daughter and family. Mrs. Bar-1 The visitation at Garfield atter have returned from their I beres passed away about a year Grange the 11th had 109 in at- trip to White Sands, IN. • ” ago. tendance.Ten granges were rep- had a good trip and visi e re j . „ 7 77 . , 77“ | Visiting at the Dewey Qualls resented Maplewood had charge atives in L. A. and other p c- ers (Dolores Dernovek) are the Mo 8were Mr and Mrg meeting and were 5a es in Caif. and s ayed oyer proud parents o f a son David Lyantz of Colton.Mrs. Lan- strong; Garfield had 31. Our night with old neighbors the Gerard born Fety l l a t S t Y,in-1 (z had tK.,.n quite iU but was lecturer Helen Parvin had Gilbert Gilgans now living in (By Leila Gordon) cent s In.^pital m Portland The fee,jng much better. charge o f the program compos- Florence, Ore.In the week they The Garfield Home Ext. will young man tipped the scales a t( Mt-<. Irihr, Ablv„ , has heen ,.H nf ' Viola Mrs rjo e Wiederhold a11 enjoyed seeing the family in visit her brother Louis Palma­ GOV. HOLMES CALLS FOR George s ' s Margar#' Ross Pictures. teer and remained for supper. COMPULSORY LIABILITY Eagle Creek Mrs. Erma R ich , Herman Davis as been visit- Louis has been ill with a cold, Boring AND PROPERTY DAMAGE Dodge . Mrs. Anne Justice J ing the Elmer Davis and was at but is improved. Currinsville Mrs. Nellie Currin the dance Sat. night. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Palm- INSURANCE LAW Governor Holmes Friday call- I ed for a law requiring compul­ sory liability and property dam­ age insurance on every motor vehicle registered in Oregon to solve what he termed “ a terri­ ble social problem in Oregon” íJ J « - Along with the compulsory in­ surance program, which he said _______________ ___________ ____________________________________ I could expect powerfu. opposJ- Mrs.Eldon Davis is the proud THETA RHO GIRLS Week end visitors (17 of guests of Rev. and Mrs. James [ion from the insurance indus- parent of a 7 lb. 15 ounce baby of O. Moore. Governor Holmes asked for INITIATION FEB. 20 them in all) at the home daughter born Feb. 3 at 1:50 ................... ! a law setting up a pool of all Alpha Lambda Theta Rho Nettie Pinkley were her daugh- A.M. at the Immanuel Hospital Club No. 35 will have initiat­ ter Ruth and family, Mr. and1 Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Snyder casualty insurance companies visited to care of drivers who can- in Portland. She has been nam­ ion at their next meeting Mrs. Rollo Damewood and 7 and son of Warrenton ed Barbara Jean. Thursday evening, Feb. 20 at boys from Glide, Oregon; her over the week end with Mrs. not buy insurance elsewhere. Governor Holmes said he in­ 7:30. Mrs. Harley Looney.sec- daughter Jane and family, Mr. Snyder’s grandmother, Mrs. tended to ask for passage of Donald Dobbin enjoyed his retary of the Joint Youth Com­ and Mrs. James H. Aull and Sadie Wade and son Merle, these laws by the next legls- 13th birthday Feb. 12; Mike mittee is expected to make her three children from Portland. Choele F e b .ll; Johnny Camp­ official visit at this meeting. Others who came were a Jerry Hale accompanied his ive session. A compulsory insur­ anella Feb.13 and A l Anderson Miss Ann Harbert P. P. will granddaughter Mr. and Mrs. mother, Mrs. Elsie Hale to the ance bill introduced in the 1957 on Feb. 14. conduct the meeting until a Pete Bass, a daughter, Mr. and p elton dam at Madras last Sun- legislature died in committee. ‘During the short time thac new president has been instal­ Mrs. Folden and a daughter,jday afternoon. Jerry reports my administration has been in Mr. and Mrs.Wm. Patrick led. