CStacaìtas Claifeamas Countp In Its Fifty-fou^ÿi Year of Publication V olum e No. 54 Num ber 23 lUc Per Copy E stacada, O regon, Friday, July 25, li)5 s $3. 00 Per Year kyiine Roadwork Underway Now Crass Growers' Meeting Planned at Springwater; Among Other Activities Paul Neff. Suyervisor of the Mt. Hood National Forest has announced that road work is now underway On the Skyline Road. He advised that peo­ ple traveling that portion on week days between Highway No. 26 and Clackamas Lake Ranger Station may encounter delay and rough, road because of the heavy equipment and work being performed. This is part of the reconstruc­ tion planned which will event­ ually imurove that portion of the road to a two lane gravel surfaced road The work is be­ ing perfomed by timber pur­ chasers in the area and it is ex­ pected to pe completed by early fall. Travel is not restricted. but during the week delays and rough road may be expected. Peolpe using this road should drive with caution. The road will be kept open and graded for travel on Saturdays ami Sundays By Anne Justice ; 62 cars visited the park Springwater Grange m em -1 another time 52. bers considered several import-1 Carl Illig, chairman of ant issues Saturday evening Youth committee asked when they met for the July Guttridge to rejort on a business session. Protem offi- discssion at State Grange where cers were M.F. Ott, gatekeeper; he had acted as moderator with Sue Aycock, Flora; Lena Mill- four prominent young grang- ard, Ceres and Ray Miller, e x -. ers as speakers. Mrs. Everett ecutive board . Shibley said the children had Everett Shibiey, chairman of voted to recess for July and the agricultural committee, Aug. and convene again 111 said a grass growers assocla- Sept. Mrs. Shibley with her tion was being recommended son John and Tom Stroeder, for Clackamas County and a Maste,- of the Juvenile Grange meeting might be held in the attended Sate Grange at Eu- Springwater Grange hall to gene and John made reserva- make plans. Elwin Shibley tions to attend Skyline Camp brought a fine healthy spec!-- near Bend July 21 to 26. The men of tansy ragwort to re- Juvenile grange has been mind folks of its appearance promised new drapes for their and characteristic odor. He also meeting room and new window brought a book he had compil­ panes to replace those broken ed in college with more than by BB guns and rocks from ai 100 native weeds mounted and unknown source. The Chaplain, Vernita Gant, catalogued. The legislative report by reported new grand daughters chairman A. T. Varitz describ- for Mr. and Mrs. James Smith ed the rejoicing in Alaska and Hugh Marshall. Fred Mof Clarence Jubb, re­ when Congress voted statehood. ford and Richard Guttridge read a por­ cent hospital patients now re­ and tion of a column by Ernest covering in their homes Lindley on the Adams- Gold- the marriages of Jack Chaney and fine cast. Lindley stated that to Ramona Schweitzer gifts made to people in high Richard Hess to Alice Lanier and official positions should be pub­ were reported; also Mr. Mrs. Horner now have two licized. No meeting of the Home Ec. great grand sotis. Club will be held until Sept, Springwater Grange has re­ when the hostess will be Mrs. served space for a booth at the dames Hamilton, Clackamas. county fair with Mrs. M. F. Ott Cakes for McClaren Home for as chairman of the committee Boys will be made in August to prepare the exhibit. Dodge by Mrs. M. F. Ott, Mrs. W.F. 4H clubs thanked the grange Miller, and Mrs Everett Shib­ members M. F. Ott and Del ley. Gant who loaned their pickup Under community service the trucks for their appearance in secretary was instructed to the July 4 parade at Molalla. write to the county court ask.- Dodge Community clubs wish ing several additions at the to extend special thanks to Bill newly acquired park area. At Wagner who acted as Good Sa- present the water system has maritan when Pat Dougherty failed so there is no water in was taken ill after the Juy 4 the picnic ground and the parade at Molalla. Bill turned caretaker has to carry water his station wagon into an» am- i'rom Clear Creek for house- bulanco to take Pat to Oregon P oortlan d G en eral E lectric co m p a n y ’s $ 2 0 m illio n hold use. One day recently City hospital. North Fork dam on th e C la c k .m a , river a b o v e f f f 0 f j¥ (> f f 0 B n i l M O Local People Called by Death JAMES Win. HOLMAN James Win. Holman, late of Sandy, died in ;> Sandy nursing home July 16 after a long ill­ ness. Ho was born April 14. 