Count? JSetoS Be sure and attend. Clackamas Volume No. 54 Number 35 VIOLA HOME EXTENSION In Its Fifty-fourth Year of Publication Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Oct. 17, 1958 TO MEET OCT. 29 I Auxiliary Unit in Educator to Speak UNIT The regular October meeting of the Viola Home Extension Unit at P.T.A. Meeting has been postponed until Wednes -1 Orphan Survey 10c Her Copy '5 9 Popular Local Beauties Announced Sarfiald Grange Elects Officers $3. ¡00 Per Year RED CIRCLES? We’re happy with the response from you folks in bringing your subscriptions up to date. Those of you who are still getting the red circle, if we are in error let the office know-or come in with your renewal. If you do not feel you can afford to renew now, let us know, and we’ll rid you of the circle and you may pick up your balance when convenient. New officers elected by the October 29th. | The Carl Douglass Post No. 74, The Executive Board of the day, Garfield Grange at their meeting The Home Extension County American Legion Auxiliary, will Estacada PTA met Friday morn­ Agent will give a lesson on the conduct a survey of war orphans last week were: Master- Pete ing, Oct. 10. in the Grade School proper fitting of foundation gar-!jn the Estacada Union. High Ballou; Overseer- Ray Gordon; library for their regular monthly ments. Lecturer- Helen Parvin; Steward area this fall according to meeting. It was announced that The meeting will start at 10:30 School Ken Palmateer; A. S. -Harold Mrs. Clyde Alexander. Mrs. Al- R. E. Jackson, director of secon­ A.M. and there will be a pot luck j exander Middleton; Chaplain- Irene Max­ chairman of Edu- dary education for the Portland lunche served at noon. Hostesses cation and is the well; Treas.- Wm. Chrysler; Sec. schools and chairman for the wil be Ellen Hodgkiss and Jeanne Auxiliary Scholarships for the Gena Ballou; Gate Keeper- John PROBLEMS OF OWNERS OF state tuition scholarships, and lllig. Be on time as there will be Children of deceased war vet­ Poppino; Ceres- Lucy Middleton; FOREST LAND TRACTS Anna Moore, who received a a door prize. Pomona- Alice Chrysler; Flora- SMALL are eligible for financial DISCUSSED AT MEETING scholarship through this fund, All the ladies in the vicinity erans Belle Duus; L.A.S.- Doris Palma­ for college education. The Problems of the owners of will be the speakers at the regu­ are welcome and are invited to at­ aid teer; Musician- Hattie Qualls; Ex. small purpose of the survey is to get tracts of forest land under lar PTA meeting Thursday, Oct. tend. Committee- John Parvin, Roy information on scholarships to all 5.000 acres and how these hold­ 16 ait 8 P.M. in the High Sihool Maxwell, Rena Davis. l eligible students. ings may be managed were Cafeteria. After Mr. Jackson’s i Grange visitors were Springwa- discussed at a better A number of scholarships are meeting which was talk there will be a question and LADONNA ANDERSON WEDS available ter’s Master and wife, M. and held Oct. 13 at West Linn through the American Inn, answer period. j McMINNVILLE MAN ! Legion Auxiliary. Ms. Del Gant and Ray and Bern­ across the bridge from Oregon Ten annual Den mothers for the Cub LaDonna Anderson, daughter of ! ice Miller. Each gave a short City. _____________ ^ scholarships of $600,000 are giv- Scouts are badly ________ needed. _____^ At the mj . and Mrs ^ Arnold ^ ^ Anderson, talk. Alvin L. Parker, Farm Forester, last pack meeting over 60 boys a“d jackTedgerwood, sonof Mr! an to ?iJts^,nding daughters of Oregon State Foretry Depart­ signed up for the Cubs but are and Mrs. j 0hn Ledgerwood of Me- dece?sed veterans. These awards ment, was coordinator for the unable to Any join mother for lack interested of Den 27th. MinnvUle, were married on Sept. dents scholarships. The Depan- CONSIGNOR’S SALE OF mothers. MILKING SHORTHORNS SET meeting. At this meeting discussions fo r M c M in n v il l e and wishing more information A 'reception was held Oct.10 at | “fl9regon 81V« o n i^ anJlua! were lead by Martin Syverson,Di­ can contact Mrs. Bill Carnes, TE the Garfield Grange hall with j $150.00 ^ to * daughters f 5300 00 aml Catologs for the Ninth Annual ot deceased vision of State and Private Forest­ 1-2117, ftedland, or Wm. Brug- neariy 100 relatives