Shirley Murphy, Mr. and M rs.' ded among the spiny ray fish. water temperature, type o f and beautifully decorated witn Jess Turner and Ella Joe all at- i V J ' ' i - g « a l i i e s ^ l S , 2SWTS shoreline, natural lunning small Easter lilies. The committee in tended the coronation ball at ofTlw T n ^ e f d c fu lire not «ravel streams for spawning, in charge was Evepn and Fred Molalla last Saturday eve. experts on these subjects but case o f trout, and many other Marshall.Rex and May Bledsoe Plumbing and Heating. I Mrs. Lester Macllavena of Clark Mrs. Esther Weston visited at we can offer a few do’*s and factors are to be considered. , and Dorothy Britton. | County, Wash. the home of her sister Becky dont's which may help to prev- These and other conditions sur-1 ..................... General Sheet Metal Glenn Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Merton, last Friday. ent some o f the mistakes com- rounding the finished pond w i l l , By LaFaye Fouts j Del Allen and children all re-i The Len Maples son Jack and mon around the countryside. suggest the types of fish to be Work Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson burned from chiurch with the his w ife Marlene and daughter About the first thing the stocked. NO TICE: Oui deadline or Jr. have a new baby daughter, j M arvjn Allen family for Easter have been staying with them proud new farm pond o w n e r --------------------- news and advertising is mes- Estacada Cynthia Jean, born March 22 at dinner. Later in the day the - - - ( i - y y whUe they wants to do is to stock his wat- R E B E K A H A C T IV IT IE S day night. We cannot guaran- City Licensed lKh K St- Vju CHni S,K.°«P^ i h e Marvin Allen fam ily visited Mrs ^ are t preparing to move ir into the 1 er with the whole works-fish, Centennial Rebekah Lodge tee publication If material Is baby weighed 6 lbs. b oz I h e i A llen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. | , , .... tj , ,_ little house which they are ducks and frogs. The result ls i met Wednesday eve. Cards of , . . ter y , , E Tuesday Phone M U 7-3831 maternal grandparents are M r ’ _ and Mrs Stanley S Levin and' Car,ey Patcrso" and ^ M .V H a r b u ild in g beside the Maples. On often disastrous The larg- : cheer were sent to Mollie Bates, ------ Mrs. ----- Stanley - S. Levin and ] son au it s ¿3 parents, pa* 111 Mr. and Mis.Har- Sunday thc Mapies daughter most and er fish eat the smaller frogs, the Mary Eshelman and M arie Hei- the paternal grandparents are Pratt o f Sellwood. ! and famly, Mr. and Mrs. Wally larger frogs eat the smaller pie. _____ 1 K « . . T A .1 .......n ____ __ , . . Mr. and Mrs. L. J T Anderson of ' The i The business meeting was op- h ' m S1Rola>rfa s liT lr'o / Port Smith, enjoyed Easter dinner fish and smaller frogs, Estacada. and Mrs. Robert Shier o f Port- ,ogether ducks ea( the smaIler fjsh and ened and delegates for the Re Mrs. Iva Fouts spent several Mr. and Mrs. Loren Pattee vi- smaller frogs. The ducks eat the bekah Assembly elected as foV- days in the Oregon City hospit­ land is visiting with B sited at the home of Mr. and i smaller fish and large bass w ill ows: Lorraine Beisell, M ary j al last week and is recuperating ri a tighter of the Marvin Mrs. Leavern Riedel. Other vis- j eat smal ducklings and every- Eshelman. A m y Rivers as dele- at the home o f her son Stanley until Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert K ra ft’s ¡-¡tors at the Riedel home last thing wheih moves, provided gates; and Erma Kiggins, Anna Fouts. She will be unable to re turn to work at Lipman’s in spent Easter Shnday in Portland week w ere Mr. and Mrs. Carl the critter is not too large. Underwood. Frma Sarver as al- Portland for several weeks She with his father. After attend- Clayton. In many areas bull frogs ‘ emates The Rebekah Assem- slippcd and fell and hurt her ing church they all went oht for The Carl Bonnets are the stock themselves and they do bly o f Oregon w ill be held at chest dinner. proud owners o f a new black enjoy eating small trout and Corvalis os M ay 18 19, 20 and, Arthur Smith and Mrs. Lucy l The next Viola Extension;and white Studebakei station bass. So there may be a case o f 21. , , Broadhdrst of Estacada caled meeting will be on co-ordinated wagon. „ , _ . bullfrog control. Also, in favor- Under good o f the Order a last Saturday eve at the home wardrobe under leadership o f Mrs. Betty Carnes, c u d sc able locations, trout may stock