P age M CLASSIFIED AD COST 1 time 75c, 2 times $1.25 and 3 times $1.50. You are allowed five lines. Each additional line 10c for first publication. Classified Display Ads $1.00 per column inch ¡Real Estate i l l s WANTED: Kmd dependable woman or girl by Aug. No a „ „ , 13. 9 K « hmoker. General housework; no heavy laundry—live in. $60 permonth, room and board. Phone MU 7-3643. Mrs. A. H Horneeker, P. O. Box 398, Sandy. AC PA « T 1ST. PERSON-TO-PERSON WANT. FOR QU/CK R ES U LT / W .A S & P A Y M E K t S *3 w it h ^ n S % n o se A bout 800 lb s . SEE US FOR 2 1 - 2 ..- m iles from Estacada H. S. on | Myers Jet ¿c Submersible George road. Floyd Beebe, Pumps Phone CR 9-3348. Wade Rain Irrigation HOME SEWING, alteration, Peerlesss i urbine Pumps dressmaking, repair of cloth­ ing. Machine buttonholes 10c Gooulds Centrifugal FOR SALE • Shoe Store and each. Can pickup and deliv­ Repair Shop or repair shop er Mrs. T. M. Woods, Phone I Pumps alone. Call at Estacada Shoe CR 9-6888. A8p Repair Shop FOR SALE: Business includ­ ing shop ard income property. Ideal for office space for other REAL ESTATE VALUES users. Call CR 9-3968 or Really nice four bedroom w rite PO B ox 604, Estacada. home, double garage, .drilled FOR SALE or TRADE: G ai- w ell; with lots of w a t e r ,_old barn, chicken house, _o>-chard. den Tractor 1 1 - 2 horse engine. Located 5 m iles east of town on Could use chain saw- L.W. Fort­ good road, and includes 19 ac­ ner, Estacada rt. 1, box 54. CR res, mostly cleared- W ill trade 9-6183 equity fo r property in Portland FOR SALE: 57 Triumph Tiger area. Price $14,500. Need Listings on All Kisds of Cub, less than 1000 m iles. A1 reasonable. CR 9-6945 Property. Eight acres, one and one-half SPECIAL: Reg. $19 Westing- miles out towards . Garfield , , oa house Port. M ixer $10.88,w hile oiled ... road , . Unimproved land they !ast B I C Y C L E S , new with about a half acre cleared and used; klso general re irs ^ o < Jreek.u°n« n a^ Ime- JPnCC to all makes of bicycles. $1850, with $50 down and -30 Gilmore Bike, 414 S. E Main, per month. j Estacada, Oregon Really nice three bedroom home and double garage on large tract i TO EXCHANGE: I have a north of town. Sign on property, two ton Ford truck, also a Reasonably priced. winch truck. W ill exchange LISTINGS WANTED |their work for y our tractor HOWARD SMITH REALTY ' i f or] ^ .£ n,ytln}e after this ad Phone CR 9-3773 Fred Wickershan, Estacada Rt. 1, box 143 tf. Estacada, Oregon 7 THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS istacada, Oregon, Friday, Aug. 22, 1958 BUSI NESS OPPORTUNITY Local area Man or Lady wanted to service and collect from 1 coin operated dispensing equip- ; rnent. 4 to 9 hours w eekly | earns operator up to $200 monthly. No age lim it or selling but must have car, references, and $806 working capital.For .. interview give personal partic­ ulars, phone number. Write Box 4872, Dallas 6, Texas. WANTED:Dozing and Grading. Phone R.L. Cromer, Estacada CR 9-6487. A22c - - ' B R O A D E S T AUTO C O V E R A G E IK O - n HISTORY KSSSEL IM PLEM ENT CO. TO TRADE; 3 large A ustral­ ian White Rabbits for some sm aller breed. Dr. Price, Phone CR 9-3211. A le X L.Í-É. J L.R BUD" RIVERS Gresham, Oregon // Phone MO 5-3101 Your John Deere Res. Phone CR 9-6510 “Caterpillar” Deale .. Off. Phone CR 9-6527 WHE RE TO FIND AND BUT IT IN GRESHAM A Business and Professional Guide to friendly trade when doing your out-of-town shopping . GRESHAM concerns who merit a share of your GIVE THEM A TRIAL! WANTED; Ride w ith some­ GRESHAM one to Clackamas every day ELECTRIC except Sunday. Gary Carlile, r ~ box 174, Estacada. J25c ___________________________ General Electric ESPECIALLY GOOD BUYS AUTO • TRUCK • FIRI ■ UFI • lU S IN U ll Homelite Chain Saw, Model 26, your insuranto moods LCSA, good cond. $120.00 Electrical Contracting Chinook 14 ft. boat & trailer! 