and friends I Milking Shorthorn Sale to be ry, An annual nurses Northwest Region, U. S. For­ uier, pack leader at CR 9-3819. attending. Many lovely gifts veterans. held at McMinnville on Saturday, training scholarships is also giv­ est Service, Portland, and Don | October 25 are now being mailed ----------------------were received by the bride and en to the son or daughter of a Maus, Assistant State Forester,Or to interested persons. groom. MISS MIDFORD RETURNS veteran by the Department of egon State Forestry Department, Listed are 30 registered fem­ The wedding cake was baked FROM FRANCE and beautifully decorated by Mar­ Oregon. Salem. Small woodland owners ales and four young service-age Miss Dagmar Midford arrived Children of veterans who died others intereseted from Lin­ bulls, drawn form the herds of and Nordquist. home last Tuesday to spend a jorie during active service or as a re­ Tillamook, Clatsop, Colum­ ] breeders in Oregon, Washington coln, Among those present were the sult of injury or illness incurred month visiting her mother, Mrs. groom’s bia, Washington, Mutnomah.Hood and Idaho. grandparents, Mr. and in World Wars 1 or 11 or the Marguerite Midford. She has Mrs. Wasco, Marion, Yamhill, According to the sales manager River, Clackamas Bert Pulley of Cutler City, Korean conflict are eligible for been in Fance for the past year end Mrs. Counties attended. James Adams of Jefferson, Ore., and Parker J. Ledgerwood of Mc- educational assisstance from the for special study. Before coming stated that, “According the purpose of the sale, as in the home she spent two weeks visit- Mbinville. Government. Any per­ to the recent Timber Resources past years, is to promote interest Review, ing her sister and family, Mr.and , The cake was served by the Federal knowing the name and ad­ half of the 10,000,000 ac­ in Milking Shorthorns, a dual Mrs. Bard Johnson of Baker. At bndeJ au"ts- Mrs. Joe Gredvig son dress of a war orphan is asked res of privately owned commer­ purpose breed, among the farm­ end of her visit here she will fnd.M*S- ^?ax A f’, ^ of to contact Mrs. Clyde Alexander, forest lands in Oregon are hi ers and stockmen of the North- cial do private nursing in Portland. Mrs. 'and- Pete Ballou ^ aunt bride, Estacada, stating the name, birth- small ownerships, and these are I west. ______________ was of at the punch address, the name of the about half the timber bowl, and Mrs. Bill Hale, aunt of date, “We have never gotten fancy pri­ producing veteran parent, date they should. This involves over JAKE MARCHBANKS SELL the groom, served the coffee. Lln- deceased ces at our state sales,” said Mr. owners. Within the above EAGLE CREEK INN da Ledgerwood, sister of the and place of death. The name of Adams. “On the contrary, our 36.000 counties about 15,000 The Jake Marchbanks have groom, served the ice cream,with the living parent or guardian. Estacada’s only two representative passenger car biggest job has often been to con- mentioned individuals own around 1,369,000 sold their Eagle Creek Inn to Mrs. Walter Mann of Hillsboro, dealers ready themselves this week for that wonder- V 1"ce the c°nf;lif!U)r t, h at he wdl acres. In Clackamas County Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martin. aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Gene SPRINGWATER HOME EC. over 3000 owners have The Martins come to our com- Ballou, grandmother of the bride, MET LAST TUESDAY iul occasion of unveiling their neve models. The top might by selling privately, we alone, 236,000 acres. With these munity from California where assisting. Helping the newty- The Springwater Home Ex­ picture is the newr Chevrolet, on display at Miller’s have always tried to select ani- about lands producing only about half they have been restaurant oper- weds open the gifts were Miss tension Unit met at the Grange Chevrolet Service starting this Thursday. “ .S n ^ for of their capacity, it is a critical ators. They were interested by Ann Harbert and Mrs. Bob Bess, Hall last Tuesday with Miss Hal- problem in Oregon, where the the fine recreational advantages The newlyweds will be at home lene Price, Home Economic Ec- The Estacada Motor Co. plan to have their un- new herds. of the common wealth is offered