1871 in Carroll County, Arkan- saw and lived ir. the Sandy community since 1909. He worked mostly as a saw filer for the logging industry. He is survived by a sister, Mrs.Matilda Doss of Richmond, Calif, and two brothers John of Boring, Ore. and Albert of Paris, Arkansas and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held July 18 at Cpayville Chapel,Es­ Interment was in the / / ta cada. fffO f Cliffside cemetery, Sandy. The Rev. Vernon Ross, Jr. officia­ ted. w f f a E sta ca d a n o w stan d s 3 0 p er cen t co m p lete, th e co n . crete , arch _ o f th e dam „ . w as , . , , prior to th e O p era tin g E n gin eers strike w h ich has tem p orarily d e la y e d co n stru ctio n . T rial o p eration 4 he m istake of last w eek w as in the ad o f M iller o f the p ro /ect’s first g en er a tin g u nit is set for fall Chevrolet Service on the back page. A s nearly as i f th e strik e is settled , that is. we know , the “error paper” w ent to som eone on PARK LUMBER TEAM WINS TWO GAMES The Estacada Park Lumber RICH \RI> ZAKRZEWSKI bafebaU team defeated Oregon Richard Zakrzcwski late of City Saturday night in the Eagle Creek died in a Portland hospital July 20 after a lengthy Joe Jannssens left home on Clackamas County Babe Ruth June 23rd and went by Pan League.Robin Cody, short stop, illness. He was born July 1, American Polar Flight to Lon- dlove in 6 runs with 2 triples one o f the Estacada rural m utes. W oody M i l l e r l ^ * “ ^ ^ “" ^ « * 111 don, and then on to Brussels, and a double. Gary Barden was Belgium, arriving there on the die winning pitcher, says that w n oever still find s the m istake, he 11 pay He is survived by his parents evening of the 24th. It took Tuesday eve the Park Lum- up their subscription to the N E W S for a year. Mr and ®*rs. Anthony zakr- just 19 hours flying fr the trip, bermen went to Milwaukie and Joe visited his mother and one defeated the Milwaukie Giants N ow , this w e e k s error IS worth t O l V A A brothers. P.ml of Portland and brother and two sisters In to 1. Danny Nelson led the Jim and Robert of Eagle- Creek; ah teaching positions have arid s o m e o b s e iv a n t p el so n s h o u ld Brussels. His mother is al- hitting with 2 for 4 and did .. i -. n , .- , , , I three sisters, Mrs. Alice Sunday, Aug. 17. Estacada mosr ninetv vears old and this some nice fielding at shortstop. I „ , , ■”... , * 7 . ”T i been filled in the Estacada find it. Our advertisers are happy to award you Marchbnnk or Corvallis and is his fisrt visit to her since Robin Cody allowed four hlt, to compete in a straight com- school year.Mrs. Conrad i f John Maryann and Virginia of Eagle * « I your prize o f $20.0 - read Ihe ads carefully. 1931. While there he visited and walked one petition golf tournament spon- son, who did substitiute work The considerable interest shown in the contest zakrzewski fnd^Sndm othe1.0* the World's Fair and saw all of --------------------- sored by L. L. Jenkins and last year will teach third grade Craft" I kept advertisers with minor undesignated m is ta k e s ’ Mrs. Mary withuski both of the outstanding biddings and Mls. Allyn Price and children Union Oi Co. at the Mt. Hood in place of Mrs. Ruth Requiem mass exhibits. home u by I--- skipper arJ(i p v«B, ej?gy ,eft xw for a Golf Club . .. He came xr 1 Mt— -----. , ----- ------- Everyone in the Mrs. Johnson has had 14 years busy answ ering questions. R em em ber, there i im lv Wilson, Wis. 1 -v was offered by Rev. Norbert way of New York City, where; Kimberley, Idaho, on Sunday, local area interested is invited teaching experience. lin mno m m n o nnAlriuv r\i*AT nm» “ ' . . . . ----- one paper m ailed with the intentional error. A ny Fritz at st Aiyosius Catholic lie mas met by another brother July 13, to visit Mrs. Price’s ; to participate. The only cost Miss Nyla Hafner of Hillsbo­ who lives in Bedford, Pa. Af­ uncle and aunt, Rev. and Mrs. will be $2.00 green fees.There ro is to teach sixth grade and other errors do not qu alify you for the contest Church July 23 at 10 a m r <- ter visiting there for several J. B. Sims. Rev. Sims in the will be no entry fee; all prizes girls physical education. prize. R ules o f the contest are as fo llo w s: . S T , " ‘. T e c S S , ” c C days he took the plane to Port­ pastor of the Kimberley Meth- being provided by the sponsors, graduated from Bob Jones She Un­ land and arrived home July 15. odist Church. Two married The ladies are also in on the iversity in South Carolina this C ontinuing in this paper, your “N ew s” is conducting Se & Son, 537 s. e . Aider in 75,000 acres, and is the only your score at the end of 18 | m istake, take your paper to the firm in w hose ad it Portland, interment will be have thing of its kind in the west- Picnic facilities are available Three Estacada boys been selected to play on the em states. Jerry and children for families who wish to comt. here Anyone desiring further in for Clackamas All Star team that returned to their home r i n p u ce i Yon D receiv 1/A U o n m c n » l Jo iin riiro rl