Cataratta s Clackamas Count? Jîetos In Its Fifty-fourth Y ear of Publication Volume No. 1 Number 15 Local U. S. Air Force Member Writes of World Fair at Brussels' Belgium Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Aug. 29, 1958 10c Per Copy $3.,00 Per Year Kiwanis Members at North Fork Dam Company D' Wins Estacada City Council Sees Solution to Twining f0 ^ ree'r Proitem thru John Geil Ideas The Street Committee of our The second step is the actual waiting for your turn along with Company D,’413th Infantry one exhibit to another, the foot- Regiment USA reserve, of Esta­ Estacada City our.cil has been oil-topping process. The comm- sore and weary traveer may for a cada and Sandy, returned recent r>>r ng on a progressive and on term is road mix and means few Francs, enjoy the notable ex- ly to their home Reserve Center tcouomial program. This is to just that. A crushed rock aggre­ cursion by one of the many mot- a! Estacada after two weeks of be accomplished by city employ­ gate is spread on the roadbed, given a coat of oil and mixed orscooters equipped with two pas- J F extensive field training at Yaki­ ees during slack periods. John Geil, chairman of the by grading into windrows back senger carriers in front, allowing i ma Firing Center, Washington, the visitor to enjoy the sights o t 1 T bring with them the praise of city street committee has had and forth. When properly mir­ the streets and sidewalks and to 1 . their division commander, regí- occasion to observe the paving ed,it is then spread on the road travel to the site of his choice. mental commander and the Sixth I rocess used by the Forest Ser evenly and rolled to complete One of the first sights the tra­ Army Inspector Team as out Road which is being found t) the surface. veler will be interested in is the By this method, Mr Geil says standiny in the conduct of their be successful. This same method can be employed on our streets. through propi r budgeting of our American Exhibit, which is un­ training. The first step in good road street funds and decreased cost doubtedly one of the best and the Organized at Estacada as a most interesting, even to the company in February, 1947, this building is foundation or base. of maintenance, we should be many camera carrying Americans. was their first annual active du­ Our present streets in the maj- able to bring our streets up to WORLD’S EXPOSITION The first view of the American ty field training as a unit and as rity are rock-based with som standard within a few years. B) V tC Robert L. Shook Exhibit is an most impressive one part of their regiment and they som - oil-topping. This is a good Since the 17th of April 1958, as the colorful The first street slated for the swaying move­ »eine not onlv held their v a with the starter for a good bus in Brussels, Belgium, an event ments of the water fountains be­ alero;! an pacto This new treatment will be Shafford ¡et vetci «it and has been takink place from early ing sprayed from the water’s sur­ ¡ repeated until firm lu r­ landowners have impr- others to idards morning unitl lute a: night, an face of a circular ponds, being >adocd s formed ready •r it- ent long overduc which each. event that a lot ot per.pie have blended into the circular design ised. ti llmm mortar been re ding about, a few have ot the plastic building. Once in­ •Itine gun pla- been seeing and a lot more have side the building, through an am­ I WEEK praise of mi: been wondering about it. The ple amount of g'ass doors, the vis­ mi sMtTII- even, that is 1 1 . toast of Europe itor is overwhelmed with the view for the year ID? 3, is no lo's than cf another huge pond, which occu­ the World’s Fai ■. In a sorl:.: ot pies most of tiic lower floor. The articles you are . bout to have an bilai ot inning by innlnj account of the placed on a balcony running com donai event that will I o talked about pletely around the first and sec­ your for the next five years. ond floors. For tile most part o.' On a certain day in July of this the lower floor, the visitor will artland year, 