TH E C LA C K A M A S C O U N TY NEW S Page 2 Estacada, Oregon, Friday, March 28, 1958 CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Editor and Pu b lish * Published w eekly on Fridays at Estacada, Clackamas County, Oregon. Entered in the postoflice at Estacada, Oregon, as sec­ ond class matter. Subscription rates in Clackamas County one year $2.50; outside the county and in the State o f Oregon one year $3.50; outside the State o f Oregon one year $4.00. Sub­ scriptions payable in advance. S T A F F CORRESPONDENTS G arfield ...................................................... Mrs. Ray Gordon Viola ......................................................... Mrs. Lafaye Fouts George ........................................................ Mrs. Joe Wiederhold Eagle Creek ................. ........... Mrs. M argarr' Ross Boring ........................................ ................... Mrs. Erma Rich Dodge .......... ..................... Mrs. Anne Justice Currinsville .. .......... Mrs. N ellie Currin Come in and sign up for a FREE FREE FREE FREE LloydWagon Plus 20 Other Big Prizes Prizes will he awarded May 10 May’s Union Service 14th £ Main Streets Oregon City, at 14th & 99 E . NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Notice Ls herofey given to the legal voters o f school district No. UH6 o f riacka- ma.s Cbunty, State o f Oregon, that a SCHOOL M EE TIN G o f the said distinct will be held at Estacada High School on the 14th day o f April, 1058, at 1:00 o’clock p.m., for the purpose o f discussing the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1958 and ending June 30, 1959, hereinafter set forth. A LB E R T EICHM AN can be frozen only for totally For further information or _ Try a Clasaifled A dv. in the Republican Candidate for Gov- j disabled workers.If you are dis­ details contcat your nearest So­ Clackamas County News. _lt ernor of Oregon abled, I suggest you contact cial Security O ffice located at w ill get results and the cost ls Follow ing is the campaign your nearest social security o f­ 926 S. W. Fuorth A ve., Port­ low. Just phone ns or .brin g statement o f Mr. Eichman and fice. land, Ore. C A 6-3361. or mail your ad. In. the policy he intends to carry Q I started receiving social out if elected Governor of Or- i security in 1956, I as awarded Red’s Motor Service, Repair egon: monthly benefits, but did nox work o f all kinds. R iver M ill Legalize gambling under receive a lump sum. Should I Road, one block west of Cam­ state supervision!as in Nevada) have received a lump sum? panula's Market. Form erly of including bingo, card and dice A: The lump-sum payment is Roger’s Auto Service, tf. games, slot machines, with a death payment and is paid 24 Hour state operated weekly lottery. W IL E Y P A IN T IN G CO. on Profits to be used in reducing only when a survivor files Oil Burner Service Do your spring painting and the earnings record o f a decea­ taxes. paper-hanging now. Phone Oregon City Raising state income tax e x ­ sed worker. Therefore, if you Free Estimate emptions to $1500 for a single fill'd on your account numDet, 8434 or 7733 Rt. 3 Box 295A, Boring lump-sum person and $2500 for a married there would be no 619 7th St., Oregon City payable. Phone Damascus 186 couple. Reorganize the Liquor Com­ mission policy in lieu of: REPORT OF C O ND ITIO N 1. Liquor by the drink for all O f Clackamas County Bank of Sandy in the State o f Oregon taverns. 2. No restrictions on hours of ] at the close o f business on March 4, 1958 sale o f liquor except compul- ASSETS sory closing between 2:30 A. IR A W A Y N E M A N SFIE LD Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve M. Sundays to 1 PM Sundays Ira Wayne Mansfield, North 3. Retal sales o f bottled alcoho- 1 balances, and cash items in process o f collection $ 84:1,473.68 lie beverages to be sold by Clackamas Cousty paving con­ United States Government obligations, direct and independently owned stor­ tractor and property manager, es and taverns. stated his slogan for the Demo­ guaranteed .......................................................... 