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Perry. All that the Pelton Dam on the Des­ announce the engagement of had a lovely time. chutes River is a very interest­ office,” Governor Holmes saia, "w e have seen literally thous­ their granddeughter Char­ Sunday guests at the home ing project and is being con- ands o f pitiful instances of in­ lotte Arlene Stephenson to Mr. of Miss Lavena Crawford were structed very much like the one stances of innocent persons be­ Miss Elva Kniskern and Mr. Arthur James Mattson, son o f her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Been being built on the Clackamas their Gordon Gilbert were Sunday river on which he is employed. ing killed or maimed or Mr. and Mrs. Iljalmer Mattson. of Milwaukie. property destroyed by financial­ ly irresponsible motorists. This is a terrible social problem in Oregon, and compulsory auto­ mobile insurance is the answer to i t ” Governor Holmes explained that the present Oregon law does not require proof of finan­ cial responsibility until after a driver has had an accident. “ What you have no way of knowing is that there are somu 85,000 uninsured drivers in Or- i egon, or more, who last year in- | SAME COOKING QUALITIES AS foo.’ 1 Xlicted millions of dollars in da- [ mages upon innocent persons in j POTATOES, BUT NOT REGULAR IN automobile accidents. SIZE OR SHAPE “ In many of those cases” the j governor said, ‘judgements ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ could not be collected, or the i victim had to accept a low set­ tlement, because the driver at fault had few or no assets.Many crippled victims were thus pre­ YELLOW HANDS vented from earning their livll- hood and got no compensation for it; many families lost their | sole source o f support when their provider was skilled or maimed; some families ev en 1 CRISP, GOLDEN ROOT had to become public charges because they were destitute ;an ; Currinsville Store ESTACADA COM M UNITY BULLETIN PRODUCE U . S. No. 2 Russets POTATOES, 5 0 lb. bag 8 9 c GOLDEN BANANAS PRICES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEB. 21-22 2 lbs. CARROTS ALFALFA PELLETS The new modern feed for all livestock! Sheep especially! 1 0 % Molasses 2-lb. Antibiotic 2 5 % Barley, 5 Molasses 2-lb. Antiniotic Bulk, 6-ton load .. $42T Bulk, 6-ton load .. $53T Sacked 15-ton Id. $454" Sacked, 15-ton Id. $55T Sacked, bv the ton $47T Sacked, by the ton $57T Bv 80-lb.‘sack .... $2.10 By the 80-lb. sack $2.50 Available Now — Prices FOB Canby — Other mixtures available on order— HINKS SHEEP SERVICE At Lone Elder Phone Canby 2310 Attention -- McCulloch Chain Saw Users of the Estacada Area . . . McCULLOCH CHAIN S A W SALES AND SERVICE Is Available at the following shops: Molalla McCulloch Shop Molalla, Oregon Mills Bros. Sandy, Oregon Tower Equipment Co. 310 S. E. Stevens, Portland W e are sorry for your temporary inconvenience NORTH WEST LOGGER SUPPLY 310 S. E. Stevens. Portland 35c bag I Q c Q U ALITY M E A T S I FRESH SMELT 3 lbs. 49c Delrich M ARGARINE BACON, 1 Vi lb. pkg. $ 119 6 9 c lb. LEAN,CENTER CUT! WELL SMOKED J0WEL BACON GEORGE NEWS Mrs. Joe Weiderhold COLORED and CUBED RANCH STYLE! TRY THIS PREMIUM BACON AT THIS LOW PRICE! PORK CHOPS 3 lbs. 6 7 c 2 9 c lb. Nescafe Reg. $1.35 INSTANT COFFEE Mrs. Katherine Poikila en­ tertained for luncheon several ladies on Wednesday. The lad­ ies included were Mrs. Flora Klinker, Mrs. Elmer Klinker, A SIZE TIN Mrs. C. L. Goodwin, Mrs. Geo. CHUNK STYLE Mapes, Mrs. Oouchie Sanders and Mrs. Jack Jesse. Oscar Forseth is carrying t> petition to urge the county court to oil the road from the top c f Eagle Creek canyon to the Fish Hatchery, or from where the oil leaves off. Any­ one interested in signing that Mr. Forseth hasn’t contacted, CLEANER, BRIGHTER, would be welcome to stop at his home in George. CLOTHES! DISHES TH AT Mrs. Elizabeth Chaney visit­ SPARKLE! LGE. SIZE PKG. ed several days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joe Wieder­ hold. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Joe | ICO FT. ROLLS Wiederhold and children drove | to Aurora to have dinner at the home of his brother George. Mrs Chaney accompanied them. Del Monte TUNA 4 for $ 1 - 0 0 Energy SOAP POWDER 20c Pkg. 2 for 3 5 c Igflgg- Zee Wax PAPER , 2 pkgs. 3 5 c REGULAR W H ITE, 80 COUNT Zee Paper NAPKINS 2 for J 9 C u ran 1954 FORD Sunliner 10 9 5 -0 0 V -8 Sport Coupe, R. & H. Fordomatic, Cont. Kit 1954 PONTIAC 4-door $ 9 5 -0 0 R. & H., New Paint, Sharp 1951 CHEV. 2-door 225 >1 R. & H. Powerglide 1954 CHEV. 4-door 895 Heater. 2-tone. Good rubbi New seat covers. 1954 CHEV. 4-door Powerglide, Heater, New seat covers A -l. A real buy 1955 MERC. Montclair 16 9 5 Hardtop. Yellow and black. New recaps. R. & H. Power steering Olds Fiesta Hub -Caps 1953 BUICK 2-door $95 R- &■ H. Dynaflow. A cleaner car can’t be found. A real beauty. Vitam in and M ineral Capante* Miller Chevrolet Service