THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY 8 INTY NEWS, PAGE l Estacada, Oregon, Friday, 1958 DONNA ME HI BRECti WEDS home of the bride’s parents, Marvin Mehlbrech and Jerry ily of Portland and a young HERBERT HAYDEN MAY 17 Mr. and Mrs. Fay Mehlbrech of Hayden. Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Greek phyisican, who will soon Springwaler On Saturday afternoon, May 17, at St. Johns Catholic church in Oregon City, Donna Faye Mehlbrech and Herbert Francis Hayden were united in marri­ age. A reception followed at the Mr and Mis. Bob Action Films at Broadway Theatre This week at the Broadway Theatre additional fare will be on hand due to the holiday . ir ur.. „„a th ..,.-., i l v k nl^ dTRnOPFRd HOOK ’ day only 1HOU1 t n HOOK. with "THE HAPPY R O A D ” "Trooper H o o k ’ a western c i " , a n T B a r^ ra ngs f a n ^ k Crt a and Hui Dara stam /ytK. fhe A p p a i c c h " e fl n r i t " ’ g As the A In d d .emS“ ia n tribes. As he U. S. calvary razes an Indi- an village hey find one white woman among the squaws. The perjudice ami lack of under- standing .egarding this woman S o tk for neded s y m p a T h y X "Happy Road” is a rollicking story of two children who run away from school to be with their carefree parents. The fa- ther searching for his son ev- entually meets the mother who looks for her daughter. Their chase over the French country­ side is hilarious and exciting. Gillette Mr. and From June 16 to 20 Rev. girls to Westfir to visit Mrs. Walden Askren, Pastor o f the ,, _ .. , .. , Laube’s brother and family, the j‘ nn .P .,t £ hurch attc'n1d' Joc Steckliens on Sunday. First Conference grounds 1 at ar^ ^?rf ’ Bellingham Wash Sixty area t nd Ernlc ^Ui>t. ' ‘■ ‘ turned pastorf aTen.k^ The S was ^ *np through . * w “ Nevada. Arizona. Colorado, "P,’nsort''1 bJ ‘ he Sudan Interior New Mexico, Texas and Calif- Mission and the Scripture Press o r n ;n __ Rev. Askren left June 24 to Hugh Marshall and Mr and attend the national meeting of Mrs fln ier Linn hid a nice Baptist Assn. drive Sunday They went up ,,f America. He was aeeom- the Pnlnmhio Riv liishir-.» T ' v ^ <>aft o f to Dodson and L k over" the the Estacada Baptist Church old highway past the Vista :,nd also by Mr. Frank Robinson ,,f the Barton church’ wh^'vi's'- “ m “ V Mr"* R a ^ A y cock ited relatives there. They re- and Ftn"„ aceomo'm ed bv Mr turncd „ „ the 28th so Rev As a * fn ie_ accompanied bY kren and Rev. Craft could be In PuHman Wafh^on Friday On LOCAL PASTORS ATTEND and Larry accompanied NATIONAL MEETING and Mrs. Tony Laube ^ ^ Sund"> Gladstone Parents of the groom are Mr. a n d Mrs. Frank Hayden of Estacada. Attending the bride was Mary Mehlbrech, and LcRoy Kiggins was best man. The ushers were are making their home in Port- return to his home in Greece. land. | ------------------------ Guests at the L- L. Jenkins For the Best In Printing, home Sunday afternoon were Try Clackamas County News !Dr. Edwin E. Osgood and fam­ M arilyn Hedley Gozzano Presents ‘How Daddy Became A Beachcomber’ Saturday they attended ’ ' the golden wedding anniversary of ’ 1 a?,5 ,^ rs Walker. 1 Wii,ker and *Ils S,Ue A >'- cock arc cousins The Aycocks returned home Sunday stop- ping at The Dalles to visit the Cleve Aycocks. ‘ A caller at the Forrest Erick- son home Monday evening was Mrs Ella Gregory Keene, visit- ing here from Hawthorne.Ncv. Visiting Mrs Erma Tenny on Sunday were her son and his family Mr. and Mrs James Tenny and children of North- em California and her brother Earl Shibley and nephew Noi- man Shibley of Portland, Mr and Mrs. Elwin Shibley attended a meeting of the Clackamas County planning commission in Oregon City on Monday evening ...... _ . MKS PKK ® ,, A TENNESSEE TRIP , ^rs. All/ n Prlc‘‘ leiurned last week from a wonderful trip on the Vista Dome North Coast Limited, going first to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Gill. Sr. and her sis- Friday- Saturday only "Re- ter, Mrs. David Vandergriff in turn of Warbow” with some