CLASSIFIED m Professional Directory Paul Slominski, DMr DENTIST 9 to 5 Mon. thro Sat. MASONIC BLDG. Estacada, Oregon Dr. L. W. Griffith A Complete Optical Service Eyes Examined Broken Lenses Duplicated Glasses Fitted Eyeglass Frames Repaired While "you Wait We invite Comparison of Service, Quality and Price We do our own grinding VISION OPTICAL CO. Gresham, Oregon Office on Powell Blvd. Telephone MO 5-3813 Howard L. Smith Insurance - Real 172 S. E. Fourth Office Phone Res. CR. 9-3773 CR. Estate St. Phone 9-3854 Allyn M. Price, M.D. Physician and Surgeon X-Ray & Laboratory Services, including Electrocardiograph Rynning Drug Store Bldg. Phone CR. 9-3265 Don Day Agent for Loyalty Group & Franklin National Group Insurance Companies Estarada, Oregon Phose CR. 9-3371 DR. PAUL O. CROWN CHIROPRACTIC PHYS­ ICIAN Midford Bldg. — Estacada Telephone Estacada 1F6 Hours :9:30 to 5:30 p.m. Closed Thursday Phone Estadada CR. 9-3275 JOB PRINTING Clackamas County News Estacada, Oregon “ Printing With That Professional L ook” Letterheads Envelopes Business Cards - Booklets Circulars - Posters - Tickets Evelyn M. Lawrence Rates, 10c per iine, minimum Ad. charge 1 time 75c; 3 times $1.50. Deadline for regular classified section is Tuesday C. JONES For Watch Repair Open 9 to 5 Dally KRIGBAUM’ S ASTIME BARBER SHOP Special Children’s Chair Hours: 9 to 6 Tuesdays through Saturdays Broadway - Estacada ^best dressed salad s! FOR SALE or TRADE: Two Men’s Suits size 38; good 1946 Plymouth 4 door; new oxfords size 8 1-2; car radio.Phone CR 9-6706 or write Route 2, box 41. Oct. 18p Business Services SQUARE DANCE: Public Li­ brary, Sandy, 2nd and 4th Sat­ urdays. S*art October 12, at 8:30 P.M. Bring lunch. A1 Johnson caller. MOhawk 5-4954. Oct. ll,25p APPLIANCE and WATER FOR SALE: Good upright pi­ PUMP REPAIRS AND ano $90. S. W. Bursett; Eagle PARTS. Also SERVICE. Creek. Phone Estacada CR 9- Pauli’s Repair Shop 6347. Oct. 19c Estacada phones 67-7 or 67-61 FOR SALE — Doublewear SHOES. Designed for com­ fort. Built for wear. Doublewear Shoe Company Minneapolis, Minn. HAROLD NORTON Local Representative, Phone Estacada 7x2. P.O. box 342 FOR SALE: Dry Furnace or Stove Wood. Also gool alta fescue hay. Ray Gordon, First house south o f Skywatch tow ­ er, Estacada, rt. 1, box 106.Tel. CR 9-3347. FOR RENT: Pasture o f about 40 acres; alta fescue and oats stubble. Emma Douglas, Eagle Creek, Rt. 1, CR 9-6678 Your Massey-Harris W e’ll Supply All Your Needs! Parts - Repairs Pickup and Delivery At ORIENT GARAGE 4 Miles E. of Gresham Dial MOhawk 5-4722 FOR THE BEST DEAL on a NEW PLYMOUTH or CHRYSLER ire or call HAROLD BOYANOVSKY HESSEL’S, Gresham MO 5-2146 or Portland AL 1-1626. Also Used Cars and Trucks SCEPTIC TANKS CLEANED $25.00 24 hour Service Phone Prospect 5-5346 Portland, Oregon FLOOR SANDING Laying, Sanding, Finishing 20 years exp. Carlson’s Harwood Floor Service Phone CR 96343 TIMBER AND TIMBER- LAND WANTED Top prices paid in cash for tracts 40 acres and larger. Phone R. M. Luthy, PR 5-3194 or write 4220 S. E. Henderson, Portland, 6, Oregon. D14 SALAD DRESSING MONEY to loan on farm and home mortgages. Beattie, Hibbard and Caldwell, Hogg Bldg., Oregon City, phone 5259. The Estacada office, next to the Broadway Thea­ ter is open on Wednesdays; phone 451. 