295.00 Appliance - Television Local Claim Service LOCALLY OWNED HAY BALING WANTED. 51 Dodge Pickup, clean $495.00 FOR SALE: W ell built old 218 N. Main MO 5-5103 F. C. (DICK) WENS Mack Rump Truck $795.00 W ire tie.C all Herbert Moore, Light Fixtures house in Estacada. 9 rooms. Nationally Organized FINE FOOD | 52 Dodge 2 ton Truck, good ¿112 E. Powell tf. Montag furnace and 80 gal. UR 9-6296 1150 East Powell $850.00 and COCKTAILS electric hot w ater heater 3 Off. Phones Res. 112 N. Main MO 5-3380 Rs. MO 5-2917 FOR SALE. Dry^VVoodj_also ! 46 Chev. 2 ton Truck, A l cono. MO 5-2456 Open Every Day MO 5-5317 MO 5-4813 $350.00 Manure Buck Estacada HESSEL IMPLEMENT CO. C all owner BE 6-4065 PorUand Ray Gordon Phone 1 CR 9-3347 CARL’S FARM STORE Repair Parts Service before 2:15 PM Gresham TV & Radio GRESHAM, ORE. EMPIRE FURNITURE CO. Albers & Sco-Pal Feeds FOR SALE Cucumbers, sorv- A 8 FOR SALE: Excellent Esta­ ed to size desired. Call CR - I tv installation & service Presto-Logs - Chicks Complete Home Furnishers cada downtown business shop 9-3700. Pet Supplles-Inserticides-Bulbs FOR SALE. Sw eet Corn. t h o m e £ car radio service and income property. Ideal 12 We Give S. & H. Green Stamps vvnnlnc R l trorm 1 1 1 R oao I vv , Reynolds. Riverm ill Roaa, 1115 E. Powell MO 5-4014 for office space, restaurant or FOR SALE: Spanish Guitar, p hane CR n 6607 All W ork Guaranteed 1070 E. Powell Phone MO 5-2811 other uses- Call CR 9-3968 or , Instruction Book and one' lesson 1688 E. Pow ell MO 5-2803 Carl Burch. Owner______________ Residence Phone MO 5-4787 w rite P. O. Box 604, Estacada. i included $24. Tel. CR 9-3240 TO TRADE - W ill accept good GRESHAM GLASS CO. . , _ __„ , . , equity in real estate as dn. pay. Jerry James, Owner FOR SALE: Two bedroom FOE SALE: 39 Ford Pickup, I on go0fj commercial property DR. JOE M. ONCHI home on Clear Creek in Cedar- | Suburban tires, good motor, p refer abou/ 120 a rres cióse to Glass for Eevery Purpose hurst Park. Fireplace, knotty $125.00. Wm. Bogan, Phone Estacada on main road. Cali OPTOMETRIST Pine interior, half acre includes ! CR 9-6186. Insurance Replacements Estacada CR 9-3241 for info. Examinations - Fittings guest cabin and new 250 gallon | 507 E. Powell MO 5-3283 Contact Lenses FOR SALE: New pony saddle oil drum. $6500; $500 down SILAGE FOR SALE. 8 ac- 503 E. Powell MO 5-5415 rest on contract. Call Oregon f nd bridle; “__uscd^model^30 Phone*Crt !res °.f red clever for silage.CaU uuo BlocV T o f Hood Theatre Irolux vacuums Al. C ity 9352. Lease Option . evenings after 8. Eli S. M yers,1 9-6198. Acg. 29c KEN’S Rt. 3, box 291, Boring, Oregon. FOR RENT: Modern Trailer I Deep Creek road, phone Dam­ Also All Types of FOR BEAUTY WOOD FOR SALE House. Water and lights furnish­ Convenience Flowers by Malcoms Log ends $10 a cord; planer ascus 482. Electric Heat ed for $35 per month. Call CR 9- Open evenings by appointment Store No. 3 ends $6 a load; slab, stove 3708. Portland Deliveries LAWN MOWERS SHARP - size, $18 a load. Call P ark Lum­ Luther’s Shopping Center 501 E. Powell ELECTRIC RADIANT HEAT, Inc ENED. P auli’s Repair Shop,Es­ Flowers Telegraphed ber Co. CR 9-4144. tf. Sto re No. 1—5846 N. E. S a n d y AT 2-2242 Gresham tacada, Phono CR 9-3774 or 837 E. Powell M 05-2002 Sto re No. 2—719 S. E. Mw.