estacadas Clackamas Count)» inclus In Its Fifty-fourth Y ear o f Publication Estacada, Oregon, Friday, February 14, J Voume No. 54, Number 3 Seed Growers Meet Friday A Seed Growers meeting for those in the area who are inter­ ested w ill be held at Springwat- er Grange hall on Friday, Feb. 14. The meeting w ill start at 10 A.M. with lunch served at noon. Men from the Extension Staff of the county and state w ill be present. , Dam Viewpoint Is Removed The visitors’ viewpoint facil­ ity at Portland General Electric company’s North Fork hydro­ electric project on the Clacka­ mas river was removed this week to clear the aiea for work on fish facilities. L. J. Kelsh, PG E ’s resident engineer, said the viewpoint building was taken down witn reluctance, but it was impossi­ ble to stay on the construction schedule with the structure in place. Due to the steep slopes in the area, the building w ill not be reinstalled unitl later in the year. Ample parking space for vis­ itors is available above the dam, which is now 42 percent complete. Construction makes parking at the site very hazard­ ous, Kelsh pointed out. NO RTH FO R K PROJECT LUNCHEON FEB .19 The monthly luncheon for the North Fork propect wives w ill be held Feb. 19 at the American Legion building at 12 noon. Bring a guest, but must have reservation. Call Colleen Braton CR 9-3816 ;Fay Caldwell CR 9-3939; Lorraine Cole CR 9-4126. Reservation must be in by Feb. 17. A n y cancellations must be called in by morning o f Feb. 18 or you w ill be responsible fo r the lunch. Come out and eat, visit and play cards. 10c Per Copy Local Kiwanis Club Hears Swimming Pool Facts $3. 00 Per Year Near Half-way on Dam Profect The 42 percent complete mark has been reached on the Portland General Electric com­ pany’s combined North Fork hydroelectric project and ad­ dition to the present Faraday power plant on the Clackamas river, according to L. J. Kelsh, PG E’s resident engineer. Concrete placement is con­ tinuing on the 207-foot North Fork arch dam where nearly 50 percent of the structure has been topped o ff with a total of 85,085 cubic yards o f concrete in place. The Estacada March of Dimes drive has continued to bring in returns.The past week lists the follow ing contributors: Eagle Creek Grange $3.20 American Legion AuxUiary $2. Garfield Grange $5.30 A t Faraday where principal work at present is the comple­ tion o f a nearly half-mile long diversion tunnel to replace an existing wooden flume,the first stage of tunnel lining operat­ ions is moving forward. Cavaliers Defeat Estacada Timers X0 Rehbein Heads Toward National Golden G^ove T?t!e The tunnel, which has been driven through except for a 25 The Clackamas Cavaliers foot plug section, which w ill were forced to come from be­ J remain as a temporary precau­ hind the last half to defeat de­ Jerry Rehbein, Estacada s tion. is receiving the first sec­ termined Estacada 53 to 50, tion of its permanent concrete slugging flyweight* boxer, won Saturday, Feb .8th. Golden Gloves lining. The floor or invert sec­ his second The visiting Rangers, defeat­ tion is being laid first and when championship in three weeks Kiwanians listened to the swimming pool-build- r ■ « « « ! ! S r h n n i ed badly by M olalla only 24 this is completed a traveling as he punched out a close de­ hours before, w ere a new team ing experiences o f Gene Bonney at the noon meet- V i e y O n J b llO U l form will be installed to com- cision over Benny Brown oi Saturday and almost came up plete lining on the sides and top Portland in the Portland Gold ing o f Feb. 3. Mr. Bonney is shown seated on Pres, i a r, | ■ m m k p r a with their first win o f the sea­ of the horseshoe shaped tun cn G love finals last Saturday j „ „ n . C .. lC , . son. Three Estacada players Bob Cody’s right (seated ) with Dave Horner and _ . re l 'night. Rehbein defeated Jodie fouled out in the last part oi Bob Clayville. L eft to right standing are Duane Day, February 20 > s the j Harris and Larry Sypher to ,Febr“ ary_20 1S thi date o m re the game to hurt their upset Schoolboard Nearly 300 feet of concrete j gajn the f inals. vein button, B illy Griggs, Ray Hayden, Allyn Price Association, zone 5 , hopes considerably. T T, , -n — , , - ... has been placed in the tunnel Benny Brown also defeated Robin Cody continued to Larry lierentzeil, George kim m el, Tom May, Chuck The Pla« ' 1S Estacada Union floor section, which Kelsh esti- , wo opponents before meeting lead the locals in scoring by Baker, W ood y Miller, Dick