'** e L ^ " Ä ^ ^ a ^ Ä YOU* SOCIAL SECURITY By James Piazza Q: My husbaiul is blind and be­ cause of this signs his checks by mark. Since this signature by mark must be witnessed by two persons, it makes cashing hts checks exceedingly difficult. Is there any way we can avoid this problem? 8EW8 Oswego Waler Carnr/ulQueenCavorls A: No there isn’t. So long as he is capable of directing the use of his own funds, we will pay him on his own behalf. Ad­ mittedly this makes for an awk­ ward situation, but we have no authority to pay anyone on his behalf unless he is not capable 01 handling his own funds. Q: How can I get a record of my wages under Social Security? [ S A R D OF H E A R I N G An important announcem ent for those who need he ring help - - - Mr. KEN BENTON an expert w ill be at - - Estacada Jones Law O ffice B ld j. H e will be available for FREE C onsultation and ed vice about your hear- SHARON SPENCER will ¡ng problems. share the spoihght with I)iane NEW STYLEAR Be r . re to c o m e in or call CR 9-3767 during clinic hours for hem e appointm ent. This new aid to hearing is not for the really deaf, but fo ith o se w h o have a little trouble. It is worn e iilh e ly in the ear, not a gadget, but a real hearing- aid, com plete with volum e control. BUDGET TERMS «"V'to F j l n r -1 ... c i » 1 * ï 4 ' S nephew's wedding. On Sunday .she helped celebrate Uic 60th wedding anniversary of some second cousins. Last Monday Mrs Dunstan welcomed tier step-fa­ ther and her mother, Mr. and .Mrs. F. N. Haney from Forest 2 ROLL PMC Grove for a weeks visit CH IFFO N Mr. and Mrs Marv.n Dunstan last Sunday attended an annual picnic at Blue Lake Park for em­ ployees and families of the New­ berry Co. l Lb. FREEZER JAR, Re?. 55c Guests of Florence Cloningcr for five days last week were Mrs Robert Coojc and Mary Columbe from Longview, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Frank White on FR1SKIES, 1 Lb. Reg. 3 for 50c Wednesday of last week entei-1 tained the Jim Kennedy family for dinner. Guests on the follow­ ing evening were the White's daughter, Mrs. Ronald Shellhart, and her children from Eugene, M O TH ER’S, 2 lb. 10 oz. box, Reg. 55c and Mrs Leo Artman of Portland A picnic party last Sunday at Eagle Fern Park included the Durwood Douglas family, Nola Ciester and Hazel Beers. Houscguests of the Lonnie Smiths for a few days last week were Mr. and Mrs. Chet Westcr- hng and their two children from Kingsburg, Calif. FISH ER ’S PA STE U R IZ ED Mrs. Lyle Bryan and her son David went to Los Angeles early this week to see her elderly fath­ er who is quite ill. The Bill Fletcher famiy of Ea­ PU R IN A . 2% lb. Box, Reg. 39c gle Creek welcomed the birth of a new baby boy, I^avern Allen, last Sunday, Aug. 24 at Emman­ uel Hospital. This is the fifth child ,n the family. He weighed C. & H., Reg. 16c Enrh 7 lbs. 3 oz. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Marion Fletcher of Estacada and Mrs. Edna Sewell of Yakima, Wash. A great grandmother, Mrs. Dollie Louise Fletcher also lives in Estacada it:rday August 2C-29-30 MA..SAd!bt IJ. S. D., "Goad" ROUND STEAK 1b- 1 9 c Bologna LUNCH MEAT lb. 4 9 c DOG FOOD, SEEDLESS GRAPES lb. 1 0 c Large Crisp LETTUCE ea. 1 0 c CARROT* 1 lb Cello Pak ea 1 0 c CeiRY, Lge. Bunch ea 1 0 c STAIN & Redwood Stain The nation’s n u m b e r o n e fin ish for R e d w o o d a n d C e d a r F o rm u la te d from perfect lin ­ se e d o ils a n d color p ig m e n t s to p e netra te d e e p ly A llo w s w o o d s to “ b re a th e ’' n a tu ra lly s o O ly m p ic -sta in e d s u rf a c e s never peel, blister or c ra c k Y e t— O ly m p ic S ta in is a ctu a lly le sr> e x p e n siv e to u se th a n paint cr inferior sta in s. A v a ila b le in 2G s t u n n in g w estern c o lo rs • ' - - Olympic „! CALIFORNIA MUST’* I ■ C fc , ■%*: < '■ RBOWOUD oiypic * niii**1* I Companion product to the fa m o u s O ly m p ic S t a in is O ly m p ic R e d w o o d Stain. D e s ig n e d a n d form ula ted e x c lu siv e ly for s m o o th a n d ro u g h f in is h R e d w o o d T h is Re d w o o d S t a in e m p h a s iz e s the b e a u ty of th e g ra in of the w ood A g a in — no cra ck in g , p eeling or b liste rin g p ro b le m w h e n O lym p ic R e d w o o d S ta in is u se d OLYMPIC STAII.FG TilDLUCTS CO. 1 it.'.tie Z. WjshinftBi 49c Special 4 f ° r 5 9 c OATS with china Special p i t o i H r i VALBCRG LUMBER YARDS INC. 2 for 49c Hcody's PEANUT BUTTER 1b. 8 5 c LOCKERS g> i lb. pkgs. 1-ÖÖ TOILET TISSUE attuiti eins CUT TOR Harolc Middleton SA T U R D A Y , A U G . 30 from 11 a.m . to 4 p.m. S CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS /AZAT A cousticon hearing-aid ACOUSTICON'S EXCLUSIVE Eagle Creek CHEESE 2 far 55c 2 lbs. 4 9 c DOG CHOW Special 2 for 3 9 c Powdered Sugar 2 lbs 25c TAYLOR’S HI-WAY MARKET N. Estacada City Limits & Hiway 211,-CR 9-3253 The Earl Wilson family travell­ ed to Seattle Sunday where they visited Mrs. Wilson's aunt. Fred Gaylord returned from the hospital Friday following his mo­ tor accident. Ora Gaylord spent a week vis­ iting his sister in Lauder. Wvn. T E ST IN G HIS SFA LEGS Paul Amir«, all lime favorice ice »tar, demonstrate» the fun and comedy for family enjoyment during the eight-night »bowing of HOLIDAY ON It F OF beginning Wednesday, August 27. through Labor Day and September 3, at Portland Multnomah Stadium._________________