-rlson BE 5-2191 221 E. Powell FOR SALE: ’49 Ford, good CR 9-3892. MO 5-7032 Sto re No. 3—501 E. Pow ell, O. esh am MO 5-7032______ MO 5-5212 Day or Nite ------- , work car, $100 cash or will FOR RENT; 3 room FOR SALE. Reasonable A ll­ house, trafp> it for TV. Henry Pace, GRESHAM SPORT SHOP BETSY JOY partly furnished- 1-4 mile north n W Clackamas Way," 3rd house is Chalmers Tractor, 2 plows and mower. C ali after 5 PM. MEALEY’S JEWELERS Fishing Tackle - Guns - Ammunition - Skiing and of Estacada in Portland hiyhway. on lcfti at E stacad A22p DRESS SHOP Phone R 9 6349. Aug. 22c Phone CR 9 6706. Mountain Climbing Equipment - Evinrude Motors Diamonds - Watches Moke your own burglar alarm 30 N. E. Second St. FOR SA LE: Good fescue | FOR RENT : F jm ish ed mod­ system for a house, garage or Wilson Athletic Equipment Silverware - China ■ Hay, green, not threshed, $15 ern house close in. Phone MU business, saving at least Phone MO 5-4597 Rentals Repair Service Hobby Equipment ?200 !per ton. Call CR 9-6165. E. R. 7-4427. tf. Complete in-tructions and dia Timm. Route one, box 70. 18c 18 N. Roberts MO 5-2715 227 N. Main Phone MO 5-2521 FOR RENT near Eagle C i«ek, | gram s for only $1.00 this w eek! Gentry’s Hardware Carlson Bros Mfg. Co. j WOOD FOK SALE: Log Pasture. 20 acres. Call Port- ADAMS & Appliances 303 Ridgewood Ave. So- Minn- ends $10 a cord,planer ends $6 GRESHAM DRAPERY SHOP land BE 5-5195- . __________________________ _ . eapolis 3, Minnesota a load, slab, stove size, $18 a SHOE STORE HotPoint Appliances FARM FOR RENT: Modern 3 load. Call Park Lumber Co. Custom Made Draperies Estimates 236 N. Roberts Shoes For The Entire bedroom house, about 20 acres 111 yo^ Phone CR 9-41,44 Complete Line o f Drapery Hardware in nnst.irn Garfield Garfield Chickens for your locker or oth I___________*_ in enlMvntinn cultivation, pasture, Phone MO 5-2210 Family Floor Coverings and Service dist. Will rent house alone. 3 er needs. C all Mrs. Pettit, CR SAW S AND LAWN MOW­ 130 N. Main MO 5-4012 9-6590. houses from church on left. ERS SHARPENED to perfec­ 37 E. Powell MO 5-7606 Res. MO 5-5201 CHARLES SCHANNEP CR 9-6135. Daisy L Riley.A 8 I FOR SALE: Good green Oat tion on precision grinding ma­ JEWELER chines. FOR RENT: Almost new mod-1” ay: noJ ! ail?' ,S19 E JF AMITON’S GRESHAM SUPERIOR SAW SHOP Expert Watch Repairing Timm. Rt. 1, box 70. Phone CR em two bedroom house to teach­ 1449 E. Powell Blvd- Keepsake Diamond Rings GRESHAM FURNITURE RADIATOR SHOP ers or couple. About 8 miles 9-6165. A16c Gresham, Oregon from Estacada near George. FOR SALE: Drive-In Service - Cars Youth bed com- “Less to Pay Out Gresham W ay” fi;*?°i>!.,,*,l!s,o9astr,d<>orl. _ Ekone plete $15.00; Studebaker Pickup WANTED: Rough lum ber or Trucks - Tractors Mitchell 4-7341 Beaverton. Canopy $10.00. Registered Bea­ timber. Call K ingsley Lumber 424 E. Powell MO 5-3313 3rd. and Main phone MO 5-5095 A29p gle Pups. Floyd Fitch, Call Co. , Portland AV 6-0671 or w rite Box 6215, Linnton Stat., CR 9-6981 evenings. A15c MULTNOMAH Portland. 1, 3-10-17-24c QUICK LOANS FOR SALE: Electric Range in THOMSEN BUILDNG SUPPLY excellent condition. Mahogony POWELL VALLEY UPHOLSTERY __ _ FOR SALE: AoC Automatic Everything for the Home FOR SALE: Geese and goss- Upright Piano. Call CR 9-6347 or FINANCE CO. lings. Mabel Ware, Phone CR- CR 9-6575, S. W. Burnëtt,Eagle Washing Machine. Good work Bilder. Use Your Credit! “The Best For Less” ing order. $50 00. Phone CR "Gresham’s Friendly Creek. August 22c 9-6951. n m a 9-6411. Finance Company” 19555 S.E. Division Free Estimates FOR SALE: Fescce S traw 20c JERRIENE’S 121 N. Main MO 5-3318 1725 E. Powell