THE CLACK AM AS CO UNTY N E W S Page 2 Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Sept. 19, 1958 FOR TH E BEST IN serve contracts now in operation One o f the objectives o f this pro- Answer. No. N or will the gram is to reduce total crop rate o f payment o f previously | yield as an aid to reducing sur- pluses. signed contracts be affected. Question: How long w ill Soil Question: Is the planting o f ; Bank contracts run? Christmas trees acceptable un Answer: In case of a previous ly established cover, 3 years. der this program? When a new cover is established, Answer. Yes, provided there a minimum of 5 years, a maxi is no harvest as long as the con mum of 10 years at your discre tract is in effect. tion at time o f signing the con Question: In what way can I tract. The 5 and 10 year pro I may gram applies to forest tree plant utilize the land which soil ings as w ell as to establishment have contracted under the bank? o f grass cover P R IN T IN G SEE TH E N EW S Professional TEACH YOUR CHILD Directory Paul Slominski, DM1 TO SAVE! DENTIST 6 to 5 Mon. thro Sat. MASONIC BLDG. Estacada, O regon The Habit of Thrift--to S A V E a part of what Dr. L. W. Griffith you earn is of utmost importance to your child. Question: Are previously e v tablished grasslands eligible fo r lease to the government under the 1959 Soil Bank program? Answer: Under certain condit- ions. Older than 5 year plantings are acceptable provided hay has been taken, at least once, during the previous two years.Plantings A Complete Optical Sendee] Eyes E xam ined B roken Lenses Du-plicated Glasses Fitted] Eyeglass F ram es R epaired W h ile Y o u W a it V e in vite Com parison of] lervice, Q u ality and Price] W e do ou r ow n grin din g Start your child early on the road to a suc cessful, happy life by teaching him '"he value of S A V IN G S , the impt /tance of having a backlog of funds for any emergency that may arise. VISION OPTICAL CO. Gresham, Oregon Office on Powell Blyd. Telephone MO 5-3813 O B S T E T R IC S & G Y N E C O LO G Y Estacada R yn n in g D ru g Bldg- P h on e C R 9— 3265 I f N 0 A n sw er C all C R 8 — 4152 Bank. Get him started now on a Savings A c count program. It will be one of the greatest things you can ever do for him. Clackamas County I Bank W o rk DECLARED HEAVY Business Services IZ7,Y~j A U T O WRECKING Phone Damascus 2317. AcMreae Kt 3 box 311 Boring. Oregon at Barton. We buy and sail all kinds of batteries, radiators and acrap automobile puna, tires, old and reftttlngs, angle Irani etc. We buy Junk, any old Junk fo r placment in the Soil Bank, in part or all of it? Answer: No. The indivdual farm er offers to lease to the gov ernment at a certain price. Of fers above rates shown by the productivity index w ill be auto RESTAURANT matically rejected. and Question: Can I make an o ffe r MARINE ROOM to lease my place in whole or in part below the figures represent AM ERICAN and ed by the productivity index? CHINESE FOOD Answer: Yes. In case there are 517 Main St. Ph. 6739 more offers than money the low er offers w ill be accepted but not the higher ones H A ZE L L. D AY Question: A fte r obtaining the original form from the A.S.C. o f Alterations Dressmaking fice between Sept. 2 and Oct. 3 l « i Us Help You am I under any obligation to of Co-Ordinate Your Wardrobe fe r a portion o r all of my tillable 706 Center St. Ph. 4693 land to the Soil Bank? serve affect CONCRETE BLOCKS for AH shapes 8x8x16 “Lite” Blocks sold at our plant Only 33c each Gladstone Block Co. 82nd at Clackamas