mm CLASSIFIED A D COST 1 time 75c, 2 times $1.25 and 3 times $1.50. You are allowed five lines. Each additional line 10c for first publication. Classified Display Ads $1.00 per column inch --------------- ------------------------ - Professional Directory Paul Slominski, DMT DENTIST 9 to 5 Mon. thru Sat. MASONIC BLDG. Estacada, Oregon Dr. L. W . Griffith A Complete Optical Service Eyes Examined Broken Lenses Duplicated Glasses Fitted Eyeglass Frames Kepaired While "you Wait Ve invite Comparison of lervice, Quality and Price We do our own grinding VISION OPTICAL CO. Gresham, Oregon Oflice on Powell Blvd. Telephone MO 5-3813 Howard L. Smith Insurance - Real Estate Agent for Badger Mutual & National Fire Ins.Companies 172 S. E. Fourth St. Office Phone Res. Phone CR. 9-3773 CR. 9-3854 PFRSORFO-PFRSON WANT ADS FOR QU/CK RESULTS / LANDEEN'S Page 7 THE C L A C K A M A S C O U N T Y N E W S Estacada, Oregon, Friday, April 11, 1958 Dieael Pump Service FOR THE FAMILY RED GOOSE For growing feet GRACE WALKEP Queen For a Day Bam* JOHN C. ROBERT For Particular Men & Boys SHOES Magneto Service Generator Service FOR SALE: Estacada Lake- shure Add. lots — 50x100 .well located Call Portland PR 4' 5902. A18p FOR SALE: 13 1-2 acres Auto Court— Land all cleared on Eagle Creek. Good modern 6 room house; drilled well; Large utility room. 5 trailer spots ready, more available- Good outbuildings. See George Beers, Pioneer broker, Sandy. Phone MU 7-2521. A18c FOR SALE: $1600 down buys 9 room comfortable home- Fireplace, auto, dish washer, hooked cp for dryer. 1 block from Grade School. Call CR 9-3378. tf- For Rent FOR RENT: Furnished mod­ ern house close in. Phone MU 7-4427. tf. USED TRACTORS JUST i Business Opportunities Starter Service TRADED FOR RESPONSIBLE PARTY H G Oliver Crawler Rec. To service and supply ac­ HG Oliver Crawler M C John Deere Crawler, A1 counts of electronic hardwares in local area, as your own dis­ condition tributor. Par; time to start,need D2 Cat and Blade not infringe on present employ­ D4 Cat, blade and winch ment. No selling required, all 40 John Deere Crawler Your International Dea/er 54 C A Allis Charniers and inventory and supply work.This is your own business with $400 equipment Sales and Service B John Deere with plow and -'a month to start with a poten- I tial o f $25,000 per year. $2900 1737 82nd St. Cult. $475 available cash needed immedia­ Farmall A and equipment Oregon City. Oregon LA John Deere and equipment tely to start which is assured I by equipment and stock. If sin- Ph. OC 4281 - OL 4-7234 Repairs and Service Icerely interested send a brief HESSEL IMPLEMENT CO. lZZY'S AUTO WRECKING resume to Box 5174, St. Paul, John Deere & Caterpillar Phone Damascus 2317. Address Minnesota. Gresham, Oregon Kt 3 box 311 Boring. Oregon at Barton. We buy and sell all — I kinds of batteries, radiators ! FOR SALE: 1957 Ford Victo- WOOD FOR SALE: Log and scrap automobile parrs, |ria "500” with Continental Kit. ends $10 a cord,planer ends $6 tires, old and refittings, angle a load, slab, stove size, $18 a Low mileage. Call CR 9-5111. irons etc. We buy Junk, any A l l c load. Call Park Lumber Co. old junk Phone CR 