Cötacattas Clackamas Count? J&to? In Ins Fifty-third \>'kr of Publication Volume No. 54, Number 1 Hazing Results in Local Shooting Estacada, Oregon, Friday, January 81, 1958 LOCAL FARMER’S PROBLEM BEFORE COUNTY GRAND JURY lUc Per Copy Austin Hot Springs Gov. Holpies Pays off Ross Bow’ Bet Weil-BaEy Clinic Here on Feb. 6 Leads in Visitors $3. UU Per Year Will Hold Classes in Preparedness N ick H inchliffe, Springw at- er farmer, w ho w as arrested The next w ell baby clinic Is Portland General Electric Classes in ‘‘Home Prepared- Last Friday evening, high j ¡:ist Thursday, on a charge of scheduled for Thursday, Feb. n es” w ill be held at the Legion school hazing tactics resulted . ssauit w ith a weapon to do com pany was host to more than sixth, from 9:30 to 11:30 A M. hall in Estacada soon after the in a 14 year old Estacada high v,0dily harm, is appearing be- 50.000 visitors the past year at m the library o f the Estacada f i rst of March under direction school freshman taking a shot fore tjle Clackam as County com pany facilities, according to grade school. There are a few of M rsAllyn Price and Mrs.For­ at a 16 year old upper classman Grand Jury at Oregon City, as J - H- Goggin, manager of com appointments for this date and rest Erickson assisted w ith a 22 calibre revolver. by the we go to press. H e is accused of m unity relations. w ill be a larger number of op ­ County Director o f O f four major recreation Women’s The older boy had attem pted excessive whipping of his enings for the succeeding A ffairs- C ivil D efense. to cu t the younger’s hair Eriday ,-ephew who has been residing areas in operation by the elec­ month of March. tric compnay last year, Austin aftersoon but had been unable with him. If interested please contact Parents interested in receiv- Mrs. Price CR 9-3211 or Hot Springs on the upper co com plete the cutting. Friday Mrs. i-ig this County Health Depart- Erickson CR 9-6980 as w e need Clackamas proved most popular evening,the pair again m et with 9,600 visitors. ment service please call Mrs. the number that w ill purtici- around 9 P.M. and the older boy Jim Petersen CR 9-3921 for ap- pate to order the “Home Pre- Three campgrounds in the w as going to attem p to carry pointment. The accomodn- pardness K its” for each one Tim othy lake area near the out his threat. The 14 year- tions include free exam ination from our County Director crest of the Cascades 70 m iles old pulled the gun w ith the and advice, D. P T. series shots, The date and hour w ill be eat o f Portland, drew 7610 v is­ other boy still com ing at him. and sm all pox vaccination, all announced later.We are anxious itors in its first sum m er of op­ H e then started retreating with at no cost for children of the for w om en hrom all o rg a n iz a t­ eration. the older boy after him, turned, The n ex t Estacada PTA m ee­ ages frcm past six w eek s to 3 ions to ta k e p art. A sother new PGE park, at tired, and the older boy claimed ting is scheduled for Thursday, Roslyn Lake near Sandy, drew years. The program has proved the bullet passed under his arm. school 4500 visitors w hile 6400 w ere |3j most beneficial and is w ell at­ H e then ran into a neighborhood Feb. 20 in the grade the counted at River M ill park on f tended. home where he w as not fo llo w ­ cafeteria and w ill be in form of a tea honoring th e past the Clackamas river just Other PTA com m ittee m em ­ ed. local PTA o f Estacada. r.„.___ bers who ably assist at the clin ­ The shooting w as reported to presidents of the ic are Mrs. A llyn Price, Mrs. In the spring PGE w ill open Chief Barden w ho conduc­ chapter. President M arjorie Schlue a new Don Carlson, Mrs. Woody M ill- ted an investigateion resulting park and camping T he E stacad a G arden C lub new and Mrs. Fred M cNally. In- in apprehension of the young­ has announced that the ground at the P elton project,on form ation m ay be obtained n e x t M otiday Fob. 3. er boy and the involvem ent of starting tim e o f the PTA w ill the 8-m ile lake form ed behind The annual PTA the 204-foot high dam on th, e . f 1,y HaR a t 1 P M Wlth two other boys w ho had suc­ be 3 P.M.. the Oregon's Douj^-s fir tree being presented by State Forester Dv ■ hi from am- 0r th ese ladies. ______th *)? e follow ing hostesses: L ouise the Deschutes river 9 m iles north­ cessfully stolen the gun involv­ Kickaroo is scheduled for ipps to Covcraw Robert D. Holmes. The governor shipped the tret hipp: _ _ _ . FO OD SA LE SAT. L inn. H a ttie Q ualls, an d V iolet ed which had then been sold to month o f M arch.Details w ill be w est o f Madras. Goggin antici­ ist week to Ohio Governor C. William O'Neill to make good Row The M arian G uild w ill spon- B olliger. R oll call is to be the younger boy. The matter announced later. pates heavy use of the Pelton bwi bet. sc - a baked food sale S a tu rd a y , “N am e F a v o rite G am e B ird.” is now in the hands of the ju v ­ ESTACADA ROUNDBALL park as more than 10,000 peo- j Feb. 1st from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M T or the p ro g ram Mrs. C. W.Ha- MEN DEFEAT CANBY enile authorities. a t th e C lackam as C ounty N ew s £c r o f the A udobon Society _____________ The Estacada roundballers pie visited the project during | construction the past surftmer. 