Schmidt, and A l Burton. mates wUl take about a mont“ j Rehbein. The Rehbein -Brown throwing in 14 points, but his The interesting feature o f the meeting was that ~ “ « ” * “ •« “ * ~ * effort was overshadowed by close. Only Rehbein’s aggres­ A work force of 376 men was siveness and punching the Cavalier center, Craig Coc­ in view o f Gene Bonney’s pool experience, it \VOukl ithe month, so that more inform- power The Estacada Volunteer Fire­ hran, who scored 30. ■ * • • " - “ “ ’ i ation on new budget sheets on the job at the combined gained him the judges nod. seem that with community support, donated work could ¿ R e n t e d u t h e mem- $24,000,000 project which men held their regular meeting This was Rehbein’s second last Monday evening at the city scheduled or trial operation Relatives and friends of Mr. and some materials, ihr.t $15,000 could provide us b e « , win over Brown in three weeks hall headquarters. The January meeting at Eagle the fall. and Mrs. Bob Bess and son Bob­ with an outdoor pool. Mr. Bonney was one o f the the other being in the Tacomas Fololwing the regular order by have been enjoying a visit Golden Gloves. Clut fe n ^ ^ y L ^ a F ^ r g e was the o f business, a report was made with them recently. Parents of original members o f the Estacada Kiwanis Club. I Rehbein has made an excel- by officers Sagner, Castile and the couple are evening. He Mrs. Lois Bess It is hoped that he w ill return to an active status. I speaker o f the 1 lent record for his first year in Gray involving offairs for the and Mr. and Mrs. Rowland i pointed out changes made by L. j Golden Glove competition, good of the department. Glenn Girt. Thisis their first trip home ; the last legislature concerning winning both Tacoma and Port Hartwig,chairman for the com­ from Klamath Falls since j school finances. Mr. | land. He w ill enter the Seattle ing Clackamas County Fire­ Bess completed his wok at O.T. Since the February meeting j contest Friday, Feb. 21, where men’s Association which is I., receiving a grade point aver­ w ill regard the new budget The hosting Molalla, Indians he is favored to w in his third meeting here in Estacada o n 1 age o f 4.0 his last term.Both are i sheets, each clerk is asked to ran rough shod over the visit- Golden G love crown. Regard- March 17th, gave a resume of graduates of Estacada hlgn A local resident, Mrs. Nat Founders Day w ill be obser- bring at least one copy for ref- - Ran~ 86 to 34 Friday, less o f the outcome of this con- the coming program. school. They w ill return this Gozanno, who with her husband ved locally here in Estacada erence A ll members of budget 7th* . test, Rehbein still goes to Farnk Marshall of- , week to Klamath Falls to con- are owners of The Elms Trailer with a meeting of the Estacada committees, school boards, and ,, President „ The Indians led at all th e ' Chicago in April fo r the nation- fically swore in two new mem-1 tinue making their home where Court, is the author of a new j P T A chapter on Thursday, Feb principals are invited to be pre­ quarters, 18-6, 42-11, 54-21,and al tournament. Fred McNally, bers for tne department, Curly Mr. Bess is employed by Kerns book, “ H ow Daddy Became A 20th in the grade school cafetis Isent- ______ 86 34. j Rehbein’s trainer, w ill accomp- Kitching and A rnie Anderson, j Company. Beachcomber” just o ff the ria which w ill be called to or- ,.l i n r i f V lin P P F ^ ir E v --------- OPEN Molalla, along with Dallas, any him to Chicago. The community should take j ’ ................... press. Bruce Humphrie is the der by president Mrs. M arjorie * KU C K SHOPPE INOW IN NEW LO C A T IO N is one of the top A-2 teams in 1 ------------------------ notice o f the new gayly painted publisher. Schlue at 3 P.M. Elizabeth’s Frock Shoppe is the state, and one of the favor- rv V F H i u r fire doors 0n the north end of Raymond Burr, who plays Past presidents o f the Estaca now open in the new location at the city hall building. Capt. :the part o f Perry Mason on the ¡da P T A w ill be h o n o '^ d T n d lt S ^ N ^ M a ln s T " I n ‘ c S m 1 ' i n d e r c i a ™ , Mr.'and Mrs. J o h ^ ' Fredericks Hartwig and staff are finishing ! TV series is producing a m ovie is hoped that the ---------- .... 