social se- forced to pledge a resumption Secretary of labor of the details of Eagle Creek. .. ■ legislation of all I pension I benefit Is this true, or o ........................ f hearings on labor and welfare E s ta c a d a , O re g o n , F rid a y , M a v 16, 1 9 5 8 w ill m y earning* b efo re 1951 al- by th e S ta te L abor C om m ittee funds It w as th e m easure und and Mrs. Lawrence _ ’ - -----— ------- ------- --------------------- Sil bo consid .e d in fig u rin g m y an d p ro m p t consideration of er S en ate consideration w hen Mr P lu m b in g an d H e a tin g ben efit 8 * co m m ittee reco m m en d af S enator K n- w land, the Repub- W ahlstrom and d a u g h te r P h y l - , NOTICE OF PRE-SCHOOI. General Sheet Motal A All earnings a fte r 1936 on ions by th e Senate. T here is lican lead er, and o th er adm in- lis of G eorge Mr. an d M rs L e s -, CLINIC MAY 21 w h ich social ^ecority w as p aid no ex p ectation th a t broad labir istratio n su| p o rters o ffered te r C olson ot G arfield, w ere Work W ednesday, May 21, a ll chil a re considered, a n d if th is gives legislation w ill be recom m end- th eir various ¡“b o r^ le g is la tiv e guesw a ^ o ^ M ^ d e a t ^ t t o ' dren who w ill be enrolled in the the highest average benefits w ill ed, but the groundwork could proposals as rm endm ents^ E stac a d a ... . . 4 . . bt* based on all earnings. Since be prepared for action nexc All but one of the amend salm on d in n e r g iven S a tu rd a y ! n ig h t a t C orbett by th e C orbett public schools are requested to earnings be ba^.d have on * b e e n 'y e a i. m ent. were rejected, with sub generally been . City Licensed support, A m erican L egion P ost. O thers ! have their required pre-school higher since 1950, it is usually Hearings can be very educa- stantial Reoublican _______ _ finally n o te d at the dinner w ere Mr., medical exam s to be conducted advantageous to base benefits tional if the proper w itnesses _____ and the Douglas bill P h o n e M U 7-3831 w as passed unanim ously 88 to and M rs. A dolph S till of Bar- j at the Estacada Grade School on the average earnings after appear. T he S e n a te debate, covei ■ 0. It now goe« to the H ouse ton. I.ibrary from 9 AM to noon,May 1950. >r Committee :n ___________ _„ l l l t l l|T|ITI 21 . Q:: My husband died recen t-! ing w idely publicized night Where the I. C U A R A N T ifD P IR FE C T ly.I believe 1 listed him as my and Saturday sessions, centered ready has held som e hearings. Y Ol'R SOCIAL SECURITY beneficiary when I applied for national attention on the prob' By Jam es Piazza m y social security card. How do lem o f obtaining effective la- JANICE BCI1LINGER G R O K E T T JE W E L R Y Q: I have heard that only m y I change th is . i bor laws. Reaction from the N MMED A - VOMEN’B S an d y , O regon w ages after 1950 w ill determ - A: There is no procedure | public is all important in R since I am 63 years old, would 1 it bo possible for me to draw - L*fACADA j i i ■ - ______ monthly benefits on his ac- _____ count? .Tj/ni i-r •r u e A: You rnn 10ceive the lump- i H E sum death paym ent, provided ‘ E i\( ho had not remarried and was F - NCi IIX P E R T insured at the time of his death. you wore divorced at the t 8ARBERS Since lim e of his d^ath, there is no COUSIN’S w av that you can draw' m onth­ ly benefits unless there are children w ho are either disab­ led or under the age o f 18. For further information or details cdntaet your nearest S o ­ cial Security office located at 926 S. W. Forth Ave. Portland, Ore. CA 6-33G1 THK CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS A . D. Benshoof Page 6 I curity RËNAULTS * 14 MEAT CÜT FOR LOCKERS 7 # u Ü tS W Ä Q E N S *12 5 0 Harold Middleton YORK MOTOR CO GRADUATION TIME !S NEAR - - - Estacada Branch for chain saw users fEtfACADA KcCULLOCH f !2N ESTACADA PARSER W W »wo K aru ers - - l'io W a itin g ! MAIL ItOX IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WILL BE HELD WEEK OF MAY 19 TO 24 The annual Mail Box In”- provement Program w ill be ob­ served this year during the w eek of May 19 to 24. The Department w ishes to e n ­ courage patrons o f rural deliv­ ery service to provide suitable i boxes, erected and m aintained for easy and safe accessiability, presenting a neat appeam ace, | and affording protection to mail. Boxes that are improperly erected or in unserviceable con | dition retard d elivery o f mail and expose it to the weather Names o f the box ow ners, should be inscribed on the side 1 of the box visib le to the carrier as he approaches, or on the dor if boxes are grouped. The box number may be inscribed on the box if desired. B oxes and suoportJ should be kept painted. When tw o or more boxes are grouped at one point, or the re­ ceptacles are not directly tn front o f the residents, the nam ­ es and addr. sses must be on the front o f .he boxes A T E S T A C A D A E V E R Y W E D N E SD A Y GRESHAM SEED & FEED CO. Gresham, Ore. Phone MO 5-2186 NO COMMENT WASHINGTON A dvocate, o f more effective labor legis- ; latfon believe that the Senate controversy iv e r this subject i initiated bf -Sosator Knowland ( and prom ptly supported by ( the Eisen how er Adminstra ton) served some useful pur­ poses w hich could have far- reaching consequences. Among the possible benefi­ cial result« listed are these: 1. Dem ocratic leaders w ere ■ We have just purchased lime-spreeading equipment------ 2 spreader trucks and a loader------ from Soil Conditioner Incorporated, for del­ ivering and spreading Mineralized Sugar Lime onto farmlands in Multnomah, Clackamas, Marion and Washin jton counties. O R D E R S can be p laced d irectly w ith us — or th ro u g h your m a rk e tin g o rg an iz atio n . A rra n g e ­ m en ts have b een m ade w ith B irds Eye a n d G re ­ sham B erry G row ers to h a n d le th e ir grow e rs ’ lim e orders. Lim e will be sh ip p ed in box cars, u n lo ad e d d irectly to o u r tru ck s, a n d s p re a d on y our farm for only $13 p e r ton on 2-ton p e r acre a p p licatio n s, $13.50 p e r ton on P /j- to n p er a c re ap p lic atio n s, a n d $14 p e r ton fo r o n c-ton p e r a c re a p p licatio n s. S U G A R L lM E IS B E T T E R _ M in eralized S u g a r Lim e is a p ro d u c t of th e su g ­ a r beet in d u stry a n d ou r supply com es from n e a r T o p p en ish , W ash . T his lim e is su p e rio r to raw rock lim e becau se: 1. T he calcium c a rb o n a te base is fo rto fie d w ith n itro g en , p h o sp h o ro u s a n d m agnesium . 2. H igh calcium c o n te n t an d fine p a rtic le size resu lt in fast action. 3. Light w eight gives tw o-fifths more bulk to th e ton. G r e s h a m C o o p e r a tiv e £ ^ ^ 6“ * * B Ö L