COMING! August 27 thru Labor Day > & W ed. ; Sept. 3 Portland’s Multnomah Stadium 8 :3 0 Nitely On World's Largest Portable Ice Rink I R ESERV ED SEA TS WmS* $ 3 .o o $ 2 .i o $ 2 .o o Tax Included :d f « S ? ■ v ( Good Seat* Availabla (/ O r ­ dered N owl Send d a le de­ sired and check or money order to- Holiday on Ice, J. K. G ill Co., S. W . 5th & S>ai , - ’land 4, O re. Please enclose stamped, se" ressed enve­ lope. M ake checks p a y c i • ■ -!.iy on Ice. A man must first govern himself ! e is fit to govern a family; tint! I V - Ctsnb/y virion PziiSy ¿vents Thursday, August 21 OREGON CITY DAY /':fO A.NR Completion oi Rodeo events omitted on prior evenings due to i A .! d > cn » ock judging continues 10 00 A.M. County horseshoe tournament, Ted Huff, director 12:00 noon All service club luncheon sponsored by Canby Kiwanis Club 3:C>0 P.M. Accordion Band concert by Colum­ bia Conservatory of Music on lawn 5:00 P.M. Chicken Barbecue at picnic ground sponrc’ ed by O iejon City Chamber of Cau n v t ’ Friday, August 72 CANBY and MILWAUKIE DAY 7:00 A.M. Completion of Rodeo events 8:30 A.M. Meeting of 4-H exhibitors 9:03 A.M. Judging of livestock continues 2:30 P.M. Free style show on lawn “ Leave it to Beaver” sponsored by Canby’s Big Store. Mrs. Marten, director 3 00 P.M. Palmetto Polo, FREE 6:30 P.M. 4-H public dress revue "Fair Mrid” on lawn It came as shocked members fo the House were considering (and approvin',) the Adminis­ tration's request to boost the federal debt ceiling to the rec­ ord peacetime level of $288 bil­ lion. It came while the House was being warned hy some of its W ASH IN G TO N , D. C. August 13- ■nost influential members that if A determined campaign to pro- Congress continued to appropri­ sums unnecessarily tect the nation'j fiscal solvcncy- ate huge and prevent additional inflation there was no doubt that the debt still from further cheapening the val­ ceiling would be elevated ue of the dollar— was urged in higher and there would be fur­ the House as Congress grappled ther cause for fiscal alarm. It - (.me while Secretary of the vith multi-billion dollar spend­ saying ing proposals preparatory to ad­ Treasury Anderson was that the debt ceiling— although journment. The fiscal program proposed raised as requested this year— was simple— but its effectivncss definitely would have to be re- degree of sup- examined next year to determine depends whether another raise would port received from leaders recommended. industry and public affairs. It came while Budget Director It simply calls for the Am eri­ can people to 'wake up and start Stans was saying that the deficit soar demanding that Congress stop for this fiscal year might beyond the $12 billion now fort- its spending spree. ' Sueh action would have far- vast (unless spending proclivities reaching effects for it is through " ere restrained ; and there was randiose programs financed by a strong pos ability that govem- cver higher government spending ment spending would average that the New Fair Dealers carry *30 billion for each of the next 5 i n their campaign which has nad ' ears, including the current one the effect of sending the nation i riding next June 30. (Spending this year is estim- a considerable distance down the aied at the present time at $79 road toward socialism. This prescription for stimulat­ billion. Receipts are expected to ing eeonoomy in government— be $67 billion, leaving $12 billion and thereby relieveing many of deficit.) the nation’s ilis— came from Rep. A ll o f these developments Byrnes (R .W is .) amid a volley of combined served to emphasize criticism from many o f his col­ te need for eliminating all un­ leagues of mounting federal necessary spending. spending. It was pointed out clearly and Rep. Bvrnes electrified his convincingly that the spending economy-minded colleagues by programs pushed hy the New- refusing to run up the white fiag Fair Dealers must be financed by o f surrender to advocates of as­ inflation -creating deficit spend­ tronomical expenditures. He ing— and paid for by tax bur­ gave this as his basic conviction: dens passed on to succeeeding “ I think there is always the ',ene-at: '>n-. h p* that when people start to Launching Sputnik I hy Russia, u < : tan.l— and the people it was recalled, was utilized by must bo made to understand the New-Fair Dealers as the bas­ where we are— there will be a is for