Cötatartas In Its Fifty-fourth Year of Publication Volume No. 54 Number 16 Estacada, Oregon, Friday, May 30, 1958 Rev. Marion Ravan Completes 6 Years M A R IA N G U ILD IN S T A L L S NEW OFFICERS The last meeting of the Mar­ ian Guild for this season was held Tuesday evening M ay 19th. Mrs. Marguerite K eller conduct­ ed the installation o f new o ffi­ cers who are: Mrs. Lynn Giller- an, president: Mrs. Mary Nehl, vice president; Mrs. Julia Dern- ovek, secretary; Mrs. Natalie Mueller, treasurer. Mrs. Alm a Jones, on behalf of the outgoing officers, thanked the Guild for their cooperation and promised continuing sup­ port for the new officers. Out­ going officers are Mrs Alm a Jones, president; Mrs. Clara Schleiehert. vice president; Mrs. Eileen Merrck. secretary; Mrs. Frances Durand, treasurer. Following the meeting, Mrs. K eller gave a most interesting demonstration on flow er ai- rangement. She stressed partic­ ularly, the importance o f flo w ­ ers in the liturgical year. Hostesses for the evening were the retiring officers. Rev. Marion Ravan is com­ pleting his 6th year as Pastor of the Assembly o f God Church o f Estacada. The first Sunday he was here the attendance at Sunday School was 18. Dur­ ing the past year the average attendance has been in the seventies. Also during this period the membership of the church has increased over four times. A t the annual business meeting last week he received a unanimous vote o f confidence to serve the church the coming year. In the spring of 1956 a build­ ing program was launched and an annex containing 4000 feet o f floor space was built. This includes Sunday School class rooms, Junior Church auditor­ ium, kitchen and office space. Many hours of labor as w ell as money was donated for the an­ nex. The church has a Boys’ Club for boys 9 to 12 years of age. They meet every Friday nighc ELM ER DEETZ FILES FOR under the direction of Bill Griggs; they have handcraft, STATE SENATE SEAT recreation and conduct a busi­ ness meeting. There is also a Girls’ Club, sponsored by different women o f the church Rev. Ravan takes an interest in civic affairs and is a memDcr of the City Council F ra n c is (Jard in ai S pellm an i ft-EMouiAL i > ay ! Our prayers o f gratitude incense the heavens for those whose lives have bought our freedom upon the altar o f war’s cruel sacrifice. Forget the valiant dead? We can not breathe one breath or live one moment which has not been bought by their heroic blood. We can not, we will not forget. But what o f the living heroes, the four million who wear the wounds of selfless struggle, the living veterans disabled for our sake, who daily die the living death of pain? Shall they have no part in our remembrance on this hallowed day? These are they who with virile valor faced the advancing foe, with calm courage stood their ground, with forthright fortitude bore the wracking wounds— and won the victory that America might live in the whole­ ness and unity o f freedom’s peace. These are the four million who rode into the valley of death and endured the maiming blows of bitter conflict that the wounded world might be healed by the blessed balm of liberty. With sorrowful heart often have I seen them— those once crushed upon the battlefields of Europe, broken upon the broad Pacific’s isles, torn asunder on Korea’s heart­ breaking hills. Proudly they will carry their scars of battle to the grave, yet wonder they must at our unmindfulness. Shall they, then, be forgotten on this day of memories? Shall they who bled to save us all not know the thanks and help of those they saved? America, God-blessed land, embrace your injured soldier sons. In the blessed Name of Christ, Whose wounds were borne fo r u3, hold out your hands to console, to strengthen, and to heal our veteraps disabled by the brutal strokes o f war. Take to your heart those whose hearts poured out their purple blood for us, fo r peace, that freedom’s holy light might never dim. (Written especially for the D.A.V — the Idento-Tag organization) Fourteen Graduate at Eagle Creek A large crowd of friends and relatives crowded Eagle Creek school to witness last w eek’s graduation o f 14 8th graders. Cecelia Paine, top scholar of the class, gave the valedictorian speech. Caro! Zuber, second ranking scholar, gave the class welcome. Most o f the graduates took some part in the program. S heriff Joe Shobe gave the ad­ dress; Rev Vernon Ross the in­ vocation. Diplomas w ere pre­ sented by Henry Suter, chair­ man of the school board. Nine students o f the school received awards fo r perfect at­ tendance during the year.Larry Lindland received his awaru for the third consecutive year. Members of the Mother’s Club prepared attractive decor­ ations and refreshments, which were served afterwards. Wm