(Eátacattas Volume No. 53 Number 35 Estacada, Oregon, Friday September 20, 1957 Important Junior High School Vote This Tuesday; Needs Estacada Votes The Junior High program w ill be voted upon next Toes— day Sept. 24 from 2 to 8 PM. Each elementary school of the Estacada Union High S ch ool District w ill hold an el- . ection in each building for the purpose of voting on the propo­ sal to extend the Union High School curriculum down to in­ clude the 7thand 8th grades. This would mean that the edu­ cating o f all the 7th and 8th grades o f each elementary dis­ trict would be the responsibil­ ity o f the Estacada Union High district. This election would be a step towards meeting the building problems of the schoo’ Rebekahs Honor Night Fire Destroys Home at De!ph Creek Mew Road Has An auto accident on the new Springwater highway W ed­ nesday afternoon sent three people to the hospital. A 1955 Chev driven by Veral L ee Collins, 23 o f Mulino.skid-; ded 191 feet and hit the 1946 ; Chev driven by M att F. Ott of Estacada route two according The Currinsville- Cazadero- Delph Creek aflame. to report by Chief o f Police Estacada Volunteer Fire De­ The picture was taken shortly Jim Barden. , partment was called out again after the arrival o f the fire de­ Barden said Collins was criti­ at 3:00 A.M. Tuesday morning partment. The fire was kept cally injured and the passenger by Rev. Ernest Bontrager Oil from spreading t4 the nearby in his car Dick Lias of Molalla Garfield who discovered one brush. suffered a broken arm. Ott of the residences on the old The property Itas owned by sustained broken ribs and bad State Hatchery property at Robert M ills of Route 1 and knee lacerations. Collins was taken to Oregon C ity hospital 1957 GRADS WHO and Ott and Lias to the Doc­ W IL L A TTE N D COLLEGE tors’ Hospital in Oregon City. 1957 graduates from Estaca­ da Union High School who are going to attend college are. At O.S.C. — Homer Anders; Neil V itginia Garrett the Edwarls; Donald Proctor; Lin ­ prttgram chairman of the P T A da Marchbank and Janice program schedued for Thurs­ Buhlinger who received a day, Sept. 19 at 8 P.M. at the A t U. of Oregon- Estacada GraAe School announ- Kenneth R. Vaughn o f Eagle scholarship. Creek route one died o f injur- LaDonna Anderson and James es \hat as t^je^ve.Mng number ’program * they have ics sustained in n logging serf- At Workman and Lewis and scheduled the K G W -T V panel dent Wednesday, Sept. 18. He was assisting Lloyd A le x ­ Clark College- Winnie Shibley. discussion which was present- ander in straightening his log ed over that television station load when a log dislodged and July 19th. This program is I given under the title of Esta- fell on him. He died almost in­ 1 cada and the Look Ahead.’The stantly. Coroner Peake was panel members are: Mayor Ro- called and the body was taken I bert Weinrich;P-resident o f the to the C layville mortuary. The Dodge Community Club Council- David Horner; Plan- member- met at the hall Friday, Sept. j ning Commission MISS LA U D E R B A C K Present at the meeting j Ray Hayden; City Attorney - WEDS IN P O R T L A N D 13. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laud- were Judge Latourette; Darrel ! John C. Caldwell and Jim An Stan Ely and Vern : derson for the Upper Clacka- erback announce the marriage Jones; Commerce. of their daughter, Judith Hel- Moehnke to discuss the possi­ j mas Chamber of es to Thomas Joseph Barrett, bilities of refurbishing the Hil- City Recorder R. R. Cooke acts i as the moderator. , son o f Mrs. Lucy Barrett of lockburn Road. Member of the Community A t the time this program was Postland at a 4 PM ceremony there Sept. 7 in the rectory o f St. Club told o f the poor visibility prepared fo r television bad corners were several requirements Francis Church, Portland, Rev. on the various McMahon performing the cere­ along the road and told of the | made that w e feel would be of accidents and near accidents interest and may answer some mony. , Attendants were Mr.and Mrs that have been caused by these j o f the questions in your mind pro- Mr. Moehnke prom­ after seeing the original Ervin W hetstone, uncle and corners. have his j gram or when you hear it at aunt o f the bride. Members of ised that he would a | the P.T.A. both families w ere present for brush clearing crew out in First, the televised program the wedding and reception very short time to remedy this which was held at the home of situation.This w ill be only for ! was to be taken from records temporary relief as the county o f the city over the past two the groom's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Chester CftJuld and and one-half years, second, it After a honeymoon in Calif is planning to straighten o f Estaacda are the parents of they w ill make their home in widen some of the worst com ­ was to be an educational pro­ the a daughter born in Oregon C i­ Portland. The bride is a gradu­ ers as soon as all arrangements gram directed at and for can be made. benefit of small cities and ate of Estacada schools. ty on Sept. 11. communities. Advertising of the local attractions as