1EEP 0REG0H GREEK FIR LOGS FOR SALE: Baled Green A l­ ta Hay (not rained on, now in barn. Telephone Estacada CR- 9-6930. PUPPIES FOR FREE. 8 weeks old, black. Part Austral- an Shepard. Both males. Phone CR 9-6932. WOOD FOR SALE: Log ends $10 a cord,planer ends $6 a load, slab, stove size, $18 a load. Call Park Lumber Co. Phone 18F-7 FREE ROOM AND BOARD to reliable woman in exchange I for light services. For particul- I ars call Estacada CR 9-6125 af- | ter 5 P. M. or Portland BE 4-5832 anytime. References e x ­ changed. Oct. 25-Nov. Ip WANTED AT GOOD PRICES We give full scale and pay cash each week for Old Growth Yellow Fir Peelers delivered to our plant in Gresham. OLYMPIC MANUFACTURING COMPANY Division, The Dean Co. Gresham, Oregon Phone MOhawk 5-2161 .. LANDEEN'S LISTINGS WANTED: Geo. Beers, pioneer broker, Phone Sandy MU 7-2521. We help finance lots o f buyers. Diesel Pump Service WANTED: Ride to bus stop on 82nd or Milwaukie morning only. Will share expenses.Call CR 9-3332. Generator Service FOR SALE: Filberts 20c I a lb. John Osborne; Phone I CR 9-3877 * Magneto Service Starter Service Landeen Tractors & Implements USED APPLIANCES AT BARGAIN PRICES Westinghouse Range, fully au­ Your International Dea/er tomatic $65.00 Universal Range $25.00 Sales and Service Westinghouse Refrigerator - - $25.00 1737 82nd St. Seigler Circulator Heater, Oregon City. Oregon heats 5 rooms, $50.00 WANTED: To buy all kinds Wood Ph. OC 4281 of livestock. Harold Sarver, Kenmore Combination OL 4-7234 and electric Range $10.00 Estacada phone CR -3746 GENTRY HARDWARE & AP­ PLIANCE FOR REPAIR OF SMALL North Roberts Ave., Gresham APPLIANCES SEE US. GEN­ TRY HARDWARE & APPLI­ FOR SALE: U -Pick Fran­ ANCE, North Roberts Avenue, quette Walnuts 15c lb. 40c DON’T WINK IN THE DARK dried. Bring containers. Geo. Not advertising every new WELL DRILLING “ Honest Tracy, Rt. 2. box 139, Estacada advantage you offer by way of Work, Fair Prices.” O.E. Jann- or call TE 1-2415 n Logan. adding new products, or by im­ len, box 38, Clackamas,Oregon, FOR SALE: Siamese Kittens proving facili‘ ies and service, Phone Oregon fMty 6085. 6 weeks old. Call Estacada CR is like winking at a girl in the 9-6423. Oct. 25p dark. You know what you’ re FOR PAINTING AND doing, but nobody else does. DECORATING FOR SALE: 1954 Internat­ Call CR 9-6397 ional half ton Pickup. Good Free Estimates FOR SALE: John Deere A condition, good tires. Call CR Oct. 4,11, 18c Tractor and equip., 5 ft. 12A 9-5165. H. L. Erciksen. combine with aux. motor, 6 ft. Oct. 25; Nov. 1.8c cover crop dies; two 14 or 16 No. 44 Plows 8 ft. single disc FOR SALE BY OWNER: drill with fert. and grass at­ 1950 half ton Ford Pickup in FOR SALE Good Fescue Hay tach, tool carrier and field cul­ Carl Burch. tivator.See or call Harold Boy- Wire bales, good color and good condition. Empire Furniture Co., 1070 place to load, $10 a ton, any anovsky, Alpine 2-1026 or amount. H. L. Marshall, 1-4 East Powell, Gresham. MO 5-2146 TF. mile W. o f Springwater Grange FOR SALE: 14 two year old Symptoms of Distress Arising from Hall; 1st house. Phone CR Suffolk Ewes. $25 head. Ger- 9-6972. j aldine Graven. Estacada Rt.2, Phone CR 9-6903., •WANTED: Lady to do house­ due t o work. Phone MU 7- 4427 WANT TO SELL IT. TRY A Q U IC K R ELIEF OR NO C O S T COST IS Asir About 15-Day Trial Offer! WANTED TO BUY: Cash for NEWS AN AD. Livestock. Top Portland price. LOW — RESULTS BIG - ■ - > Over five million package« of th« Call Paul Shaver CR 9-7112 W I L L A R D TREA T M E N T have been «old Sat. or Sun. or write Rt. 2. box for relief of eym ptom sof ditireM arising from CONCRETE BLOCKS S to m a c h and O uodenal U lcer« dut