1,523,142.50 ol cratic nomination fo r Clacka- 4. No compulsory serving Obligations o f State and political subdivisions....... 238,207.47 food in taverns with liquor fas County Representative is Other bonds, notes and debentures ....................... 24,887.00 by the drink. An Experienced Business­ man Devoted to Liberal Demo­ 5. N o liquor permits required. Loans and discounts (including $7.99 overdrafts) 1,297,538.26 Enactment o f a Homestead cratic Government.” Bank premises owned $31,100.00, furniture and Mansfield has lived in Clack law exempting first $3000 val- j fixtures $16,200.0" 47,800.00 amas County for 25 years and nation on homes for all people resides at 10545 S. E. F rller over 60. Real estate owned other than bank prem ises.......... 2,964.64 Advocate of capital punish­ Road, with his w ife. He is tre T O T A L ASSETS .................................................... 3,977,513.55 ment. father o f four children. Lowering legal age from 21 The Démocrate candidate lea­ LIAB ILITIE S ses and has operated cannery, to 18 years Demand Deposits o f individuals, partnerships, and I consider myself an A m c"-1 restaurant businesses as w ell as corporations .................................... ;................ $1,871.721.21 residential property in the can Liberal. W orld War II Vet, member northern area o f the county fo r Tim e deposits o f individuals, partnerships, and Veterans o f Foreign Wars, L ife many years. corporations.......................................................... 1,670,983.03 Mr. Mansfield filed for office ! member o f Bakers Union and before the March 7 deadline ! member o f the Elks lodge. Deposits o f United States Government (including N ative Oregonion — age 47. and is one of the 10 Democrats postal savings) .................................................... 6,863.01 As governor I w illveto any seeking nomination for the Deposits o f State and political subdivisions........... three representative offices tax increase against the work- 208,578.80 which w ill be filled during the j ing man. Other deposits (certified and officers’ checks etc. ) 9,655.56 Slogan: L iv e and Let Live. 1958 general elertions. Elkins Heating Service T O T A L D E PO SITS ................................................ 18,707,801.61 Other lia b ilitie s......................................................... 12,089.06 T O T A L L IA B IL IT IE S .......................................... $3,779,890.66 C A P IT A L A C C O U N T S Capital .................................................................. 75.000. 00 Surplus .................................................................. 90.000. 00 Undivided p ro fits ...................................................... 14,622.89 Reserves .................................................................. 18.000. 00 T O T A L C A P IT A L A C C O U N T ........................... . 197,622.89 T O T A L L IA B IL IT IE S A N D C A P IT A L A C ­ C O U N TS ................................ $3,977,513.55 M EM ORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes ................................................ 400,000.00 ( a ) Loans as shown above are after a deduction o f reserve o f ..........................— 9,965.70 YO UR SO CIAL SECURITY By James Piazza SCHEDULE I BUDGET— FSCAL YE AR 1968-1969 Q- I have heard that only my wages after 1950 determine the Summary of Estimated Expenditures. Receipts & Available Cash Balances, Tax Levies amount of my social security A. Estimation of T a x Levy (1> j benefit. Is this true, or w ill my .earnings before 1951 also be: considered ? | A : A ll earnings after 1936 on which social security was paid j 3 = ■3? are considered, and , if this ; «3 5 8 b 0 nomination to the Senate S 6, from Clackamas County, has ¡-O S3 E 3 perpored her fo r this service. 3 „ ^ When she retired as manager o f l i f jjs b *-> : a large law office in 1955, hav- Current Ta x 113,392 52 150,970.80 OCEAN TO OCEAN ACROSS SOUTH ■ ¿ rim ™ t »T L* " 1.SOUr' M....... 6.500.00 ¡"K -'pent her entire career In 10.290.491 3.00000 9.476 09 500.0U law with the exception of two Interest on Delinquent Tax 350.00 852 97 01(1.30 AMERICA-AND BACK-IN 41 HOURS! Cafeteria .................................. 