cever game was esjoyed by the I o f Stanley Fouts to Mrs. Iva Mrs. Helen McDowell.The lesson Den mother tor Den t> neia a themselves naturally- Where 1 members under direction of of “ Easier to Prepare Meals” has treasure hunt and wcmei roas^ favorable spawning streams ex- Mabel Baker and Elizabetn Fouts. Mrs. Iva Fouts and Mrs. Stan- ! been postponed until the May _, ___ist above the pond, trout w ill j Ames Phone MOhawk 5 3794 Gresham, Oregon | A fte r the business meeting the ley Fouts enjoye dinner at the meeting and w ill be under the den. Assisting Mrs. Carnes w ere spawn eacb Vear. Mr. Clarence Jubb and Mr. and Q ¿¿vice is this home of Mrs. Lottie Kirchem on leadership of Vida Peck and Con- j members assembled in the din- Day and Night Service - A Local Institution Monday. Mis. Mamie Kirchem j ean IUig. The program for the Mw- Vic Keller. The boys £ a j r #ult somegone who has know- 1 ing room whore they enjoyed a visited later in the day. ,iay Wni be the business meet- ed ball, hiked and had a won­ ledge o f the problems Involved , social time. The tables were derful time Last Saturday the children ¡ng ¡n the morning, a talk on cross Jim Weston Mr. and Mrs. Jim nesw n |pr*or *° stocking. Water depth, placed is the form of a who were to be in the Easter Civil Defense by Esther Weston and Esther Weston had a lo v e ly ! program enjoyed an Easter egg an(j Bernice Miller. Sack lunch Clackamas last | hunt at the home o f Mrs. Stan- tG be brought by each member, drive up the ley Fouts. Tw enty fiv e child- This month w ill also be election Sunday. On Tuesday Mrs. Esther West-1 ren and 12 mothers attended, of new officers for the 1958-59 an demonstrated the lesson on The winner in the under six year. group was Darwin Brock with One-hund ed twenty tw o at- tossed salad to the newly form- j Is our special checking account arrangement! W e photo­ ten eggs. The group between 6 , tended the Easter Sunday servi- ed Springwa*er Extension group and 8 winner was Junior Grady Ces at the Viola Community stat every cancelled check for your protection, furnish Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hubbards ^ * wth 8 eggs. Punch, coffee and Church. Tw enty-fice o f the Be- son Louis and fam ily from Gar­ you with an accurate statement at regular intervals - and decorated cupcakes were enjoy- ginners and Primary Dept, chil- ibaldi spent Easter with them. the stubs in your checkbook provide a detailed account o f ed. I dren put on a little Easter pro- Visitors at the Bernard Gra­ Easter dinner was enjoyed at gram for the Susday School scr- dy home w ere Mr. Grady’s m o­ your expenditures. In every way, a special checking ac- ^ ? the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Carl | vice. Carol Stevens sang a solo ther, Mrs. Ruby Grady, and his cunt is good business. No minimum balance require^.’ The Bennett by Mr. Bennetts broth- | ‘Christ Is Risen Today.’ ’Little uncle Mr.Ray Grady, both from cost is only $1.00 for 12 checks. Open an account today. er and sister in law Mr. and Darwin Brock was the only one Portland. Mrs. Ralph Bennett and Mrs. I with a birthday for the week.He A1 and Ellen Bloedom and was celebrating his 5th. Holt o f Portlnand. Scotts M ill The junior and senior choirs their son W illie of Mr. and Mrs.Bill Carnes and beautiful spent last Monday visiting with Ronnie spent Easter Sunday combined sang tw o with Mr. and Mrs Clarence numbers under the direction of the Marvin Allen family. Mrs. Jean Allen. Elsie Smith | Mrs. Maxine Renaud, and ac­ Jubb. Mr. and Mrs. Vic K eller have companied by Miss Bernice Mil- and Charlotte Kraft attended I been ill with the flu fo r the lcr.Jim Weston sang a solo “ Jer­ the Get Acquainted Tea in hon­ or of the Logan mothers fo r the past two weeks. Their nephew usalem.” Ronnie Carnes stayed home A t 7:30 PM the Easter servi­ Redland P T A Tuesday. A group from the Viola Com­ with a sore thront last Monday. ces for Youtn and Adult were Mr. and Mrs James Anderson combined with pictures on tne munity Church held a skating Earn 2^ per cent on all savings and daughter Patricia and son resurrection climaxing the serv­ party at Gresham recently. Rev. i Alfred spent last Sunday with ice. -f and Mrs. Renaud led the cara­ 3 per cent on three year at i Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Levin, The monthly church board van which left the church 6:30 PM. A good time was re- ] deposit certificates. They helped celebrate the wed- meeting