O ', TO A REVEREND I.ADY Church here.We hope that her 3, to midnight Sunday, July 6. Page 5 1 HE C L A C K A M A S C O UN TS N E W S Helen Ricky and Rena An- supervisor at Mt. Scott park in Wo cynics who look down our new congregation will receive Last year, when the Fourth Estacada, Oregon, Friday, 4 m v 117, 1958 , ¿ « » o n visited at the j . c. R ic - 1 Port,and for the summer. noses at the more gente folk her in the spirit she merits. fell on a Thursday, and the _____________ I key home Saturda.y Helen Is a I CU R R IN SVILLE M ARKET N E W S Volume No. 1 Number 7 Estacada, Oregon, Friday, June 27, 1958 Guests at the Bill Griggs Ahnerts are returning Terry home over the week end were home to the Denzil Whites at Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Griggs and Fossil over July 4th. daughters Cindy and Ginger, and Mr. Edwin Stevenson all Mrs. Grace StiU, Mrs. Lois from Coquille Erickson, Adolph Still, Mr. and __ . . . _ Mrs. John Abbott and son Bill, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dodd Mrs. Leila Gordon, Mrs. Abbie a.nt!ufa y are,sp° n,dlnK a weck Armstrong and Mrs. Bessie at the Oregon beaches. j Meade returned home Saturday night after atending the Ameri- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ahnert can Legion and Auxiliary con- and grandddaughter Terry vention held at Astoria. White enjoyed a months stay at -------------------- Nimps Lake in Canada. They traveled as far west as Bella [ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Haines Cola on the inland canal. The are the parents o f a 6 lb. 5 oz. baby girl, Carol Elaine bom on atitus have been reported to the June 25. Carol joins three Clackamas county health dep- brothers and two sisters. artment during the past week. ----------------------- Two o f the victims are child- Amelia Stroma,, return- ™ ed to her home after spending a£ ™ ° f Bea VerCreek two months visiting her son res,dem ot BeaverCreeK and family and other relatives ------------------------ in Los Angeles. , „ _ -- --------------------- 1944 lhe U S h.Nafvy captured an enemy warship for Estacada Masonic lodge No. the first tune in 130 years.Hav 146, wil hold their regular July ing crippied the German meeting next Tuesday eve. July , ^ - ^ 5 0 5 and“ forced it to 8th in the Masonic temple. surface, American sailors board- -------------------- ¡ed the enemy ship and declared Three cases or infectious hep- her a prize of war. , who have attained the ability to We hope that she will retain holiday was only a 30-hour per- worship other things besides the fond memories of Estacada i id, two persons were killed themselves, take a minute t° that we shall retain for her. ¡and 54 more injured in 165 ac- salute a gracious lady. .G oo d luck, Reveiend Violet, cidents. Rev. Violet Bolliger assumed and God bless you. , However, the entire week her duties as Pastor of the Esta- Your friends ami C. T. E. ¡last year was clouded by a to- cada Methodist Church in J u n e . -------------------- t;‘l ° f 12 deaths, five in one 1951. She has spent seven l»p p \ i s FOR SAEF crash yea ministering to the needs >,\D s Y\I' FOIIM II M'^t frequent among holl- o f 11:■ • people o f Estacada who (¡overnor Robert I) Hnlm,.« <'uv *laz:"'ds :" ’1' sPoe(i to fast called upon imoii ner he - at ai tim es of . o ' 111 r Robert D. Holmes 1 ver all challengers in ting his c - ill.., won him ne J fhe annual^ limber Carnival Several ia rid championship in bucking held here July 2-3-4 Imndr d loggers compete eacn in 1957 is Corky Lentz of Sweet Heine, Or gon whose fast time 1 year for the world titles and the 9c RE&WOGi T.L-FILLED EARS OF TENDER CORN Û F R Y S S , Fresh eat up H 4 7 c !b. LEMONS NOT TRAY-PACKED! We’ve 3 9 e dszen FOR THOSE COOLING SUMMER DRINKS S p ì ill# ii $3500 cash prizes.The big tim- |v iu,w is in its 14th year ami over 100,000 spectators are ex- pected this year as in past years A A Policy i i ! A service staf f of long experience in keeping cars EA R -3 H A M S 8 9 = lb COOKED, BONELESS, READY TO EAT KRAFT’S DELUXE; AME SWISS CHEESE. 8 oz. NO W A S T E ! CHEESE SLICES. Special PIMENTO or performing as they should and making owners h appy. A !ist o i satisfied owners as long as both « R3« ysvflr arms! i C'id-Fcishicnsd FR A N K FU R TER S f m ? . ¡ S H I TH IS T H E W A V Y O U 'D L IK E 7 0 B U Y IT??? KRAFT VELVF.F.TA, REG. 89c Save 14c I CHEESE SPREAD 2 & ¡oaf 7g c t i B W ithout any gimmicks or special inducements bat w ith the assurance that y o u 'H get your m oney's !b . Country Style SPAR!;? w o rth - -o f car, of service r f cersona! interest and POTATO CHIPS FOR BARBECUING t t m & .x r r x .ê of transportation value both r z w a r J ~s long ns BLUE BELL, TRIPLE PACKED ZEE, REG. 39c T 0 ? lE T T S S $ U ? ,4 ro i!p c c k you drive it. FOR FRESHNESS BOX 3-39c pk. !? S 0 - - 3 4 -ro ü packs S I - Ö Ö Consult us before v^u buv aaain. SWEET PÎCKLSS g g t sa 2 lor 7 5 c STEINFELDT’S BONNEVILLE Lge. 22 oz. Jar I V a n Camps P O R K & B EA N S 1 9 c KRAFT’S 46 oz. Tin GRANGE or GRAPE DRINK 2 7 « ea., 4 fer i>lv0 i ! ■ 0 a drive cne of our : E 8 C É V R 0 1 E T M O D E L S . See See our shop. M eet o:jr key men. Get the names o ' some neithbors o r: ye vrs w ‘:o l ry . us for years, LARGE 2Vi Tin, REG. 25c, Save 6c den’ t vrith !f w e cannot s r*is fy yon from n!l angles w ith our proposition, w e w iH no? ies'rrve your order e nd w ill not expect it. Expira tio n Date is S a tu rd a y, A u g . 2 , Ill to get coupons for Free Ballerina P o tte ry . H u rry and complete your set! è Come in and WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT see us T O D A Y ! lf!le Chevrolet Service S* I Currinsville Market Estacad* RtJ Come in and ESTACADA