to I n ­ 193. Estacada tf. for All shapes 8x8x16 "Lite” ca«« Acid— P o o r D lgoetlon, Sour or U p««t S to m a ch , G a n liw M , H eartb u rn . Sleep- Blocks sold at our plant FOR SALE: Good Sweet laMnaea, e t c ., due to E ic««s A cid. Aak for Only 33c each C om for canning 25c dozen.Al- W illard’« M « M g ( " which fully explain« thia horn« treatment— fraa— at Gladstone Block Co. s0 Italian Prunes $1 a box.S.C 82nd at Clackamas Bridge Carter, Estacada route one,box RYNNING REXALL DRUGS Gladstone. Ph. Ore. City 4306 109. Phone CR 9-6209. ESTACADA, OREGON Miscellaneous STOM ACH ULCERS EXCESS ACID Mfaûl&Whîp Real Estate Loans equipment. 1954 PONTIAC 4-dr. Star Chief $1295.00 29,000 actual miles All power. This is a beauty. Come and drive it. 1951 PONTIAC 4 dr. Sedan $395.00 Good motor and good tires. 1946 CHEVROLET ^-ton Pickup $345.00 A good one. 1947 GMC H Ton Truck $495.00 Real good bed 4speed with 2 speed axle. 1956 Rambler Custom 4 Dr Wagon $2095.00 Cross Countiy. A Bea­ uty. Automatic Drive- 1949 DODGE $495.00 % Ton flatbed. A real good one. 1947 PONTIAC $145 Transportation! 1950.. BUICK . Road- master, good tires and good motor .. $295.00 1955 CHEV. Wagon 4 Dr. Delux - Blue & Ivory. This is choice! $1745.00 1955 PONTIAC 4 Dr Delux 2-tone Blue $1595.00 1954 PLYMOUTH Belvided 4-Dr. Very Clean $1095.00 1953 CHRYSLER 4-Dr. New Yorker sdn Clean and very good paint! $1095.00 1947 FORD Cpe. Good one! $165.00 USED TRUCKS 1954 GMC Picpup $1095.00 Long wheel basse hvy duty tires, 4 spd. Hyromatic 1954 GMC Half-ton . j Truck 1095.00 | 4 spd. Hyromatic and j good 5 tube radio 1946 CHEV. \ Ton Custom bed $295.00 GOOD OLD FORD j 2-Ton Flatbed. ‘51 motor $295.00 BOWMAN HOFFMAN PONTIAC 818 E. Powell GRESHAM Phone MO 5-2166 m ■ Morning Worship 11 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. EAGLE CREEK Rev. Vernon E. Ross,Jr Pastor Worship 11 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. ST. JOHNS at GEORGE Rov.Vernon E Ross, Jr. Pastor Worship 9a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. SHOE STORE 702 Main Oregon City FOR SALE: 1 doz. N.H. and White Rock Cross Hens 17 mos. old, laying now, will make good locker meat, $1.25 each; 1 good oak Rocker, lea­ ther bottom, $4; 1 good red TRY A NEWS WANT AD. Daveno $15; 2 burner hot THEY GET RESULTS plate nearly new $5; 1 small McCulloch power saw nearly new, cut 7 cords of wood, pd. $226.95 for it, will sell for 1953 PONTIAC Cust. $150 cash. Live 8 miles from Estacada towards Colton on Catalina Cpe. $1095. 211 highway. Mrs.C.E. Red­ Tow tone green, all ding, Route one, box 174A, leather ; beautiful Colton, Oregon. L c2 ends and Get your next winter’s wood supply now.Call Park Lumber Co. 18F7. Tf. THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Oct. 25, 1957 HEWETT'S SPECIALS Flashlights 2 cell with batter­ ies 89c 1 only 8 x 7 overhead garage door $45.00 Wood Sink Cabinets $85.00 8 ft. Aluminum Roofing $2.25 sheet. VALBERG LUMBER YARDS INC. ESTACADA GRESHAM EQUIPMENT COMPANY ..... George Beers ....... \ FOR SALE: PIONEER BROKER .. planer trim. Wants real estate listings in the Estacada area. SHOES Farm Equipment N ew ¿Used For Rent Issvrance of All Kinds Notary Public IZZY’S AUTO WRECKING Estacada, Route 2. Box 94 i Phone Damascus 2317. Address Phone Estacada CR. 9-3959 Rt 3 box 311 Boring. Oregon at Barton. We buy and sell all kinds o f batteries, radiators DR. LIONEL BURTON and scrap automobile parts, OSTEOPATHIC tires, old and refittings, angle PHYSICIAN AND irons etc. We buy junk, any SURGEON old junk ESTACADA, OREGON Office Hours: 9 to 12 SHORT LOGS WANTED— 12 3 to 6:30 and 16-ft. lgths, 24” max. di­ Mon. Tue. Wed. Fn. ameter. 