Dickman, principal and teacher o f the 7th-8th grade class, made the announcement that he w ill not be returning to Eagle Creek next year. His successor has not yet been named. TW O ONE C A R ACCID ENTS NOTED A T EAGLE CREEK Saturday night Eagle CreeK had two one-car accidents. The first was minor, just requiring a tow car to pull it out o f the ditch, with no damage to car or its teen-age occupants. The sec­ ond was the car of Douglas and Lavonne Holbrook, of Wishrair,, Wash., who were coming from the Estacada high school alumni dance, to spend the night wltn Lavonne's parents, the Lew is Rivers. Their car skidded o ff the hiway, overturning into the ditch just south o f the Eagle Creek intersection. The car was demolished, but neither Doug nor Lavonne was hurt. Mrs. Currin spent the after­ noon Saturday visiting with her husband in Oregon City.He is feeling quite well. ELM ER DEETZ $ 3 .0 0 Pi r \ ea* Seven P. G. E. Co. Recreation Parks Open to the Public in Cur Area Farm Employment Service Information Now Available Locally at Schmidt's TeJ H u ff, manager of the \ tic about their needs, Saywell Oregon City office o f the Ore­ cautioned. On the other hana, gon Employment Service has prospective platoon leaders are announced that Charles E. Say- 1 asked to register at the Employ- wel w ill again handle the mnt Service office at Oregon farm labor urogram for Clack­ | City, Sandy or Estacada. Dick Schmidt, insurance ag­ amas county. Saywell w ill be assisted by Frank Waller Jr. ent, w ill again handle farm la­ who has been calling on farm ­ bor problems in the Estacada, ers o f the area to determine Eagle Creek, Garfield, George Forrest E. their labor needs, particularly and Porter areas. Springwater in the seasona harvest of straw­ Ercikson o f the repre­ berries. They have also been Store w ill be the farm Springwater contacting schools of the coun­ sentative in the ty and registering youngsters district. Hazel Murray of Beers-Mur- for berry and bean picking jobs ray Real Estate O ffice at Sandy this summer. labor Farmers are urged to place w ill again handle farm their orders for strawberry problems in the Sandy, Boring, pickers early and to be realls- Bull Run and Dover areas. 10c P er Copy D AR R E L JONES W RITES OF P R IM A R Y ELECTIO N To the Editor o f the Clackamas County News, Estacada Now that the night-long v ig il is over and the returns are in and w e are once again facing the problems of the present with the eyes o f the present, I realize that I ow e a great many people more than was apparent on the surface of the recent campaign. I think you know that in th three and a half years I have held the office o f Commissioner I have always tried in all ways to do my very best;if there have been failures, there have also been successes. In all instances I have tried to avail m yself of the best counsel obtainable in the particular field of endeavor. Your sound advice and that of many o f the people in your area has proven of great value to me and to the other members of this Court. The counsel, cooperation and integrity o f Commissioner Stan Ely and Judge Ed Latourette and the support and sound ad­ vice from the fine people of your community are contribut­ ing in a large part to the solid progress of Clackamas County Sincerely, Darrell Jones, Commissioner. Elmer Deetz, Can by Jug dairy man. filed his declaration o f in­ tention as an independent can­ didate for one o f Clackamas county’s two seats in the state senate. A t the state bureau o f elec­ tions in Salem, he received a pe­ tition form which must be filed with the signatures of approxi­ m ately 1500 registered voters of Clackamas county, within 70 days o f the November 4 election. I f the petitions are completed according to law, his name w ill go on the November ballot with those of State Senator Monroe Sweetland and Rep Richard E. Groener, Democrats and Repub­ lican candidates Zenas A. Olson and Gladys H. Young. Elmer Deetz served as a Rep­ resentative from Clackamas Co. in the 1955 legislature. He wo i his seat in the same election in which Oregon voters repealed the state m ilk marketing act, a- gainst which Deetz had carried DR. M A R C Y TO BE on a long campaign. In the N ov­ GUEST SPE A K E R S U N D A Y ember. 1954. election, he receiv­ Dr. Milton A. Marcy o f Port­ ed the largest vote cast for any legislative candidate in Clacka­ land w ill be the guest speakc, mas county. at the Ettacada Method ist Church Sunday morning, Juno Robert Reynolds of Scotia. 