 101 with its 206 curves ned by a metal 340-foot high o f over 20 degrees. The relocated structure, the highest in the high way will allow the present state. The bridge and surfacing travel time o f over one hour o f o f the highway are expected to hard driving to be cut to 40 min­ be com pleted in 1961. utes o r less. HUGE HIGHWAY JOB MORE TIMBER SOLD BY MT. HOOD NATIONAL FOREST On O ctober 8, the Mt. H ood National Forest sold the South Side Tim ber sale, having a total volume o f 14,500,(XX) bd. ft. ot Doug'as fir. W estern hem lock THUU.-FRL-SAT. OCT. 1H-17-18 and other species o f timber. A p­ TW O BIG TH RILLERS!! praised at $378,715.00 the tim ber VINCENT PRICE, I was sold by oral auction for PATRICIA OWEN and I $747,835.00. AL HEDISON in High bid for this sale was of­ fered by Linnton Plyw ood Com- ! pany o f Portland. The Douglas j fir brought S55.25 per thousand bd. ft., supervisor Paul E. N eff SECOND TH RILLER BILL WILLIAMS, ____________ _________________________ LYN THOMAS and ROBERT ELLIS in IS N ow UNDERWAY The largest concentration ol heavy equipment ever assembled on a highway jo b is in use on the southwest Oregon coast where a record 1,000,000 cu bic yards o f earth and rock are being excava­ ted along 16 m iles o f the Gold Beach-Brooklings section o f High­ way 101. The fou r sections o f the new "The Fly" Pi "O ld Yeller" G R O K ElT JEWELRY Sandy, Oregon M EAT CUT FOR LOCKERS Including Hauling, Butchering, Coding, Cut- tittg, wrapped and delivered for 6c lb. Pork 8c lb. Cooling, cut, wrapped and delivered, 4c lb. Harold Middleton Volume No. 1 JERRY CLAY IN TRAINING AT FORT ORD, CALIF. Jerry Clay, son o f Rev. and Mrs. W oodrow Clay, new pastors of the Assembly o f God Church, has been training at Fort Ord fo r the past few months. He was 1 in the National Guard at Mc­ Minnville when he left fo r this station in Central Calif fo r six months. Since then his parents ; have m oved to Estacada and are ’ now continuing the work o f for- ' mer pastor, Marion Ravan J erry i also has a call to the ministry and his future plans include P O R T L A N D G E N E R A L ELEC TR IC CO. O regon's Pioneer Electric Utility y Number 22 A surprise birthday party in honor o f Mrs. Bessie Meade was held at her home on W ednesday evening o f last week. Present w ere the Law rence Wahlstrom fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Thurs­ ton Wahlstrom o f George; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Colson o f Port­ land, the Ray Colson family o f Oregon City, Larry and Don Meade and Mrs. Everett Stahl- necker o f Estacada. SANDERS RETURNS FROM 7- MONTII FAR EAST TOUR Ronny O. Sanders, radarman seaman, USN, son o f Mr. and Mrs Boyce O. Sanders o f Route 1,Es­ tacada, returned to San D iego, Calif. Sept. 28, aboard the de- stryer USS McDermit, after a 7- month tour o f duty in the Far East. During the cruise the McDermit took part in join t exercises with other allied countries and patrol­ led the Formosa Straits. Between fleet operations, the destroyer’s crew visited Sydney, Australia; Manus Island; Manila I and Subic Bay, P hillippine Is- I lands; Yokosuka, Japan; Midway Island and Pearl Harbor, T. H. 9TICE TO APPLICANTS Portland General Electric Company, 621 S.W. Alder Street, Portland 5, Oregon, will receive applications until 5 :00 p.m., November 21, 1958, from persons interested in the operation and management o f the Promontory Park boat rental and store concession. Promontory Park is a picnic area and campground provided by the Company as a public resort on the lake behind North Fork dam and will be opened to use in the spring o f 1959. The North Fork Hydroelectric Project is located on the Clackamas River five miles east of Estacada, Oregon, and approximately 35 road miles from Portland via the Clackamas River Road. The picnic park and campground is located approxi­ mately midway up the lake, which extends four and one-half miles upstream from the dam. The Company proposes to make available for lease and operation by the concessionaire a suitable store building, resi­ dence, boat dock, and equipment storage building at the Park site. Store stock and fixtures, boats, motors and accessories are to be provided by the concessionaire. The applicant deemed by the Company to be the best qualified will be selected as the concessionaire. A “ show me” tour o f the Park site will be conducted for prospective applicants at 10:00 a.m., November 5, 1958. Persons planning to join this tour should assemble at the North Fork Project field office on the date and at the time stated. Qualification forms and additional information may be secured from the North Fork Project field office, located at the project site, or from the office o f Ralph