MPORTANT Page 3 THE CLACKAM AS COUNTY NEW S Estacada, Oregon, Friday, April 4, 1958 Interviews Will Be Conducted Here For The American Republic Plans oí Protection Hospital - Surgical Nursing Medical All residents of Estacada and Clackamas county who qualify will have the opportunity to have the Ameri- can Republic Plans of Protection. These famous plans now help protect many thousands of individuals and families against expensive hospital, surgical, nursing and doctor bills for either sickness or accident. The program to explain this protection to all residents of the county is now beginning and it will continue until ad residents of the county have been contacted and the American Republic Plans of Protection explained to them. COUNTY-WIDE PROGRAM J ...tí AH Cornili Residents. V j J e ¿chained ìq ¡ndiv- ’m ^ e s ___ During’ he time necessary to contact all county residents, representatives will be interviewing » ‘ h-els and families. The American Republic Plans of Protection will be explained by t dly qualified, specially trained representatives. They are pledged to con'act ad residents and to make the plans available to alT who qualify. Any county resident who should be missed during this -'rogra.m may receive full information by contacting the Company by letter to the address below. A FEW MINUTES TIME IS ALL m i IS MSECS!} Hospital Expenses dust a few minutes of your time is needed for you to receive a full explanation of the Plans. The representative who calls on vou t v -'! *v"ange a time that is convenient "or y o u to receive full ir forma! .an ce cerninr v r!: cove ges end effective da?es of the Plans. American Republic Hospital, Surgical and Nursing Plans half pay expensive hospital charges. M _ 1 h- I Age v* I 4" ~ - tewtf.c 1 2 Limit ; > i í doctors American Republic Hospital, Surgical and Nursing Plans and the American Republic Medical and Surgical Plan help pay hospital and doctor bills for childbirth. The American Republic Medical and Surgical Plan helps Day doctors’ bills for sickness or accident. Surgeons' Bills American Republic Hospital, Surgical and Nursing Plans and the American Republic W iü lid i F o r Medical and Surgical Plan help pay expen- live surgeons’ bills for operations. C hildbirth Th e W h o c a r r ie r th is (THE MAN WHO CARRIES THIS CARD IS QUALIFIED TO EXPLAIN THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC PLANS TO YOU) A la n Fa rs i Jß r O R E G O N DIVISION * * *3uthori?ei>* STAFF * REPRESENTATIVE DULY UCCNSKD as RIQUIRIO BY LAW The American Republia Hospital & Surgical Plan P .O .B o x 1508, Salem O C P I M D A O L I O a O T I C T I O N . . . (IN et l o t o AMERICAN REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY NOME OFFICE - DES M O I N E S , IOWA m D E P E N D A B L E P R 0 TE CTI 0 N I - SI N C E 1 929 « A U o T N I I S I O B M O O O S 'I •▼ APS M M M W T a T l V t W ---------------------- *