Bridge Gladstone. Ph. Ore. City 4306 SAM ’S SHOE REPAIR Doing Business At Home Evenings and Saturdays Work while you wait. By Appointment Only S. End of Shafford Ave. Phone CR 9-3979 Liberal Reward 4-7341 C n l W t t o * x V-/UlleCU___________ "" W ANTED TO BUY: Cash for Livestock . Top Portlan d price C all Paul Shaver CR 9-6112 Sat. or Sun. o r w r ite Rt. 2. b ox 193. Estacada tf. --------------------------------------------- FOR THE BEST DEAL See iis for Quality Used Car on a NEW PLYM O U TH or Buys. We finance. CM C or CHRYSLER *ee or eall or bank. H AR O LD B O Y A N O V SK Y Bowman- Hoffman Pontiac. HESSEL’S, Gresham MO 818 East Powell. Gresham 5-2146 or Portland A L 1-1626. Phone MOhawk 5-2166 Also Used Car* and Trucks conservation re- L.R * “ ’21, Schedule l. "’ 1 HEWETT'S SHOE STORE 702 Main Oregon CR; IN SHOES for the flickin' OREGON C IT Y PR IN TIN G & S T A T IO N E R Y CO. Complete Office Supplies Printing Office Furniture 703 Main St. P H . 3864 or O L. 4-8371 M ORGAN S JUNIOR BOOT SHOP Regular and Corrective Fitting Tots to Teens 206 Ninth St. PH . 7795 Gahram FURNITURE - H A R D W A R E - GIFTS Lawrence .It The Flashbulb Sign 721 M ain Ph. 4804 THE ECONOMY SHOP Bargains in Used Clothing For A ll the Family 512 - 7th St. Ph. 3750 Standard .... Portable Electric N e w & Used RENTALS P h on e O regon C ity 4911 Sporting Goods Leather Goods Shoe Repairing FOR TH E C A M E R A SHOP Royal Distributor Lester 916 M A IN ST. Anytime is Picture Time - - it’* Foni 502 - 7th St. Oregon City Phone 4279 FREE PAR K IN G LO T BETWEEN STORES 192 River Road Gladstone, Oregon PAUL'S RADIO SERVICE CO. OREGON C IT Y FEED PH. 9034 ttutpcrint Sales & Authorized Service Cal; Ph. 3971 or Portland OL. 4-7556 104 8th S t C LA C K A M A S OFFICE M ACHINES H O M E O F H O F F M A N & Z E N IIT H Hay, Grain, Feed, Seed CHOREM ASTER RADIO & T V SERVICE .. Tillers and Mowers .. Oregon City Phone 5516 619 Madison 1005 • 7th St. Ph. 3592 • General Auto Repairs • W heel Balancing and Alignment SPEEDOMETER REPAIRS SPEEDOM ETER CA BLE A L L CARS - TRUCK S Melvin Dunmire’s EIGHTH STREET G ARAG E 615-8th S t On the H ill O. K. RUBBER WELDERS Super Hi way at 18th. Ph. 71T7 Ph. 6424 RAMBHERS Sales and Service JEEPS C U R T A IN SHOP DRAPERIES • CURTAINS A t Economy Prices Slipcovers - Upholstery Kirsch Rods - Accessories 514 - 7th on HK1 Ph. 412« WHEEL CAFE A LOUNGE STEAKS PANKEY MOTOR CO. 503 Main St. P h : 9106 1423 Washington Ph. 5S44 TITLE INSURANCE ESCROWS OREGON CITY ABSTRACT CO. O UR SPECIALTIES: — W all Covering DICKEN& COOK OREGON OWNED 484 Portland Ava. FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE Oregon City Ph. 2446 Butler Bldg.-8th S t PH . Oregon City 2638 or LIN O LE U M C O M PA N Y Summary o f gen- fl*“ 1 ^ h e d u i e it . summary ex- penditmv* Fiscal Year 1958-39: City's Street lights. To replace 18 obsolete radial incandescent ] units and install in addition five units not previously lighted, ail replacements and additions to be AKJ0 luminaires $2941 45. Cash balance to be used to 'purchase grader equipment for the street maintenance program ***** IT JOHN C. ROBERTA For Particular Men Sc Boys TYPE W R ITE R S In accordance with the pro visions o f the LO C A L BUDGET the flo w e r shop L A W iO R S 294 305 to 294.415,) "Flowers fur eveay Day” with Section 294.115 ORS, notice is hereby given that the Budget funerals Committee of Estacada, Oregon, in compliance with said law, pre- Weddings paped and a6opte4 on ^ a , mo — . Septem Ph. 6018 ber 9, 1958, the supplemental •16 - 7th S t ! budget estimates fo r Estacada, ] Oregon, fo r the ensuing last three quarters o f the fiscal year LANA’S 1958-59, as set forth in the ac STORK-TO-TEENS companying schedules 1 and 11. A ll persons are hereby noti Featuring Quality fied that on Thursday, the 2nd day o f October. 