1 ■ office. w ill sp eak an d show slides on LAST RITES FOR | took to tw o units against Can- b ird s a t 1:30. V arious m em ­ BORING RT. 2 RESIDENT by^ rld^ y n lgh t’ Jan ‘ 2 4 ‘ A THANK YOU NOTE bers w ill g iv e rep o rts on b u lb The Rangers coach Vern John O w ens of Boring Rt.2, I w ish to thank all m y loyal forcing. M rs. G race S till w ill died Jan. 21 at Boring. He was Marshall, rotated h is m en in friends w ho remembered m e bave a seed catalog d isplay and born Oct. 9, 1881 in W ashing­ shifts everp other quarter to w ith so many, m any get w e ll also sp eak on h o rticu ltu re. score w ith in fiv e ton county, Iowa. On Dec. 20 hold the cards and messages; also plants, A rran g em en ts w ill h av e a 1904 he married Sarah D aves at points o f their opponents. flow ers and other gifts w h ile I The Centennial Rebekah com m ittee, Maye Eaton and A1 A dam son, E staca d a’s sta r p atrio tic th em e and accessories In th e fin al quarter th e Ran­ Wayne, Nebr. have been ill in past six months Lodge m et Wednesday of last M ollie Bates, full back, had a n o th e r honor | fay be used. He cam e to Boring in 1936 gers caught fire and scored 17 and also the m any Christmas w as not A s present. Clara Brown gave a report added to his already long list Women in this vicinity w ho w eek w ith 46 ip w here he had been a farm er un­ points, bue that still cards that I could not answer. enough, the final score being M any thanks. Cards of cheer re sent to on the Gresham Lodge installa- <’f I a"d til his death. ., ____. , ... . , , . , , , to the Metropolitan squad for flow er grow ing are invited Services w ere held on Friday Canby 4 4 , Estacada 39. Meta K iggins. those reported .lb Mrs. M able tion, w hich 15 local lodge Ule East. West A-1 Shrine foot- Garden Club m eetings Robin Cody w as high point in the chapel of the Carroll H ughes. Mrs, 'Martha Meyers, m em bers attended and announ- ball game w hich w ill be played 10 Funeral Hom e in Gresham.Rev. man for the Rangers w ith M rs. L ola Riijqers, Frank ed staff p ractice fo r J a n . 27. th e last part of this com ing CASCADE RIDERS PLAN , Harry Monroe officiated. Inter­ points. C hev ro n and Mrs. Lorraine The Alpha Lambda Theta A ugust in Portland. ANNUAL SPRING DANCE m ent w as at Carroll, Nebraska. Beissell. V Rho Girls presented the major- A1 had already been named C ascade Riders are planning Mrs. Mable By y tr w ho w as Tiy degree to Mrs. D ixie to the Clackamas County and th eir a n n u a l S p rin g D ance to uaal}!» in- Slaughter (R ussell,) Mrs. Mur- W illam ette V alley L e a g u e he held at Redland Grange had _ . d «Mi st A JkS tn a Fiw t te a m s-besides be»- iF d x 22. T hey ....... 'La.mi»*-- - —ry- ----- — -- --------- '" fe tin g . Donna. L ee S c h je n (O sborne J ing voted this y ears most val- lined up and re fre sh m e n ts w ill F stacad a V olunteer M others i" i * i , 3*"*-t* ► * ¿ d v O r a g h ave' a who lives fft O ceanside, Cal. aifd yjJaJe p lay er by his team m ates, he served, wearing official badges will'" w J tM r s ^ S u rp rise P ack ag e sale Feb. 26 w as a b le to be p resen t f o r 'th is - A f te r g rad u atio n th is spring. P lan s a rc also u n d e r l a y fo r T he U nit Advisor o f Co. D, canvass the citv an d fringe ar- h e rn ill ehJ „ 5 ! h ° haS P re s : **r?’ G crald lne W allace special occasion. T he G irls w ere A1 is to a tten d O regon S tato 'h e second a n n u a l spring auc 413th InfantryR egim ent.the lo­ eas on the M arch fo r Polio on 8 w as con- ap p o in ted h e r n ew com m ittees p resen ted w ith a lovely bible College and w ili p ro b ab ly p u t tion. W ork is b e in g d one on th e cal Army R eserve U nit, advises eas on the March for Polio As Mr« T w *<= J ’Ce PiireSldu n t’ l o r *he " Cw te rm T hey are: w ith th e ir nam e p rin te d in gold E stacada on th e m ap as his aren a and th e k itch en facilities that Sid Atkinson, long tim e Thursday night, Jan. 30th. " rn p ie n t M em bers S ta ff C ap tain C lara B row n; on them . Uncle Buzz R an d alll has done have been im proved. It is th e ir throughout the resident of Estacada,, has ap­ t it i m w ^ ill ^ o be o rc h lig h ts sh in in g Ton ' S' j P lesi ^ r ? .a y ~ S,0?*1 th e ° rder C h arim an , Good o f th e O rd er C h airm an already. , hope to h av e an even bigger p o rch tig h ts m in in g ton, se c re ta ry ; M rs. E d L inn, E lsie H ale; P ress C hairm an, Elsie Hale and assistan t chair- plied for and been accepted to Ron, ----------------1 and b e tte r auction than last serve tw o years active duty rtientinir ™ vm !! ir w illin v n e « T to ; ^ auri;r a_ nd _ Mrs. A llyn P rice. Della E w alt; A ssistant S ta ff m an M ollie B ates had a clever i____,____________ ' ----- . " i —-----1 »‘« m e o a te s nan a ciever m e r eD ruary m eetin g of th e year. w ith the U. «-’• S. Army. Sid w " ill ‘“ i sh a r p i n th e aid to polio victim s th e lrtn-arv i n ! beer\ glv