1st. Calif.. Florence Lazott o f Roh- Dr M arcy is an interesting nerville, Calif, and Mrs. Frank - dynamic speaker. His sermon in Reynolds o f Fortuna, Calit. ere here fo r the high school topic w ill be “ I B elieve in the the graduation exercises and to visit Church.” He will install with the Ira Reynolds fam ily officers o f the Woman's Society and with other relatives o f Christian Service, in a short Mrs. Bob Bartholomew and son from Eugene were here re­ installation scrpice. Special mu­ cently visiting her parents, the sic w ill be a solo by David H or­ ner. Earl Odells Awards Made H. 5. Graduates Fall Flower Show in Planning Stage Seven of eight outdoor recre­ ation areas maintained by Port­ land General Electric company in conjhnction with hydro elec­ tric projects ore open for what w ill probably prove the busiest summer in history, according to J. H. Goggin community rela­ tions manager. Most popular o f PGE facilities that last year were host to m re than 50,000 people, is Austin Hot Springs, some 60 m ill s east o f Portland on the Clackamas River. Also on the Clackamas below Austin Hot Springs. are Lake Ilarriet.upstrcam from the Oak Grove hydro plant, and R i­ ver Mill park at the dam o f the same name. Largest of the recreation are­ as is Tim othy Lake, a reservoir created by PGE high in the Cas­ cades. Three campgrounds are open at Timo; hy, reached by au­ to over the Clackamas River highway via Estacada and later when road conditions permit, over the Skyline rocte o ff U. S. highway No ¡’6. Two of the Timothy camp, Gone Creek and H o o d V iew r . the south shoie, are designed for 300 overnight campers. A few miles cast of the city o f Sandy, Lake Roslyn park is open with added facilities, in eluding hot water,electric cook­ ing unit, and a ball field. PGE'.< newest park, the 16-acre Pelton playground, built at a cost of over S100.000 a mile upstream from Pelton dam on the Des­ chutes river, is not open due to slide conditions in the park ar­ ea. Boating facilities are op­ en to the public providing at cess to eight-mile iong Lake Simtustus formed by the dam. A ninth PGE campground is under const-vet ion behind the North Fork dam on the Clack­ amas river where a new 4-mile lake will be formed by the dam later this yeai. Poppy Sale Is Huge Success Ccffield's M arket Changes Hands The members of Carl Douglass Unit American Legion A u x il­ iary wishes to thank the people of Estacada and communities for their generous suport of our poppy sale last Friday and Sat­ urday. The meney received w ill be used in Oregon and In this community to aid veterans and their families. We say sin­ cerely thank you everyone. Coffields consumated a sale o f their market and grocery this week effective June 9.Cecil Taylor, who was employed by Horners fo r a number o f years, is the purchaser. 291 Attend H. S. Alumni Banquet Happy Golfers Eqjoy Frolic A happy group of golfers and wives enjoyed a pleasant ¡dinner Tuesday evening The ' occasion was the award of the The banquet o f the Alumni prizes garnered in the Estacada o f Estacada Union High School District G olf Tourney. was held at the Grade School 1st went to Bob Jones, 2nd cafeteria Saturday evening. to Clyde Barnes. 3rd to Ray There were 291 served. This is Shaefer, 4th to Wilbur Cour- the same number who wen- tain. 5th to Ford Darrow, 6fn present last year. to Dave Eshelman, 7th to Ralph The Parent Teachers Associa­ Slaughter with Del Gant rating tion served a delicious meal of consolation. roast turkey and dressing and The low gross score went to all the good t hings that go with Larry Godsey and 2nd low t<> it. Steve Lins entertained the Lem Jenkins. group with a piano solo. Plans are underway for a 18 The follow ing officers were hole one day tournament in elected for the coming year:Sim June at the Mt. Hood G olf Dunlop, president; Don Faust, Course. Anyone Interrested can vice- president; Darlene A le x ­ get particulars from Vern Sut­ ander, secretory and Marilyn ton. Walters, treasurer. A fte r the banquet the even­ ing was spent dancing in the Grade School gym t Estacada Ford Has Good Week Shows New Manager Harry Briggs, veteran auto­ at Broadway mobile man, is assuming the _______________ < The Estacada Garden Club A large crowd o f parents and friends attended the Commence­ w ill meet next Monday, June 2, N ow playing at the Broadway hostesses: ment at the Estacada Union with the follow ing High School Friday evening. Marguerite Keller, Elda Young- Theatre, ending Thursday night Miss Ann Harbert was the berg, and Margaret Pauli at the a picture so unusual that it Is There w ill recommended fo r adults only. valedictorian and Miss Mary City Hall at 1 PM 'The Bad Seed” a shocking Paine was the salutatorian. A t be installation o f officers. the close of the program the I , As the club plans to have a story of a woman’s love fo r her Fall Flow er man-and for her child Suspense follow ing awards w ere made 'section in their you delve by Supt. W. R. Jones: General Show for Oriental arrangements