69.19 2.964.96 600 00 years in . the Army, Miscellaneous. Rent, Refunds ....... ouu.uu . . , , - . she immed 400.00 Clackamas County Bank S A N D Y , O REG O N Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. K 4.83101 4,403.00 30.791.34 1,802 50 439 26 170.508 58 32.378 15 202,886.73 40.243 15 1,642.50 62 55 208.534.65 27,919 36 236.454 01 R r v r n r From 39.586 95 1 K7 » 2.» 45.211.20 22.000.00 07.211 20 or Th rou gh S ta te Soruces Basic school support F u n d ............... Federal Money Iiecelved Thru State tT S S u S b s J id S y T .* ''''. 1 Lunch St S M ilk ............ 51.010 00 1'6890° 1.572.00 850.00 600.00 1.000.00 750.00 750.00 1.452 00 511 90 315 19 587 72 645 83 3,512 63 7.500.00 « Mio no 7,150.00 87.942 00 08.732.43 81.844 87 4.955.00 4.310 00 4.730.00 2.720 00 2.800 OO 2.463 32 400 00 468 00 597.11 5.700 0" 5.417 50 5.355 34 925 54 1.050.00 1.067 02 88.883 74 100,278 13 109.007 00 7 581 87 1.490 54 2.545 70 00 0O 3,130 1« 291 63 420 M 15,520 20 2 .028 9.3 4 "00 55 910.13 7,011 01 7.749 98 1,777 90 2 017 52 1.121 50 2.402.30 253 50 372.74 10.295 44 8.10000 1.000 00 3.000 00 900 "0 3.000.00 300.00 400.00 17.350 00 0.090.04 4.778.23 591 24 12.068 50 3.470.00 6.995 00 250 0" 11.015 00 43 35 16 109 21 4.190 03 300 00 12" 15 15.830 50 5.000 52 53S91 747 51 .300 00 1"000 16.275 0" 4,500 00 7,600 00 775 00 0.025 "0 4.154 32 990 30 473 03 29.925 14 87 50 289 58 1.363.35 570 88 24.214 89 1.250 00 500.60 31.300.60 P U* ” e r to e x p e r ie n c e and w ork fo r th e R e p u b - i i c a n P . ? « y - . " < -. . ’w h o l d i n ~ g t ---- h e o i- Receipts ............................. 59,299 00 rices of precinct committeewo- S ^ r n n in « Net Cash Balance T o ta l b o ... i. Fund .. lO.mlO OO f a n a n d congressional C O m m it t - 6» 399 oo ce woman fo r Clackamas Coun- ty. GENERAL FUND— ESTIM ATED F. 1 Grncral Control 1,320 00 723.22 309.57 (1,137 44 630 50 4.120 79 la te ly ta le n ts Boi-n the daughter o f Clerk ...................................................... Supplies ................................................ Elections and Publicity ....................... Legal Service (Clerk’s Bond. Audit) OMter Expense o f Oeneral Cbntrol T o ta l Expense o f General C ontrol ... II. Instruction Personal Service : Principais ......... Teachers Librarian .................................. Clerical Assistants ................. Library Supplies. Repairs ....... Teaching Supplies Other Expense of Instiuctlon 1(1 >n farming, loging and rail- She graduated 99,563 00 from Platt Collefe, St. Joseph, 2 Mooo ’ anc* after her marriage 400 00 came west in 1927 and has liv- road contracting. 5.70° oo | ed in or near Clackamas Coun- 919 ......... 73 00 ty ever since. Her oldest child. Total Expense ol ............1 Instruction HI. Operation .f pum s e r v . janitor», personal other emoiy supplies pion­ 1.692.60 eers on an Iowa farm on Octob­ 850.00 er 6, 1904 she attended schools 2.000.00 middle 1,250.00 ■ , in many _ _ parts o f the ________ 750.00 W O St, h e r f a t h e r b e i n i f i n f o r o c f 6.542 00 it. „ K ___ ' Pat Braun, a lawyer in Oregon 6.340 oo City, was born on Gladstone in 3 .' o « o oo , 1929 and her son, Bill, a law- Watar .............. ,00“> i.i«ht and power 3 mo oo cdiw^EtTpenae oi operation ' . ' . ' . ' » 0 0 00 T o ta l ------------ Expense o f ------- Operation 1T.7»«no IV. Maintenance and Repairs yer practicing in Forest Grove, was bom a year later. Her husband, Jim, is in the food business and they have owneu j Repair. Maintenance and Replacement Furniture and Equipment ................ Building Structure ............................... Upkeep o f Orounds ............................. T otal Expense o f Maint.. Repairs ---- V. Auxiliary Agencies H ealth S erv, Per.v Serv. (nurse etc.) Supplies Ar Other Expenses their home in Oswego for 15 4,220.00 years. 