was held at the church, ding annive sary o f Mr. and It was decided to leave the ported by all. Miss Jackie Tommas spent 1 Mrs. James Anderson w ell church open on Wednesday for as Easter ant the birth o f a new donations of baby clothes and spring vacation with her parents j granddaughter. food for a needy family in this Mr. and Mrs. John Tommas.She , is a student at the U .of Oregon, j Other visitors at the Levin vicinity, Fred Gaylord, Steve Hlnkson ] home last week w ere Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wagner, and Fred Riedel have all re­ turned from their six months | stay at Fort Ord, Cal. in the Ar- j I my Reserves. A. D. Benshoof THE C LA C K A M A S CO U NTY NEWS Page 6 Estacada, Oregon, Friday, April 18, 1958 Viola Happenina « He on who Heaven confers a sceptre knows not the weight till he bears it. -Corneill Qlarrull Jfnmral Jlmtie A BUSINESS-LIKE SERVICE-FOR EVERYONE Estacada Branch A ll deposits insured to $10,000 by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Remember Farmers Gas 2» Supply? They used to take care of all your nesds in fertilizers, chemicals, berry wire, field fence, gasoline and fuel oil, tires and bat­ teries, garden anti field seeds, paint, elec­ trical and plumbing supplies, Strongbarn steel roofing, roll roofing, and electric fences . . . . W e l l , w e s till d o a ll th e se th in g s fo r y o u , bu t n o w w e ’ v e ch a n g ed ou r nam e to GRESHAM C O O P E R A T I V E (iOO N. E. 8th Elione MO 5-2501 A T E ST A C A D A E VERY W E D N E S D A Y GRESHAM SEED & FEED CO. Gresham, Ore. Phone M O 5-2186 ^otes by the Wayside (By John J. Inskeep, County The follow ing information | came from A1 Deggendorfer, , Clackamas County Farmers Home Administration Supervl - ! sor. It w ill be of interest to many readers o f this column. I "A n expanded farm housing j loan program designed to speed j up farm building construction ! and improvement as w ell as providing an additional anti-re- I cession measure was announced I recently by A. J Deggendorfer. j Farmers Home Administra­ tion County Supervisor, Cham- ; her of Commerce Bldg., Oregon 1 City, Oregon. “ N ow an owner o f a farm In agricultural production and on which the operator plans to pro­ duce at least S400 worth of farm commodities for sale or home use may qualify fo r the 4 percent long term housing loan provided he meets other stan­ dard eligibility requirements. "Form erly an eligible appli cant had to own a farm that produced a more substastlal part o f the operator’s annual cash income. "Borrowers may use funds to biuld, improve, or repair farm houses or other essential farm buildings, and to provide water for farmstead and household use. Mr Deggendorfer said that is addition to financing major farm construction, the loan funds can help meet many oth- i er needs for farm and home modernization such as adding bathrooms, utility rooms, better kitchens, asd many other im­ provements to the home as w ell as to farm buildings. W hile ten­ ant and farm laborers are not eligible, the owner may borrow to do construction work or ' make improvements for them. “ The loans are made to farm owners who need credit to fin­ ance building improvementa or repairs, but find that adequate i credit is not available through' banks or other regular credit channels. The interest rate Is four percent and loans may be amortized over periods up to 33 years.” Each year sees an increase In the number o f farm ponds In the county. Incident to this In­ crease are inquiries concerning the raising o f tiny ray fish in­ cluding bass, bluegill and crap- pies and about bullfrogs and ducks There are inquiries also about trout which are not inclu- Hours 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. AT YOUR CiiEVY DEALER'S USED CAR LOT ev n ins price taps look good! ' 1 -C 4 - k W * • ’ - , «¡S* ' A rf« IK.- ¿. « Ill, A LL C O LO RS! A L L PR IC E S! CHEVROLET Check the classified ads fo r good bargains at y ou r Chevrolet dealer's Big d o in g s! Big dea ling s! Good looking used cars! Attractive price tags! For the make and model of your choice, go where you see the OK Used Car sign. You r Chevrolet dealer has the widest variety o f used cars. And he has them priced to move fast to make room for the cars he is taking in trade on new 1958 Chevrolet«. W ithout doubt, he has one that will satisfy your needs! See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer Miller Chevrolet Service Estacada, Oregon