such, were not to be used. A fter two meetings and in consulta­ tion with Helen Platt, Educa­ tional Director for K G W -T V : and because the recreational areas of the Mt.Hood National Forest and the hydroelectric developments o f the PGE Co. were permitted to promote the Estacada community to a great­ er degree than was given to other programs. It must be remembered that the program was set up to these standards: “ What the city had— what was proposed— what was accom­ plished and what is now being done.” It took mny hours of each panel members time tc prepare his part and condense it in order that his subject would be covered and also stay within the time lim it o f 28 1-2 minutes allowed for the entire telecast. Summer TV Show On P J .A . Program Eagle Creek Jl/lan Dies of Injuries $2.50 Per Year >p/ ngwater br^nge ana bartieSa G ra n jr Having Fairz Saturday districts. If the vote is favor­ able to the proposal a bond is­ sue election w ill be held soon to build a Junior High School building to house 7th, 8th and 9th grades or build a new high school and use the old high school building to house the 7th 8th and 9th grades. Any person a resident o f one of the elementary districts six months and registered 30 days is eligible to vote. There is no j voting at the high school build­ ing Tuesday but ballots w ill be cast in each elementary district. I A m ajority o f the elementary districts must vote for the pro-1 posal as w ell as a m ajority of the total votes. Past Noble Grands The Rebekah and Odd Fel- lo Lodges and their families had a sumptuous pot luck din­ ner on Wednesday evening. About 65 persons w ere there to enjoy the dinner. A t 8 o’clock the business meeting was opened by Noble Grand Jean Smith. Cards of cheer were sent to A lbert H it­ ching; Martha Myers and Kath­ ryn Pedersen. The members were happy to have Ruby and Barnley Pulley o f Cutler City with them.They are members o f this lodge and form erly of Estacada. This was Past Noble Grands night and 23 Past Noble Grands w ere escorted to the center o f the floor and honored by the lodge. Each one was presented with a pretty hand­ kerchief. M arilyn W alter sang 'On Galloway Bay’ and ‘Aut­ umn Leaves.’ Past Noble Grands present were Fay Bancroft; Lorraine Sagner; Erma Sarver; Mary Eshelman; Gladys Stormer; M ollie Bates; Ruby Pulley; Sa­ die Wade; Am y Rivers; Elsie Hale; Evelyn Marshall; Del­ la Ewalt; Ann Underwood; Maye Eaton; Agnes Carpenter; Ruth Cromer; Louvena Craw ­ ford; Lydia McConnell. Tw o members o f the officers staff put in their resignations due to moving away. Fay Ban­ croft resigned her office as District Deputy President and Junior Past Noble Grand as she is moving to Colorado for awhile. Darlene Wade resigned her office os color bearer as she is moving to Salem. Members on the serving com­ mittee for this meeting were: Ina and Frank Chevron; Gladys and Oral Stormer. The tables were beautifully decorated with fall sun flowers and leav­ es by Eizabeth Ames and Bes­ sie Hills. Single Copy 10c Court Promises Road Betterment -Beaver Creek Customer IVins Chev. & Groceries The annual community fair Booth- Margaret Shibley and w ill be held at the Springwater Grace Lundquist. Home Econ- Grange hall Saturday, Sept, omics- Vernita Gant. Mrs. 21st. Everyone cordially invit- Jubb has announced that the ed to bring entries and all en- flow er judging w ill be done by tries should be at the hall by 9 Garden Club rules. AM on Saturday. The home economics chair- The committees in charge art man has asked that all memb- Cattle- Charles Stiter;Mr.Pratt; ers bring a pot luck dish to be Evertt and John Shibley.- Hors- served with the noon meal. The es- Bill Snyder; Jack Akins lunch w ill include ham sand- and Elwin Shibley. Sheep and wiches and hot dags. The pro- swine- Del Gant; Jim Hamilton gram is scheduled at 2 P.M.foI- and Hugh Marshall. Poultry- lowed by games and recreation Ole Westman; Jack Dymtryk; at 3 PM and Ted Hodgkiss. Agricul- ................ ture- James Martin; Floyd The Garfield Grange Fair Whitrock and Matt Ott. Horti- w ill be held next Saturday culture- Lena Millard; C. Sept. 21 at the Grange hall ! Illig and Ray Miller. Flowers- Bring floral arrangements; Mable Jubb; Bernice M iller horticulture; fruit; vegetables • and Kathleen Akins. Ladies canned goods: bakery goods' Textiles- Erma Tenny and Bea- hobbies: quilts; photos and ulah Swanson. Domestic anything you wish t display. Science- Mary Varitz and Mary Bring entries Friday ^M or on Horner. 