of Chattanooga. Tenn. While there the wests deadliest outlaws— she attended the wedding cf headed by Phil Carey They her brother, Harrison Gill, Jr. return to a town where they From there she went to Taylors, had left their loot only to find South Carolina to visit her sis- the money had been spent, ter, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Plenty of excitement and act- Keaton and family. In Wake ion. Also "The Brothers Rico" Forest, South Carolina she vis- with Richard Conte, Dianne ited her grandmother, Mrs Ev- Foster and Kathryn Grant. A erett Gill. Sr. and her aunt story with plenty of action and Mrs. J. B Sims. From there suspense. she went to Tappan, N. Y. to Sunday through Tuesday, see another sister Mrs. Vincent Ernest Hemingway’s "Fare- Porta; and an aunt Mrs. J. C. Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. well to Arms” starring Rock Hutchinson at Oceanside, Long p ' w 'n Shibley and children at- Hudson, Jennifer Jones and Island. She also made a trip to ‘ cnc*efl a small family wedding Vittoria Dc Sica.The epic story see her other grandmother Mrs. ‘ n Portland where Mis Shib- of two lovers fleeing the furries Julius Gern in New York City *CY s s' s‘ cr Maxine McCIoskey of war.One of the great plct- "Jerry’s” friends are glad she bccame the birde o f Michael could have a nice trip and see- Penningf The bride and groom ures of our time. her relatives but we are glad wil1 make theil' home in Port_ to have her back with us ,and while Mr Penningf is at- tending Portland University. MIDGET PITCHER THROWS Guests for Sunday dinner at NO-HIT NO-RUN BALL GAME SIIIBLEYS ON HONOR ROLL the Elwin Shibley home were Roy Ward, pitcher for the AT LEWIS AND CLARK Mr and Mrs Henry McCIoskey, Kiwnnis club sponsored Estaca­ Winnifred and Gilbert Shib­ parents of Mrs.Shibley and her da Midgets tossed a near-perfect ley, daughter and son of Mr. sister and family Mr and Mrs. baseball game against Oregon and Mrs. Everett A. Shibley o f Sydney Gaily and three child- City’s Eastham team Two walks Estacada, route two. have been rcn from Pasadena, Calif given up by the south-paw named to the honor roll for the j Everyone is invited to the “ ,, Whitey” ,, Ward were the , . only spring semester at Lewis and annual Fourth of July picnic " 00,1 carn s l,ul Clark college in Portland ac- held in the grove at the Everett " nrJ} , ’ cording to Wm. H. Norris, reg- Shibley farm in Springwafer- e .s acar i Midgets are rid- jstrar. The attain this distinc- Bring your pot luck lunch;play ug on a 3-game winning streak tion a student must earn u ball; visit with your neighbors an curren v in second grade average of 3.50 or above and enjov this glorious Inde- kce in a seven-team league. w hil *e carrying a minimum of pcndence Day ficy were edged out in the first 15 semester hours. Winnifred -------- r /ame by Canby, league leaders, will be a sophomore and Gil­ /■» 1-0 in the opening game. bert a junior. Lineup for Estacada is: pitch­ ers, Ward, Erickson; catchers, Steffins, Tucker; 1st base Gil­ NOTICE: Ou. deadline fo r ( B y Lella Gordon) lette; 2nd, Durand; 3rd, Erick­ day n /g h t. We cannot guaran- M r- and Mls A - G. Cannon Ontario, Calif, came home son: ss. Turner; if, Hosak, cf, te e p u b lic a tio n if material is than Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Hills from I Dodd; rf. Abbott, Ridell- re c e iv e d l-.ter the family reunion in Eugene June 22nd, and stayed a week, j leaving June 30th. While here j Spooking of Public Safety j they took a trip to Pendleton, j I remained there overnight, then j went on to Walla Walla. They | | returned home by way o f the Columbia River highway. Last Wednesday they visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chamberin j in Portland, and other relatives j there. Mr and Mrs. Vern Lantz re- j turned from a trip to Illinois I where they visited relatives. Sunday they were notified her brother, Eugene Bradbury had j passed away. He had been ill for some time. At 4SSK Horner’s Chief Market Week-End of July iO Our prominent local author will be in our store to present her book. i ^ ■ f**,- r*‘ Personally autographed copies w ill he on sale! Gurfield News Trade Yeur Present CHAIN SAW for thi? New M O N EY Libera! Trade-ins Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Qualls | visited Sunday with Mr. and 1 Mrs. James L imb and Mr. and Mrs- Vern Lantz. Mrs. Kate Snuffin and Mrs. I Vanderpool are spending the | summer in Kate’s home in Gar- I field. These Saws On Mrs. Hattie Qualls has been called for jury duty. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Qualls . Display. Man instantly killed on dark st f t in w estern city. Figuri prove are happy that their son David that b o lte r lighting cuts nig h t traffic toll at least 50 • -r cent. In will embark for home from j One instance traffic death* \vere cat lOu ¡;er cent improved high- Germany about July 19. He will I report at Ft Lewis, and will get I . his discharge August 8. tm I m l'l im f- Staff Sgt. Charles Lamb, his : wife and 3 children left Sunday ! on the “ City o f Portland” for! their home at Camp Lejune. N Car Tiiey iiave been visiting ■ their families and friends the pas1 three weeks. M and Mrs. Sam Mutch vis­ ited thi Gordons Monday eve. M o v ic Is Amateur Photographer r MAKER. V % _£•--------- ---------- 2 ■V f . • i f NEW HOMELITE MACSC 7 C H A IN S A W S O s . You’ll make more money with the new Homelde 7-19 because it’s the fastest-cutting, direct drive chain saw you can own. Cuts 8" hardwood in 4 seconds. 18" softwood in 12 seconds. Fells trees up to 5 feet m diameter. Weighs only 19 pounds.* Homehte’s Magic 7 features save you money because they cut maintenance and down- fin»#. Give you smoother performance, too. direct drive 19 pounds* FOR DEMONSTRATION AT OUR SHOP OR IN THE WOODS! On Hand - Used Saws - New Bars - Chain John Abbott joined his wife and Lee at Astoria Friday nite.j and brought their trailer home Saturday evening, after the 1 convention. Bill stayed at home' E-Z HOMELITE 5 HP, 28” Bar & Chain $180.00 to play baseball, an he is the | $160.00 | catcher on the midget team, 5-20 HOMELITE, 28” Bar & Chain j Also returning home with the j 5- 20 HOMELITE. 28” Bar & Chain $165.00 Abbotts were Abbie Armstrong. 6- 22 HOMELITE, 33" Bar & Chain $285.00 Rossic Meade, and Leila Gor­ $90.00 don. delegates to the conven- 45-A TITAN, 26” Bar & Chain j tion. They all attended all the ! We have other saws in process of reconditioning meetings A ll with 30-Day New Saw Guarantee J ''• r i - 0 Ä MAKE MORE MONEY... SAVE MORE MONEY WITH with the same guarantee. These saws ail have first- class bars and new chains! A real professional money-maker, the new gear drive Homelite 7 gives you more versatility than any other chain saw Plenty of lugging power for trees up to 7 feet in diameter. Cuts 20* trees in 18 seconds. Only 21 pounds.* Makes any kind of cut at any angle, any position. Converts quickly from straight blade to plunge-cut bow for pulpwood production. Also available with clearing bar and brush cutter. •less bar and chain gear drive 21 pounds* H a v e a Free d e m o n s t r a t io n t o d a y ! N ew 7-MONTH GUARANTEE ' aq ainst defects in material or workmanship. CLOSED JULY 4 -5 -6 OPEN EARLY MONDAY MORNING VALERIE JOAN WAGNER WEDS WASHINGTON MAN \\ Holden, who »pent six months in Ceylon while making “ The Rriiige on the River Kwai,” photographs native children with his Realist stereo camera. The lush jungle, the picturesque natives, the weird fauna and flora of Ceylon, and the vivid colors enabled Bill Holden to obtain some outstanding three-uimensional color slides. Valerie Joan Wagner, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs Wm O. Wagner of Dodge was married to Norman F.mpy of Westport, Washington. on Wednesday June 25th. The voting couple will make their home in San Diego. Calif, where the bridegroom is stat- , ioned in the Navy. Lens Rigging Eagle Creek, Route 1 Shop Phone Estacada CR 9 -6 4 0 0