land, great grandfather; Mrs had their annual field trip on is to be held a* the Methodist j Francis Coxe of Portland, great Friday, May 9, with a tour of Church Sunday night, May 25 CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS grandmother. On the paternal the cauitol at Salem and a pic- at 8 PM. nic. _________________ side are Grandparents, Mr and L. J. ANDERSON GEORGE NOTES __________________ T e t g ' r L f E c d it Vfy o r - a n d P u b l i s h » Mrs Ed, White: great grandpar­ PAST NOBLF GRANDS Published weekly on Fridays at Estacada, Clackamas County, CARD OF THANKS ents, Mr and -Vlrs. Frank White Mrs Jo" Wiederhold A. D. Benshoof ARE HONORED Oregon. Entered in the postoftice at Estacada, Oregon, as sec­ Eagle Cri k; great, great We wish to thunk our friends Mr. and M’-s. Jack Wihte are of Mr. J. M. Charles and neighbors for the sympathy On Wednesday, May 14 the ond class matter. Subscription rates in Clackamas County one Plumbing and Heating the proud parents of a baby grandfather Montana and help shown u-; in our be- past Noble Grands of Centen- year $2.50; outside the county and in the State of Oregon one born Mev 1st at the Port­ of Livingster General Sheet Metal boy great grandfaither Eddie ana reavement ana for the many j ial Rebekah Lodge were spec- year $3.50; outside the State of Oregon one vear $4.00. Sub­ land Osteopathic Hospital He great White of Rollins, Montana cards and flowers , , - scriptions payable in advance. has been named Larry John Jay Mother’s Work Day dinner guests Byron Anders Family ial Suests the re*ular lodSe and weighed 8 lbs. 4 oz. This at the Ed White STAFF CORRESPONDENTS were Mr. He< tor And-, rs Family meeting and ‘ribute was paid to young man i« blessed with 5 and Mrs Frank home Estacada White of Eagle generations of proud grandpar­ Creek-and Mr. and Mrs. Dutch Helen Lynch a amily ' each in verse and a potted cole- Garfield Mrs. Ray Gordc.i ents On th'; maternal side are- Christner of Estacada. V io la ........... City Licensed Mrs. Lafaye Fouts Nacine Rice Family ! us plant. 23 Past Noble Grands Mr. and Mrs Charles Coxe of Mother's Day guests at the George Mrs. Joe Wiederhold were thus honored. Beavercreek. grandparents; Eagle Creek Mrs. Margar'' Ross Phone M U 7 -3 8 3 1 Mr. Wiederhoud home were Mr V\ II. I, A M FT FE U STUDENTS Theta Rho Girls were pres- Boring Howard Bandeen of Port- Joe Mrs. Erma Rich and Mrs. George Wiederhold APPEAR HERE ent and put on a program of Dodge . . Mrs. Anne Justice and daughter Jeanne of Aurora. A student TO deputation team monologues and pantomines as Currinsville Mrs. Nellie Currin Mrs Elmer Timm. Mike and Willamitte U under the well as conducting an "apron June were Mother’s Day guests from at the Cliff Vannoy home in direction of George Rogers will walk sale” Portland. t ice i Z at l the tho V Estacada .* M,WOrM ^ ST t The charter Methodist f c was draped in Violent zeal, even for truth, Mr and M-s Don Barnes and Church next .Sunday, May 25 memory of Sadie Anders, a two boys of Portland were Graduates of the Estacada ‘member who recently MEAT CUT FOR LOCKERS passed has a hundred to one odds to Mother's Day guests at the C. L. Grade and H'gh School will be away. Including Hauling, Butchering, Cooling, Cut- Goodwin home. honor guests A potluck dineer i Several members were repor- be either petulancy, ambition or will follow the service. ted ill and in the hospital, tin, wrapped and delivered for 6c lb. pride. — Swift among them Elsie Hale, Erma Pork 8c lb. BARTOW NEWS CONCERT OF SACRED Sarver, Martha Myers and Ele- On Saturday afternoon, May MUSIC HERE SUNDAY anor Day Cooling, cut, wrapped and delivered, 4c lb. 10, the Juniors for Jesus group The Estacada Methodist Church angel cake and of Barton Church had a swim­ choir under direction of Mr. E ice Serving the meeting ming party -.nd picnic at the Gaillard will present a concert were cream (iarrull jFunm il llnmc Harold Middleton Marilyn and Clifton Wal­ Willard Bri&llin home, along of sacred mus’c chci, anthems, ters, Eva Tooley and Mabel Ba- the Clackam is river. Featured spirituals, solos and duet ta Phone ¡ViOhawk 5-3794 Gresham, Oregon event Dial CR. 3-5145 was the instalaltion of which the public is invited This ker new officers Cecelia Paine, an P a y and Night Service - A Local Institution 8th grade graduate, handed ov­ er the presidency of the group to Robert WTson Other new officers are: ‘/ice-Pres- Andrea Congratulations and 'The Best' Clars sf '58 ’ Bristlin; sec -treas-Mike White- You graduates now embark on a new period of your head; sgt. a -arms- Carl "Pep­ THE BACK per” Wilson, Randy Bristlin and lives - some to college — others to industry -- some will FENCE v - ^ Douglas Ask'en; song leader- continue at home working your family farms. Richard Wilsoe. BUZZI n V J*, On May 0 O. J. Workman Retain your pride in yourselves, your parents and the COUSINS was taken t > St. Vincents Hos­ U. S. A. Success comes slowly. Do not be impa ient -- be pital in Portland where he was diligent and honest with yourself and those you come in expected to remain for treat- ( ment for at ’east two weeks- contact and your success will ho assured. His mother Mrs. Ernest A big step in starting a well-organized and successful Workman, who has been stay­ future is systematic saving - so start now. ing here lately, went to Port­ land on Mav 8 for a three day ESTACADAS AUßER SHOP visit with Mr. and Mrs. Curtis T w o B a rb e rs - - No Waiting! Kemp. i R a s i a i t r i B i $ a « E i a B B i i s 9 i i ! 