9 to 12 Ahurs. & Sat. MacPherson Lbr. Co.., E agi' Phone CR 9-3250 Creek, Oregon. ■ Phone OL 4-7411 ESTACADA JEWELER PFPSOHO-PFPSOP WANT ADS FOP QO/CP PFSUIFS / FOR SALE: Grass and clov­ er Hay, baled, $20 a ton. Ed. Zakrzewski, Eagle Creek, Rt.l FOR RENT: Furnished mod­ Phone CR 6385.,Oct. 18-25p ern house close in. Phone MU FOR SALE: Orlando Wood 7-4427. tf. Heater; mahogany finish. $20. FOR RENT: Modern one Phone CR 9-6192 or CR 9-6197 bedroom house in lower Gar­ October 18-25p field 3 1-2 miles from Estaca­ FOR SALE: Montag Wood da. Jesse Moore, Estacada, Route one, Phone CR 9-6296. Heater in excellent condition, large size $45. L. W. Fort­ Oct. 18-26 c ner, Estacada Rt. 1, box 54. FOR RENT: Unmodern trail­ Phone CR 9-6183. er space with private bath. Phone CR 9- 6637; Eagle FOR SALE or Will Trade: Creek Trailer Park. Equity in 1957 Dodge Hardtop Oct. 25 Nov. 1 c in blue and white for small house trailer, older car, furni­ ture or what have you. Call Sandy MU 7-4427. See us for Quality Used Car Buys. We finance, GMC or or bank. Bowman- Hoffman Pontiac, 818 East Powell, Gresham Phone MOhawk 5-2166 FOR THE FAMILY RED GOOSE For growing feet GRACE WALKER Queen For a Day Fame JOHN C. ROBERTS For Particular Men & Boys PORTER MENNONITE CHURCH (Seven Miles East of Estacada) 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M. Church Service 7 P. M. Junior Meeting Pastor Ernest J. Bontrager, Ift. 1, Box 141 A, Estacada Phone 20R56 or CR 95122. H O M ELITE GEA R DRIVE CHAIN SAW LEN'S RIGGING SHOP Route 1 Eagle Creek Dial Estacada CR 9-6400 Complete Chain Saw Sales and Repair Complete Stock WIRE Rope. of Complete Logging Rigging Service. Logging Hardware Tools, ESTACADA CHURCH OF GOD Corner 2nd and Main Streets Sunday School..........9:45 a.m. Youth Meeting......... 6:30 p.m. Evening Service 7:00 p.m. Bible Study . 7:45 p.m. Wed. Pastor: Rev. James O. Moore Phone CR 9-3947 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday Meeting in Estacada City Hall Church School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11 A.M. Youth Program 7 P. M. Evening Service 8 P.M. Martin R. Craft, Pastor Phone Estacada CR 9-4128 & ABRUZZI RYE Recleaned 3c Per Lb. FISCHER'S MILL Dial Redland TE 1-2467 CHRISTIAN CHURCH Bible School 10 A. M. Worship Service 11 A. M. Christian Endeavor 6:30 P.M. Bible Study 7:30 P M . Choir Practice 8:30 P.M. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Main & Center, SANDY ; Worship Sunday 8:30 and Sunday School at 9:45 A.M. 11 A. M. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST of LATTER DAY SAINTS Estacada Branch -555 N.Broad- way. President- Earl H. Eck- ersiey. , , Sunday School 10 AM. Sun. Sacrament Service 7 P.M. Sun. Releif Society- 2 PM Tues. R. S. Work Meeting- 10:30 ev­ ery second Tues. Primary- 3:30 Thurs. Statement of Ownership, Man­ agement, Circulation, Etc., Re­ quired By The Acts o f _Con­ 28 acres including some ex­ gress of August 24, 1912, AND cellent garden ground, two March 3. 