532 N. Main St. in Gresham, Estacadas underclassmen up the painting this week. The from the book and plays the w ill come out and c®mrn,^?iJy I where P o t t e r e d n ew ^ sp H n iJ d o m l^ tw rie a m , taltTllTooki'ng o t 'T h r e e L y n x I*i home on fur $ 2 annual event P ¡things especially milIineryP for their 1st win o f the season. color scheme blends very well, part of ‘Daddy.” By Richard Keeth Robin Cody led the Ranger w ali- He came home by plane. being a mild golden yellow and This book may be purchased Program chairman, Virginia grand opening o f Eliz‘ The Estacada Ranger’s wres­ scorrers with _ 8 r points. s Frock Shoppe lust week ____ _______ is expected to stand up under promises additional tling team w ill enter Dist. 4 at G ill’s Book Store under Mrs. Garrett Dave Blcok Blcok with with 19, 19, fo follow -' fprtainmpnt i , en- in their new location,Mrs.Frank Dave llo w -1 Dooley Durand, local Four- the local weather elements. Gozanno’s maiden name, Mari­ the fourth tertainment to help celebrate Bart|(olom ew o£ Eighth St., ed by Marson with 15 and Lar- ier driver, returned home Satur- Herb Williams’ name was competition fo r lyn Hedley, as it was witten be- the affair. re­ j Gresham, won the new dress o f - ; sen’s 12, were the top efforts day after 12 days hospitalizat- drawn to furnish refreshments time. There w ill be one Ifore her marriage. fered as a prize. I for Molalla . *on ^or a knee operation. for the next meeting on Feb.24. turning District champ, Richard H artw ig served as host fo r the Keeth, in 178 lb., and two third Doug Rambo TO W N TE A M C H A L K S meeting that evening and a place winners, Canby is short movie followed the re- and Darrel Carver. U P VIC TO RIES freshmest hour. 14 members rated to take first, because of The Estacada town team de­ their season’s record o f no w ere in attendance. feated both the high school i losses. Estacada, Molalla, San­ basket ball teams on the high T " '0 Estacada Garden Club dy, and Scappose are figured to school floor Feb. 1. ¡and the Estacada Seed & Feed give Canby plenty of trouble. The high school boys were w d ' sponsor a spring meeting The teams competing w ill be just too tired from an all out on Tuesday, February 18th at Molalla, Canby, Scappose, Es­ effort against the Central team ? M. at the Estacada City tacada, Sandy, Gervais, Sher- the night before. hall. Bob Smith of the Ex ten- .. , . . . _ wood. North Marion, Silverton, The town team lost to the ] sion Service w ill show slides N o w playing at the Broadway Cascade and Woodbum Colton Vikings Monday night ?nd answer questions pertain- Theatre a pair o f exciting stor- Matches will be held in Moi- o f last w eek on the Colton ' nf? to gardens, lawns, shrubs, les about the teen age set. The alia High School gvm Fridav floor by a 52 to 44 score. e^c * and their care. u I mi Ij£!!8| StriP f f aturt? a afternoon and evening, Feb 14 The local boys led fo r th e 1 ------------------ ^ t t l e for love o f pretty Fay Also Saturday morning. after- first three quarters but finally M ETH O D IST CHURCH Spain, and fo r the hottest-hot noon and evening Feb 14th were overcome by the Viks.The rod m town by young Steve I __________ ______ D E D IC A TIO N WEEK j Estacada team jumped to a Terrell and dynamic John Ash- w_ February 16-23: — W eek of ' quick 9-0 lead early in the ley The races are excellent as | a" d M r * HowWnd L.Glrt Dedication w ill begin at the Es­ well as excitement o f the ro- a t * f " ? JUy first quarter only to have the tacada Methodist Church with a Colton crew come back to a 11 man ride and chicken race.The . f resent besides special Sunday evening service second feature “ Rock A ll N ight“ the host and hostess were Mr. to 10 score at the quarter mark. and a singspiration o f old fam ­ and Ms. Bob G. Bess and son, Estacada again jumped to a 10 stars Dick M iller and Abby Dal­ iliar hymns. Plan to be present ton with the recording stars— Bobby o f Klamath Falls, M r and point lead by half time as they and bring your friends.’ led 26 to 16. Mrs. R. W. M cK inley and son the Platters. , February 24 is the date set Mr. and Gordon Bigler recovering Sunday, Monday and Tuesday- Bob o f Portland and for the loyalty dinner of the Es- son, A big cinemascope picture film ­ Mrs. Stanley L. G irt and 'hem sideblid nr,0,dt h i / r time " " " with I n Gradp t-c.d a School cafeteria.The Chu^h al din the Bobby o f Estacada jhe side lines at half ed in color in far o ff N ew Zea­ M. and Mrs David Sherman Leroy Kiggins following him j r land “ Until They Sail’ .’Four sis­ h church o f Portland w ere Sunday guests *»,fl " n-‘ ''ll -J ner w ill be f,-ee to all church ters left alone after their father Mrs. and brother are killed In war,as o f her parents, Mr and in knowing