8.061 Americans boarded f:nd booths showing moving pic­ ts in tents rising ev- six of the world's finest ocean li­ tures of things that most Ameri­ Clack- momj at five a m. an i liurch Jesus Christ of ners to embark upon an adven­ cans won’t give a second thought mas cd'ng day perfecting the La ■ r.l) I V s. ints. „ . e ture of Europe and no doubt too, such as the ‘street corner’ or wit h Jol 00 3 motarmen and ma­ the week and many of them will visit this gi­ ‘service station’ or ‘super market’ Park rs under tempera- present or t! farewell were all l’GE’s -6 :.,cre Promontor gantic exposition. ;hori 2 O or just ‘street scenes’ or maybe ng one hundred de­ of the seven Smith children and dcvelopmei Many articles in some of the window displays’ or maybe just C p èìì I grecs.By the last week tho high 23 of t .he 24 grandcildren incluci North Fork reservoir. world’s leading papers and mag­ ‘farming.’ To the American visit­ Lord Brn. Chmn. Norma Lee, Ba- will be worked out the first ers Company of the regiment in ona, were also present. Mr. and be seen from several miles away ing cards found. d Goods- Peggy Anders, Cann- r eck. xTi.»- busses will pick up a h rrifought contest played on a Mrs. Krrmit Smith and daughter from the Exposition and is much 1 Goods- H. Hersherger, Floral- students along the routes be diamond of crushed rock to re­ of Los Angeles where Kermit is a All day lone there is featured a like a beacon nn the beach for fashion show featuring ‘readv L. Gord in, Hobbies- Belle Duus, tween 7:45 and 3:15 and will re­ turn home champions of the reg­ doctorate student in the Spanish Following is a list of the department of U. C. L. A.; Mr. the traveler that is lost in the made’ clothes found in almost ev­ Fruit- Gena Ballou, Vegetables- turn the children after 1:15 tho iment. many picturesque streets of ery store in the United States to­ Cma Ballou, Textiles- Norma Lee, first day. The grade school cai- To work mith out a good meal end Mrs. Harold Smith of Ana­ teachers in the Estacada Grade Brussels. The atomium is con­ day. The models walk down an el­ Arts and Crafts- Alice Chrysler, cteria will star: serving hot lun­ or three squares makes life pret­ heim, California and their daugh­ School for the coming school Hal teaches schaal there. term as supplied by Superinten- structed like you use to study evated stairway to a platform a Antique of ty miserable, but not in Comp­ ters. Dsiplay and Photos- ches Tuesday, the first day this unit Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Somerville of ^ ^or *he ability and agility of (enjoyed by the group during the Fifth grade- Wilma Cellars,Ruth free birds. For a moderate sum you stcp ou!side onto th„ bi,Icon, and pot luck at night for anyone Second Grade—Same as Aycock. Patricia Anderson oek and many friends and asso of money, the visiting American (,n the second floor fhc hi„,r s, interested. There will be no grade plus a pair of small sharp !hc officers to teach these youn of team c ates joined in to make the fam­ Sixth grade -Laura Larson, Ny- 1 box No. 16 men the right ways or European can ascend to the drawing attraction a « modern m s i « , ' ’»rge. An auction of donated poinied scissors: la Hofner, LeRoy Kiggins work. The next step to be ily reunion and missionary fare­ crayolas. top of te highest sphere to view theatre, is situated, drawing huge goods will he held after dinner. Seventh grade- Juanita Slone, all of the Exposition and a good crowds long before the next seneu- Members of other Granges arc Third Grade— Same as second better at the next summer camp well a happy event. Gordon Bigler, Wayne French. deal of the city of Brussels. The uled movie. Another drawing at­ invited to exhibit; also the Garden I graders plus 1 pair of tennis or training. Eighth grade-—Lyla Beckgrcn, j gym shoes; 50c for “My Weekly five story walk downstairs is an traction is the modren ‘quick stop’ lub and anyone interested. Florence Lamb as been under John Callaghan, Herbert Will­ I Reader.” adventure well worth the money restaurant and soda