3 Sooo During the hectic five 7.546 00 months of the Oregon legisla Supplies and other expenses 1 Student Insurance ................... Student Activities ..................... T o ta l Expense o f Aux. Agencies attended the special senate and i 25ooo interim tax committee hearings lure last year, she was clerk of loo (x! to senate committees and 0t- Tr*n.i of pupils. Pen»on• i service . .. i7.8<>ooo tended other committee meet- 1 euppiies and R*p»trs l ings whenever possible, having insurance i.ooooo an intense interest in taxation,! other Auxiliary Agencies school lunch w elfare and education.She also Personal Service VI. Fixed Charges 3345000 i n *> o r^ an<* l a s t ftiU - Mrs. Young is past president tho k f Oswego Republican Women’s Club and is now vice j president o f the Lake Oswego j Toastmistress Club She has had ] an active interest in P T A , be- , ing president in Eugene when I her children w ere in school. In Scout work and community | theatre She is past president o f the 3 W i • ® M ills College Mothers Club and a life time member in the Uni- j versity o f Oregon Mothers i t Club ' r a : II Mrs. Young has participated in many cvests asd projects to O Q O help candidates and further the I “ 5 25 000 00 B it« A Building ............................. j. ui/V, interests of good government, I «llmatrd I tp fn d llu m H it« A Buildings ...................... »X, vwwk M perhaps the most gratifying to ier being the managing of for D eled M»r,h 1». 1000 B'.snr.l J»mr, W sm ith. District Clerk Maik H atfield's „/ c . a.„ campaign t„ Clnrkn- H er.hrt b York District School Bo»r«t c h »ir m » n S e c r e t a r y o i s t a l e In k - ia c s a Approved Mercti 10. 1956 S ixth -.! J a m s W Smith Secreturv Budcet Committee nas County, when she became Hrrshel B York D U trlrt School Bonrd ch elrm an n r n i i s i n t o H w i t h r n i n v m e m b e r s Published March 38 »m l April 4. 1058 Pouted March 38 1MI * « U laln' eC1 W,»n U ia n > m e m o e r s , M 014? 1.386 11 8 799 72 7.275 25 l.iHWOO Insurance .................................. 8,2 -0 00 Retirem ent—State A Federal .......... « mom i mM 9.200 i)0 T o ta l Fixed Charges ........................... 9.700 00 \ ll. Capital Outlays 15.100 51 New Buildings 6.005.03 tl 0M M 495 00 Additions A Alteration« to Bldgs . . 717 20 93« 42 75-' .00 Library Books ...................................... 75000 6 751.50 Ruses A Other Tranap Eqult............. 10,003 1« 9."55 5.220 00 6. Furniture. Fixt. A other equip 03.370 95 40 900 20 6.405.00 T o ta l Capital Outlays ................... 2 i«3 2.100 44 7.350.00 F.mergency ................................... 174.907 37 215.800 54 197.019.00 7 iio oo T otal General Fund Expenditures I P t C I H F I NDS— .Special R f i m i -Estimated Receipts 300 433 00 5.425 20 i u i a SUned Jamea w Smith. DUtrtct Clerk o f th is c o m m u n ity . C H E V Y ’S N E W V8 L E V E L S T H E H IG H E S T , H A R D E S T H IG H W A Y O V E R T H E A N D E S ! To prove the durability of Chev­ rolet's radical new Turbo-Thrust V8,* the tremendous flexibility of the new Turboglide transmission,* the incredible smoothness of Full Coil suspension, we tackled the most challenging transcontinental road in the world — the 1,000-mile General San Martin Highway. To make it harder, the Automobile Club of Argentina sealed the hood shut at Buenos Aires — no chance to add oil or water or adjust carburetors for high altitude. So the run began — across the blazing Argentine pampas, into the ramparts of the forbidding Andes. Up and up the road climbed, almost 2$ miles in the sky! Drivers gasped for oxygen at 12,572 feet — but the Turbo-Thrust V8 never slackened its torrent of power, the Full Coil springs smothered every bump, the Turboglide transmission made play of grades up to 30 percent. Then a plunge to the Pacific at Valparaiso, Chile, a quick turn-around and back again. Time for the round trip: 41 hours 14 minutes — and the engine was never turned off! • Extra-cosi option. You’ll get the best buy on the best seller! Th« «ire-footed Chevrolet purr, post o rooft sign foot soy, " d o n g e r " - a n d a h « o d In e i the toughest port o l the perilous A n d e a n chm bl See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer Miller Chevrolet Estacada, Oregon Service