4H- Gilbert Shibley. Saturday A M until 11. Hobbies- Theda Tucker; Wm. There w ill be a sliver tea dur- M iller and Minerva Stiter. ing the afternoon and potluck Games and recreation- Richard dinner starting at 6:30. An auc- Guttridge;Tony Varitz and Ma- tion sale w ill follow o f donat- ry Ellen Hodgkiss. Program- ed goods. Entries may be M yrtle Dmytryk; Fred Horner picked up after 8 PM. and Winnie Shibley. Publici- Judges for the flow er show ty- M ildred Ott, M yrtle Dmy- w il be Grace Still and Della was under lease to Mr. and Mrs tryk and Larry Meade. Church Ewalt. E. Yokum who w ere residing there. The Yokums w ere on a trip and it is not known whether they are aware of their loss. The house was partially cover­ ed by insurance. Surprised employees o f M ill­ Joseph Glen Ebert was strick­ er Chevrolet Service reported en with a heart attack at home for work Tuesday morning only T U R K E Y & H A M DINNER at Green River, Utah the even­ to find that some conscientious HERE N E X T TU E SD A Y ing o f Sept. 3. He was taken to burglar or burglars had moved th hospital at Price,Utah where half the garage equipment; The Methodist Church w ill he passed away Sept. 14. tools; part supplies etc out dur­ hold a Turkey and Ham dinner He was born at Seneca. Mo. ing Sunday night. on Tuesday, Sept. 24 for the April 12’ 1910. He attended the Fred M cNally arrived at benefit of the church organ fund. Dinner w ill be served grade and high school at Sen­ work Tuesday at 6 A M and im- eca and attended Springfield I mediately reported the burg­ starting at 5:30 P.M. Adults Business College. He married lary to Chief P olice Jim Bar­ $1.25; Children under 14 years County T5T. Place — thV Estacada Lorraine Sherwood o f Veneta. den who called in the Oklahoma in 1933. The Eberts officers. Grade School. moved to Oregon in 1942. He As the investigation contin­ ------------------ was engaged in the shipwelding ued more equipment and mer- ■ I n T M at Vancouver Shipyard. Before chadise was found to be miss­ I • the war was over he was em- ing. Ervin Joyner who had ployd as diesel engineer for inadvertently picked up his the Western Transportation Co tools and placed them in his o f Portland. The Eberts moved tool box the night before was He con-, minus box and tools. The cash The Estacada P T A w ill hold to Estacada in 1944. a meeting Thursday eve Sept. ducted a machine works at Es- register was found jimmied be­ 19 in the high school at 8 PM. taeda until 1950 when he was hind the parts department Mrs. Virginia Garrett is in engaged as Estacada City Supt. counter— cash gone; checks charge of the program and Mrs until he saw the completion of left. Guy K eller is hospitality chair­ the new Estacada water system As nearly as the present in­ man. The teachers are to be in 1956. ventory shows the loss sustain­ In August this year Mr. Ebert ed was over $2000 and not cov­ honored with a reception., Mrs. Edwin Schlue P T A accepted a position as shop su­ ered by insurance. president reoprts there w ill be perintendent of the Union Car- A $100 reward has been pos­ a P T A sponsored program on ' bide Nuclear Co. at Green R iv ­ ted or information leading to K G W -T V October 3-10-17-24 er, Utah where he had worked the arrest or conviction o f the at 10:30 AM. Parents are invi­ a week and two days before he felons. was stricken with a heart at­ ted to see these programs. Mr. and Mrs. Woody Miller tack. had left three days before the SCHOOL FA C U LTIE S He is survived by his widow robbery on a trip to Europe PIC N IC A T EAG LE FERN Lorraine; his mother Mrs. Rena and cannot be reached. Monday evening the Estaca­ Ebert and children Edwin,Lar­ da Oregon Edudation Assn, ry and Elizabeth and a grand­ Sunday visitors at the home held a pot luck picnic at Eagle daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones and Fern Park for the faculties and Funeral services w ill be held fam iy were Mr. and Mrs Wm. cutodians o f the local grade and Friday, Sept 20 at 3:30 PM. at Bieker and 3 children. He is high schools and their families. the C layville Chapel with ser­ principal o f the Sherman high Before eating aduts and kids vices conducted by Rev. Violet school at Moro and was form ­ enjoyed a soft ball game and Bolliger. Interment w ill be in erly on the high school faculty Estacada. several relays , here. Heart Attack Takes Glen Ebert LOCOl M iller Chevrolet Burglarized to Am Meets Sept. 19. School Faculties Enjoy Joint Eagle Fern Picnic Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lauder- back and small son of Corte Madere. Cal. visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lauder- back last weekend and attend­ ed the wedding of his sister Judy and Thomas Barrett in Portland. $100 REWARD Dave Horner congratulates Glen Harkness of Beavercreek on his luck in winning the 1951 Chevrolet full of groceries at Horner's birthdav celebra- tion last Saturday. Mr. Hark- nses was not reached until pie w ere checked through the Monday and picked up his prize store Sept. 12-13-14 after work. The award of the The Chevrolet awarded Mr car climaxed one o f the biggest Harkness was through courtesy sales celebrations in the history o f M iller Chevrolet Service. of Estacada. Over 6.000 peo- To Anyone for information leading to the arrest and con- viction of the person or persons A fine turnout o f faculty who burgalarized the M iller I members and families enjoyed Chevrolet Service the night o f the annual faculty get-together September 16 1 at Eagle Fern Park on Monday evening The one big com- A Chapter and Jim Clausnitzer plaint about the affair was the the vice-president watch Mary overeating. Chuck Tontz, presi Campynol tucking it away dent o f the teachers lical O. E. w hile Bob Denny relaxes.