fountain. the doctor’s care the past week iams I Fourth Grade—50c for “My and trouble standing in line and with a throat infection. She was Special Teachers Vclene Ball - Weekly Reader,” tennis shoes, many different kinds of people All in all, the United States has some better Tuesday. Head Primary teacher ! ruler, eraser, 2 pencils, pencil frr ' vny lands and walks of ar. exhibit thagt does not brag and i Ethel Fortner- Special education J tablet, spelling tablet, crayolas, 1 boast about the nation, but gener- Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Carter and | Joe Barr—Band and crafts [ pair sweat sox visitnr walks around the aily shows what the ordinary citi- children and Mr. and Mrs. O. Opal Shelton— Music | Fifth Grade—2 pencils, 1 spiral ■s of the Exposition to zen can and does possess. The Sandy Grange will again Walters are at Long Beach clam- John McRae— Principal George Nisbet, one of the Es- n.ote book and paper, 1 box Cray. hold a local fair on September 6 DEETZ GETS MORE TTTAN 1 tacada region’s last old time i’1??’ .1 .baI1 po!n‘ pf n.’ 1 spcllin'’ 1 pair from noon until 8 P.M. at their ENOUGH SIGNATURES hand miners and prospectors, £ “ **■ 1 tab'ct hall at Kelso. Despite pessimistic reports died peacefully in his cabin on i “Newstime ” ^ryonc, Grangers or non- that Elmer Deetz, Canby’s can- the Clackamas River above Oak [ft Sixht Grade—2 p rs, are invited to ente ¿¡date for the state senate was Grove August 11 at the age of Schools and ciu1. r- er::\ or short of signatures on his nomtn- 79. .' •.! “Cl. ’tor Kay of Borinp Route 3 failerl to scissors, eraser, 50c the sting petitions, he has cornel Mr. Nisbet, Scottish born and ruler, nnge hopes tt ror m i ¡roadway T • •rough with flying colors, educated, as a youth accompan- ‘ Keyboard Jr.’’l box waterc d ers, ball point pen. e even bettc Mrs v hick will assure him of his ied his mechanical engineer fa- 1 ! Seventh »nr priz OI 530.00, s rain ,reac T>- Grade—Same as sixth than ■' * ■mo on the ballot as candidate; ther, who was representing a T S W( i error Is i ik’s h a whole mak-' ¡‘ as an inde- GlIaskow e n g te c o ^ T fim in the < « > “Çurre»* Events • the state sen , "ate 4\ 0 t ___ .i.i:_______ *•' nin u to raae the —o'JC lor “Read perts in their v an omr pendent from Clackamas county, delivery of t__ locomotives ob? ant n n should Magazine” 2 pencils, protractor, n invited to Me. Deetz says “I am grateful diamond mines in South Africa, Our adì irr nnv ruler, notebook and paper, com­ Mbits. for the fine support shown me Caught up in the fever of the crayons, water colors for Mr ir Malar is .00 s diamond pass, vtcr the challenge of obtainir mining ’rush’ in the girls only. inn i the foi ; rather than the and gold fields young Nisbet file i All fifth graders through the > in eh, irge of the differ - 1 ly thought I stayed to make mining and pros­ eighth grade should .v ith have the ent ■ Mbits. have pecting his career. following for physical education: 1— Canned goods—Mrs. Victor | an an llv r. estions. Re He participated in many of ‘As Inrtg as the people support Girls—t pair tennis shoes; gym Bodely; 2—Vegetables, Mr. Vic-1 for U ,ne,I will work vigorously for all the early day rushes in Canada si rts, blouse, towel, with the ii 50c for tor BodTey; Flowers, Mrs. Wan­ ’rror. An he people to make this state a and the western United States All Items should be mark- da Haangaa;4—Baking, Mrs. An­ otbr i do ot qualify better place to live. I live to let working in almost every ma;o*• student’s name. MRS KFOE“ ER MEMBER ton Malar; 5—Fancy Goods,Mrs. R o f I eont ' 7t ■ >]t live better and mining camp. —1 iir tennis shoes,gym Clarence George; 6—Fruits, Mr. REGT ;rRY DOr TOR’S NURSE5 prosper.’’ ! He came in*. the Clack,.