o f and contributing ' eye. The loss o f these two men well as the one girl’s husband. Arch Utt o f Estacada to our church program. Dr.La- | was really felt as the Viks be­ Faced by lonliness the three old­ w m ee Guderian w ill be guest gan to overtake the local lads. Mr. and Mrs. Evert Stahlnec- er sisters find gay companion­ speaker. Music w ill be furnish- A t the close of the third 3Gv., »V « ker announce the birth o f a new ship after the Marines land. From then on see the climatic grandson, Kenneth Lee,on Sun­ quarter the score was all tied Df,an Qua,P Qur two choirs wm finish. A ll star cast headed day, Feb.9.The young man.who up at 33 points each. The Viks sing. Colored slides of our G ILB E R T SH IBLEY HEADS National Boy Scout Week and our local Troop . n u u by Jean Simmons, Joan Fon­ weighed in at 7 lbs. 10 oz. is the continued to move and soon had rhi.w.v, PROJECT A T COLLEGE the final score 52 to 44. ChUrch actlv" u’* w111 be shown. No. 210 are saluted this week by the people o f the son o f Mr. and Mrs. Alan Stahl- taine. Paul Newman and Piper Keep this date open and plan to Lewis and Clark College— The town teams’s next home necker of Colton. Kenneth has Laurie. United States and Estacada. game w ill be Feb. 19 against f ,en? wUh your fam iIy and A lb e r t Shibley of Estacada is ______ _____ an older Starts next ___________ Wednesday: A sister Barbara Jo and a Valberg Lumber of Sandv at rr,ends’ in charge o f dormitory discus- Much credit is also due local folk who have int­ western with George Montgom- brother Michael. His maternal the Grade School at 8 P.M sion for tho annual religion -in erested themselves in scouting. (Joe Barr has r elp- ery “ Pawnee” plus a story o f ffr^ d p a rents are Mr. and Mrs. ______________ j ................. l:fe " observance this week. the back hill country in ‘Tam- **• ^ Norton of Colton. Great P A S T V O R I F r,R \ v n s Try a News Classified ad. ^ sophomore at Lew is and ed in the active phases o f scout leadership and we ing Suttons Gal.” I grandparents are Mrs. Rex Gor- P A S T NOBLE G RAND S Costs little, get, big results Clark, he .s a member of the thank him for the pictures and information that ______________ i don o f Colton, E. J. Sheldrew of M ET L A S T M O N D A Y Student Christian Association Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stahl- Oregon City and Mrs. Norton o f Tho Past Noble Grands met --------- He is the son of Mr. and Mrs provides you this pictorial report. necker and Mr. and Mrs. Lar. ^an Bemadino, Calif, One o f the highlights o f the scouting was on Monday afternoon at the Ruth Gaylord Gladys Stormer. Everett Shibley o f Estacada.Rt ry Meade o f Estacada and the, ' home o f Mrs. Lydia McConnell. El He Hale. Louise Linn. N ellie 2 a United Airlines excursion from Salem to 'and Lawrence Wahlstrom fam ily o f Mr. and Mrs Fay C. ,M ehl- A dessert luncheon o f pie, tea Currin, Margaret Lynch, Ella ------------------------ on Sunday, Jan. 26. The Scouts parti patin) George and the Ray Colson brech o f 425 Harvard Avenue, and coffee was served at 1:30. McDonnell, Mae Eaton, Kather- ere : Governor Robert D. Holmes fam ily of Oregon C ity were Gladstone, announce the engage- 18 members and two visitors in ■ Pedersen and the hostess, is. u. d the proclamation des­ Mike Sturgess, (Jeorge Dodd, K cl:: ' Rn». , Ed dinner guests on Sunday even- ment o f their daughter Donna were present as folows: Mrs. L jd ia McConnell. ignating February 9 to 15 “ Ad liai son, Don Dobbins. Cuin ne Dav Ed Davis, ing at the home o f Mr. and Mrs Faye to Herbert F. Hayden, son M ollie Bates, Florence Gohring, At the close o f meeting Mrs. vertising Recognition Week ” M ik e f honi ( ► mir Y i in. Harold Johnson in West L in n .! of Mr. and Mrs Frank Hayden Sadie Wade, Lavena Crawford. Ella McConnell invited • f on Jim the Lookine on is Ormond Bin- Mr. Johnson is a brother o f of Estacada. A M ay wedding is Mary Eshelman. Clara Brown. C »"b te meet at her horn V f L ford.president. Oregon Adver- Melton, Don NtIson, Jim h o ;;, . i .». a n , iien. Barr Mrs. Meade. 1 planned. Elenore Day, Dorothea Suter,Portland for the March meeting Using Club, sponsor o f the event Firemen Planning District Meeting Locay Author's Book Now Out P J .A . Observing Founder's Day M olalla Indians Scalp Rangers Rangers Compete in District Meet Spring Meetina at City Hall Local Boy Scouts Enjoy Airline Excursion What's Doing at the Local Thearte iSSS ns?: ™ r s <*-««• ’i im Barr, ( athy Ban- and Shirley