Estacada's Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1957-1976, August 29, 1958, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    Tammy Wickenkamp call­ definite and that we must work
Pago 6 funeral of her niece Mary Louise ed Little
on her grandparents, the Kay toward more effective and effi­
[invert on Monday. She had been
Estacarla, Oregon. Friday, Aug. 20, 1958
ill for a long time. She was buri­ Gordons Thusrday. She was ac­ cient defense units. Col. Pitts
1 ) ..,,.
(By Leila Gordon)
Lou Palmateer returned on
Monday from a visit with his
daughter and family at the beach,
Avis Sagner and his daughter and
her daughter Francis brought
him home am
The Kenneth Palmateers atten-
(lefl lhe wedding of Doris’ niece
Carolyn Hillman to Rob<‘rt Koh-
<>utek at Monitor on Sunday at
the Seventh Day Adventist
Doris Palmateer attended the
ed in the Silverton Catholic Cem­
John Metcalf was home on a
furlough for a week. He returned
to Fort Ord on Wednesday.While
here he stayed at his home at the
Larry Fortners.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Lantz visited
at the Dewey Quail home recently
companied by her mother Mrs..
John Wickenkamp and her broth­
ers Larry and Jim.
Donald Steele,' grandson of Mr.
and Mrs.’ Hawley Steele has been
promoted to manager of his In­
surance office at Cleveland, Ohio
Mrs. John Lindholm and child­
ren called at te Gordons on Fri­
day evening and said Mr. Lind­
holm has been taken by ambul­
ance to Holliday Park hospital
last week following an accident in
the woods, a backing cat caught
his foot in the treads, breaking
two bones in his ankle. It is in a
cast and he will remain in the
hospital for sometime. They for­
merly resided in Garfield but mo­
ved to the George district.
The prolonged drouth has cau­
sed a number of wells to go dry
in Garfield and surrounding com­
Norma Lee, Marsha and Char­
lotte are visiting with Norma’s
parents, the Paul Christiansens at
They went Sunday
and plan to come home Thursday.
The Lee men are batching.
Edward Lee, and Paul and Mit-
chci Randall visited Buzz Randall
in the Good Samaritan hospital in
Corvallis Sunday. Buzz suffer­
ed a severe throat infection cau­
sed by bad tonsils several weeks
ago has been in the hospital re­
covering. At last report he was
showing good progress but will
be unable to work with his foot­
ball team for sometime.
Mrs. Lola Reimers had dinner
on Sunday at the Floyd Beebes
and the evening meal at the Ray
added that no more vital busi­
ness exists than air defense ex­
cept possibly the Strategic Air
Bruce Vanderhoof acted as the
Master of Ceremonies and Geri
Lindsey was one of the honored
guests. Both are Portland TV
celebrities. Mrs. Effie Bittner of
the West Linn Sunset Post wa9
awarded a certificate honoring
her lor 15,000 hours of plane
Mrs. Bittner was
completely surprised and “found
herself completely speechless for
the first time in her life.”
Tom Stroeder returned from
Portland Friday evening accom­
panied by Dick Milburn, who in
turn spent the week end witn
Tom. Mr. and Mrs. John Mil-
burn. David, Diane, Patty Mil-
gurn and Aerial
Lynn Wilson
drove the boys out.
Mrs. Verna Slanc and family
went to the beach last week ac­
companied by Mrs. Slane’s sister
Mrs. Wenona Reid and Cindy,
Glenda, Ann and Sharon of Cou-
er d Alene, Idaho.
The Max, Jack, Calvin. Barrie
Kishpaugh families
and Mrs.
Mary Kishpaugh and Sharon ail
attended the Kishpaugh family
picnic at Wagon Wheel park
near Mob.lla Sunday afternoon.
Leaon Reynolds gave the crowd
soma anxious moments when he
came close to drowning after
stepping in water over his head.
Quick action on the part of his
uncle Jack Kishpaugh got him
out of the water in ■> «hort time
and he was found to be alright.
Scott and Kevin Justice drove
to Timberline Lodge Sunday af­
ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Miettenun. The hoys had a love­
ly time looking through the tel­
escopes and stopping along the
road home to pick huckleberries.
Bill Simmons and T^m Stroed­
er left Monday for a trip to Seat­
tle. Tom is to help Mr. Sim­
ons with the loading and un-
of has t :*i rk.
are estimated to produce about
two billion board feet annually
with value
at approximately
Small forest owners are still $250 million.
an imyortant part of Oregon's
tirnbe industry, operating 50 per­
cent of the state's private com­ LOCAL WOMEN WIN
mercial forest acreage, an Ore­ RIBBONS AT DAHLIA SHOW
gon State hoUcgc forester
Mrs. Lester Underwood and
While small forest
holdings Mrs. C. E Wcstcrberg, two of our
hard working Garden
are gradually being bought up town’s
by large operators, there are Club members, won three ribbons
slid! about 35,000 so- called each last week at the Annual
small owners in Oregon, says Portland Dahlia Society show,
Charles Ross, OSC farm forestry held in the Sunken Ballroom of
the Masonic Temple. Their ex­
Small forest land ownerships- hibits were entered in the Novice
holdings of less than 5,000 acres, section of the Horticulture and
totaled 4. 923,000 acres in 1952, Arrangement section. They each
latest actual count reported lay raise lots of flowers to give to
t’ e U. S. forest service. All pri­ the sick and shutins and for dec­
vate commercial forest lands in orating their churches.
( rt gon total 9,768,000 acres.