3 g ! i s a J 3 S ! a : Mr and M'-s Charles Mode daughters "Cookie” and Estacada Branch a and Kay went to Dufur for a Mo­ a ther’s Day visit with Sally’s pa­ i rents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas i 7 λ -:J Jones i Mr and Mrs Louis Coffin re­ i turned on Sunday, May 11, from a brie’’ trip to Detroit and Earn 2 A per cent on all savings ri K Flint, Mich On a combined 3 per cent on three year business and pleasure trip,they Cl flew east, a'-d then drove home n in a new Buick, visiting rela­ deposit certificates. h tives and friends enroute ?! fl Mary Kli-ker enjoyed a Mother’s D^y visit from her G irl;« ^ 1 - j i B A Y a H-.1 son Jimmy and daughter Anna May, and their two respective % ' E M « •) a friends, all o' Portland. House- y i i guests of Mrs. Klinker that s H -J weekend were Chuck and El Grace Holst of Salem. All deposits insured to $10,000 by a A number of Barton people GST TH r: m i * m M attended the funeral on Wed­ Hours 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation r: nesday, May 14, of Mary Oilve (Mrs- Frank! Robinson. The children of Barton school a n .’ Air Conditioning— temperatures made to order. Get a demonstration! a H i» W Z R Y M B m m They're Full-Size Chevies * « A4 , fu n i K • ; .“¿1 v ^ l ca ; m No skimping in scat width, leg- GET-ACQUAINTED room, wheelbase—Delray gives you every generous dimension e : Moi-ir $ S fj offered by any Chevrolet. THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Page Estacada, Oregon, Friday, May 23, 1958 ‘1 &%h Lakes Season Fishing i Y /i taœe fROM mail's! FR EE u 3 OFFER Traars and Murine 5 m ton?- is's 101 (I s p -> s t PeweH Cue West Síocít emm it A CO M PLETE C H O ICE OF E N G IN E S G/ssIìam i You can order a Delray with Chevy’s top Fuel Injection V8 if you like—or get any one of the five V8’s or the filuc-Flame Six! of Poste fiiez i If Y o u W a n t the low-down and real inside baseball news, here is a real get-acquainted special offer. send We will you 12 weekly issues of THE SPORTING NEWS (reg­ ular value $3.00) PLUS a copy of the big, brand-new 612-page 1958 edition of the Official Base­ ball Guide (regular price $1.00) combined value $4.00, for $2.50. OFFICIAL and AUTHENTIC This official book contains m a jo r and minor league a v e rages, records, offi­ c i a l playing rules and thousands of f a c t s about the game. It's absolutely free to you — with a 1 2 -week subscription to THE SPORTING NEWS for $2.50. Í 1 ■ a a B B B B a a t i E K ' « K i B B a a B a a i i s a a at)a i » 9 H i P !r 9 M « > m » * > :s s s 9irbtËilBHaia f ■ BASEE ------------ l»9TT»4* *B^9» © •••'1 L LV Why not get acquainted — use coupon, send your order today end you'll enjoy the Guide and .'HE SPORTING NEWS. S. IJUE OFFER COUPON AT ESTACADA EVERY W EDNESDAY GRcSrIAM SEED & FEED CO. , T H E S P O R T IN G N IW S 2 01 8 W a sh in g to n A r e I S t . L o u it 3. Mo < H *raw ith you w iH find $2.50 for w W d i I I om to reteivm THE SPO R TIN G N EW S w eeks, and a fre e copy of th# ’ •58 O fficia l Sosoball Guido. for 12 I | C IT Y Grrshrm, O-e. Phone MO 5 2186 L i — STATI The beautiful Delray 2-Door Sedan, one of three budget-priced Delray models . Chevrolet’s dollar-stretching A U T O M A T IC D R IV E S Choice of time-proved ‘Power- glide* or supremely smooth Turboglide*—the only triple­ turbine drive in Chevy’s field. DELRAY YOU JUST CAN’T TIE T H IS BUYI Here’s surefire proof Chevrolet always knows how to give you more for your money—from longer, newer, lovelier bodies to a wider range of engines, transmissions and suspension systems. The more you look the more you’ll find to like in Delray — T H E L O W E S T P R IC E D U N IQ U E F u ll C oil S u sp en sio n Delray’s standard suspension system puts a cloud-soft coil spring at each wheel, blends this with the beautiful roadability of four-link rear control arms! O F A L L T H E L O W - P R IC E D C H E V R O L E T S I Chevy doesn’t have any “smaller” models. T he big, beautiful Chevrolet Delray is just as long, just as wide, just as softly sprung on the same 117-inch wheelbase as the luxurious Bel Air models. Like every other Chevrolet, it has the extra solidity and quality of Body by Fisher. There’s no stinting on optional equipment, either. You can get anything from Fuel Injection* to Level Air* ride, any Chevrolet transmission, any Chevrolet engine, just as you choose. Take a long, long look at this one next time you drop in at your Chevrolet dealership—because the more you demand for your money the surer it is you’ll decide on Delray! and Delray is the only car in its class with the extra rigidity of an all-new Safety-Girder frame, the extra clarity of Safety Platt Glass all the way around, the extra convenience of crank- operated vent windows! *Optional at txtra cost. See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer Drive with care ... everywhere I Miller Chevrolet Service Estacada, Oregon