MO 5-3813 Phone MO: 5-3305 500 BEAN PICKERS NEED-1 ¡505 NE 2nd. MO 5-4196 a bale in field. L .W. Fortner, PIANO STUDIO Route one, box 54. Estacada ED Picking starts about Ju ly Phone CR 9-5196 • Up to 50* Fuel Savings 25. SCHEIDEN BROS. Reg­ Phone CR6-6183. $1.00 a Lesson. MASSSEY - HARRIS • Immediate Installation | MT. VIEW MANOR ister now at Mt. Hood Cleaners, | Week Days 4 P M. to 6 P.M LAWN MOWER Sharpen­ 2nd St., Gresham or call MO FERGUSON Saturdays 10 P. M. to 4 P. M. • Free Estimates ing; also flower baskets and 24 Hour Sept 5c hangers for sale. Quinn Beal, 5-7023 or MO 5-3904. Have Sales - Service - Parts All This Plus Better Heat fields in Gresham and Sandy FOR SALE: Boys bedroom set. | Estacada route one. First house Registered Nurse MO. 5-2775 tf- Bed, Chest of Drawers, Desk. north of Currinsville store, tf. area. LEWIS BROS. With Furnace Owned & Operated by 5 Mi. East of Gresham night stand.__ Call CR »3708. DAY CARE for CHILDREN WANTED: Cusom Baling, SLAUGHTER HOUSE on Mt. Hood Loop Hi way string ties, w ill exchange serv­ FOR SALE: Pan American Gold in large country home on eage Marie E. Jordan Section Line & Kane Rd. G. E. HEATING CO. Plated Comet and case; Girl’s Bi- of Estacada.Hour, day or week- ices for h ay or cash Call Mar­ FAUBION & SONS vin Bakke, Sandy. MU 7-2295 Phone CR -96250. cycle, 3 speeds,hand panel brakes. | ly rates. Registered Nurse MO. 5-2465 Complete Sales & Boring, Ore. Both in good condition. CR-9-3264 Pasture production has also Custom Killing - Service Rte. 2, Box 216B Aug. 29p FOR SALE Farm Wagon on 24 Hour Emergency ___________ _ dipped sharply during the hot 1075 East Powell Cutting & Wrapping LOGS WANTED— Delivered at weather. Scpplemental feed, es- rubber. $25. L- W. Fortner. Rt. Service MO 5-3593 Locker Meaf for Sale MO. 5-7611 pecially grain, is now necessary, I, box 54, Estacada. CR 9-6183 our pond. We Pay Top Market. Anderson states. He adds that a Ralston Lumber Co. IDEAL WELL DRILLING ’ Honest Highway 211 between Currins- good fly control program to ease For BRICK call DICK . Mary’s Make-It Shop INSURANCE irritation of cows might easily Work, F air Prices.” O.E. Jann- ville and Eagle Creek Inn. NURSING HOME Mary Kaatz sen, box 38, Clackamas,Oregon, boost a cow’s daily production by tf. Start Sept. 5. REAL ESTATE DICK NEWMAN INC. 24 Hr. Nursing Care Phone Oregon r'lty 6085 Dressmaking-Alterations LOANS An Oregon Licensed CLOSING OUT after 4 years.my "Quality Work at Brick of A ll Types Nursing Home Member J. ROSS BROWN nearly lacre crop of Glad Bulbs Reasonable Prices” in full bloom. 4 long rows of Plus Ambulatory and 55 E. Powell MO 5-3171 20 N.W. Second ! Dahlias and 1953 Ford tractor, Convalescent Care | only 563 hrs . 2 bottom Dearborn Patio Tile (15 Colors) NEW ADDRESS Special Diets i plow, double disc, blade, subsoil- BEE-LINE SAFTETY SERVICE 360 SUPER HIGHWAY [ car. roller, harrow. cultivator, Administrators Cesspools & — Cess Tanks Front End Aligning «6 ana an wui a i ---- — _ — ---------- - tT r , _ a j crop and all will put you in GLADSONE. OREGON « a *# ? ? ® The MALLARD I Loade': and kake- < 3 HEAT For Rent Miscellaneous * IS AM Id.EH P A N K E Y M OT O R CO. Phone OC 5344. 6362, or Portland OL 4-6650 E. Wandke and Victoria C. Wandke 1210 SE 202nd. Portland 1945 West Powell Loop highway IU.S. 26) I 1-2 m l 1 Phone MO: 5-2801 iPh. Gresham MO:5-2671 east of Sandy, Ore. gratifying business for SI60000 ^Buibs average lc each.) n . Lau- zon. Rt 2. box 49. sandy, o rc o n Used Bricks a Specialty! Wheel Balancing Frames, Axles, Wheels Straightened 1040 E. Powell Ph: MO. 5-3292