Sunday School Sunday morn­ ing. Mr. Weeks is the district advisor for the Pioneers for (B y A N N E JU STICE) Christ and is interested in fo r­ Mr. and Mrs. Stan Ruther­ ming a group in this commun- ford (form erly Sharon W ol­ itp. Miss Betty Ann Rogers ford) became the proudv par­ and Mr.Wecks earh sang a solo ents o f a baby daughter Jan. accompanied at the piano by 23. Vicky Ann, weighed 5 lbs. Leroy Chaussi. Ron Owen of and 12 ounces. Portland also spoke on ‘Pion­ Sgt. Vannatta, U. S. A. F. eers for Christ.” w ill present a new Ground Ob­ The first meeting o f the Ca­ server Corps training film as pable Cooks 411 Club was held part of the program of thc last Wednesday evening at the monthly meeting of the Dodge home o f the leader Mrs. Paul Community Club February 14. Justice with 7 members pres­ The film w ill include a seg­ ent. Officers chosen were Cel­ ment about the A ir Force pre ia Begulein, president; Karyle cisicn flyin g team, “ The Reynolds, vice- pres; Susan Thunderbirds.’’ Caswell, reporter; Sally Ray- Earl Weeks of Troutdale nolds, secretary; Alberta Sim­ was a visitor at the Dodge mons, penalty secretary; and DODGE Sheri Reynolds, song leader. Next meeting w ill be at the home o f Celia Begulein W ed­ nesday, Feb. 5 at 4 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crist were guests at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Ott Sunday after­ noon. The Dodge Extension Unit met at the hall Tuesday for a lesson on reupholstering kitch­ en chairs. Dinner was potluck. Mrs. Vada Begulein and Mrs. Dan Daugherty also gave a short gift wrap demonstration. Mrs Paul Slane and Mrs. Cal­ vin Kishpaugh w ere is charge of the demonstration. CURRINSVILLE Visiting at the home o f the Don Fowlers last week were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fowler,pa­ rents of Don from Hot Springs, Montana. They spent a week here. Larry Fow ler has just recov­ ered from a seige of a week with the measles. Mrs. Clifton Walter announc­ ed that the Ladies Aid w ill meet at the VFW .hall this week instead of at the home o f Mrs. Emma Douglas as she is in the process o f redecorating her home. The Past Noble Grand Club w ill hold their regular meeting next Monday, Feb. 10, at the home of Mrs. Earl McConnell. T h » Eagle Creek Grange held their guest night last Saturday. A fter a potluck dinner at 7 o'clock the evening was spent playing cards. Tables o f samba, cribbage,pinochle and 500 were in play. Going from here were Mr. and Mrs. Eary Brackett and Mrs. N ellie Currin; from Esta- ada were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eshelman, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McConnell, Mrs. Elsie Hale,Mrs Florence Gohring and Mrs. Mo- Uie Bates. Mrs. Evelyn Brackett and Mrs. M. Heiple were luncheon guests at the home of Mrs. R.H. Currin last Wednesday after­ noon. By N ellie Currin Some of the local friends and some from Estacada gave a sur­ prise party for Lydia McCon­ nell on her birthday Friday ev­ ening. The group brought food for the evening meal. Mrs. El­ sie Hale presented Lydia with a beautifully decorated birthday cake. She received some love­ ly gifts and cards. The evening was spent playing cards and visiting and looking at a snap­ shot album of pictures taken nearly 50 years ago. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brack­ ett, Mr. and Mis. Henry Heiple, Try a News Classified ad. Mr. and Mrs. Pedensen, Mrs.El­ Costs little, gets big results sie Hale and Mrs. N ellie Cur- Ben Franklin said it wisely — "Little strokes fell areat oaks." Benjamin Franklin, Father o f Thrift, knp\v the import­ ance o f persistence in any undertaking. He knew that, little by little, great savings can grow from small begin- ings. Start now to make every week Thrift W eek .. .open a savings account here - -add to it systematically - - and watch it g ro w ! Cstccaila Brunch . . . I Hours 10 a.m to Page 6 Estacada, Oregon, Friday, February 7, 1958 These Are Your Churches E S TA C A D A CHURCH OF GOD Corner 2nd and Main Streets Sunday School........ 