9-41.J4 Landeen Tractors & Implements WHERE TO r i MD GRESHAM HEWETT'S SHOE STORE 702 Main Oregon City RESPONSIBLE PERSON Male or female, from this area, wanted to service and collect from automatic vending ma­ chine. No selling Age not es­ sential. Car, references and $700 working capital necessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly nets to $250 monthly. Possibility full time work. For local interview give full particulars, phone. Write P. O Box 6149, Edina Branch, Minneapolis, Minn. liOlvlfc, SEWING, alteration and family patching. Will pick­ Mrs. T. M. FOR RENT: 3 room modern up and deliver. fti'-sished apartment- Call CR Woods, Route 2, box 167c, Es­ tacada, Oregon. Phone CR 9-6992. 9-6888 April 11 A Business and Professional Guide to friendly FOR RENT: 1 Bedroom mo­ trade when doing your out-of-town s h o p p in g , FOR SALE OR TRADE: Half dern , , house 3 1-2 . miles , „ „ from t°n International Pan^l 1947; chool on paved road. Call CR also half ton Chev. pickup,1939. G R ESH AM 9-6296. tf- A l l e Inquire Robert Duncan, Estaca- | ELECTRIC da Exchange, opposite city hall. | FOR RENT: One sleeping room A l l p for one or two men with or General Electric without board. CallCR 9-6992 FOR RENT: House. 6343. CR 9- Business Services AND BUY PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Estacada Rynnirig Drug Bldg- Phone CR 9— 3265 If No Answer Call CR 9— 4152 George S. Hara M.D OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY Estacada Rynning Drug Bldg- Phone CR 9— 3265 If N0 Answer Call CP 9— 4152 Don Day Agent for Loyalty Group & Franklin National Group Insurance Companies Estarada, Oregon Phose CR. 9-3371 DR. PAUL O. CROWN CHIROPRACTIC PHYS­ ICIAN Midford Bldg. — Estacada Telephone Estacada 1F8 Hours :9:30 to 5:30 p.m. Closed Thursday Phone Estadada CR. 9-3275 BOOKKEEPING SERVICE An efficient Bookkeeping Service at a Price You Can Afford For Small Businesses ROSALYN STRUBHAR Rte. 1, Box 12, Estacada Phone CRestwood 9-6720 Bring what you have to sell-sold on consignment We now have the agency for WILLYS JEEP and have parts and service. See us for your needs. FARM TRACTOR CO. at Boring Road and Mt. Hood Loop Hiway, Gresham, Rt. 2. tf. IT AUTO «TRUCK • FIR« • U FI • BUSIN M f! Electrical Contracting The MALLARD Examinations - Fittings CONCRETE BLOCKS Contact Lenses WANTED; To buy all kinds for All shapes 8x8x16 “ Lite” 503 E. Powell MO 5-5415 of livestock. Haroid Sarver, Blocks sold at our plant One Block E. of Hood Theatre Estacada phone CR -3746 Only 33c each Gladstone Block Co. 82nd at Clackamas Bridge CARPENTER Flowers by Malcoms Gladstone. Ph. Ore. City 4306 W ORK W ANTED Portland Deliveries BULL AND BOAR SERVICE Framing - Finishing 10 Registered Bulls Delivered Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere - Anytime Cabinets 221 E. Powell FRANK LEITHEISER Ph. Ectacada CR 9-6540 Route 2, box 470, Sandy M O 5-5212 Day or Nite Call MU 7-3110 WANTED: Rough lumber or WELL DRILLING “ Honest M E A L E Y ’S JEW ELERS timber. Call Kingsley Lumber Co. , Portland A V 6-0671 or Work, Fair Prices.” O.E. Jann- Diamonds - Watches write Box 6215, Linnton Stat., sen, box 38, Clackamas.Oregon, Silverware - China Phone Oregon '"’ity 6085. Portland. 