renwed— and enlarged— change in attitiude.There must be spneding demands both for de­ a change fense and non-defense purpos 'S. These demands continued "A n d i am sure Congress will be responsive to a feeling for throughout this session of Con­ economy on the part of the peo­ gress— and frequently the A d­ ple. I have not given up the ministration was severely con­ fight and I am still going to cx- demned for not spending more ert every effort I can to bring than it proposed. As a resultt ,o give just two economy into cur government.” W hut ;,a e real significance to examples, Congress voted double this n llv in g erv for resistance th'1 amount of money the Admin­ to further profligate spending istration requested for Atomic E n c t y Oommi-sion construc­ ' v s the setting. tion and added S815,857.000 to $288 Billion Debt Ceiling ?rnment of the commonwealth. — Sir Walter Raleigh Clamili 3ruu crai Hume Phone MOhawk 5-3754 Day . Ni ORF.GON COW TO’ M I, HITS N E W COW The number of m ilk cows on id Oregon farms has dropped to the lowest print on record and mil,, production continues ; down­ ■AAAAAAAAAAAAA*AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA< xa ward : re v.rts Oregon State college extension scr. :e. Oregon lv 178,000 milk cows this summer, a drop of 2 1-2 p e r -1 cert from last year and the small cst number in 23 years of record, according 'r Stephen C. Marks. DSC rgrieu'd < :s . T ie repor* s hr mid sumtn invent v b c : P reps ing scr: ice. Milk pro. cn last mnoth drop l m " >n pounds TU »A . ? below the s: nonth n year ago, | ii ¥ì/ %J Marks said. 1 ¿6 rlo' weal lout most of Oregon during the mst month has also lowered milk iroduction. says Don E. Andersen OSC dairy specialist. W hen temperatures arc 80 de­ grees or higher, farmers are ad­ vised to provide animals with .-hade and make sure fr. sh drink­ ing water is near. S TR IC T LY BUSINESS by McFeaHors a j a x SOAP c o m Gresham, Oregon A Local Tnst’tutic>p B h m M m ü f Y 'iH ö P Permanesì ! m t r , ? >, trice &*• Come ?.nd bring ,<> and high school students ONLY. S A L L Y M O D E , Operator - F oi a CR 9-6 Ì96 WATER HEATER NEW 20 30 30 30 50 Gallon Gas Gallon Gas Gallon Gas, Glass Lined Gallon Electric Gallon Electric USED 42 Gallon Electric, guaranteed 66 Gallon Electric, guaranteed 43.35 69.95 79.95 59.95 69.95 30.00 «« 65.00 Don’t discard that old water heater until George inspects it! CIOST OUT GLAMOURvui,o is among the international ice skating stars with the 14th edi­ tion o f H OLIDAY O N ICE OF 1959 coming soon to Portland Multnomah Stadium. This 236- hour extravaganza takes place on the w orld’s largest portable !ce arena for eight nights, Aug­ ust 27 through September 3. All Electric Ranges, Washers and _ Dryers at Wholesale or Less! GEO. A. M O RL AN “ The W ater Heater King” Plumbing & Appliance Co. 5529 S. E. Foster PR 1-1145 p a n y Saturday, August 23 9:00 A.M Livestock judging contines 2 to 4 P.M. Free band concert by Citizens Band of Marion County 2:30 P.M. Palmetto Polo FREE 3:00 P.M. 4-H Grand Champion Showman­ ship at grandstand 4:00 P.M. Chimpanzee Act. director Bert Pratt of Hubbard Zoo 5:00 P.M. Chicken Bar-B-Que in grove 10:00 P.M. Grand Finale Fireworks Display at grandstand 10:00 P.M. All exhibit buildings close. Exhibitors may depart with their exhibits e he be fit to bear the better get a HOME AIR-CONDITIONER Y o u ’ve enjoyed the air-conditioned comfort of modern buildings, stores, and banks. . .Why not have it in your own home? Individual room units or complete home systems are available at surprisingly low costa. See poor appliance or heating dealer. “ F ran k ly, Sir, I o w e m y (a ccess to on e clea n livin g !” r y w y t Y T V V t • ▼ v v y y v T T 7 V V Y V 7 Y y y y t y TVT the Defense Department appro­ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A . ^ . i A A A . priation biij oier the protest oi the Adminstration. Administration officials, how­ ever, take the position that they are not required to spend every penny appropriated by Congress. Here is how Itudget Director Stans explained it to the House W ays and Means Committee: "It is my understanding, as a legal matter, that appropriations are limitation ( n expenditures and not m and.ihs to spend. The Administration i raid, if it deter­ mined that an expenditure was unnecessary undesirable, the standing.” PORTLAND G E N E R A L ELECTRIC COMPANY W