U »r » If f to your advantage. Y ou w ill a I lso e Deceased is e survived by a . motion can contact Union Oil is to play in the state tourna­ last Friday. a cash p rize o f $ 2 0 .0 0 this w eek daughter, Lydia Snyder of San Mrs. Robert Clayville and at CR 9-3276 All participants ment at Lents Park this week children are attending camp- are urged to let Jenks know if end in Portland. T he m istake m ust he reported by 5 p.m. o f the Day they are going to play as soon Danny Nelson, Robin Cody, meeting at the Seventh grounds in as possible. and Howard Bess will play in Adventist camp On Tueslay of last week Mrs. Gladstone. ________________ the game Saturday at 4 PM Ethel Woo-l and grandson of Nelson is to play third base; Beaverton calk'd on Armoda The Library Assn, will meet TOt RIST ASKS $< 7,000 Cody second base and Bess, Woodle center field. Saturday. July 26 at 3 PM The DAMAGES IN ACTION nounced this week. The attrac­ The Clackamas All Stars are next Book Forum will be Aug. Mrs. Ida Dia a tourist, last About 70 members of the of TAY’LOR’S HI-WAY MARKET to play Pendleton in the single 9. Each peroson who attends week brought suit against the tive Mrs. Meyner, a niece A Western railroad recently Estacada Grade School Band, Adlai Stevenson’s was an ac- GRAND OPENING SET elimination tournament. If will discuss one of their favor- R.L.K. company, who announced the discontiuance the Midget anil Babe Ruth ball th<- young Clackamas wins they will play ite authors. There are now ten Timberline Lodge for $77,895 tive campaigner for ______ teams, accompanied by seven ___Mr and Mrs. Cecil -Taylor. of two passenger trains. The sensationally again 3:30 PM Sunday at Lents children in the Read a Book for injuries claimed suffered governor in his J® ,thp‘r. G|;f.nd reason It costs $1,800 a day to parents, left at 10:30 AM for Park. 92nd & Holgate in Port- Club This is for children 8 on July 18, 1956.as result of successful bid for re-election fall. The Governor, who ™ ,iy ,°r2 . ^ _ ^ a y ! operate thim-and they carried Blue Lake Park on Sunday.All land. to 12 years of age. More child an accident on the chair lift op­ last swimming, ranked for several years as one Market on Thursl, Fri., Sat. of an average of only one- passen- bid a good time ------------------ ren are welcome to join. erated by the defendants. boating and pieknicklng. re- i o f the country’s most eligible ger per trip Callers at the J. C. Rickey ------------------ turning home alaiut 8 P.M Mr and Mrs I r . Aenew of Mrs. Dia charges through her bachelors, was married during ‘ a0 Taylors purchased the home at different times over “ V J lS 2 were 7 L guests „.e„ . . g? »eWfh "f attorney Glen Jack of Oregon his first ,crm as Governor of mark^‘ '">m Mr and Mrs Jim the week end were Mr.and Mrs The Dalles at the Sun- City’ the c?mPany wi,h gross New Jersey. - Coffield last month and delayed Gilbert Rickey and two boys, Delbert Nordquist home __.*¡1 negligence in the operation of Governor Meyner will appear grand opening in order to Miss Teressa Woodle and sister, day evening, staying until Ihe lift She alleges she as the featured speaker at the have everything shipshape and Helen Rickey and Rena Monday morning. Mr Agnew was chair knocked ftom the unload- annual Democratic picnic and This week. Taylors also pur- Anderson, all of Portland. is the brother of Mrs Nordquist mg platform by a swinging barbeque this year being held chased the Coffield Bargain chair and suffered serious and August 10 on the fair grounds Room where they hope they permanent injuries. jn Canby. Chairman of ticket may carry on in the Coffield The complaint alleges the sales. County Commissioner tradition of offering merchan— plaintiff was standing at a spot Stan Ely this week announced disp to their customers on a selected for her by one of the that tickets are available in ev- salj?*c basis, chair lift attendants while tak- cry There are lots of treats and ery community in Clackama.i ing pictures. when without County. prizes in store for all Com— County, warning, a chair crashed into In Estacada tickets may pe plots particulars will bo found in their ad on the back page her back, knocking her down obtained at Horner’s Marx this paperi •pon- 'I an Cit' i pnrovec 1 I >v Estacad u à an 18 foot embankment. and at Trail’s Inn. Garfield Man Back From Europe Trip :‘rtX d “b icb tl Con so $ 211-00 f r i » test Lem Sponsors Own Grade School Golf Tournament Teachers A l 1 Hired Three Local Boys on Clackamas A ll- Star Team N. J. Governor to Speak at Democrat! “ <• >:°u <•>* advantage 7 the“ 7',;,' £ & £ “ a s Picnic on Aug. 10 BUSINESS MEN'S FREE DANCE Sat. July 26, 8 :3 0 pm V. F.W . DANCE & PIE SOCIAL SAT. JULY 2 6 ,9 :0 0 pm ESTACADA GRADE SCHOOL NEW CITY PARKING LOT Behind Estacada C ity Hall Vt