THK — CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Page , ^ ,____ ____ ° out those who security payments. 6 Mrs. Bill of Portiand.Mrs mily were among Rrvnn Mrs Calvin sought refuge from the heat at For further information or Estacada, Oregon, Friday, June 27, 1958 ___ S S J u ST m «. r j . n S E r Metzler Park Sunday afternoon. details contact your nearest So­ By Nellie Currin cial Security Office located at berg and Sally Reyonlds. The ......... Jerry Hale has gone to Tac­ YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY 926 SW Fourth Ave., Portland, children will present their Bi­ D 0 Ù G S oma where he will be on nat­ By James Pizza Oregon. CA 6-3361. ble school program Sunday at ional Guard duty for two weeks Q: Is it necessary that u self- (By ANNE JUSTICE) 11 o’clock Recently the Bruers and Mrs. full Tom Stroeder who is master Miss Kay Rolph, daughter o f employed person have a c l » sì For the Best in Printing, Elsie Hale enjoyed a picnic at time business before he comes of the Spring water Juvenile Mr amJ Mrs. Myron Rolph of r , --------------------------, Try Clackamas County News River Mill Park. ' Gi v e y o u r f ami l y this Grange, spent several days last was married to Edward under social security? Mrs. Delbert Kitching lias 2 A; No. Y’ou may run a hot week at the state grange con- Spruguo son uf Mr. and Mrs- .•JEW E n r i c h e d S p r e a d lovely Cocker puppies to give vention in Eugene Tom really Alvin Sprague o f Redland. The dog stand for only a month or away to someone for pets. enjoyed himself, especially be- y0ung couple were married at so evenings and Sundays duiing Miss Jean Bracket was out If your ing driven around to various Stevenson, Wash, on April 12. the school vacation. from Portland on Fathers Day functions in the 1958 Oldsmo- Sprague is stationed at Fort net earnings are $400, you are M A R 3 A R I N E to visit home folks. bile curtesy cars. 0 rd, Calif, and Mrs. Sprague under social security, just the same as the man who operates ( Î Î Ï O Æ O E S T Cheryl Wagner, o f the Need- hopes to join him when he com­ his business day and night dur­ a u t o c o v e r a g e ic Notes 4-H sewing club left pletes his training in August. I N 0 13 a H I S T O R Y last week for 4-H summer Mr and Mrs. Wade Hampton ing the full year- The amount school in Corvallis. Jr. o f The Dalles were surprise of net earnings in a year alone Jonnie Ann W olford has re­ guests at the Justice home re determine coverage for the self- turned from a short visit in Ta­ cently. Mr. and Mrs. Hampton employed. (j: I've heard a lot about sub­ coma with her sister and broth­ are newlyweds. , stantial services in connection er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley > Mrs.M . F Ott, supervisor of with self- employment. Does Rutherford. the Dodge ground observer that mean that I must go to my A large group of Dodge cltl- crops post and T- Sgt. Lawrenc gas station and work a certain zens held a pot luck supper at Vannatta of the Portland filte.' amount of time to get social se­ the Community hall Friday ev- center and Mrs.Ed Sinat, super- curity coverage? cning. After dinner everyone visor o f the Sandy post drove A : The term substantial serv­ '.Ics. Phone CR 9-6510 enjoyed a meeting and short to West I.inn recently where ices has nothing to do with program. The program inclu- they were guests in the Richard // building up coverage and pro­ The “ dog days” can mean ded Kathy and Eva Mason of Bittner home. While there they tection under the program. An trouble for the dog. Seattle who sang Shortnin’ discussed plans for the big GO absent or silent partner, who Fleas, ticks, and other insect Off. Phone CR 9-6527 Bread in blackface; Ronnie and C picnic at Jantzen Beach on never goes near the business, is pests are. most troublesome when Stevie Slane in a skit called Saturday, August 16. under social security coverage, the weather