Page 3 THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Estacada, Oregon, Friday, May 23, 1958 Buy u Poppy Eagie Creek Forester Price Patronize your locai 'News' job printer (By Margaret Ross) Among this Friday’s graduat­ es at Estacada Union High , Earl M. Karlinger, d istrict School are t.'.ree from Eagle On Friday ar.d Saturday, May r a n g er 0f 11 1 <■ Estacada Ranger - Creek- Mary Paine Virginia 23 and .4, all of us will be ask- district, has announced the Introducing Our New Eagle Creek Agent Schultz and John Woodcock. . c i . : ed to wear a 1’ttle red poppy on transfer and promotion of Er- FOR THE Three boys from Eagle Creek our coats or dresses. The day ¡u,st g p iac(> j r from a forest­ FAMILY are graduating from Estacaua WU| be Poppy Day, when, once el. sitio„ on th¿ Estacada dis- g.ade school Thursday night: t.ach year, wo o f America pay ; ■ . .. T, RED GOOSE Howard Bess, Mike Carlson, and tribute by wearing the memor- m c t t0 ° tat Asil!,lam ln lim ber Management on the Olym- p For growing feet Milton Garrison- ial flower the little red crepe GRACE WALKER Mis. Mabel Paine of Cathla- paper flower, to those who gave P‘,c National J"'orest, Olympia, ■ „ r p Û.CÏ97 Pkon> CR 9-6510 met, has been visitisg here for j their lives in Americas service Washington e will be station ■ Off. Phone CR 9 - «¿ueen For a Day Fam» the past ten days with the fam­ during the World Wars. As we ed in Olympia, Washington JOHN C. ROBERTL ilies o f her son Robert Paine receive our poppy from the wo- I Price started work with the For Particular Men 81 Boys D I A M ON D RI NG S American Legion Forest Service at Dufur, Oreg- and daughter Ruth (Mrs. Ember men of the In 1955 he was Wilson.) as well as a brother Auxiliary, who will distribute on in 1948. GUARANTIE D PERFECT Clarence O'Noel of Estacada- the flowers on the streets that promoted to lorester on the Es­ Special occasion for her visit da.\ , we will be aiding the wars’ tacada Dietrxt . SHOE STORE GROKETT JEW ELRY was graduation of three of her living victims by the contrbu- He graduated in forestry from 702 Main Oregon City Oregon State college in Í952. Sandy, Oregon grasdehildrer, Cecelia Paine tion we make for the flower. and Michelle Wilson from Eagle He served in the U. S. Navy The poppy comes to us from Creek Grade School and Mary seeing a the fields of "ranee and Bel­ from 1941 to 1947, Paine from Estacada high school great part of the world gium where the churning tide Cristine Holbrook was taken “ Ernie,” his wife Verna and of war obliterated all touches to the hospital in Goldendale, AUTO— TRUCK— FIRE— LIFE of beauty except its brave red children David, Wayne, Doug­ Wash, on Wednesday of last blooms It comes to us from las and Susan reported to their AND week following a fall outside the shell pitted battle areas new assignment May 19. her home in Wishram. She suf­ ALL FORMS OF BUSINESS INSURANCE and from among the wooden fered a broken shoulder and se­ crosses o f the war cemeteries. vere bruises and lacerations.Her Mrs E. R. Gaillard was hon­ Ho I« prepared to furnish complet« Information daughter Sibyl Baley went up to There it was nature's tribute to the heroic dead, and here in ored with a stork shower last see her on Saturday about FARMERS IN SU RA N C E GRO UP policios. America it is the tribute of pa­ Friday evening, given by Mrs. Ed Reha has been in the Vet­ triots to those who made patri­ Norma Chonle and Mrs. Taylor Write, telephone or call In parson for completo eran Hospital in Portland since otism’s highest sacrifice. Blasingame at the Chonle information. last Thursday suffering from home. She received a bathinet ■ The crepe paper poppy you paint poisoning. He and Earl ■ i for the expected heir. i Odell were spraying paint on : wear over your heart this May Odell fence last week and both day of remembrance, may be men are now hospitalized >*1 fashioned end unsk.llfully made. Treasure it the On May 2 E. Leroy Meyer j ■ cause it represents the first fal- with wife and daughter Evelyn tering steps on the road back attended the funereal of his for some man who risked his brother Augustus W. Myers,late life, so that you and I could o f Redmond and fomerly of keep ours. In many cases he has Jennings Lodge who died Ap.29 a family for which he was re- Vernon Rois last Satuday ac- sponsible before he offered his companied the boys of the Key * reatest * * to his country. He Club and advisor Bob Larson worries about his family and is A^Ton, Long box. 6-ply tires to Salem for u tour o f the State ™ to rehabilitate himself so Radio, Heater. Overdrive. Sharp. Capital guided by M. Nunn,Asst that he may leave the white cot Sec of State Geo. Suter o f Eag- “ th«f hosP,ff* a" d again(, ta* e le Creek and Dave Whitehead of Place a t_the h,'ad , ° _ he ¿a* Barton wert among members b!e .and say G,ace wl(h Thanks' going K'v,n« Radio, Heater, New Seat Covers. Good tires The proceeds from the poppy, Weekend guests of Mr and assist the American Legion and Paint. Clean. Mrs Frank Tachcron were their Auxiliary in their hospital pro- two sons an-1 families Don and grams and the Child welfare ■T. tfo fnm Eugene and Bob and program in ;he communities. Shirley from Camas. Show the world yoc care wear a poppy. Last Sunday Mr and Mrs Shir­ Radio, Heater. Skirts. ley Bui nett drove to Corvallis to take their daughter Joanne back to college. On the way back they stopped at Sheridan to vis­ it Ethel Mae’s niece and family New Paint. Good throughout! the Trenton Morrows. Mr. and Mrs Ken Shoup and Milt Garrison spest last wee* THUR., FRI . SAT , May 22-24 HUNTZ HALL anil the è en camping at Oceanlake BOWERY BOYS in ï, Mrs. Don Carlson spent two ! Good Tires days early this week visiting relatives in The Dalles For Remembrance Rotes Promotion 'News' Want Ads Bring Good Results SHOES L. R. ' BUD" RIVERS as Local Agent for the HEWETT'S V 195Ó Chevrolet Pickup Our Best Wishes 1275-00 1952 Doclrc 4 door 375-00 1953 Plymouth A ifeer 443 ° 1953 Chevrolet 2 ftaor S S 5 -0 0 TO THE Graduato oi "Looking :ur you are to he highiy commended in that through yzu? own efforts you have reached another mile­ stone in the road to n education. Danger'* V isit us in our new bank building - - 1948 Nash 4 door sedan 1950 Chev.Ctry. Club Cpe 2 9 5 * 0 0 Saturday eve supper guests of Mr and Mrs Ersest Douglas were Mr. and Mrs. A. Heacock o f Damascus Sunday the Doug­ lases were guests of the Dur- wood Douglas family at a picnic >n Mt Hood A - l Condition