and his fam ily briniging with them a complete turkey dinner and a potted plant for Mrs. Douglas in honor o f Mother’s Day. Her sister. Florence Clon- inger, was her luncheon guest on that same day. On Mothers’ Day the Jesse THURS., FRI., S A i., M A Y 1;, Whislers’ son and daughter-m law, David and Shirley Whls- LUCK LA D Y FROZEN ut.AS, id oz. .o „ ler and fam i’.v of West Linn Bradshaw HONEY, 24 oz. c came over to accompany them Bests Foods M AYO NNAISE to church as c*:d their daughter Naoma Polehe and baby ol French’s Prepared MUSTARD, 6 oz. 2 .or 1:,. Red land. Heinz HAMBURGER RELISH, 11 oz. 29c The Carl Ponnow family and KOOL AID, All Flavors, 6 pkgs. 25c the Earl Br.'i Letts were in For­ Li. L e ila G o riio n I est G rove last Saturday » 't rid­ Maine SARDINES, size tins 2 for 19c Mrs Lola Peimers received a ing the Music in M ay festival- Gerber’s Strained B AB Y FOOD, 4l/ z oz. 10 for 89c wire telling her that her sister Kenny Ronnow, a Pacific Unlv. junior was recently tapped for Pheasant DOG FOOD 3 for 25c Gertrude Sganzini had a gall bladder operation Thurs. at a the Blue K ey national honor Larro Ail Purpose EGG MASH 100 lbs. $4.65 hospital in Napa, Calif. She is fraternity. reported doing O. K They res­ The Hank Outers on Sunday We are sorry to hear that ide at Oakv lle. Calif. entertained Dotty’s aunt, Mary Mrs. Sam Dymtryk is very ill Bill Klaetsch was ill and Becket o f Portland. at Holliday hospital in Port­ home from s'hool Monday Last Wednesday George Sut- Guests at the Don Sager land. (By Margaret Ross) Viisting at the Jim Klatesch er was one ol six Estacada hign home on Sunday were Mr. and Members ot Springwater home Sunday w ere his mothe. Mrs. Maude Forrester w el­ school students who attended Mrs. J. M. Benfield o f Molalla Grange had a picnic dinner on Mrs. Baird and a sister Mrs. comed her three children for a and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sager Saturday at the new Metzler Krocker. Mother’s Day visit, Paul and his No. 3 Regional Student Council Conference at Astoria accom­ and fam ily of Portland. Park on Clear Creek. Mrs Jean Ballou had part of w ife Sylvia from Redmond; Roy Mr. and M-s. Raymond Hai- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Akins her fam ily home for Mothers' and his w ife Grace from Port­ panied by their teacher-advisor Mr. Tantz. ries and fam ily left Friday af­ and Cathy enjoyed a trip to Day. There were 2d present. land, and A lice and Sterling Christine Holbrook of Wish- ternoon to spend Mother's Day Pendleton over the week end to Some were unable to come be­ McAlpine o f Salem. last weekend with Mrs. Harries' visit Mrs. Akins’ brother and cause of work. Dora Clestir and her daught­ ram, Wash,, stayed here mother, Mrs parents in Klamath Falls.They fam ily the Oliver Becks.While The Skip a Week Club met er Nola esjoved the week-end week with her eturned Sunday eve. there another brother and his with Mable Nichols the 7th and visit of daughters Zola Crain Mary Buhlinger who had suf­ in Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Petrie family, the Elwin Becks came worked on her quilt. They also (and children) from Cottage fered a slight stroke early tnd family o f Portland spent from Walla Walla to visit. meet there on the 21st Grove, and Opel and B ill) Gard­ the week. Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pagle and Don’t forget the Garfield ner from Salem. Saturday visit­ i Tile Ora Ga'-lords were Sun- Iheir mother. Mrs. Erma Tenny children Mary and Vincent a. Dorcas Society the 15th at M ag­ ors were Irvn i Johnson nd his • day guests it the A lfa Cranor home in PoiUand. Thi sympathy of the neigh- rived Sunday from Stockton, gie Bates. children o f Portland. , Three visitors or boihood is extended to Mrs. Calif, to visit Mrs. Pagle’s par- Mr. and Mrr Ernest Duus Sunday guests of the Quentin Chris W ilber and fam ily at the ests the Jack Akins. Mrs. Pag­ and fam ily spent Mother’s Day Cooks were Pat s parents, Mr. Mrs. Homer G lover last Thurs - death of her daughter Mrs. le w ill rema.n in Springwater at their son' Jack Duus is M ii- asd Mrs. Mint hew Burke, and day were her sisters, Mrs.Lowe and Mrs Permnigs and a cousin Claude Brown early Saturday while Mr. Pagle goes to Seattle waukie. brother and sister-in-law, Mr. of Mr. Lowe's. morning. Mrs. Brown’s home I on business M r and Mrs. Charles Lewis, and Mrs. Frank Burke and chil­ Last Thursday Maude Burn­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Akins formerly o f Baker and now res­ dren of Portland. was at Nyssa Oregon but she had been staving with her mo­ o f Three Lynx had dinner Mon iding at McCall, Idaho Visiting Mr and Mrs Lonnie ett entertained her three sisters spent Edna Parsons. Ella Russell and ther the past few days. The fu ­ day at the Jack Akins home several days last week at the Smith on Sunday were their A very delivhtful Mother’s Dewey Qua 's Their daughter grandson Roger Sagner and his Nettie Stipe c f Portland. Ethel neral w ill be held at Redmond May Burnett was also a guest was also there one day but re­ w ife and children o f Portlan. turned to Reed College which On M ay 5, Mrs. Ernest Dougl­ at luncheon On Tuesday night a deer was she attends. The Lewises had as suffered a broken rib and in­ spent the winter in Mexico. jured rib ligaments in a misor killed by a car as it crossed the Shirley Claude Rice o f Flagpond, accident at her borne. Last Sun­ hiway in front of the Tenn. is staying at the Wm. day evening the Douglases Burnett home It was reported Reimers and helpisg with the were pleasantly surprised by to police by the driver. Three Eagle Creek ladles work. their nephew Durvi xid Douglas were among t he guests at the silver tea o f the Sprngwater Visiting at tne Glen Dan- Church Ladies Assn last Thurs­ ■orths of Orogon City Mother’s day afternoon at Springwater Mm were her parents Mr. and Grange hall. They w ere Flor­ Mrs. James Lamb: her sister, ence Cloningar, Ruth Olmstead R r and Mrs. Carl Burke and Cary all of Fstacada, M r and 1'IIUR, FRI.. SAT., May 15-17 and Magaret Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Cook , , r.s. R. E Lamb, Brian and ROBERT R Y A N and ALD O have sold then house, the form­ Barbara o f ^amas, Wash; his R A Y in er Blaisdell place to M r and father, Mrs. Freda Danforth Mrs. Norman Wyatt,who now one Mr and Mrs. George Wilson live near Co:bett. The Wyatts Mr. and Mrs Paul Christian­ and their three children w ill son of Clatskanie had dinner at SECOND FEATU RE move here e-nly in June their daughter’s, the Edward RO RY C A LH O U N in I.ces Sat. eve. Also there were // Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Cooke he" sister and fam ily the Clar­ were Mother’s Day dinner ence Busers of Estacada, guests of the Jack Kohls o f L o­ Mr. and Pics. John Parvin SUN., MON.. TUE., May 18-20 w er Logan. nd fam ily spent Mother’s Day AU DIE M U R PH Y, >t her parents Mr. and Mrs. S M IC H AE L RED G RAVE and G EO RG IA M O LL in Members o f the American W Eggleston in Portland Legion Auxiliary, Post No 74, James Chiysler is sepnding a w ill be guest ( at the 11 A M row days with his parents the Wm. Chryslers worship service at the First Methodist Church o f Estacaaa Mrs. Virgil Wallace was host , on M