1958, at 8:00 p. Nationally Known m , in Estacada. Oregon. said Brands of dothixig supplemental budget estimates may be discussed with the Coun for Boya and Oiría cil. the levying board for Estaca da. Oregon, and any person tn- Opon 16 A M to S PM terested w ill be heard in favor ^ BUY CITY FOR THE F A M IL Y REID GOOSE For growing feet G R ACE W A L K E P Queen For a Day Fame HOPP'S E L E C T R IC S E R V IC E NOTICE OF 1958-59 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET MEETING 24 hour Service Phone Prospect 5-5346 Portland, Oregon For information leading to recovery o f ivory table radio, small electric plate taken from our home W AN TzU : To buy all kinds near Estacada. Phone C R of livestock. Harold Sarver, 9 -3 2 4 1 or Beaverton M I Estacada phone CR -2746 B U L L A ND BOAR SERVICE 10 Registered Bulls Delivered Anywhere - Anytime FRANK L KITKEISER Route 2, box 470, Sandy Call M U 7-3110 SHOES Entire Family Records Instruments Gas Sc Oil Furnaces Sheet Music Instructions on DAY Piano-Accordion SHEET M E TA L CO. Guitar-Violin General Heating Clock Repairing A ll Band Instruments Service - A ll Makes A t Foot o f the Elevator BUSTER BR O W N SHOES Main at Eighth Ph.3831 Oregon City 220 Molal/a Ave. 203 - 7th St. PH. 2150 219-7th PH. 4994 CARPENTER Answer: Yes. Trained person.. ] nel w ill be available at the A.S. W O R K W A N TE D C. counter-for this purpose. Framing - Finishing Question: W ill signing of a Cabinets contract fo r participation in the Ph. Ectacada CR 9-6540 1959 conservation soil bank re Estacada City Licensed M A R G A R I N E .. Diamonds - Watches .. • • Jewelry • Watch Repairing • Costume Jewelry Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. T h e N e w s leads in neighbor new s in y o u r area. D on t b e w ith ou t it- Subscribe today. I SCEPTIC T A N K S CLEANED 929.00 General Sheet Metal NUCO A BROADEST AUTO COVERAGE IN O U R H I S T O R Y PEGGY’S MUSIC STORE ZA STR O W JEWELERS A.S.C. office was swamped with callers interested in the program on the first day o f the informa DR. LIONEL BURTON tional signup September 2.There OSTEOPATHIC are other indications of keen in PH Y SIC IA N A N D terest including many inquiries SURGEON directed to A. S. C. and Exten DR.CHESTER RASMUSSEN sion workers. One A. S. C. Associate board member reported 25 calls on the subject labor day weekend ESTACADA, OREGON Following are some o f the Office Phone CR 9-3250 questions asked by these callers I f no answer CR 9-4152 and the answers to them: Hours: 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Question: What is the produc Monday through Saturday tivity index? Answer: Aboslutely not. The Answer: The productivity index ^ c T j o n e s - represents the County ASC Com information received are fo r you ESTACADA JEWELER mittee’s estimate of the produc- to take home and study. In fact, For Watch Repair tive capacity o f any one farm no contract w ill be accepted pri Open 9 to 5 Daily cimpared to the average produc- ] or to October 3 tivity o f all non-irrigated land In II. C. SANDERS Question: A fte r offerin g a lease the county. The maximum am Bookkeeping - Accounting agreement may I change it? Contractors Loggers Mills ount of annual ease or payment »01 the