w ill shake you as the Activities Award- W ally M iller; Grace Still w ill talk and give a with the story teller into Ohtstanding Athlete- Alan A d ­ ‘ demonstration on this subject. minds of the characters. amson; Citizenship- Hugh R ey­ Louise Linn w iil also present Friday and Saturday-a picture nolds; Arion Foundation some information on the same film ed in Oregon on the slopes of Mt. Hood “ Oregon Passage” award to outstanding vocal stu­ subject dent- Judith Grim; Arion Form­ There w ill be miscellaneous with John Ericson as the Indian Lola A l­ ation Award to outstanding arrangements this time and hor­ fighter with lovely bright as the major’s w ife. An band student- W ally M iller; ticulture. Scholarship from State Medical A ll women who are interested exciting story from start to fin­ Second big hit- L ovely ar­ ish. Society- Ann Harbert; Scholar­ in flow er growing, flow er ship to Oregon State College- ranging and like flowers are in­ Molly Bee the singing sensation) Terry Halliday; Scholarship to vited to attend these meetings. and her teen-age sweetheart,Al­ len Reed Jr. in ‘Going Steady’A Portland State College- Bem a cute romantic comedy of two Closson. Terry Halliday, presi­ Mrs Marie Heiple entertain­ kids who decide to get married dent o f the Honor Society, pre­ ed the Ladies Aid at her home after a basketball game. sented a $50 scholarship to Ju­ Sunday, Monday and Tues­ dith Grim and two Honorary recently with 14 members pre­ sent. Also 5 visitors Mrs. Walt day- Highly enjoyable enter­ memberships to the National Maurer and her mother who is tainment with Rita Hayworth, Honor Society to Barbara Gal- visiting from the east, Mrs. Frank Sinatra and Kim Kovak ster and W ally Miller. Clara Heiple. Mrs Kate Heiple in “ Pal Joey.’A picture in cine and Mrs. Theo. Heiple. Next mascope and technicolor. Very place o f meeting w ill be at the nice songs and dances by Sinat­ EAG LE CREEK FIRE C A LLS home of Mrs Mae Kitching ra and Novak with excellent GO TH RO U G H C L A Y V IL L E ------------------ a background added by Miss H ay­ A N SW E R IN G SERVICE worth E ffective immediately all Ea­ SPECIAL MASONIC MEET Starts next week- ‘Decision at HERE F R ID A Y E V E .M AY 31 gle Creek Fir” Department calls Sundown" plus Tim e L im it’ Attention ajl Masons --There w ill be taken care of by the Clayville Answering Service m wil be a Special Meeting on F ri­ Estacada. In case o f fire or day evening. May 30th at 7:30 Work in the F. C. degree. emergency call Estacada CR P M O E. Smith, Sec. 9-4123. Be sure to give the correct directions as to where and how the fire may be reach­ Terry Halliday, a member of ed. W ANTED. GOOD USED CARS the graduating class o f 1958 of NEEDED B A D L Y Estacada Union High School, is Will pay T O P D O L L A R on the 1958 winner o fthe Bausch Vacation Bode School for children begins at Barton 1958 Pontiac Please see us and Lomb Honorary Science church next Monday, June z at once Award Medal fo r achieving the and continues for 2 weeks. Bowman- Hoffman Pontiac highest scholastic record in Huors 9:30 A M to 12 noon The 818 E Powell Blvd Gresham science subjects during his high theme w ill be Exploring God's Phone MO 5-2166 school career, it has been an­ Wonders” —Adv. j nounced by Mr Jones, Principal. Halliday Winner of Science Award management o f Estacada Ford and Mercury, Lloyd Weir, own­ er. He has been salesmanag- er o f Harbor Motor Co. in Portland. , Mr. Briggs has been with the Ford organization for 20 years. He has been a Clackamas County resident for the past year at Sunnyside. Chuck Baker has recently resigned as Estacada Ford manager and is presently enjoy­ ing a much deserved vacation in Montana. His future plans w ill be announced on his return next week. ------------------ k Owen Smith is confined at home under Dr Prices care due to a skin disorder, apparently it has been very painful. His many friends wish him a speedy re­ covery. Only winners of this award, presented annually in mon than 6200 secondary schools throughout tile country, are el­ igible to compete for Science Scholarships sponsored bv the Bausch and tom b Optical Co at the University o f Rochester. The internationally - famous Rochester. N Y optical firm provides fo r three or more scholarships annually. with flexible stipends based on finan rial need and with a total com­ bined value o f $9.000 The Science Award Medal is presented upon graduation. However, the winner must bo selected at an early date because applications for the scholarships must be filed with the Univer- sitv before March 1 Th P tlon of the winner is based up­ on scholastic achievement in science, with ’ncidentat ennsto- eration o f general academic standing, qualities o f leadership and extra- curricular activities