9:45 a.m. Youth Meeting 6:30 p.m. Evening Service 7:00 p.m. Bible Study 7:45 p.m. Wed. Pastor: Rev. James O. Moore Phone CR 9-3947 ASSE M B LY OF GOD CHURCH 5th and Broadway - Pastor F IR S T B A P T IS T CHURCH Marion Ravan Sunday Meeting in Estacada Sunday School 9:45 a.m. City Hall Morning Worsh%> 11 a.m. Church School 9:45 a.m. Junior Church Sunday School Morning Worship 11 A.M. Bldg. Youth Program 7 P. M. Evening Evangelistic Service Evening Service 8 P.M. 7:45 p.m. Martin R. Craft, Pastor Phone Estacada CR 9-4128 THE C O M M U N ITY C H R IS T IA N CHURCH Bible School 10 A. M. M ETHODIST CHURCH S E. 2nd & Main (on the hiU) Worship Service 11 A. M. Christian Endeavor 6:30 P.M. Church School 9:45 a.m. Bible Study 7:30 P.M. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Nursery for children at the Choir Practice 8:30 P.M. parsonage Youth Fellowship 6:45 p.m. IM M A N U E L LU TH E R A N Evening Services 7:45 p.m. CHURCH V iolet Bolliger, Minister Main & Center, S A N D Y B A R TO N C O M M U N ITY Worship Sunday 8:30 and Sunday School at 9:45 A.M . 11 A. M. B A P T IS T CHURCH Boring, Oregon , Rt. 3 Rev. Walden A.Askren, Pastor CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST of L A T T E R D A Y SA IN TS 8 A. M. Estacada Branch -555 N.Broad- Sunday School 9:45 a.m. j way. President- Earl H. Eck- Morning Worship 11 a.m. \ ersley. , , Youth Tim e 6:30 p.m. Primary- 3:30 Thurs. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday School 10 AM . Sim. Sacrament Service 7 P.M. Sun ST. A LO Y S IU S C A TH O LIC R eleif Society- 2 P M Tues. R. S. W ork Meeting- 10:30 ev­ CHURCH ery second Tues. ESTACADA D RIVER'S M A N U A L IS NO W A V A IL A B L E I Oregon’s 1958 “ D river’s Man- I ua!” is now available fo r dis- tribution by the Department of Motor Vehicles. The cover on the new edition o f the Manual, like the face of driver licenses, bears the re­ minder “ Thou Shalt N ot K ill.” It also contains special sections Father Norbert W. Fritz explaining the driver improve- THE PR E S B Y T E R IA N Phone Sandy MU 2912 fent program and the financial CHURCHES Masses 1st and 2nd Sundays responsibility law. S P R IN G W A TE R at 11 A. M. "D rivers should study the Rev. Harry B. Hampton, Sup at | Manual carefully, as it con- 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays ply Pastor 8 A. M. i tains all traffic rules and regu­ Morning Worship 11 a.m. lations, incorporating changes Sunday School 10 a.m. PORTER M E N N O N ITE made by the last regular sess-1 EAG LE CREEK | ion of the legislature,” depart­ CHURCH Rev. Vernon E. Ross,Jr Pastor ment officials said. Worship 11 a.m. ________ __ ! (Seven Miles East of Estacada) 10 A. M. Sunday School Sunday School 10 a.m. ST. JOHNS at GEORGE 11 A. M. Church Service Mrs. Bernice Eichner and 7 P. M. Junior Meeting Rev.Vernon E. Ross, Jr. Pastor children o f Seattle visited this Pastor Ernest J. Bontrager, Worship 9a.m. week with her parents Mr. and Sunday School 10 a.m. Itt. 1, Box 141A, Estacada Mrs. Ernest Nichols. Earn 2 A per cent on all savings S per cent on three year deposit certificates. A ll deposits insured to $10,000 by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation _____________ TH E C LA C K A M A S C O U N TY NEW S p .m Your Limili Saw and Logging Equipment Headquarters H O M E L IT E 6 -H O R S E P O W E R POW ER TW INS Len shows Bob A lford his complete Homelite stock This 6 full horsepower gear drive chain saw has the lugging power to bring down trees up to 7 feet in diameter . . . yet its light 22 pounds makes any kind o f cutting easy. Available with attachments that let you change it from a straight blade saw to a bow saw, a brush-cutter or clearing tool. Most complete chain saw repair service in the area! Let us help y o u be r e r u ly f o r Spring! Bring your chain saws in for repairs and that complete servicing N O W ! W e ’ll repair and store your saw until you need it. Repairs may Complete Chain saw Sales & Service ! • Complete of wire rope made fo r your be charged until you pick up your saw! stock requirements in our own shop. Complete Bar Rep­ Len’s air and renewing • Complete logging rigging service! service ! • Logging Rigging Shop Eagle Creek, Hardware and Tools! Route 1 Complete chain ser­ On the Hy. Between Eagle Creek and vice ---- sharpening Barton. PHONE ESTACADA CR 9-6400 and repairing. • A ll Loggin g Handles Tool Installed FREE! Everything in Logging Hardware and Rigging!