is hot, warns the “ The Viper Is Coming;” Carol Mrs. M F. Ott accompanied | on a compulsory basis, if his Sergeant’s Dog Care Center of Simmons, Cheryl Wagner, La- Mrs. Joe Guttridge, Alan Rob- share of the partnership profit Richmond, Va. verne Reynolds and Jonnie Ann bie and Gary to attend the last It’s important to the health and Rendering of IZZY’S AUTO WRECKING Wolford sang a hymn accomp- sessions of the state grange con- is at least $400. services is important only for happiness of the dog to keep it Phone Damascus 2317. Address anied by Mrs H. J. Westerberg vention in Corvallis, Kt 3 box 311 Boring. Oregon at persons getting benefit pay­ free of the causes of constant scratching. Fortunately, products Dallas Kish- ments. Barton We buy and sell all and the entire group sang ‘The Mr. and Mrs. available at any drug or pet paugh and family of Portland binds of batteries, radiators Witch Doctor.’ Q: I have employed a girl one counter help to make proper care and scrap automobile pans, Friday eve, June 20 the Dodge _ and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kish- day a week to help with the of the dog a simple job. tires, old and refittings, angle Community 4H clubs held their paugh of Oregon City were Sat- housecleaning. The pay is $6 50 i i _ Itt _ _ _ _ _ _ t.. — 1. .. .. _ *'«. . m vrl o fine n n t ri c i f nee nt 4 K o A new aerosol flea and tick irons etc. V/e 1 buy junk, any monthly achievement meeting . u orday afternoon visitors at the for each days’s work. I under­ spray get* rid of the insect pests old junk At the program the group was Kif P au<£ u „ . j : u Mr. and Mrs- H. J. Westerberg, stand that unless this employee quickly and easily. At tht -ami BULL ANI) BOAR SERVICE ,,' o stn e .w 1 r a . a? r grandson Jimmy and Kevin Jus- works a certain number of days time, it checks scratching, lar.o- 10 Registered Bulls Delivered Ihe American Legion Auxiliary tico Mr.and Mrs Emery KellePi it is not necessary to pay the lizes th» dog’s coat, and repels Anywhere - Anytime Bible School began Monday Mr. antj Mrs. John Fuglt, Mr. social security tax on her wa­ flies, mosquitoes, and gnats. Other effective Insecticides fo* FRANK LEITHEISER morning of last week at 10 for ;lncj Mrs. Mox Kishpaugh and ges. Is this correct? dogs are (cratch powder and tics Route 2, box 470, Sandy ROUTE 3, Box 301A A, Boring, Oregon 25 o f the younger fry of Dodge. , family, the Jack Kishpaugh fa- A: No.A domestic worker’s powder and soaps, shampoi . and Call MU 7 3110 Volunteer teachers are Mr. and mily. and Calvin Kishpaugh fa- cash wages for work in a Phone Damascus 376 pri­ waterless cleaners which contain vate home is covered if the am­ flea-killing ingredients. FOR TTIK REST DEAL ount is $50 or more in a calen­ on a NEW PLYMOUTH or CHRYSLER .ee or call dar quarter. The number of By d’Alessio haroll T b o ya n o v sk y days is immaterial. At $6 50 HESSEL’S, Gresham MO j a week and 13 weeks to a quar­ 5-2146 or Portland AL 1-1626. ter. it looks as if you should be Also Used Cars and Trucks reporting your employee's wa­ ges to the Internal Revenue CARPENTER Service. You should contact WORK WANTED that office immediately. Framing - Finishing Q: How soon after the close o f (he quarter must an employ­ Cabinets er report the wages paid to Every Co-op Tire Gur.ranteud Until the Tread Wears Away! Ph. Ectacada CR 9-6540 household workers? Trade-In Price with your Recappable Tire. A: The tax neport must be WANTED TO BUY: Cash for At! Prices Plus Federal Tax filed with the District Director Livestock. Top Portland price. ; o f Internal Revenue during the Co-op Tires are a real value. Flex-Grip Tread; Call Paul Shaver CR 9-6112 month following the close of Sat. or Sun. or write Rt. 2, box Sturdy Rayon Cord Construction the quarter. For example, wa­ 193, Estacada tf. ges paid duiing the 3-mnnth pe­ riod ending June 30 must be | reported by July 31. Make your