H. Millsap, Vice President, at headquarters o f the Company, 621 S.W. Alder Street, Portland 5, Oregon. SUN. - MON. ■ T l'E . OCT. 10-21 W A L T D ISNEY’S TECHNICOLOR FEATURE With FESS PARKER, DOROTHY MAGUIRE and TOMMY KIRK and DOG Eager-beaver Housewarmer service Promontory Park Store and Boat Rental Concession 'Spacemaster X 7 ' ular m eeting Oct. 21 at 8 P.M. Mrs. Bob Bennett and three girls o f Cottage G rove spent several days with her parents,Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kiggins. * y AT ESTACADA EVERY WEDNESDAY GRESHAM SEED & FEED CO. Gresham, Ore. Phone MO 5-2186 ARKET NEWS Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Oct. 17, 1958 Jim Anderson, Larry Fortner and Larry Meade, attended the F.lks Lodge ir. Oregon City last Thursday night, when the Elks loy a lly entertained the newspap­ er men o f the county. Airs. Bob Bess and son Bobby Rowland Girt over the w eek end. of Klamath Falls has been visit­ Stanley is attending Oregon Coll­ ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Row­ ege o f Education at Monmouth. land Girt fo r several days, return­ Miss Barbara K eller was home ing home on Wednesday. from the Maryhurst C ollege over Air. and Mrs. Frank Chevron the week end. spent the week end at W heeler fishing. Air. and Mrs. Roy Engel and Cheryl Rickey o f Portland visited Air;. A lb ert K itching returned at the J. C. Rickey home on Sun­ home from the hospital last Fri­ day. to Idaho they attended a g olf tournament at W enatchee, Wash, and also attended a dinner in ho­ nor o f Mrs. Bartholom ew’s neph­ ew, w ho was cham pion o f the tournament. Mrs. Bill J o liff and two ch il­ Airs. Art W olfe was rushed to dren o f Arlington. O regon, ore spending a few days with her par the O rthopedic hospital in Port­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Foster land last week for an em ergency operation. Art Jr., w ho is sta­ tioned with the A ir Force in New day and is somewhat im proved. The Past Matrons Club. OES., Mr and Mrs. Fred Barthlomew York, and a daughter, Airs. Lyn RECEPTION PLAN N ED FOR w ere called was entertained last Friday af- have returned after spending a Balk in o f Eugene MRS. H A ZE L D AY Airs. W olfe is reported ternnon at tlm homo o f Mrs. L o r -, week visiting in K ellogg, Idaho, home. Mountain Chapter No.108, O. t . Air. and Airs. Stanley Girt visit­ cn Cyrus. on old m ining town. B efore going im proving ed Stanley’s parents, Mr. and Airs S. will meet Tuesday, O ctober 21, at 8 P. A1.......... This is Friendship Mr. and Airs. Lloyd Duncan and night and reception fo r Airs. Haz- fam ily o f Vancouver, Wash, visit- el Day, Grand Representative ..of ed at the home o f Air. and Mrs. Mississippi in Oregon. ................... Elm er Davis and also called ou Mrs. Sadie W ade and Alcrle last I Sunday. Mr. and Airs. Lewis Pauli spent the week end helping their son Mrs. Chris Myers returned home Lowell on the new home he is ]ast week after spending several building near Garden Home. ! w eeks in a nursing home. Air. and Airs. Gilbert C aliff recently bought the Gibson place on Cary Road and are now living there. The David Eshlemans o f Seattle and the Don Eshelmans o f Port- land visited their parents, Mr. and Airs. David Eshleman, over the week end. Prices for Friday and Saturday October 1 7 & 13 - ^ £ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMI r > » AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA„ h *ISOI»IA n > E U. S. NO. 1 ► BUMBLE BEE, CHUNK STYLE ► 10 1b. Bag - 29c ? 10 0 ib. Beg 2 .79 ? T U N A 4 '/ 2 tins99c É » POTATOES : ¿EADY TO ► COOK! 3 9 c Lb. : Lb. t \ Cut-up, Pan-ready 43c lb. Smoked Picnic HAMS LEAN, TENDER, SHORT-SHANK AAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AAA l! Slob BACON 5 5 c !b., Sliced 5 9 c lb. \ HALF or WHOLE. | TTTm nnm nm m m m TTm m m m m » FRESH OYSTERS Full Pint 59c FRESH, CRISP LARGE LETTUCE 2 for 25c TURNIPS or RUTABAGAS 1 A Lb. Jar Crystal White SYRUP 8 9 c Lb. LARGE 18 oz. Bottle CATSUP Special ea. J 9 C ’ W lbs. 99c DELICIOUS, HOT or COLD - MIXES INSTANTLY WITH MILK - FAMILY SIZE - VITAMIN D Fortified! TOILET TISSUE Currinsville Market FROM U.S.D. GRADE “ GOOD” STEER BEEF! 2 Pints 4 9 c STOCKTON Nestles QUIK COCOA, ~VTTm 4 Roll P & k m m 24 oz. Bottle LUMBERJACK, Reg. 39c PANCAKE SYRUP |g -£ ■ ORANGE ea. DRINK 29c 25 c Giar>t 46 oz. Tin Reg 31c BULK, WHITE or RED pkg. 2 9 c T T T T T t T T T T T T T T m T T T T > T 7 T T I T T m T T Tm Reg. $1.15 WITH A $5.00 ORDER 2 lbs 1 5 c KARO GOLD MEDAL, FLOUR I Q lb. bag $ 9 c LARGE, BEAUTIFUL, FRESH ZEE, Reg. 39c SIRLOIN or T-BONE S T E A K S HEADS T TT TA X . X T » » » »V T T V T T T Y T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T 1 y DRY BEANS 5 lb- bag 6 9 c « Estacada RL One