by the area and decided in Estacada, where the groom is onomist ______ _____ ____ “We need more Milking Short veiling Friday, with their nation annonucement and horn herds in the Northwest,and, economy so , dependent upon the lumber in- to make their home in beautiful employed by the Forest Service onstrating from and Oregon talking city on dem- Oregon’ and the bride by the Pacific Tele- rect Foundation Garments Cor‘ for advertising set for next week. most of our breeders are willing i c The primary purpose of the phone and Telegraph Co. in the the busy woman. She explained to put their better animals in this1 meeting, he said, is to take a criti­ billing office, in Portland. sale as an inducement.” the necessity and advisability PAST NOBLE GRAND and informative look at the The 34 head are consigned by cal of being correctly and properly Upper Clackamas River Chamber of OFFICERS ARE ELECTED problem, and analyze the impor­ 22 breeders, and will be sold at corseted; also of wearing a pro­ The Past Noble Grands Club of the small woodland to the Rice Auction Yards, starting tance bra. Ladies of the Dodge Un­ met at the home of Mrs. Eva Ray Hayden New it per were our economic setup. The sugges­ at 1 o'clock. Commerce Sets First Noon Meet Mon. special guests. Tooley on Monday, Oct. 13, for and reactions of the owners Catalogs may be had for the tions Door prize was won by Mrs. their first meeting this fall. Elec­ and other asking by writing James C. Ad­ Laura Tucker. The hostesses for The Chamber of Commerce will have its first ams, Sale Chairman, Rt. 1, Jeffer­ sought.” interested parties are tions were held and the officers Kiwanis President the day served cake and coffee. were reelected as follows: Mrs. Dr. Allyn Price, head of the This was one of a series of November meeting will noon meeting (plenty of fireworks) next Monday, son, Oregon. Elsie Hale, president; Mrs. Earl nominating committee submitted be The meetings that are scheduled to be ___ second held on the Tuesday of Oct. 20, at 12 noon at the Estacada City Hall. A McConnell, vice pres.;Mrs. Nellie ‘he following names for offices November with“ Mrs.“ Nita' Gant held throughout the state during Currin, secretary and Mrs. Ern­ of the Estacada Kiwanis Club for and Mrs. Doris Miller as hostes­ featured speaker will be present. The featurre of FIRST AID CLASS BEGINS the early part of October through est Rynning, treasurer. Fifteen the coining year. On regular mot­ ses. Mrs. Gentemann, chairman the meeting will a menu that will require only a IN EAGLE CREEK TUESDAY the cooperation of the U. S. for- ladies were present and spent a ion the nominees were unanim­ A Red Cross First Aid Class be- j Pst service and the state forestry that any member inter­ spoon - -after you have laid $1.00 on the line. very enjoyable afternoon. The ously elected....................................... requests gan at Eagle Creek school house department.’ ested in taking the' instructions next meeting will be held at the ....Ray Hayden is new president in pattern fitting please be sure Oct. 14 and will continue each “A state wide meeting is to be This meeting is for anyone interested in our area home of Mrs. Henry Suter in with Bob Cody retiring to the bor­ and attend this meeting. Tuesday eve at 7:30 for 5 weeks. held in Salem Nov. 6 at which Eagle Creek November 10th. ed of directors; A1 Collins, Vice- who still has a $1.00 after the UF Fund drive. It is It was announced at last Thurs­ time the various interested part­ president, Don Day, Treasurer day’s meeting of the Mother’s ies are urged to attend and ex­ hoped that everyone who can possibly attend will and Rev. Vernon Ross, secretary. LEGION AUXILIARY PLANS do so. A good meeting is promised. Good news! Club that more were needed to press their views. CRIME IN ESTACADA: i or' a Y WAVE m r u snirwil" sn ilB F n Directors are Billy Griggs, Sim RUMMAGE SALE SOON I make a full class and enrollment I — I will be open until next Tuesday, j CHURCH SPONSORS PAPER According to the Hveada, Esta* "«".op, nick Schmidt and Duane The American legion Auxiliary DRIVE ON OCTOBER 18 | Contact Viola (Mrs. Byron) Mc- cada High School student publi- w*“ £°ld a rummage sale NovT FORMER EAGLE CREEK TEACHER DIES OCT. 