own burglar alarm Q: What is the reasoning be­ system for a house, garage or (Formerly Farmers Gas & Supply) hind witholding Old-Age and business, sav ng at least $200- 600 N. E. 8th (Across from GRESHAM BERRY GROWERS Complete irrtructions and dia­ Survivors insurance monthly j CANNERY) Phone MO 5-2501 grams for only $1.00 this week benefits of the beneficiaries only. Carlson Bros Mfg. Co. earn more than $1200 a year? 303 Ridgewood Ave. So Minn­ A: Old-Age and Survivors in­ eapolis 3, Minnesota surance is intended to replace part of the familys income when | the breadwinner dies, retires or WELL DRILLING “ H onest' is disabled- The earnings test is Work, Fair Prices.” O.E. Jann- E L E C x ¿tIC "E igh’ y-nine cents a pound is correct . . . Y ou got to sen, box 38, Clackamas,Oregon, - to assure that benefits will be A DAY •ealize you’re not living i i 1C35— this is 1957. n ia a m ' Phone Oregon <"’ ity qo85. paid only to persons who have D I S H V /A T U t U G ! substantially retired or to de­ P G E e lectricity pendents who do not have sub­ SCEPTIC TANKS CLEANED stantial earnings. is the b ig g e s t b a rg a in *25.80 Q: I am the full owner of a 24 hour Service in y o u r fa m ily budget. place of business. However, I Phone Prospect 5-5346 hire a fanager to run it. Can Portland, Oregon U se a ll y o u w a n t for I still take the profits from this business and draw my social se­ g ra cio u s liv in g . concrete blo c k s curity benefits? f >r All shape.-, DxUxHi “ Lite' Blocks sold at our plant A If your buincss is arranged PORTLAND G E N E R A L Only 33c each in such a manner that your man­ ' ELECTRIC COMPANY Gladstone Bltv-k Co. . .-r - ager carries out all the required O r e g o n ’s P io n e e r E ! -etric U tility 82iui at Clackamas Bridge activities, leaving you free of Gladstone. Ph. Ore City 4306 any responsibility*to the busin­ ess. then any derived income will not jeopardize your social DON CARLSON Floor Laying and Sanding 20 Years Experience Estacada Ph me CR 9 6343 CURRIMSVILLE F à S ï ËST YOU and j your D o g j N U CÛ A Crushed Rock Now Available locally! Get Your Needs No wAt This SPECIAL SUMMER PRICE LR SUD" RIV Business Services $2 a per yard Delivered within 10 miles of Barton Per yard FOB Plant 14)0 a Barton Gravel Co. 1 THESE WOMEN ! CO-OP DELUXE CUSHION TIRES 6 : 70 - 15 -$ 12-75 7 : 10 - 15 -$ 1 M 0 6 : 00-16 -$ 11-95 € o o | K kn i l i v i k C 1 V SAM’S SHOE REPAIR Doing Business At Home Evenings and Saturdays Work while you wait. By Appointment Only 5. End o f Shafford Ave. Phone CR 9 3979 I l i ­ lt r It vv *»■* *’ •'« SAVE BY BUYING Y 0 UK NEEDS "J t R E! , » v 9 x 12 if RUG $ 59.50 :? an « SPRU G as low as $ 7.50 4 J ij ;.T :XWl F5 up from $ 1JG 3 EQR 0 C ;! JU. TE $125 ,00 7 pc s of. 3 o spriti , 5 , mattress JitCiYv ' sav ra; me \ s- ie PIPE Value’; UVac ft. ia.ex PAINT, ?8 colors gai .$2 ■ r Outside PAIh !7 up from gaL $ 1.95 (MOW SETS $ 35.00 Larue V^etv Coffee & Step Tables :.n FF.. \E Vac. ( eaner--20 to Choose From *\Yc Buy. '*e.l. ■' MiNûièWhÎD m l 'idepsndente Friday, July -th - - And another Iona: holiday week-end with its accidents md traffic fatal ike Ui inecessari nmminfr, iThinf? or dri vine- a ■ 1 yfcflë boatin u 3ecome stciti^tic. ' Hi people We admire tli ir who mav 1- come customeip of ik n Estacad ada Branch of the First S T‘e Bnnk of Mihvaukie. If you a * 'c • \r u\ serve you and vou can’t bo our o ma-kc »T»!'- tv* v you are interested in are ho>*' vo ’ can '’rio” - -• ” T • - F-o balance in your savings aceountvith this hank. Estacada branch . , . Earn 2 .\ per cent cn all .savings •’ per Cent on three year deposit certificates. rac. ■ Anything That Don’t Eat’ F t M ile i’ \ ( * w A 1 ' m ‘ i I FURNITURE AND AFPl.IANCES 10315 S. E. Foster PR 5-6112 S. F PORTLAND ‘ "Alt denotiti insured to $10.000 by Ft deral Deposit Insurance Corporation Hours 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. W