1, 3-10-17-24c 1 I 18 N. Roberts M O 5-2715 WANTED TO BUY: Cash for WOOD FOR SALE Log ends $10 a cord; planer Livestock. Top Portland price. Paul Shaver CR 9-6112 ends $6 a load; slab, stove Call ADAM S size, $18 a load. Call Park Lum­ Sat. or Sun. or write Rt. 2, box SHOE STORE 193, Estacada tf. ber Co. CR 9-4144. tf. Shoes For The Entire Experienced bookkeeper -ty­ Family FOR SALE: 500 watt Home- lite portable electric light plant- pist-clerk desires part or fuil- 130 N. Main MO 5-4012 I time employment Honest Ex­ old do not smoke or drink. Replies late ¡confidential. Write 'Bookkeeper' | in care of Clackamas County ¡News Every Saturday at 1:30 p.m. r w n o i \ s » K i\ See us for Quality Used Car dern House. Between Eagle Appliance - Television Creek and Barton. O. W Work­ Buys. We finance, GMC or L O C A LLY O W N E D 218 N. Mam M O 5-5103 or bank. man, phone CR 9-6538. A l l p Light Fixtures Bowman- Hoffman Pontiac, Nationally Organized FINE FOOD 818 East Powell, Gresham 1150 East Powell 112 N. Main M O 5-3380 and C O C K T A IL S Phone MOhawk 5-2166 MO 5-2456 Rs. MO 5-2917 Open Every Day SCEPTIC TANKS CLEANED $25.00 Gresham T V & Radio EMPIRE FURNITURE CO. 24 hour Service FOR SALE— 1951 DeSoto 4 Phone Prospect 5-5346 Dr. A l condition. $350 cash- tv installation & service Complete Home Furnishers Portland, Oregon Call CR 9-6065. A ll home A' car radio service W e Give S. & H. Green Stamps SAW SHARPENING — Bring FOR THE BEST DEAL All W ork Guaranteed 1070 E. Powell Phone MO 5-2811 us your SAWS when you go on a NEW PLYMOUTH or MO 5-2803 Residence Phone MO 5-4787 through Gresham. We do a 1688 E. Powell Carl Burcli, Owner CHRYSLER tee or call remarkable job on precision h arole T b o y a n o v s k y grinding machines. All types. HESSEL’S, Gresham MO SUPERIOR SAW SHOP DR. JOE M. ONCHI < 3 ¡5 ) HEAT 5-2146 or Portland AL 1-1626. 1449 E. Powell Blvd. Gresham OPTOM ETRIST Also Used Cars and Trucks tf. Can be seen at Estacada change next to Horner’s store. Also Scott-Atwater outboard motor. A18c On Highway 2(5 Between Sand and Gresham P h: Portland A L 4-7783 Furniture & Miscellaneous G R ESH AM concerns who merit a s h a r e of . . G IVE TH EM A T R IA L ! Miscellaneous Allyn M. Price, M.D. New Loop Hyway AUCTION G R ESH AM R A D IA T O R SHOP Drive-In Service - Cars Trucks - Tractors 424 E. Powell Convenience Store No. 3 501 E. Powell Gresham M O 5-7032 I yo ur inturanto mood$ Local Claim Service F. C. (D IC K ) W E N S 1112 E. Powell O ff. Phones Res. M O 5-5317 M O 5-4813 C A R L ’S FARM STORE Albers &. Sco-Pal Feeds Presto-Logs - Chicks Pet Supplies-Insecticides-Bulbs 1115 E. Powell MO 5-4014 G R ESH AM G LASS CO. Glass for Eevery Purpose Insurance Replacements Jerry James, Owner 507 E. Powell MO 5-3283 K EN’ S FOR B E A U T Y Also A ll Types of Electric Heat ELECTRIC R A D IA N T H E A T , Inc S to re N o. 1— 5516 N. E . S a n d y A T 2-2241 S to re N o. 2— 119 S. E. M o r r is o n B E 5-2191 S to re N o. 3— 5(11 E. P o n i l i , (Ire s h a m M O 5-1032_________ G R ESH AM SPORT SHOP Fishing Tackle - Guns - Ammunition - Skiing and Mountain