government is willing to make Answer: No, the first o ffe r on THURSDAYS for soil bank acres on any one your part is final fo r the SCHMIDT INS. BLDG. pro farm is based on the productivity gram beginning in 1959. There ESTACADA, OREGON index. will be no arbitration or adjust Question: Does the government ment. L O L I T A O L E S O N represented by the ASC office Question: Can I obtain help in Teacher o f P IA N O & VOICE make an o ffe r to lease my farm properly fillin g the initial papers Classic, Popular o r Sacred and the final contract? Music Plumbing and Heating. N E W E n ric h e d S p re a d A Business and Professional guide to friendly O R E G O N C IT Y Concerns who merit a share of your trade when doing your out-of-town shopp ing . . G IV E T H E M A T R IA L ! ____ Serving Eastern Clackamas County Since 1911 Phose CR. 9-3371 A. D. Benshoof Give y o u r fam ily this FIND AND OREGON TO ■ A g e n t f o r Loyalty Group Sc From all indications Clackamas F ran k lin N ation al G roup I County w ill be the scene of a Insurance Companies 1 large signup in the 1959 soil con Estarada, Oregon servation reserve program. The Call Tem ple 1-2249 Studio- Rt. 2, Box 308, Oregon ity, 1 block east o f Red land Store CLAIM PAYMENTS Answer: Forest tree planting is suggested especially on part time farms. Liberal cost sharing is provided fo r planting either trees or permanent ground cover, When reforesting what better 03,1 one than rental payment ! f ° r 10 years during which trees ’ are unproductive? WHERE SOIL BANK SIGNUP Don Day FASTIS? i SANDY, OREGON George S. Hara, M.D I -e — . WÊ made after 1953 are acceptable Question: What happens to my provided the planting in question contract with the government in // was made on an area in the farm case the land in question changes tillable rotation prior to th e . ownership? planting. _ .... j I Answer: The original owner Res. Phone CR 9-6510 Question: W ill nontiUable land must ^ renteJ monies to be accepted in the new conserva- ^ governmenti unles8 the new uon reserve. 'ow ner takes over the contract. O ff. Phone CR 9-6527 Answer: No. The land must Thjs is allowaW<! have been in recent cultivation. Bring your child to the Clackamas County Howard L. Smith P H Y S IC IA N Sc S U R G E O N Estacada R yn n in g Drug Bldg- P hone C R 9— 3265 I f N o A n sw er C all C R 9— 4152 —- BUD" RIVERS insurance - Real Estate Agent for Badger Mutual Sc National Fire I ns.Companies 172 S. E. Fourth St. Office Phone Rea. Phonel CR. 9-3773 CR. 9-3854) Allyn M. Price, M.D. — *•—i - Portland O Live 4-7731 Meld rum St Super Highway JE NNING S LO D G E Ph. O.C. 6506 Jerry's Electronic & Refrigeration Sales and Service Television Appliances Youngstown Kitchens H. L Osborne, Secretary Budget — Servloo What W » S E L L Committee. " V T T r Published first time Soptem- ^ »■ * _ ber 12 1958. Featuring Motorola T V T u b e Published second time Sept Sentry w hich trip les L if e o f S e t ' ember 19. 1958 1 1414 Washington Ph. 6234 AUTO - FURNITURE UPHOLSTERY CO. Satisfaction Guaranteed Building Materiris Free Information PH. Oregon City 4152 82nd. at Parkplae. Direct Factory Dealer HILLSIDE CHAPEL Dynaflow - Tune-up and Wreck Repairing Our Specialty Seat Cover« Boat Cushions Cushions Repaired Convertible Tops 600 SUPER H IG H W AY GLADSTONE Ph. Oregon City 3662 OL. 4-7467 Park Place Lumber Co. 1306 Seventh St. R.H . C O N R A D J H ” Phone Oregon City 3902 BUICKS Best Selection of N e w and Used Cars SUPER-HY BLHCK INC Phone Or.gun City 512* Super Hi way at Gladstone