- Continu» :-ts, 2 pair sweat and Mrs. Adolph Amsted; ner, your 7— | and He wishes his supporters to River basin in 1923 ath -' ' supporter, towel.All eramies, Mrs. John Ludi;Grange a “Find ( u. •silver min? up contest. A dr that mere words cannot worked his o t Kroeke t, aesda, having fut- ¡terns sho t I v marked with stu- j Booth—Mrs. J >hn Ludi o f n n V n o r le v » ^ u l ver during the dent’s name. • his appreciation to the the Clackarr - filled the requi roments. has been Anyone w»shlng information . - , . . . . j r> *,r)th, has been placed in Olt my poeple and friends who years, chosen a rr-m’ f of the Arr.eri- may call on Mr. Maiar or anyone kkniCP W ill b e in both VOUF paper or shopper This of a tired Mr. Nisoet ’ can Registre o f Doctor's Nurses ive so graciously of their time the book in.-», Rev. m Milton named ' persons a i t random. You have m u i i n Nelson, c i y t o , visited t i s i k - u a at i the i n c , . the . above , ------------. for, | paper i " i ' ■ is beinr? mailed m m in i h rlin n O m T f i ' l i will n h o s - A to and is entitled to all the rights nd support, thus making it pos- heart while c » r . i­ sible for him to get the required “Henry Gn ross ard his Dowsing Methodist parsonage on Saturday ,[',p ectlon or PreParatt°n n h o c li n il t h e qrlq porofnM ir tin 1 ,, , . pertaining thereto. vhftth he was preparing and Sunday Mrs Nelson live, in of m J l ! Wk C a ir f u llv t o f in d t h e “ p l a n t e d ” >unt of signatures to place Rod” on wh; Mrs Kroeker is employed by Seattle and is attending the um- Ail exhibits should be in m is t a k e . W h e n y o u f in d w h a t y o u t h in k is t h e r ic h t Ids name on the ballot for the a rebuttal Dr Allvn X. Price. Purpose of the American Reg­ No\ ember election. In keeping ¡vith his requests vemity of Washington and Is part Pl^ . . U id T lL Charge of m ,5 t;,k p ’ t a k o -VOUT p a p e r t o t h e f ir m in w h o s e a d it ! his remains were cremated fol- time secretary at the Green Lake istry of Doctor’s Nurses is to the lunch which will be served! find you may take advantaire of the error --------------------------- lowing a simple service which Methodist Church. bring to the woman who has at noon and again In the even- HI price i f to your advantage. You will also receive * was held at Peake Memorial Cha- made a career of nursing for a The Everett Osbornes made a pel in Milwaukie August 23 at 10 Mr. and Mrs. Jiggs Pedersen doctor, an association which is "’Come one, Come all. Come te ^ P nX e interested in advancing the stat 700 mile trip on Tuesday, Wed- A M. It was urged that no flo- and Mr. and Mrs. Earl McConnell I he mistake must he reported bv 5 p.m. of the tivities and enjoy t^e benefits of nesday and Thursday of last wers be sent. For those wishing, attended the McConnell family the Fair” the Registry week. They drove to Port Angei- an opportunity was provided to reunion at the home of Mrs. Beh­ -------------- k Saturday following the date of this paper If the Mrs Kroeker was presented es. Hoods Canal, Long Beach, donate to a memorial book fund rens in Portand on Sunday. All amiiv Baby Caro,c’ the Pr,zp t,s not claimed, it will he added to the next family with a certificate and an official Wash, and crossed the ferry at in Mr. Nisbet’s name for the li- of the Earl McConnell Altogether I there I oM,d nt Mr and Mrs Sa*" Haines I week s prize. A duplicate paper showing the “mist pin which distinguishes her as a Astoria and went to Seaside for a brary of the Oregon State De- was present. were 48 who attended. qualified individual. short stay. I partment of Geology. ! has been ill for several days. | 'ike Will he posted in the News office window ' The following interesting art- icle about the World's Expos- tion at Brussels was written by Rob.ert L. Shook, formerly of Estacada, who is now an Airman Second class in the United Stater, Air Force, stationed in Europe. Mr. Shook presents this description of the World’s Fair in Brussels in order that his friends and neighbors in the Es- tacda area may know just what is happening in this event that so many and so few people will get a chance to sec Fsfac Grad-“ 1 S cïîôc 'îfï Liste:-!! Com? !«fe Gld Time Miner Called by Death Logr'na Shut fawn Sandy Grange Invites You to Fair - * You! It Pays to Read Our Ads - They ¡$30 00 Message for Or $30