12 Urnzie (CR 9-6123) who is teach- The Estacada Church of God cation, thieves broke into the Es- |and 8 at the Leglon. half Anyone Spine Tingling Funeral services were held lasti the course, or Mrs. E. R. An- Youth Fellowship will be observ- tacada High School sometime be- JUDY FREDERICKSEN IS housecleaning and wishingto dis- tween 4 A M. and 6 A.M. Oct. 6th HONORED WITH BRIDAL P, pass * an you have papers and magazines through the east door by the audit- A bridal shower for Miss Judy to others. The Aurdiary 1 ms a Now playing at the Broadway 12. She was the wife of Ward ----------------------- orium After getting in to the Fredericksen, daughter of Mr. and heavy program and proceeds go Theatre, a pair of science fiction Douglas of ISagle Creek. She is Richard Rose and his mother of to donate please call CR 9-3947 budding they broke their way into Mrs. Lawrence Wahlstrom of to ChiW welfare and hosP^al movies, the first ‘THE FLY’ in also survived by a daughter,Mrs. Portland called at the Ralph and a truck will be by to pick them up on October 18th. which an atom splicer fails ¡cre­ Dorothy Guttridge, three sons, Wade home on Sunday. the office and managed to get $12 George, was given m the Estaca- 'T '* ’ from the coin and pencil machin- da American Legion haill on Sat- don assisted by Mrs.John Abbott, ates human terror in the shocking Clifford, Raymond and Donald1 0 urday, Oct. 11, at 1 o’c lock .About Mrs. Don Showerman, Mrs. Geo. form of T he Fly.’ This is truly Douglas, two sisters and four This group also broke a window fifty relatives and friends of Miss Armstrong Mre^ Harry Hickman tops as a horrifying film and brothers. Mrs. Douglas wm a for It Pays to Read Our r - They Ha -e a ami entered the Ag shop where I Fredericksen attended. The tables j and Mrs. Adolph Still. folks ere advised not to see it mer teacher at Eagle Creek S ^ S e d t W ¿ to were beautifully decorated with The Unit and Post wish to alone nor if in poor health. The schooL a# ines and took approximately $50 flowers and the honor guest re- thank their friends for making cast includes A1 Hedison, a new j $ 3 0 . 0 0 Message (or Lucky Reader in cash, which belonged to Mr. ceived many lovely itifts. Many their annual Turkey Dinner a comer; Patricia Owens and Vin- Miss Mary Belli, popular Estacada High teacher Gentemann’s Student Insurance who were unable to attend the success. cent Price. Second fiction fea- CHINESE DINNER, PROGRAM Fund shower sent gifts. ture ’SPACE MASTER X’ star-! SUNDAY AT EAGLE CREEK did not find the error in the Estacada McCulloch ad They also broke into Mr. Lar- Refreshments of angel food HOWARD HORNER TO SPEAK ring Bill Williams, Lyn Thomas j Next Sunday eve., Oct. 18, a last week. Because of the ribbing we know Miss Bell sen’s room and the wood shop, cake, jello and coffee were served SUNDAY AT ESTACADA and Robert EHis.When the first Chinese dinner will be held at will take, we have withheld notice of her oversight Local and county police are in- Miss Fredericksen will marry METHODIST CHURCH satellite returns to earth a re- Fagje Creek Presbyterian church i Don Looney of Curriiwville at a Laymen’s Sunday at the Meth search biologist accidently after followed by a program at which so as not to interfere with her school duties. We are vestigating the matter. ceremony in the Presbyterian odist Church, October 19, will receiving a small cut lets a drop, ^ ^ Mrs Albert E. ! Church at Eagle Creek on Satur­ find Howard Horner, former of blood fall on the cask awaken, of Corvallis, will be featured back at $30.00-so start getting interested. CLASS OF ’58 GRADS day, October 25. This week’s error - without clues - is $ 0 /V 0 0 high school principal at Els tacada ing and feeding the mold forma­ guests. Young people of West­ NOW ATTENDING COLLEGE tion within. It grows to frighten­ minster Fellowship will also take and some observant person should and now of David Docglas high O v W-> are glad to report that a in Portland, speaking at ing proportions devoumg every­ part in the program and there find it. Our advertisers are happy to award you number of the graduates of the T » * M a lg in school te 11 A. M. worship service at thing available that contains will be a guest soloist. Estacada Union