av 18. s for a hankev shower given for Mrs. Estehr Aylett at her home Friday at a missionary meeting. Mr. and Mrs. John Wicken- kamp and boys visited his par­ ents the Ray Gordons on Moth­ er’s Day ■ .V. . . l i - L o u . . . The Past ^residents’ Parley • ill meet at Leila Gordons on TKF, C LA U K A m A a U U U N l'Y N E W i Paye 4 Estaoada, Oregon, Friday, May ± o . „ SPRINGWhitR STORE SP.CJ m L o I • v e . - h i was given by Association of the i..0 vVaier Thursday . .. II at tne Grange hall, ui 30 Women enjoyed the g am and the refreshments, ou. e and vote Fridty, May . oth r. ..nd M s. Lyle Evans anu ,. . Los Angeles are visiting ire Jon Smith home. Mr. ¡.ns is a brother of Mrs. mh, iue a News Springwater May 23 at 10 30 AM.Sack lunch and salad and dessert will be served by the hostess. A ll Past Presidents inv’ted. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Qualls attended church Sun. in Oswe­ go. Mr and Mrs. Dean Qualls sing in the rnoir and Margene sang a solo accompanied by Mrs Petrasso on the violin.They had dinner at the Dean Qualls in Glanstone. Other visitors were her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chevron and her sister, M. and Mrs Gerald M ealey and three children. Mrs Patricia Anders and Mrs. Esther Price left last week t° attend their uncle’s funeral. Shortly after they arrived they were notified that Mrs. Sadie Anders had died. They return­ ed home immediately. Your present Coroner & his deputies, maintain 24 hour service in the whole County. Keep this service VO TE FOR LES PEAKE Clackamas County CORONER ¿ogle ireek Paid Political Advertisement COUPON SPECIALS! Ï Regular ¿Vice - - Coupons Good for Sun,, Mon., Tues., Wednesday, May 18-19-20-21 BORDEN’S MAYONNAISE Closing Out Shoe Stock Shoes - Quart 4 9 e v/iih Coupon iW O .N GOOD S C N D A Ï. ONLY ATo UOBNEKS M OND AY, TU ESD AY, b . u u u ie i W EDNESDAY "MEN at WAR" "DOMINO KID Cello-Packed * SALADS "QUID AMERICAN" With SUNDAY - CO UPO NS GOOD O N L Y A T H O R N E R 'S D IG C H IE F S TO R E M O N D A Y - T U E S D A Y - W ED N ESD AY f ‘ !. HOE STORES, !NC. KEEP ft fi 4ft KC0L A IB S for Ì 9 C With Coupoi 1951 Chevrolet 2 door 1 9 5-00 1956 Chevrolet Pickup 1275*00 Lots of good transportation. COUPON GOOD SUNDAY. ONLY M ONDAY. AT H O R N E R 'S d IO CHIEF STORE TU E SD AY, W EDNESDAY _____________/ Radio, Heater. Overdrive. Sharp. 1952 Dodge 4 door 395*00 Radio, Heater, New Seat Covers. Good tires and Paint. Clean. 1955 Ford Vs Ton PH E ASAN T SLICED PINEAPPLE 995 00 A -l Condition. 6-PIy tires. 4-Speed. 1956 Chevrolet 2 door Flats 2 for 1 9 c 1 4 9 5 -0 0 With Coupo": Club Coupe. Radio, Heater. V-8 Powerglide. WALTER N0RBLAD — WORKING FOR OREGON WITH A 13-YEAR HEADSTART I With 435 m em ber« In the House of Representatives, influence is gained b y a representative in Congreae only t h r o u g h s e n io r it y . T h a t 's w h y W a lte r N o rb la d is able to do so much for Oregon. H is 13-year head« start is important to jobs in Oregon. Through his seniority N o rb la d is Oregon's on ly influential voice in Congress. Keep Walter Norblad in Congress. A n y new ly elected congressman aoold not attain N o rb la d '« congrea* unless he to the year 19731 1953 Plymouth 4 door 495*00 COtlYON GOOD ONI.Y AT HORNER'S BIO CHIEF STORE SUNDAY. MONDAY. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Radio, Heater. Skirts. 1953 Chevrolet 2 door 595*00 New Paint. Good throughout! 1948 Nosh 4 door sedan One Coupon Each To Family Coupons Good May 18-19-20-21 On 95*00 Good Tires Miller Chevrolet Service Estacada, Oregon P& _ + r O tM A A . . . CHIEF _ _ _ _ Estacodo, Oregon K CR 9-3224