1933. bedroorri modem house, good o f the Clackamas County News barn, curbed well, spring, published weekly at Estacada, creek, two miles out. $8500 Oregon, for October, 1957. with $1000 down and balance State of Oregon ) $65 per month including 5 1-2 County o f Clackamas) ss. percent interest. Before me, a Notary in and I 50 acres with 30 cleared, for the State and county afore­ spring, creek, 7 room house, said, personally appeared L. J. double garage, barn, orchard, Anderson, who having been located in Duus road overlook­ | duly sworn according to law, ing the valley. Only $8500 deposes and says that he is the with over half on 4 per cent publisher o f the Clackamas state loan. Make an offer on j County News and that the this one. , following is, to the best o f his 8-10 acre on the hghway at knowledge and belief, a true Currinsville. Dandy 5 room statement o f the ownersnlp, house, drlled well, garage anu management,etc., o f the a fore­ storeroim. House has elec­ said publication for the date tric heat and is wired and shown in the above caption, plumbed for washer and drier. required by the Act o f August. Really good property and ow­ 24,1912, as amended by the ners will deal. Act o f March 3, 1933, embod­ HOWARD SMITH REALTY ied in section 537, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on Phone CR 9-3773, Estacada the reverse o f this form, to- wit: 1. The names and address­ es of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business ASSEMBLY OF GOD manager is L. J. Anderson,Es­ CHURCH 5th and Broadway - Pastor tacada. Oregon. 2. The owners are L.J. A n ­ Marlon Ravan derson and Teresa M. Ander­ Sunday School 9:45 a.m. son, Estacada, Oregon. Morning Worsh«» 11 a.m. 3. The known bondholders, Junior Church Sunday School mortgagees and other security Bldg. holders owning or holding i Evening Evangelistic Service percent or more o f total 7:45 p.m. amount o f bonds, mortgages, Phone 18-2 or other securities are: L. D. Meade, Estacada, Ore­ gon THE COMMUNITY First State Bank o f Milwau­ METHODIST CHURCH S.E. 2nd & Main (on the hUl) kie. Estacada, Oregon Clackamas County Bank, Church School 9:45 a.m. Sandy, Oregon. Morning Worship 11 a.m. 4 Paragraphs 2 and 3 in­ Nursery for children at the clude, jn cases where the parsonage stockholder or security holder Youth Fellowship 6:45 p.m. appears upon the books o f the Evening Services 7:45 p.m. company as trustee or in any Violet Bolliger, Minister other fiduciary relation, the Phone 8x2 name o f the person or corpora­ tion for whom such trustee is acting, a|so the statements in BARTON COMMUNITY the two paragraphs show the BAPTIST CHURCH affiants full knowledge and Boring, Oregon , Rt. 3 Rev. Walden A.Askren, Pastor belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which Sunday School 9:45 a.m. stockholders and security Morning Worship 11 a.m. .holders who do not appear up­ Youth Time 6:30 p.m. on the books of the company Evening Service 7:30 p.m. as trustees, hold stock and se­ curities in a capacity other than that o f a bona fide ow n ­ ST. ALOYSIUS CATHOLIC er. CHURCH 5. The average number o f ESTACADA copies of each issue o f this Father Norbort W. Fritz publication sold or distributed, Phone Sandy MU 2912 | through the mails or other! Masses 1st and 2nd Sundays j wise,to paid subscribers during at 11 A. M. | the 12 months preceding the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays at date shown above was 2205 8 A. M. L. J. ANDERSON, Pub. Sworn to and subscribed be­ fore me this 7th day o f Octo- 1 ber, 1957. TnE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHRS Howard L. Smith, Notary Public. SPRINGWATER l Rev. Harry B. Hampton, Sup My commission expires 12 23-57. ply Pastor REAL ESTATE VALUES CHURCHES