Climbing Equipment - Evinrude Motors W ilson Athletic Equipment Rentals Repair Service Hobby Equipment 227 N. Main Phone M O 5-2521 G R E SH A M D R A P E R Y SHOP Custom Made Draperies Estimates Complete Line of Drapery Hardware Floor Coverings and Service 37 E. Powell M O 5-7606 Res. M O 5-5201 A M IT O N ’S G R ESH AM FURNITURE 1 Open evenings by appointment Luther’s Shopping Center 837 E. Powell M 0 5 -2 0 0 2 BETSY JO Y DRESS SH OP 30 N. E. Second St. Phone MO 5-4597 Gentry’s Hardware & Appliances HotPoint Appliances 236 N. Roberts Phone M O 5-2210 CH A R LE S SCH AN N E P JEW ELER Expert Watch Repairing K eepsa k e D iam on d R in gs “ Less to Pay Out Gresham W a y ” MO 5-3313 3rd. and Main Phone M O 5-5095 Evelyn M. Lawrence M ULTNOM AH TH O M SEN BUILDNG SUPPLY U P H O LSTE R Y Everything for the Home “ The Best For Less” Bilder. Use Your Credit! “ Gresham's Friendly Finance Contpany” Free Estimates 19555 S.E. Division 1725 E. Powell MO 3-3813 505 NE 2nd. MO 5-4196 Phone M O : 5-3305 Q U IC K LOANS POWELL VALLEY FINANCE CO. Lsraranee o f All Kinds Notary Public Estacada, Route 2, Box 94 Phone Estacada CR. 9-3959 DR. LIONEL BURTON OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ESTACADA, OREGON Office Hours: 9 to 12 3 to 6:30 Mon. Tue. Wed. Fn. 9 to 12 Ahurs. & Sat. Phone CR 9-3250 Sales - Service - Parts M O. 5-2775 5 Mi. East of Gresham on Mt. Hood Loop Hiway C. JONES FA U B IO N & SONS Boring, Ore. 24 Hour Emergency Service ESTACADA JEWELER For Watch Repair Open 9 to 5 Dally H. C. SANDERS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE INCOME TAX RETURNS THUR. & SAT. SCHMIDT INS. BLDG. ESTACADA, OREGON For BRICK call DICK DICK N E W M A N INC. Brick of A ll Types Plus Real Estate FOR SALE: My five acres close to Estacada. Address Route I, Box 22E. A l l p FOR SALE: House at 324 S. E Shafford. Phone CR 9-3984. March 28p | • Up to 50 % Fuel Savings • Immediate Installation • Free Estimates All This Plus Better Heat M A SSSE Y - H ARRIS FERGUSON A T E S T A C A D A E VE R Y W E D N E S D A Y GRESHAM SEED & FEED CO. Gresham, Ore. Phone M O 5-2186 Patio Tile (1 5 Colors) Cesspools & Cess Tanks Used Bricks a Specialty! i 1219 SF. 202nd. Portland Ph. Gresham M O :5-2671 LE W IS BROS. SL A U G H T E R H OUSE I Section Line & Kane Rd. M O. 5-2465 Custom Killing - Cutting & Wrapping Locker Meat for Sale IDEAL NURSING H OM E 24 Hr. Nursing Care An Oregon Licensed N uking Home Member Ambulatory and Convalescent Care Special Diets Administrators H. E. W andke and Victoria C. Wandke 1945 W est Powell Phone M O : 5-2801 With Furnace G. E. H E A T IN G CO. Complete Sales & Service 1075 East Powell M O. 5-7611 GUARANTEED PERFECT 121 Ñ. Main MO 5-3318 M T. V IE W M A N O R NURSING H OM E 24 Hour Registered Nurse Owned & Operated by Marie E. Jordan Registered Nurse Rte. 2, Box 216B M O 5-3593 . Mary’s Make-It Shop INSUR ANCE Mary Kaatz REAL ESTATE Dressmaking-Alterations LOANS "Quality W ork at .». ROSS B R O W N Reasonable Prices” 55 E. Powell M O 5-3171 20 N .W . Second BEE-LINE S A F T E T Y SERVICE Front End Aligning & Wheel Balancing Frames, Axles, W heels Straightened 1040 E. Powell Ph: M O. 5-3292