Nearly one million acres
of ]
i nail holdings fall in the 10 to
! .9 acre hlass, mostly in western
Oregon. More than 21,000 west-
< i n Oregon owners in this class
i Derate a total of 835,000 acres.
Clackamas county leads the
: ate in numpers of owners lit
the 10 to 99 acre class with 2,500
i waters having
115.000 acres.
Lane county has 2 406 owners
■ ith 50,000 acres and Jackson
county’s 2.006 small owners total
88.600 no». Douglas county is
aUo credited with 88,000 acres
in this class with 1.105 owners.
c i so cocciJ
A further breakdown of small
fores! contributions to the state
are made made for ownerships
up to 2000 acres in western Or­
egon and up to 5,000 acres m
eastern Oregon.
These forests
THESE WOMEN J __________ B y d’Alessio |
By Anne Justte°
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Ott, Mr.
."ltd Mrs. Paul Justice, Scott and
Kevin attended the Ground Ob­
server Corps picnic hold at Jant-
•zen Beach Saturday.
Y . anger A. Pit!«? of the Portland
Air Base was principal speaker
of the day. Col. Pitts spoke of
the air defense of th ■ Portland
sector. He said the radar net of
¡he service can’t take the place of
our eyes but that in certain art- JOHN LEE AWARDED
: s th eGround Observer is more SCHOLARSHIP AT OSC
Without GQC our
Ore n flta.ta College— John
fighters might as well
stay Le?,
"cada, has bet . awarded
kod on the ramp. GOC is es­ a $13? partial-tuition
pecially important because no- : ' ip for 1958-9 at Oregon State1
ihir. : yet has been found to take college.
the place of eyes and ears of a
The study grant is one of a
Ground Observer.
Col. Pitts group sponsored each year
spoke of the new Sage operation the state system of higher edu­
now being installed near Corval- cation i r a limited number of
l:s and said that the project is outstanding students enrolled in
ring given chief priority right college ..nd for some promising
s’.mg with Washington, D. C. high school graduates who will
and New York City showing the be entering college.
real importance the
L?e, son of Mrs. Jackie L'-e,
hief's place on
Pacific Es.acada Route two, is a senior
He further stated at OSC. He is majoring in busi­
**Gosh, I guess you’re ri 'M. Br c.. Before I asked fo r a
that the present threat is very ness administration.
raise, f shou!r* f
of these
ise of
engines and a solid, mid-snug Safety*
low-price■d as
'r e like
one b e f o r e y o u’ve
Chevies shown here— ¡ .¡ u s . ix c v n
lower priced 6’s— cost less than any
comparable models in the leading
low-pri a.I th re e . it o v e r with
your Chevrolet dealer.
T I . e r e ’.'
t t
ne vv-ca
o, y o u
OHr. / C O S T i * l : s s
! í j A L. L. i r« c . »_> L
The Sandy Grange will again
h ! . lei d f or on September «
ti. a l.aon until ¡1 PM. at their
h a 1! .t K l-i).
Everyone, Grangers or
Grangers, are invited to enter
exhibits. Schools and clubs are
also invited.
The Sandy Grange hopes the
fair this year will he even better
than their first fair last year.To
make it so judges who are ex­
perts in their various fields have
bran invited to judge the ex­
Mr. Anton Malar is general
chairman with
the following
persons in charge of the differ­
ent exhibits.
1— Canned goods—Mrs. Victor
Bodely; 2—Vegetables, Mr. Vic­
Bnd'ey: Flowers, Mr« Wnn-
d 1 as- ja r.4—Baking, Mrs. An­
ti i ' i
r: 8
s c !if s o 1 J
e\< ?n c i :n idei
t l tii". CO st.
bee; a u s e C It
, ! r t i . the
o n ly h e JTVSt-t '-yondi i '. css new c • r in
its itele 1 - new to it>ok at, wi ih a
be. au till tl new body by Fisher; new
to ride i • 1, wii h two completely new
s u - pension sy stems; new to drive,
with a v i d e r - •tlian-e v e r sclecti- an of
T h a t *s
' i:ey Goods,M rs
G irdet f-
le. Yet all the V8-p .vn c l
A m e r i c a ’s b e st b u y —
W-. r -.i||rT
H f
A m e r ic a ’s b e st s e lle r !
Clarence George, 6—Fruits, Mr.
and Mrs. Adolph Amsted;
eramics, Mrs. John Ludi;Grange
Booth—Mrs. J >h i Ludi.
Anyone wishing information
may call on Mr. Malar or anyone
of the above named persons for
help in selection or preparation
of exhibits.
AP exhibits shou’d
plan* by 10.JJ Sept. 6th.
Mr« John Ludi has charge of
the lunch which will be served
at m on and again in the even­
‘Come one. Com? a’l. Come to
the Fair”
Bisca yne 4-Door S e d a n
This publicity made possible by the following
Boosters for the SANDY GRANGE FAIR:
‘//right's Supermarket Groked Jewelry
Cannon's Hardware
Mills Bros. McCulloch
(Charles & Dell Ellis)
Dew Drop Inn
Gantenbein's Kelso Store
Sandy Auto Parts
Holt's Shopping Center
Sandy Oil Co.
Wimpy's Super Market
Brookw oo i 6 P a sse n ge r Station W a g o n
Every window of every Chevrolet is *Safety pipfe Glass.
B rookw oo d 9 P a sse n ge r Station W a g o n
See the Chevy Show, Sunday night on NBC-TV end the weekly Chevy Showroom on ABC-TV.
See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer
M;ller Chevrolet Service