High School KQIigGrS 100 IflUCIl the Methodist Church, assisted blood. Little do we know what Dr. Steward, affiliated with your prize of $30.00 - - and you have to find it! of the class of 1958 are attending _ _ by laymen of the church who may be brought back from our Oregon State College, was form­ Remember, there is only one paper mailed witl space launchings—this could, erly an agricultural missionary will lead the service. S S I . f o r Warrenton the intentional error. Any others do not qualify yoi and may happen. to China. He has previously spo­ Mir. Homer is a member of Ebert, Lance SoWichter and Clar- Estacada Rangers defeated War- Sunny side Methodist Church Starts Sunday through Tue»- ken at Engle Creek Church and for the contest prize. ,-nce StithJudy Grim, Wally Mil- renton 26 to 7 in Cowapa League the in Portland, where he is an act­ day—Walt Disney’s ‘OLD YEL- was asked to return by popular ler and Ann Harbert are attend- play at Estacada Friday, A deliberate mistake of price or text, or both, layman and called epon often LER' the story of a stray mong quest and bring his colored ing the University of Oregon. Judy Warrenton took a 7 to 0 lead ive rel dog that moves in with the slidea ^ China has been placed in one paper or shopper which is as a speaker. His theme Sunday Carlson and Bema Closson en- in the first quarter, ^ cordially Invited then mailed or delivered at random. You’ll have to is; “Relationship of the School Coates family. When the father | ^ rolled at Portland State. Joyce Then the Rangers got to roU- to the Communnity and the Re­ has to go on a cattle drive he at(^nd. This is not a money- Farder and Corvine Harmon are rr^ and took a 13-7 halftime lead sponsibility affair, but a free will of- check all the ads carefully to find the “planted” Parents.’ The in­ leaves his wife and small son in going to Dental Assistants School, on two Worley touchdowns lu sights of this of Christian the care of a young teen age son. fpTing win be taken to cover the mistake. When you find what you think is the right Layman, Barbara Galster is taking Nurses the second quarter. Beisell booi- is also recognized as a top­ Altho the old dog seems useless, co9t ^ tbe meal. Reservations mistake, take your paper to the firm in whose ad it Training at the Good Samaritan ed one of the extra points. Wor- who school administrator prom he proves the greatest helper are requested ,but not required) Hospital in Portland. Dean Me- ley added touchdowns in each of flight ise to be stimulating and chal­ that a boy ever had.He saves the so the cooks may know how appears and you may take advantage of the error Allister is attending Brigham the final quarters. in relation to his chosoi boy from wild hogs the baby meh to prepare (Phone CR » in price if to your advantage. You will al»o receive Young University at Provo, Utah, Worley’s touchdowns came on lenging from a mother bear and kill the 6533) Dinner will begin it 5:30 and Ruth Sinclair is enrolled at runs of 53, two, one and two topic. your prize of $30.00 and two theatre tickets. threatening wolf. Filmed in tech- p jj the College of Puget Sound. yards. nieolor this is a read heart-stir- ____________ The mistake mast he reported by 5 p.m. of the the Armed Services: Charles Gar- rushing and Beisell gamed 80- V. F. W TOOP a TVRDAT 5 ? S m t f rtudiofstort-i The Route One boy poet is at Saturday following the date of this paper. I f the rett, Terry HaMday. Richard plus O F T ^ NEXT SATLRD timM f m pirture Sunday will R again. His latest follows prize IS not claimed, it will be added to the next Keeth, Stephen Kirkbnde. Wes- The Rangers face what is The local V. F\ Aux J7 ^ pM 4:30. 6;30 and 8:30 u f e at Currinsville, except for w e e k»s Dri z e A d lin lic a tp m n p r « h m v im r tb o ley Lanning, Dennis MeUott, Nor- their toughest opponent this wdl sponsor a food »ale at the Mond and Tuej>day eVPS 7 p the dcvil and hig deciples, is nice , „ S A a t e Paper Showing the mist- msn Oleson, Hugh Reynolds. Bob week when they tangle with the office of the Clackamas County ,y 0 and happy among the Heiples. Will be posted in the NeWS office Window Sanderson and Barbara Jesae. Seaside Gulls at Seaside. News next Saturday. October 18 ” » -1 ' - ie W