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About Estacada's Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1957-1976 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1958)
Clackamas County News Page 4 Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Sept. 19, 1958 They have two children in school.I World Fellowship Circe met os Sept. 10 at the churlh. Mrs. Olm- stead was hostess. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs.Madge Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W Rounds from Couer d’ Lene, Idaho visited the Ed. Johnsons. Mrs. Ronnil is an uncle of Mrs. Johnson. DODGE By Anne Justice I The Dodge Community Club ! met Friday eve at the Commun- hall and discussed plans for 'News' Wan: Ads Bring Good Results 1 ity painting the outside of the hall. ¡Various other subjects were dis cussed. Refreshments were serv- 'ed.Next meeting, the annual elec tion of officers will be held. All i memoers urged to check to see if their dues are paid and to attend HAPPY ANNIVERSARY this meeting. The Dodge teenage club held a ¿7 dance and taffy pull at the hall TO HORNER'S M ARKET! Saturday eve. All had an enjoya THUR.. FRI., SAT, Sept. 18-20 ble evening. The teenagers are CINEMASCOPE i ( OLOR now busy making plans for a hay- GLENN IORD, ride in the near future. Jumbo Pak ft . * SHIRLEY MasLAlNE and Wed. P. M. the Capable Cooks MICKY SHAUGHNESSY in held the first meeting of the new ASSORTED COOKIES U j % 4H year at the home of their leader Mrs. Justice. Plans were "T h e Sheepman" discussed for entering the Spring- SECOND FEACRE water Fair and for a Mothers tea. MO T H E R ' S COOKI E S New officers took over their du FIRST NORTHWEST SHOWING ties, they are Celia Begulien.pres. DAVID BRIAN and | Sheri Reynolds, vice pres., Karyle LYNN BERAY in Portland, Oregon i Reynolds, reporter, Sally Rey-1 // [ nolds, sec., Christine Kishuaugh, 'Ghost of the | Janet Caswell and Kathy Davis, song leaders. China Seas' I Christine Kishpaugh, Scott and Kevin Justice have been ill this past week. Tom Stroeder is j MON., TUE., Sept. 21-23 .sporting an inflammed eye as re SUN., CINEMASCOPE asd COLOR sult of being hit in eye by a fly-1 JOANNE WOODWARD, CONGRATULATIONS! | ing eraser at school. NEWMAN, Jack Kishpaugh spent several PAUL ANTHONY FRANCIOSA, ] miserable days at home last week ORSON WELLES and suffered from an injured back. LEE REMICK in Horner’s Bij Chief SECOND ANNIVERSARY! CHERRY LANE COTTAGE CHEESE Distributors of Pheasant Cottage Cheese One of the finer Super M arkets of our S ta te ! TRIPLE PAK BOX Blue Bell Potato Chips Portland, Oregon // ingle Creek By Maude Burnett Everyone is glad to hear Bob Storey has returned home from the hospital much improved. The Walter Smiths spent the week end at the beach. Paul and Lillian Still had the pleasure of caring for Audrey’s two little boys last week. Kenneth Ronnow and a college classmate spent a few days dur ing the week at the beach. Mrs. Addle Hildahl and Mrs. Turner visited Dora Clester re cently. Mrs. Hildahl just returned from a trip to Norway and Swit zerland and entertained the Cles- ters with pictures of her trip. The D. D. Hunt family have moved into the Bush property. C C 'X n A T L” '.TÍ0WS & CONTINUED SUCCESS To Horner’s Big Chief Long Hot Summer" 2 YEARS 010" HELP US CELEBRATE! You Can Win 2 Ways With These LOW, LOW, LOW P R I C E S ! $ T 0 8 • 0 0 GROCERY PRIZE FREEand MANY OTHER PRIZES! COME ONE, COME A1L,HAVE FUN! COLOSSAL l ( j c LUNCH! Hamhurgen Soft Drink and Ice C re m Srndae Served Sat Only 10 am to 5 pm LOOK AT THIS 5 / PHEASANi oùa m BE ANS 6 for 99« PEAS 7 for 303 99c PHEASANT, Cut Green HUNTS Tin CATSUP, 14oz.bottle 6for99c SEANS 7 for 303 99c 2^ Tin PHEASANT, Sliced Tin HUNTS BEETS TOMATOES 4 for 99c 7 for 99« Tin PHETSANT, Cream or Whole Kernel 303 Tin HUNTS PE ACHES/Halves 4 for 99c CORN 7 for 99c 46 Oz. Tin PHEASANT DEL MONE Buttet Tin HOT SAUCE 12 ior99c TOMATO J U I C E 3 for 303 89c Tin PHEASANT, Cm DEL MONTE 303 Tin ASPARAGUS PEAS 5 for 303 99c 4 for 99c Tin WALLA WALLA DEL MONTE 303 Tin PE AS CREAM CORN 6 for 303 99c 6 for 303 99« Tin WALLA WALLA. Cut Tin DEL MONTE FHUI T COCKTAI L 4 for 99c 3 for 303 89c 303 Tin WALLA WALLA DEL MONTE Tin GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS 4 for 9 9 c PEAS &CARR0 T S 6 f o r 9 9 c LADY ELBERT A 2 A Tin PHEASANT 2 A Tin PEACH, Halves 3 for 99c PEACHES Halves or sliced 4 for 99« PILLSBURY White - Choc. Fudge - Golden Spice HILLS, Drip or Regular Grind CAKE M I X E S 4 for99c COFFEE 2 lbs. 1 - 4 9 1SANTÎAM CUT S & J Produce Co. Portland Suppliers m r m m T T T T T T T T T T T T f T T T » » ? m ? » » » » T T T T » T T T T f T » f T T T T T T T T T T rT T T T T T T T T T T T » W T T W T T T T T T T T T m T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T fT T T T m T T W T T T m T rT T T T T T T T T T T T T Horner’s Big Chief Do You Need Printing WE DO WE'LL DO OUR BEST TO PLEASE YOU - - (If you aren't TOO particular!) C L A C K A M A S C O U N T Y NEWS Golden Glow ICECREAM ’/a Gal. 7 9 c 303 Tins We Reserve The Right To Limit - - Mayflower * B |f i CHIEF MARKET * ORANGE Drink Estacada, Oregon * CR 9-3224 4 for 1 - 0 0 P h « 5 Good From Sept. 18-27 i d n t t r d il HJ T T E R 7 2 c!b . MAYFLOWEF Cottage CHEESE ; 2 9 c p*. Congratulations to Horner’s On Your m SALUTE YOUR SECOND ANNIVERSARY